APRIL 11, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 TiieCity I, eo Cram was In tin city hint week-end. I Warren llruwn spent the week-end In Portland. Alex Itlrkman was In the city Hut uriluy from Held. ; Hoy MrCoril and family were In Hie city Huturday, AU't I lliiton and family were In thn city Hutunluy. K. J. W 1 1 mi ii ri'luriK'tl from Port land till morning. Jiiy II. t'lilnn left tlila mornliiK for Kluinnlli Kl In. Mm, JiHln Currish and ion wore In the illy Halunlny. II. V. Johnson returned from Har ney county, Tuesday. J. Kilward Larson waa In thn city yesterday from Hend. Mra. llnrry Webb wna In the city Hutunluy from Urlmly. C. C. Ilrlx win In th city Satur day from Powell Huttu. , Hugh Lister win In Prliiovlllo lust week-end from i'aullna, Mra. Otto Horn-ami waa In Prlne vlllu the first of thu week. Mra. Wm. Arnold wua In tho city Tuesday from Powell Hutte. A Hod Cross Auxlllury tiua boon orgunUed at Grimes Chapel. Hubert Hmith la working at the Montgomery ranch thla week. 8, 8. Hlxurna and aon Cecil are spending thu wunk at LaPluu. A aon waa horn to Mr. and Mra. Henry Kyle. Tuesday morniiiK. Hubert Vasey waa a vlaltor in tha city Huturday from Combs Klat. ' M, T. Iiuvcnport and wife wore In thn city ycaturduy from Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Hoynolds are In X'rluvvlllu thla week from i'aullna, J. K. Ilarria waa a business vlaltor In I'rlnovlllu, Tuesday from Powell Butte. C. K. Valpey wua In tha city Sat uriluy from bla ranch on Wolf Creek. Mra. Hoy Htuurl and Mra. Guy Sumner are In the city today from Orlnly. Thwre will be aorvlces at tin1 Catholic church Sunday morning ut 10 o'clock. Mra. King, mother of W. F. King, la ImiirovliiK rupldly. She bua been seriously III. Bert Kundnll. who had ti Is leg broken a few weeks bk, la aide to be out amiln. Mra. It. P. Ilclknnp la entertain ing, the boy clana of thn C'hrlHl Inn church tonight. HALF OF PROJECT READY FOR WATER GENERAL DOYEN HVHTKM Ill'll.T IN AIHIIT Hl. MOVTIIS KHOM HTAHT WATER FROM MCKAY NEXT WEEK ciu or riitvKs (JimmI ' Progress la llelng Mude Throughout Knl lr Project Six montha aKo, or to no exact, on October 11, 1017, the Drat dirt wua moved on the conal ruction of the canal system for the Ohoco Prfilitft ttiifl ttmtvlit thn afi.ntn ulwiv- ol will complete the main canal oti the part of the ayalnm wcat of Mc Kay, which practically completes that half of the system. Water will be placed In the luler uIh, atartliiK on the east aide of that part of the project, Just aa fnat aa the dropa can be "puddled 111" and will be kept there aa long; aa the supply ' from Mi Kay laala. Good progress la reported from the remaining purt of the system, especially that part lying east of Hume' Ilutle, which la practically completed. The lateral system, and the weat end of the main canal wua built by the dlHtrlct under the direct super vision of Project Knglneer Kea and the foreman for the worka la P. Mc. Fuller, who la also very efficient. MANY HONOR FLAGS WON Secretary of Treasury Urgee . That Campaign Bt Pushed to Utcnoet. Baa Franclaco. Honor flags to cl tlea and countlea which have reached their quolae in the third liberty loan are flying from Texas to the Canadian Una aud from tha Pacific ocean to, polnti far Inland, liberty loan head quarter! announced here. In tha twelfth federal reserve dis trict Madera county won tha flrat county flag and Moaier, Or., the flrat city flag. Secretary of the Treasury William 0. McAdoo telegraphed liberty loan headquartera to put every effort Into tha driva. Mr. McAdoo asked for cam paigns of education In tha schools and the organization of war savings socle- lW0m I lit" ' i Oansral Doyen, commander of a di vision of American troops now sta tioned In the trenches In Franca. We wish to extend to our friends our alurere and heartfelt thanks for their aympiithy and iihhIhIiiiicb In our sad bereavement of the death of our son Krneat. W. A. and Mary E. Uurney. Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will tend one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent ties to push every campaign for the ale of government securities. 1000 Slsckers Arrested In Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Minn. Approximately 1000 men of military age who did not have their registration carda or other credentials with them, ware taken Into custody here when agents of the de partment of Justice and members of the local home guards raided 197 pool rooms and dancehalls In tha city. ' Illinois Lynching to Be Probed. Colllnsvllle, III. State offlclala, act ing under Instructions of the attorney general, will take over Investigation of the lynching of Robert P. Prager, an enemy alien hanged here last week 'after he had been accused of making disloyal remarks. AMERICANS DEFEAT RAID NEAR TOUL With the American Army In France. The Qermans attempted a raid on the American positions northwest of Toul, after a violent artillery prepara tion. They were driven off by the American artillery and machine gun flra and suffered comparatively heavy casualties, leaving two prisoners In tha hands of the Americans. An American corporal In a listening post saw a big German sergeant wear ing the Iron cross passing close by. Ha leaped out and hit him with bla rifle butt and then throttled him and hauled him Into one of the American trenches. Another German waa cap tured In no man's land by another cor poral, whose squad covered the Ger man while the corporal advanced and demanded hia surrender. The German threw up his hands and yelled "kara erad." . The prisoners talked freely and di vulged considerable valuable informa tion. ; General Pershing arrived at tha headquarters at the front as the'pris onera were brought in. f ; ' New Dresses just arived at the LITTLE VANITY SHOP Some with bustle effect There's a dress for everyone. Alterations Free ritKsnvn'.Hi ,V ('III IU H Services for Sunday, April 14th.: Hllilo School and Morning Worship at tisunl hours. There will be no evening service beyond Young Peo ple's meeting on account of the ab sence of the piiHtor for a service at Puulinn at that hour. Arrangements have been complet ed for a series of meetings in the onHtcrn end of the county, con tinuing through the next six weeks. After tho morning service here, Mr, Van Nuys will go to Paulina for the evening mooting. Meetings at Su pleo, Fife and Prlnglo Flats will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings. The series of U liiHtrated sermons used here In Joint meetings of the M. K. and PreBbyte rlan churches will be given. "Dr. Turner, eye specialist of CS" Portland will be at Hotel rrlnevllle again, Friday and Satur day, April 26-27. Consult him. CAKI) OF THANKS The parents nud sisters of Archie D. Roberts 'wish to express their tlinnks for the many kindnesses shown during their recent bereavement. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR General Foch has succeeded during tha past week In definitely halting Von Hlndenburg's western drive every where, except In the direction of Amiens. 1 Tha original momentum of the Ger man advance, which extended over a front of 50 miles, has now been con centrated in tha small sector to the east of Amiens. j . Htndenburg continues to throw fresh troops Into the battle, and It is estimated that approximately 600,000 men were actively engaged in the com bats that have been in progress during , the past few days. Thla estimate, of course, doeB not Include the reserves held behind the lines. I The nresent fighting Is progressing over a rather broken country, and tha Germans are meeting with tha fiercest resistance on every Inch of it, and they are open to counter-attacks that are perilous for them. The slight fluc tuations In the linea In the last few days show how the French and British are taking advantage of the natural conformation of the ground, while they are strengthening their defensive lines and their artillery. The anniversary of the entry of the United States Into the war was made the occasion of celebrative functions In Loadon, Paris and Rome and the send ing of numerous messages of felicita tion by allied leaders. A notable ut terance was that by Premier Lloyd George, in which he predicted that during "the next few weeks" the Uni ted States would give the Prussian military Junta the surprise of their Ilyea.". ; A Remarkable Invention It la no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. Thla little device, if carried In hli tool-box, multiplies his power by 73, and makes him Independent of road conditions. It his auto sticks In the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right It In 10 minutes by Blmply driving the three stakes in the ground, attaching PULL-U-OUT to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground ana out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, ot dead weirht, or pulls 60 tons on wheels; yet its Bhipping weight 1 only 28 lbs., and tt fits easily into a space 4xfixl4 Inches. Automobiles repaired and Fords Mended R. V. RANDALL 183 Americans Are Killed In Action. Washington. Army oasualties for the first year ot America's participa tion In the war announced by the war j department are as "ollows: Killed In action, 183; lost at sea, 237; died of wounds, 62; died of disease, 793; sul-j cide, unknown causes, 39; wounded,; 777; captured, 22; missing, 41. British and Japs Land at Vladivostok. Washington. News of the landing of the British force at Vladivostok which followed a Japanese party Into the city, reached the state department officially from the American consul there. . New Aides In War Department Named. Washington. President Wilson ap pointed Edward R. Stettlnlus second assistant secretary of war and Fred P. Keppel third assistant secretary of war. 1 REVIEW Our list of Seasonable Merchandise, then enlist the service of your requirements for the spring campaign. Bulk and Package Garden Seed, Flower Seed, Sweet Peas in bulk, Kentucky Blue Grass, Timothy Seed, Red Top, Red and White Clover. Baby Chick Food, Scratch Food, Eastern Oyster Shell, Clam Shell, Ground Bone, Beef Scraps, Chicken Grit, Oil Meal and Glass Nest Eggs. Steel Garden Hoes, Garden Rakes, Trowels, Spading Forks,' Shovels, Spades, Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Handles, .Rubber Hose and Accessories. Squirrel Poison, Instant Louse Killer, Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Hess' Egg Maker, Hess' Dip and Disinfectant, quarts, halves and gallons, Blue Stone and Sheep Paint Van Brunt Grain Drills in vari ous sizes, John Deere Riding Plows, 14 and 16 inch, Steel and Cast Walking Plows and Shovel Plows for Irrigating. Spring Tooth Harrows, Peg Tooth Lever Harrows, 50, 60, 75 and 90 Tooth, Garden Cultiva tors, 5 and 7 Tooth, Drag Scrap ers, Farm Trucks, Barbed Wire. Single Trees, Double Trees, Neck Yokes, Plow Clevises, Log Chains, Stay Chains, Stretcher Chains, Passing Link Chains and Rope. Owing to continual advances on Farm Implements we are unable to name prices that we can guar antee for a definite period. Write or call for quotations for immediate acceptance. GROCERIES We have a large stock of Fresh Groceries, considerable of which was pur chased below the present market In accordance with the ruling of the Food Administration, we are selling many items in Groceries on a basis of actual cost and not on a basis of their present market value. O. C. CLAYPOOL & CO. Tnacks? Bracks? New Fords? Used Fords? We have them all in stock. See what you buyand get it when you want it. Maud Auito Co, Prineville, Oregon an