MARCH 21, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 HKI) CltOHH M N IIKON Keveiity.flve Attend Lumlieon at the lUptlxt Uiuri-li Krl.lay ' Beveiity-five were preaent t the lumheon given St the Hiiptlst i hurch Krlday for the members of the Tow el! Hutts Chapter of th Red Crow, iiHiiry cram donated tlia veal for (h veul stew. Thu food thut wit left over wm sold, bringing 110. Tim Kui'Nti from Powell Utitle were: Mnmlumci Muitlurd, Biihlele, J nice, van uoren, Foster, Ilrown, C'liurltoti, Trui-mltilM utnl Arnold. Mrs, Vernon Korbea, of Ilmid, win also a guest. Mm. Kim reports thu work pro gressing nicely, hut urgi-s more workers to bo presnt If possible. ; Auyonn having a machine to loiiu for thli work plenae report to Mrs. Ilea. w. s. i. N'OKIMM MOIKiW If III KMKItll I'. Hi Republican Nomination lliim IWhmi In Ntoek Itnxliit-Hn 22 Years Nnrrls Morgan, who huii been In J thn stork buslneiis for thn pant 22 years In thin part of thn mute, In announcing hi candidacy for tin! republican iionilnutloti for sheriff. Mr. Morgan It well and favorably known throughout toe south mid (astern parti of the county, and will poll a strong vota there. - II ha no opposition thu far for the republican nomination. You no t.lothora Reserve strength (or mother hood is of two-fold importance and thoughtful women before and after maternity take rWTTTi i 'EMULSION, It supplies pure cod liver oil (or rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine, all important ingredi ents for strengthening the nervous system and furnishing abundant nourishment It is tree from alcohoL Insist on the geguine. The Norwegian cod liver oil la Sovit'i EmuUom it now rrflncd in our own American Ubumtories which nukM il pun and paUUbl. Ilcott a Itownt. BloomRtld. N.J. 17-M Head The Crook County Journal. PRKHUYTKIUAN Clll'ltCH 'Sunday, March 24. Service 'at I the uiual hours. Morning sermon: "Hoaannahs Today". Evening ser mon: "Jeeus In uethsemane With Uod". This Is the fifth Illustrated j sermon on the life of J en us. Bible School at 10 ft. m. Young People' meeting at t:30, the , Epwortb I League Joining in the meeting and furnishing the leader. , w. . . I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i KOH BALE 60 head line wool ewe. I start lambing March 25. J. E. Warner, Powell Butte, Ore. lOtZp, PwiLL PLOW YOUIt" GARDEN ! On short notice and at reusouable J ratea. Speak early to Insure prompt service. Juniper wood de livered promptly. Cull on Al Campbell, City. Leave orders at J. E. Stewart Co.'s store. 19tfc Anict lOO Sale Monday, April 1 30 Head MOch Cows First class Jersey cows, 25 now milking. All young cows. Sale will be held at Lafollette ranch four miles east of Prineville. Sale starts promptly at 1 o'clock. M. R. Biggs, Auctioneer H. Baldwin, Clerk LOST Bunch of keys In Prineville, , Thursday. Pleitse return to Wil son's garage or this office. 19t2c JI'St" AKIUVEli-New HeUyWale dresses and style book. See them at the Little Vanity Shop. 19tlc KOK SALE Full blooded Barred Plymouth Hock eggs for hatching. II. CO per setting; also Incubator lots. Wanted to buy or rent two setting hens. Immediately. Mrs. Pearl Breeding. It4c mi uz, i Vds SAsJl iiii m m MM 77 KOH SALE Three-year-old Belgian mare colt. Address Chrlstel Hartmenn, Madras, Oregon. Near Juniper Springs. 18t3p KOrT'sTLE 80 acresland,T4 , miles from town, under Irrigation Project; also span, of good mares. ' E. Wagoner, Prineville, Ore. 18t4cl WANTED Man for general ranch work. Cal on or telephone W, S. Ayers, City. 19t2c For Hhcrlff ' I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of sheriff, subject to the approval of the voters at the pri maries to be held on May 17, 1918. NORRIS MORGAN. Terms cash or bankable notes Morgan & Allen, , Owners Barcley on a corset means the same an sterling; on a piece of silverware, liurcley means sterling quality. LITTLE VANITY SHOP, Prineville, Oregon. The Journal ooes modern printing rV?57 IIWII have the best quality of Canned Goods, Bottled and Packed Goods at prices as low as you are pay ing for some brands of inferior quality? KING'S PATENTED PROCESS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES-Peaches, Apples, Prunes, Cherries, Rhubarb, Carrots, Spinach, 0010 Squash and Stringless Beans, per package. LL lXJ O. C. CLAYPOOL & CO. ,A. m ed! A Carload of We G an Deliver Yom One Today! The Government has curtailed automobile production 30 per cent and further reductions in output will probably follow! Also an increase in price! Better Buy Now! P $450 nee Inland Auto Co., Prineville. Oregon