MARCH 14, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 7 NOTICI TO OtKDITOHa Notice la hereby (Inn by th. (1x4, Administrator wllh will annesed of tlx folate of Clarlesa W.I. a. It. Hud, to all rredlurra of said d eased end to all persona haling alaliiM agalnat aald estate to present the " with Iha m.r vourhe s tu the anderaianed . uin.e M. M. Klllott in rrtnevllle, within an M.-niha from the date ef Iha Oral publication of Ihla notira. Dale) this 1th liar of February, lull. B. T. HI.AYTON. Admlnlatralor with Iha will enneied nf Iha Ketate of isiee llsrlssa Wslrh. lie. (IMIlKH TO KIIOW CAIHK j IN THK COUNTY COURT OK THK NTATB OK OKKiiON FOK CHOOK COUNTY. I In Ih. Mailer of the. Katale of John B. 1 t enderiMN,!. an Insane Nin I On reading Ih. petition duly verified and' filed herein, nf Mary R. Draper, guardian of tha aetata of John II. Yanderiiood. an Inaana person, for a llr.nee to aall iha following I ueamneo. real aaiaie, lo-wlti The North half of Iha North half of rWllon Nineteen, In Township Fourteen Houih, Hsnge Hlsteen Kaat of tha Wlllameit Meridian, In Cnk Coni, Oregon, for tha purpose of paring Iha drills and for tha support and gun.dlan hip of aald John H. Venderpool, an Insane person, and II appearing from aald petition that aald real aatata la utilmuruved land pmdurlng no Inroma and an aspenee bo aald I aetata, and that It la wllhln Iha Orhoro lr ligation lilatrlrt and auhject to tha lien nf tasea and espensse of aald district whlrh will eake tha aama a burden la aald aatata an leee Iha real estate la aold and dlapoaed of. It la therefore ordarad that Iha nail of kia of aald ward and all paraona Interested In aald aetata appear before ma In tha Conrthouaa In tha City of Prineville, Crook Count. Oragon, on tha 16th day of Marrh. ll, al 10 o cloc k. A. at . to ahow cause, if ny I Kara ba, why llcanaa should not k nU In ..1.1 U te I - L ed guardian, to aall aald roal aaUtg for And It la furthar ordarad that a copy of Ihla order ba eerved upon Iha naat of kin of aurh ward, and on all paraona Intaraatad I tha aatata, by publication for three eurceelve waaka prior lo tha aald lath day of Marrh, 191a, In Iha Crook County Journal, newe papar publiahed In Prineville, Crook County, Oragon. Dated al Prineville, Oragon, Ihla lath day f tebruary, IsTe. N. 0. WAU.ACK. HUe County Judge, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. B. Land Omta at Tha Uallea, Oregon. February lath. Mil. Notice a) hereby given that CI.VliK A. HALHI.KY, of Rivera, Orraon, who, on June Mth, MM. made Homeeirad Kntry, No. till 1 42, for K' m wk, a wy, ot HVk, nerium to. I own. ehlp fv-Muuth, Hanga U-hjMl. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notira of Intention to i make final (We year proof, to eetablleh claim to the land above aeacrlbed. before II. C. ; Fllla. U. H. Commuei'iner. al Mend, Oregon, on the ikih day of Marrh. luia. Claimant namea aa wltneaaea t Arthur H. Taylor, of Itend, Oregon, Martin italtMcver, of Hlveia, Oregon, Harry Kvana, of Klvera, Oregon, Warren Llbby, of Held, Oregon. II. FRANK W00HC0CK. Ui&e Itralater, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION rvtiartmcnt of Uia Interior, U. 8. Land Om,a at Tlie Dal Ira, Oregon. February 1 1th. Mil. Notira la hereby given that COHT IIIHBt II. of llend. Oregon, who, on March llat. Mil, made llomralead Kntry. No, OIU.IKT, for Iit I HKt. NWil, KH HWVi. BKU. Bert Ion t. Townahlp M-Bouth. lUnae la-Kaat, Wl. lametta Meridian, haa filed notira of intention to make final three year proof, lo eatablUh rlalm to tha land above dearribed. before H. C. K 1 1 la, U. B Commlaaloner, at llend, Ora gon, on Iha (2nd day of March, Mia. Claimant namea aa wltneaatai i Hertiert B. Moora. Mllllcan, Oregon, Arthur M Mmire, Mllliran. Oregon, Lee M. Iloaly, .Alfalfa. Oregon, Charlea It. Uealy, Alfalfa. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. UHp KegUUr, " Try Journar'CIttMim!dAd. c V Will be sold at a sacrifice during the next thirty days! stock left at the end of that time will be burned! All Trees, Any Kind, Size or Grade, 10c Each Thu includes the very best varieties of apples of all sum-mer, fall and winter kinds. Berry Plants Given Free! One dozen plants, any kind in stock, with every dollar's worth of trees bought ..Terms are cash before the trees leave the nursery. Mo phone orders taken, but use the telephone to find what varieties are yet in stock. f For orders of commercial apples, especially in large amounts, visit the Victor Shawe ranch, 9 miles southwest of Prineville, telephone7 Rural 710. No orders filled here for less than $10.00. For black locust, poplars, loganberries, currants, dewberries, raspberries, blackcaps or small orders of apple trees visit the John P. Hopper ranch," 13 miles southwest of Prineville, tele phone Rural 74. s ' For delivery at Prineville by special arrangement, telephone Marion Mayfield, Red 303. The government is urging the planting of all kinds of fruit and berry plants, and you owe it to yourself and your family to have an orchard. This is a very unusual opportunity to get choice, acclimated stock at .nominal cost, when other nurseries , have raised their prices from 50 to 100 per cent " noggiml IN TUB CIRCUIT COUNT Of TUB HTAT1 or okkhun roH chook county. Kene Umolr, I'lalnlirf, Dolores Lenoir, Defendant. VB. To Dolores, Lanolr, Iha above named oa frndanl I IN THK NAME OK TUB BTATB Or OIIKI.ON You gra haraby raiiulrad to apanr and gnawar tha complaint In tha above antltlad rauaa within els waaka from tha data of tha Aral publication of thai aummona and If you fall ao to appear and anawar, tha plaintiff will apply to tha eourt for a derree of divorce from you on tha grounda of uwaartkm and for hla roala. Thla aummona la aarvad upon you by puh Ihation tharaof for ala ronserutive waaka la f'Urauanra Ui an ordar of Ilia Hon. T. e. J. ulTy, Judga of tha ahova court, duly mad' and antarrd Krliruary tat h, 1UIM. Iiala uf Drat pul.llr.tlon Kahruary lath, lull Oala of laal uubllration Marrb 2lat, llllg. JAY II. HI ION, i I'rlnavllla, Orrgon. Ulna Attorney for tlta I'laintlff. KOTICB FOR PUHIJCATION tiapartmanl of tha Intarlor, U, B. Land Ollka al Tha Uallaa, Oragon. February Ilia, Mil. Not Ira la hereby given that COHT HIHHCII, ONB OK THK HKIRg AND Oli THK MAX (1. HIKHCII, DKCKA8K1). of Hand. Oregon, who, on May 12th, 1H, made Homeatead Kntry, No. U11M4, for Lou l- NKW, Mae. J. T. 1 B , R. H t H, NKV4 8KV,, rlartlon It, Townahln la-MouIn, Kanga ll-Kaat, WlllamatU Moid Ian, haa filed not U-e of Intention to make final three year proof, lo ealabltah claim to tha land above dearribed, before H. C. Kllla, U. B. Commiaalonar, at Bend, Oregon oa tha 12nd day of March, Mil. Claimant nemea aa wltnaaiea t Herbert B. Moura, Mllliran, Oragon, Arthur M. Moore. Mllllcan, Oragon, Lee M. Iealy, Alfalfa, Oregon, Charlea U. baaly. Alfalfa, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, lttip Mag la lay. UMMONB IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OK TUB BTATB OF OMKtiON FOR CROOK COUNTY Charlea C. 0 Nell, Flainllff, va. Arthur R. Mlnkler, Defendant, To Arthur R. Mlnkler, Defendant. In tha Name of tha Htata of Oregon I You are required to appear and anawar tha complaint filed agalnat you in tha abova en titled rourt and tauaa on or before tha 14th day of Marrh. MM, which la Iha lima p re ar ri hod by tha Honorable T. K. J. Duffy, Judga of tha Circuit Court of tha Blale of Oregon for Crook County, and If you fail ao lo appear, anawar or otherwiae plead, tha fitalntlff will apply to tha court for tha re lef demanded in hla complaint, to-wlt i that plaintiff a tula lo tha Boillhweat quarter of Bertioo Twenty-Big in Townahlp Fourteen K-Hjlh. of Range BlKtaen Kaat of Wlllamrlla Meridian In Crook County, Oregon, ba quiet ed agalnat you and all peraona claiming by. through or un,ler you advcree to the plaintiff, and that plaintiff be adjudged to ba Iha owner uf aald real aatata in fee rtmple, and that you and all peraona claiming through or under you be forever barred from claiming any right, title or interval in aald premiaea or any part thereof, and for aurh other or further relief aa to the court may aevra meat and euutteble. Tha data of tha first publication qf thla ununona la January 81. MIK. Thla aummona la publiahed purauanl to an order of the Honorable T. K. J. DufTy, Judge of tha Circuit Court of tha Bute of Oregon for Crook County, made and entered on tha tilth day of January, Mil. M. R. ELLIOTT. lZHo Attorney for tha I'laintlff. NOTICK TO CREDITORS NOTICK IH HKRKHY filVKN by the on deraigned. tha Adminiatralria of tha Katata of Charlea A. Ivy, Dereaeed, to all credlUira of aald dereaeed, and to all peraona having rlalma agalnat aald Katata lo preaent the aama with tha profier vourhera to tha under lined al tha oltlre of M. K. Kllioll in I'rlne vllla, Oregon, within ail mnntha from tha firat publication of thla notice. "led tha ilat iky nf February. MIR. BAHA1I 8NOUKRLY, Admlnlalratrix of tha Katata of KtSa Charlea A. Ivy, Decciaaed. e Entire eetral Remember! No Reservations l First Come, First Served! NOTICB NOTICB IB HKRKHY GIVEN, That tha following petition praying for tha organisa tion of tha I'OWKLL IIUTTB IRRIOATION I'IBTKICT, will ba presented la tha Ounty frtjrt rf Cne,k i'Atunif, Oregon, at the (Vrunty Omrt R,am in the Courthouee In I'rloevllle, Oregon, ua tha ftth day of April. MID. IN THE COUNTY COURT" OK THE STATE OK OltM.ON FOR CROOK COUNTY. In the Matter of tha Organllatlon of tha I'owell tlutle Irrigation Dlalrlrt. TO THK HONOHAHI.K COUNTY COURT OK CROOK COUNTY, OKMJONt Under and purauanl to Chapter lf7 of the fleneral Ijiwa of Oregon, for Ml?, tha an deralgned prw,HMa tha formatk,n and organi sation of an Irrigation Dlatrirt ft ha known aa the I'OWKLL HU'lTK IKRIOATION DIS TRICT, for and Ini ludlng tha landa he rln after particularly described, and your peti tioners reapeetfully represent! T hat they are each and all of them owners of land within aaid proiioerd irrigation dis trict, whlrh land la susceptible of Irrigation being a majority of the owners of land Irri gated or auareplHile of irrigation therein. That It la the purpteie of your petitioners to organise an Irrigation dlatrtrt within the bountlariea of tha landa hereinafter particu larly dearribed, under and pursuant to Chapter S&7 of tha lleneral Laws of Oregon for MIT, lo provide for Iha construction of works for tha Irrigation of tha aama, or lo provide for the raronstructlon. betterment, extension, purchase, operation or maintanance of works already constructed, and for the assumption as prinriiral or guarantor of in delitedneaa on account of dlatrict landa to tha United K la tea under tha Federal reclama tion lawa, for tha Irrigation of aald lands of petitinnera and other landa within aald pro posed dlatrict, through the etorage, divereion. purrhaee and una of tha watera of Deer hu Lee River. That tha aaid land and proposed district la situated within tha County of Crook and Bute of Oregon, and tha boundaries of aaid proposed district am particularly described aa follows l Beginning In the eenter of tha Channel of Crooked River where the aama intersects tha section Una between sections 21 and Z'i, town ship 14 South. Kanga 14 East, Crook County, Oregon : thenea south on aaid aection lino to tha northeast corner of section IS aald township and rgnga; thenca west on tha north Mna of aald aection 11 to tha north weal corner of aection 13; thenca aoath to tha southwest corner of aection S3 ; thenca east to tha southeast corner of suction II : thenca north to tha northeast corner of sec tion II ; thenca east to tha northeast corner of section 14 said township and range: thenca south on east line of aaid aection 14 to south Una of township 14 South, Range 14 Kast, Wlllametta Meridian ; thenca aaat on said township line to northeaat corner of section I, township 11 South, Range 14 East, Wlllametta Meridian; thenca south along aaat Una of aaid township 1 to tha quarter comer on the vast Una of flection 24 of said town ship and range ; thenca weal on tha one uuarter line one-half mile to In center of section 24; theme south one-fourth mile: thenca east on tha sixteenth Una to intersec tion with east Una of Section 24 ; thence south to southwest corner of sertkin M of township II rVruth, range 16 East ; thenca east on south line of section M one-half mile to one quarter corner; thenca south one-half' mile to center of section 10, thenca west on the one-quarter line of Section lu to tha center of Section 21, township 15 South, and range 14 Kast ; thenca south on tha one quarter Una of section 21 one-half mile; thenca west on south line of Section 21 to northwest comer of Section 16 said township and range ; thenca south one-fourth mile to one-sixteenth corner of aection 11; thenca west one-fourth mile to southwest comer of NK1 of NEVs Sec tion 14 said township and range; thence south one-fourth mile to one-quarter Una of aection 84; thence west one-fourth mile to cenurr of aection 14 ; thenca aouth one-fourth mile to southeast comer of NK of SWa Section 14; thenca west one-fourth mile to southwest comer of NK of SWK Section 14; thenca south one-fourth mila to aouth Una of section 24 ; thenca weal on aaid aouth line of aection 84 to northweat comer of section 1, township 11 south, range 14 cast Willametta Meridian ; thenca south to one quarter comer of aection 1 ; thenea weat one fourth mile on one-quarter Una of section 4 said township and range to one-sixteenth comer ; thenca aouth on . one-sixteenth line one mila to one-quarter Una of section 1 said township and range, thenca weat one-fourth Ureff on ilia to center of Baa. t ; thenca South H ! mila to aouth one-quartar aorner. Sac. I; Ihenre weat mile: the ore aouth H mila an one-sixteenth line of See. lis thenca west V, mila to one-quarter comer on weat Una of sea. II; thenca aouth on aald Una to south west comer aection 21 said township and range; thenca aaat on aection line to aouth weal corner of eeetkin 27 ; thenca east to one quarter corner on aouth Una of ee, tion 27 ; thenre aouth to eenter of aection 14 aaid township and range ; thenca east to one-, quarter corner on east Una of aaid section 14 ; thenea aouth to eoutheaet comer section 14; thenca aaat along south township line of township 11 south, range 14 east Willamette Meridian to southeast corner of section 11, said township and range; thenca north on said township ling to northwest corner of . section 1, township II aouth, range 14 Kast; thenca east on township Una lo a point where ; said township llns intersects the renter of . the channel of Crooked River on the aouth I Una of section M, township II sooth, range ! II aaat; thenca northerly along tha center of tha channel of , Crooked River to a point where Crooked River Intersects tha aouth Una of Section 7, townahlp II aouth, range It east; thenca weal to southwest comer of sec tion 7, said townahlp and range ; thenca north on township Una between ranges 11 and II to a point where aaid range Una in tersects Crooked River; thence In a northerly and weeterly direction along tha center line of tha channel of Crooked River to tha point , of beginning, j Kxcepting therefrom tha following da-; scribed lands, to-wit : In Township 11 South, Ranga 11 Bast! Willamette Mer. All of Seetiona and 11, and NWy,. WS NEK. BE14 NE(4 and S 8K of See. 20. In Townahlp It Booth, Ranga 14 East;' BW REM Sac. 21; SK SW Sac. 21; all that portion of tha NW' HE See. 14, I lying north and weat of Central Oregon Ir-. ligation Co. 'a canal. In Townahlp 11 South, Range 14 EsstM nw Sec. ; Wli NW Sac. It; Wfc ; NWW. BE NWtf and 8 Sac. 28. And your petitioners pray that aaid lrrlga- I tlon District aa proposed be organised under and pursuant to Chapter 117 of tha General i Laws of Oregon for M17, and that an order of this court ba made organising aaid district ' aa proposed and calling aa election to ba held for that purpose, and that the directors for aaid district ba elector at large from the ; entire district, and for such other and i further order as shall be requisite and necee- ; esry for the organisation of aaid proposed district, and your petitioners accompany thla : petition with a good and euftV ient bond aa 1 required by law In the aum of One Thousand Dollars, being twice the amount of the probable cost for the organisation of said district. M. W. Harold H. J. Edwards K. A. Busset Ora C. Foster (ieorge F. Beekman Mrs. M. L. Foster George J. Shobert J. A. C.riftln N. B. Beach J. A. Kigira Csrl C. Brix D. A. Yatea L. L. Scott Eliia Scott J. E. Myers Hngen Hansen Nick Rachor John Curtia J. W. Horigan T. H. Mctihea ' L. 8. Hinea R. G. Smith Wm. J. Pancake ' H. Baldwin Oscar C. Hyde Peter Paula John Luckey H. D. Still W. M. Clabaugh I, aura Casey Leland Casey J. A. Ward Erneat Ward U M. Bechtell Geo. Hnhha C. M. McMillan J. D. Davidson A. ,R. Bowman Chas. A. King, E. W. Thomas, J. Montgomery, H. H. Rachor. Louis Regelsberger, t,eo. M. Marley, B. E. NeveL 17tSc HE Stock JOHN J. PRICE Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore gonian. First door noith of Lyric City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish Fruit and Vegetable, in Season NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land Department of tha Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dallas, Oregon. February 21, MM. Notice at hereby given that JAMES BEOLETTO, of Post, Oregon, who, on February 13, Mil and Amended November 17, 1911, made ; Homestead Entry, No. 011365, for NWVl i NW14, Section 11, E NEV,, N 8, SW 8W. Section 10, Township 17, South, ; Range 18, East, Willamette Meridian, haa ' filed notice of intention to make final three , year proof, to establish claim to the land ' above described, before Lake M. BechtelL i United States Commissioner, at Prineville, j Oregon, on the 11th day of April, Mil. Claimant names aa witnesses; Clarence H. Cook, of Post, Oregon, Robert Demaris. of Post, Oregon. Htlmer W. Fair- child, of Prineville, Oregon, Edwin A. Ab- I - u n u.' , . jm t vita",,. H, FRANK WOODCOCK, lttte Register. The Journal baa tne largest sworn circulation of any paper in Central Oregon. The Journal haa the largest sworn circulation ot any paper in Central Oregon. . of the rsery M ade! and Oysters Order Appointing Day Far Settlers cat tt Final Acceant ef Administrator d. b. at. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE STATS OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY 1 In the Matter of the Estate of John W. White, Deeeaaed. L. D. Wieat, aa Administrator d. b. B. of the Estate of John W. White, Deeeaaed, hav ing rendered and presented for settlement and filed in thia Court hia final account and petition for discharge, IT IS ORDERED; That Saturday the 80th day of March, M18, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the County Court room, in the Court House at Prineville, Oregon, be and the aama in hereby appointed aa the time and place for the settlement of aaid account ; and that notice of aaid settlement be publiahed in the Crook County Journal, a newspaper published in PrinevUle, Crook County, Oregon, as often as once a week for four sueceesiva weeks prior to said date of settlement. Dated thia 27th day of February. 1818. N. a WALLACE, 16Uc County Judge. SCRATCH rUo Different size, and quality ot paper. Just the thing for your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. When writing advertisers, please mention The Journal. All