Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 14, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MARCH 14, 1918
. PAGE 5 -
Tins City
Dr. II. P. Ilelknap was railed to
Culver, Monday, to see the small
daughter of Ilev. Payne. The child
has nioneiigltla.
Mr, and Mm. Vornon A. Porbes the city several duys. this
week. Mr. Forbes is a' prominent
attorney of'llend.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Kern, of 811
ver Lake, are vIhUIiik tit lliu home
of Mr. Kern's great Kruml mot Iht.
Mrs. Win. Iiruir. Waller Wooila
Is also visiting with IiIh grand
mother Mra, liraper,
Owlnit to Illness, Dr. O. C. WrlKht
unable to preach lit the Prlue
vllle llnptlHt church hint Hunday but
will come later on. Itnv, K. C. Lae
letto will preach next Hunday, both
morning and evening,
1, L. Minor moved last Moodily to
Went llruncli whero ha hua rented a
lurgo orchard and svcral acres of
excellent garden lund. Ho will inuko
renular trips twice each week to
ITImcvIIIh durlnx fruit and vege
table season, Mr. Miner la an old
httlid ut the gardening business uml
' Is well liked among his customers.
It la hoped hn will do well.
The. Christian Endeavor aocloty of
the Presbyterian church met wllh
the ClirlHlliin Kndeavor aoclety of
the Christian church, Kunduy even
ing at which meetliiK an excellent
report of the recent etute C. K. con
vention lit Eugene wna given by Mra.
It. V. ItutuluM, who attended the
sluto gathering hi repreHentative of
the local society of the ChriHtlun
Usual services Hunday, March 17,
morning and evening.
At the evening service the fourth
llluNtrated sermon In the series on
the life of Christ will be given.
Following rilble School at 10 a.
' ra., a series of sermons will com
mence at 11 o'clock and continue
each Hunday morning until further
1 notice, upon the subject "Ancient
! Truths aa Been In Modern Light",
1 being an exposition of Genesis and
the atory of creation. Preaching In
i the evening at 7:30. Strangers and
those net attending services else
where especially Invited.
Our Hunday School meets at ten
' o'clock each Hubbath and we wel
, come all new comers to Prlnevlllo.
; Let parents bring their children and
become acquainted. Tho other
.churches will give a cordial welcome
i to their schools at the same hour.
, lnt no one stay away from church
' and Huuilay school because your
I own denomination Is not here.
! Theme for Runiliiy morning will
' be: ''Homo Methods of HI inlying
1 Our tllblo."
The young people will unite with
the young people of the Presbyterlun
church at slx-thlrty and a good time
I Is exported.
There will not be any services In
i our church Hunday evening as our
people will attend the illustrated
sermon In the Presbyterian church.
A cordial welcome will be extend
ed to all strangers who will meet
with ua at any service.
T. II. Kertlg, pastor.
Mrs. J. II. Upton tins Just received
a letter from her nephew, Wallace
Cannon, saying that he Is stationed
at tho home of Kobert Hums, forty
miles from Glasgow, Scotland. He
says tho Scotch people are very kind
hearted and treat the boys fine. Ills
address Is, Corporal Walluce T. Can
non, 2lith Aero Hguadrnn, A. 8. 8. C.
American Kxpedltlouary Forces
Barcley on a corset
means Hie same as sterling on a
olive of silverware. Hurt Icy
means sterling iuullly,
. I'rliievllle, Oregon.
Willi K W.Alt ItltKAl)
Oiie quart cooked rice thoroughly
tender and drained dry as possible;
one quart mashed potatoes cooked
In their Jackets and peeled, mashed
and ben ten smooth with fork;' add
to rice and beat again with fork till
smooth; two tablespoons sugur; one
hnlf yeast cuke softened In barely
enough water to moisten; add to
rlci-potntO mixture and beat till
well mixed; keep In warm plueo till
light and fluffy. I usually muke
! mine at noon and find It light next
j morning. 81ft In sufficient flour to
make considerably atlffer dough
than for ordinary bread, the quun
' tlty of flour will depend on dryness
'of rice; work down twice before
molding Into loaves; add salt with
flour; allow dough to double In
bulk or a little more than double
each time before working. I have
not yet tried thla bread with rice
cooked In milk In a double boiler
but where compressed yeast la avail
able so that the yeast could be
raised more quickly, I belve the
quantity of flour might be reduced
to less than the two quarts neces
sary. This recipe makes a white,
light, thin crusted loaf that keeps
moist much longer than an all flour
loaf and that makes lovely toast.
Potutoes should always be boiled in
their Juckets for this bread, other
wise they absorb too much moisture
and the Idea Is to keep yeast as dry
as possible.
Mrs. William Harold.
C. H. Oram.' of Portland, former
deputy state labor comuiissiouer, has
filed a declaration of his candidacy 1
for the republican nomination for toe ,
office of labor commissioner. '
Insurance Comuiissiouer Harvey
Wells, In a statement issued, says the
10 per cent war tax on fire. Insur j
ance premiums will not be charged '
by Insurance companies operating In I
this state.
Vale chapter, American Ited Cross,
claims to have the champion knitter of
the state. Mrs. B. F. Parmer, chair
man of the knitting department, has
completed a sweater In eight hours and
42 minutes.
FOH HALF. Three-year-old Uelglan
mare colt. Address Christel
Ilurtmenn, Madras, Oregon. Near '
Juniper Springs. 1 8 1 3 p f
For ('omiiilKnliiiier
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the republican nomination for
commissioner of Crook County, sub
ject to the approval of the republic
an voters at the primaries to be
held May 17, 118.
FOH SALIC 80 acres land, lft
miles from town, under Irrigation
Project; hIbo span of good mures.
E. Wagoner, Prlnevllle', Ore. 18t4c
All persons owing Percy R. Smith
! are urged to call on me and settle
jor mull the amount due as I am at
i tending to this business while my
i son is in the service and wish to
j close all accounts immediately.
18tfc R. O. SMITH,
Now turn to the ClasUfled Ads on
page 8.
have the best quality of Canned
Goods, Bottled and Packed Goods
at prices as low as you are pay
ing for some brands of inferior
AND VEGETABLES--Peaches, Apples,
Prunes, Cherries, Rhubarb, Carrots, Spinach, 0010
Squash and Stringless Beans, per package LLlx)
Josfc Arrived A C
. Jl, l, ' " -,.. a
We Cam Deliver Yon 0
roe i ooay:
The Government has curtailed automobile production 30 per cent
and further reductions in output will probably follow! Also an
increase in price! Better Buy Now!
0 Factory
Inland Auto Co., Prineville, Oregon