APRIL 11, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 7 Auet ion Sale! At the T. F. McCallister ranch, 10 miles west of Prineville, on Monday, April 15th, 1918 This 160 acre ranch, all under irrigation under my own water right, with all improvement will be told. This is the beat improved ranch on Crooked River. 1 Grey " Percheron Imported Stallion, 12 years old, one of the surest foal getters in the state 3 gentle work mares 5 young horses 2 bay geldings, gentle work animals 20 head milch cows 15 head young cattle 1 roan Durham bull TERMS OF SALE: li months' time at 8 per cent interest; 5 per cent discount for cash. Sale starts promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. FREE LUNCH AT NOON T. F. McCALLISTER, Owner PINKIE REYNOLDS, Auctioneer C. H. MILLER, ' Clerk You Must Act Now! Fruit Trees 10 cents each at the Nursery, any kind or size, 25 cents each deliver ed in Prineville Berry plants free, with orders delivered at the Nursery only! One dozen plants, any kind in stock, with every dollar's worth of trees bought ..Terms are cash before the trees leave the nursery. No phone orders taken, but use the telephone to find what varieties are yet in stock. For orders of commercial apples, especially in large amounts, visit the Victor Shawe ranch, 9 miles southwest of Prineville, telephone Rural 710. No orders filled here for less than $10.00. . . For black locust, poplars, loganberries, currants, dewberries, raspberries, blackcaps or small orders of apple trees visit the John P. Hopper ranch, 13 miles southwest of Prineville, tele phone Rural 74, - For delivery at Prineville iy special arrangement, telephone Marion Mayfield, Red 303. The government is urging the planting of all kinds of fruit and berry plants, and you owe it to yourself and your family to have an orchard. This is a very unusual opportunity to get choice, acclimated stock at nominal cost, when other nurseries have raised their prices from 50 to 100 per cent Central Oregon Nursery NOTICI OF ELECTION Or POWELL BUTTE IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Notle I hereby gives that pursuant to an order of the County Court of Crook Count,, State of Oregon, marl and entered an tha (th dar of April, ll, an election will ba held on the lllh day of Mar. I flu. for tha purpose of determining whether or not an Ir Igalion district .ball ba organised under tb provisions of Cbaiter Ii&7 of the (jeneral Law. of Oregon for 1U17; aaid Irrixatlun dlatrirt to ba known aa tha Powell Rulle Irrigation District, and tha rvrtjndnnee of aald Ir lotion dlatrirt aa denned and es tablished by tha aaid order of tha County Court of Crook County, Oregon, ara described aa followa: Beginning In tha cantar of tha Channal of Cmokad Kiver whara tha aama intersects tha section Una between sections 21 and It, town ship 14 South, Kama 14 Kant, Crook County, Ofegon : thanca aouth on aaid section lina to tha northaaat cornar of aartion 88 aald townahip and range; thence wait on tha north Una of aald aartion Ha to tha north waat corner of aartion aa ; thence aouth to tha southwest eomer of aactlon HI ; thanca aaat to tha southeast corner of aartion M i thanca north to tha northaaat corner of aac tlon H; thanca aaat to tha northaaat corner of aactlon 84 aaid township and range; thanca aouth on aaat Una of aaid section 84 to aouth lina of townahlp 14 Mouth, Rang 14 East, Willamette Meridian: thanca aaat on aaid township lina to northaaat corner of aartion I, township It Booth, Kama 14 East, Willamatta Meridian; thanca aouth alone aaat Una of aaid township to th quarter corner on tha aaat lina of Section 24 of aaid town ship and rants; thanca west on tha one quarter Una one-half mil to tha canter of section 24 1 thanca aouth one-fourth mile ; thanca aast on tha sixteenth Una to intersec tion with aaat lirte of section 24; thence south to southwest corner of section 1 v of townahlp II South, range li East ; thanca aaat on aouth Una of aactlon 19 one-half mile to one quarter corner ; thanca south one-half mile to cantar of section 80, thenc west on tha one-quarter line of Section 80 to tha center of Section 'it, township 18 South, and ranira 14 East; thence south on tha one tjuarter lina of aactlon 24 one-half mile; thence west on south line of Section 26 to northwest comer of Section 88 said township and range; thence south one-fourth mile to one-sixteenth corner of section 86 ; thence west one-fourth mile to southwest corner of NKV4 of NE4 Sec tion 84 ssid townahlp and range; thence aouth one-fourth mile to one-quarter lina of section 84; thence wast one-fourth mile to center of section 84; thence south one-fourth mile to southeast corner of NE of BWfc Section 84 ; thence west one-fourth mile to southwest corner of NEV4 of SW Section 84; thence south one-fourth mile to south line of section 84 ; thence wait on said aouth lina of section 84 to northwest comer of section 8, township 18 south, range 14 east Willamette Meridian ; thence south to one quarter comer of aection 8; thence west one fourth mile on one-quarter lina of aection 4 said township and range to one-sixteenth comer; thence aouth on one-sixteenth line one mile to one-quarter lina of section 9 said township and range, thence west one-fourth mile to center of Sec 8; thence South Vt mile to aouth one-quarter comer, Sec. 8; thence west 4 mile ; thence south mile on one-sixteenth line of Sec. 16; thence west mile to one-quarter comer on west line of sec 16 ; thence south on said line to south west comer section 28 said township and range ; thence east on aection line to south west comer of section 27 ; thence east to one quarter comer on aouth Una of section 27 ; thence south to center of section 84 said township and range ; thence east to one quarter corner on east lina of said section 84 ; thence aouth to southeast corner section 84 ; thence east along south township line of township 16 south, range 14 east Willamette Meridian to southeast corner of section 86, said township and range: thence north on aaid township line to northwest corner of aection 1, township 16 south, range 14 East; thence east on township lina to a point where aaid township line intersects the center of tha channel of Crooked River on the south line of section 86, township 16 south, range 16 east; thence northerly along the center of the channel of Crooked River to a point where Crooked River Intersecta the south lina of Section 7, townahip 16 south, range 16 east ; thence west to southwest comer of sec tion 7, said townahip and range; thence north on township tine between ranges 16 and 16 to a point where said range line in tersects Crooked River: thence in a northerly and westerly direction along the center line of the channel of Crooked River to tha point of beginning. Excepting therefrom tba following de scribed lands, to-wit: In Township 14 South, Range 16 East Willamette Meridian: NH NW, Sec. 2D; NWV, NWU Sec. 28; Sty Sty. NWVi SWty Sec. 20: and all that part of the WU. SE14, SEVi SKV, Sec. 21, lying aouth of the center line of the channel of Crooked Kiver; In Township 16 South, Range 14 East: SW SEtt Sec. 26; SEVi SW'-4 Sec 26 all that nortion of the NWU SEU Sec 84, lying north and west of Central Oregon Ir rigation Comttanv a canal : In Township 16 South, Range 16 East Willamette Meridian : All of Section 6 and 18; NWl,: Wiii NE'4, SEV, Sec. 20; In lownsnip 10 south, ruinge 14 r.asi Willamette Meridian : SW V4 Sec. : Wty NW4 Sec. 16; Wty NW14, and Sty Sec. 28 All being in Crook County, State 01 Ore gon. That said County Court in said order has determined that one election precinct sufficient for the convenience of the electors in said orouoeed district, the boundaries of said election precinct being the same aa the boundaries of aaid proposed irrigation dis trict. The polls at said election shall be opened at the hour of 8 o clock in the forenoon and continue open until the hour of 8 o'clock Id the afternoon of the same day, the date of said election, and otherwise aaid election shall be conducted as nearly as practicable in accordance with the general election laws of the State of Oregon. The electors in said proposed Irrigation district shall cast ballots at said election which shall contain the words 'Irrigation District Yea", and "Irrigation District No", or words equivalent thereto, and shall elect at large three directors for said district. That said order of said court provides that the judges of aaid election shall be E. A. Bussett, George Hobbs and Matt Clabaugh, and the clerks for said election shall be L. L. Scott, Leland Casey and C. B. Quinn. That the polling place in said election precinct for said district shall be the Ed wards School House in School District No. 82. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the County Court of Crook County, State of Ore gon, this 10th day of April, 1918. (SEAL) WARREN BROWN, 22t6c County Clerk. shore named Court, made and entered ea the 11th day of March, 118. MAX A. CUNNING, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff, lt7 Residing at Redmond. Oregon. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. S. Land Office at Th Dalles, Oregon. April 6th, 1918. Notice hi hereby given that CI.VDE A. BALHI.EY, of Rivers, Oregon, who, on June 19th, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 9M2. for Ety Wty, Ety, Section 29, Townahlp 19. South, Range 19, East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make hna'i three. year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellia, United States Commissioner, at bend, Ore gon, on the 6th day of June, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses : Arthur B. Taylor, of Bend. Oregon; Martin Hallmcyer, of Rivers, Oregon ; Harry Evans, of Rivers, Oregon ; Warren Llbby, of Held, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 22t6p Register. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE COUNTT COURT OP THE STATE OP ORE;ON FOR CROOK COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of John B. Vanderpool, an Inaane person. On reading the petition duly verified and Died herein, of Mary E. Draper, guardian of the estate of John B. Vanderpood, an insane person, for a license to sell the following described real estate, to-wit 1 Th North half of th North half of Section Thirty, in Township Fourteen Sooth. Range Sixteen East of the Willamette Meridian. In Crook County, Oregon, for the purpose of paying tha debta and for th support and guardian ship of aaid John B. Vanderpool, an Insane person, and It appearing from aaid petition that aaid real estate is unimproved land producing no income and an expense to aaid state, and that H is within the Ochoco Ir rigation District and subject to the lien of taxes and expenses of aaid district which will make the same a burden to aaid estate un less th real estate is sold and disposed of. It is therefore ordered that th "next of kin of aaid ward and all persons interested in said estate appear before me in tb Courthouse in the City of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, on the 20th day of April, 1918, at 10 o'clock, A. M , to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted Vi said Mary E. Draper, the above named guardian, to sell aaid real estate for the purposes shove act forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon the next of kin of such ward, and on all persons interested in the estate, by publication for three successive weeks prior to the said 20tb day of April, 1918, In the Crook County Journal, a news paper published in Prineville, Crook Ceunty, Oregon. Dated at Prineville. Oregon, this 25th day of March, 1918. N. 0. WALLACE, 20t4e County Judge. Journal Classified Adi are only one cent a word each week. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Net Ceal Land Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Th Dalle. Oregon. February 28, 1911. Notice la hereby given that JAMES BKOLETTO, of Post, Oregon, who, on February 18, 1918 and Amended November 17, 1416, mado Homestead Entry. No. OHMS, for NW NW'4, Section 11, Ety NK',. Nty Sty. SW 8W(4. Section 10, Townahip 17, South, Range 18. East, Willamette Meridian, has died notice of intention to make Anal three year proof, to tetabhah claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bee h tell. United State Commissioner, at Prineville. Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses : Clarence H. Cook, of Post, Oregon. Robert Demaris, of Post, Oregon. Hilmer W. Fair child, of Prineville, Oiegon, Edwin A. Ab bott, of Post, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 16t6e Keg istee. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 21, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM BERRY, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on September 18, 1912, made H. E. 01068 and December 28, 1912, made Additional H. E. No. 01101)9, far Sty 8WV,. NWVi RW4, 8W4 NWty, Sea. 6, Sty NEK. Nty SEty, Section (, Township 17, South, Range 18, East, Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to astabliah claim to the land above described, before Warres) Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prine ville. O.-egon, on the 16th day of May, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses! Austin Kiser, John A. Soger, Thomas H. Connors, Edward A. McDonald, all of Eos arts, Oregon, H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 20t6p Register. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Department of tb Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tb Dalles, Oregon. March 11. 1918. Notice is hereby given that DAVID E. BLANCHARD, of Laments, Oregon, who, on September 80, 1914, made HE. 018896 and February 1, 1916, made Additional Entry No. 014440, for NWV4 8W4, 8W4 NW4, Lot 4, Bee. 6, Lota 1, 2, 8, 4. 8W14 NEV. Section , Township 11, Sooth. Range 16. East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to th land above described, before Lake M. Becb tell. United States Commissioner, at Prine ville, Oregon, on tb 7tb day of May, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses I Charles W. Freemen, James L. Thomae, Irving C. Lett, George H. Ranger, ail of Lemonta, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 18tSp Register. When writing advertiser!, ploaue mention The Journal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the un dersigned the Administrator of the Estate of Elmer N. Hawthorne, Deceased, to all cred itors of said deceased, and to all persons having claims against his estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time,, April 4, 1918. W. J. WRIGHT, Administrator of the Estate of 21t6o Elmer N. Hawthorne, Deceased. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY Central Oregon Irrigation Company,'' a cor poration, riamtitl. vs. Albert E. Meyer, Defendant To Albert E. Meyer, th above named fendnnt. GREETINGS t IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed in the above en titled cause of suit against you on or before April 26th, 1918, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above named Court for a decree as prayed for in the complaint filed herein, namely: that vou surrender one certain contract in said complaint described, made and entered into on the 19th day of July, 1911 with the nlaintift herein, and that said contract be cancelled, forfeited and declared void,, and that you and all persons claim by, through or under you be forever debarred and en joined from asserting any claim or right whatever under said contract, to the land described therein or the water appurtenant thereto, and that the plaintiff have Its costs and disbursements and such other and fur ther relief as to this Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This Summons is publishcrT pursuant to an order made so to do by the Judge of the Notice of Private Sale of Cattle Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the administratrix of the estate of Charles A. Ivy, De ceased, that all of the cattle be longing to the estate will be sold at private sale at the farm of said Charles A. Ivy at Hampton Buttes, Crook County, Oregon, on Monday, April 15, 1918 The cattle to be sold consist of seventy-nine head ,of cows with calves or soon to have calves and seventeen head of yearling heifers. Terms of Sale Cash Dated this 4th day of April, 1918. SARAH SNODERLY, Administratrix of the estate of Charles A. Ivy, Deceased. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season I