CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL MARCH 14, 1918 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL BY GUY LAKOLLETTK Entered at the postofflce. at Prtnevllle, Oregon, socond-das natter. PCBLISHKD KVKBY THURSDAY Price 11.60 per year, payable trictly In advance. In case of change of address please notify ut at once, giving both old and new addresa. flits PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGI ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BLANCHES IN ALL THE FRINCIPAL CITIES WARNING! The State Council of Defense Is urging all farmers and others who will have need for repairs for har vesting machinery, to take the mat ter up with their local dealers at once, as the prospects of serious car shortages and other like difficulties are growing. Prineville merchants will care for your wants as quickly as anyone under normal conditions, but must first have your orders. The latest warning issued in this matter is as follows: "The railroad situation is critical. Local freight shipments are side tracked for weeks at a time. Ex press and mail service is being re ,1 This Is your Kegimeni of Marching Dollars WM4tsNgffMigfcgtttAigsBgl Because ike United States is at war. j Because the only safe road to Peace is Victory.' Because soldiers and sailors cannot win unless the every man, woman and child refrains from everything not absolutely necessary to health and efficiency, and thus releases labor for the pro duction of materials of war and the support of our army and navy. Because every pair of shoes, every suit of clothes, every hat, every suit of underwear, etc., not necessary, used by us at home, means one less pair of shoes, one less uniform, one less overcoat, one less muffler for our boys who are fighting to make our homes safe. The United States Government Offers You the Opportunity to Save and Serve You can buy a United States Thrift Stamp for 25 cents. A card is furnished on which to paste it Sixteen of these, plus a few cents cash will buy a War Savings Stamp. On January I, 1923, the United States Government will pay you $5,00 for each stamD oasted on a War Savings Certificate this is 4 compounded quarterly when the stamps I are WS.S. teusiniKMSTiMri MSOKO Wl TUlV TOOTED STATEf DOVEKKMENT duced to give way to movement of government supplies and troops. iy lays In the shipment of farm ma chinery and repair parts are bound to occur. "Even during a normal season It Is profitable foresight to place or ders for repair parts early. This Is not a normal season. The only solution Is immediate orders. Don't wait another day. Prepare now fur the coming season so that you will not be disappointed later on. 't)nlr repair parts early. Tut every machine in good work In or der now don't wait Delays may be eiwtly. "Take the time now before the rush starts to look over every ma chine that will be used this year. Make a list of the broken, worn or missing parts. Give this list to your dealer and Insist that he order them at onee. Delay may mean serious loss. "We should go Into the field this coming spring prepared for emer gencies. A machine wtth one part broken is often useless. The order Ing of repair parts now will reduce to a minimum the time lost in breakdowns. "It Is Imperative at the present time that every precaution possiblo be taken to lengthen the life of machinery. Raw materials are scarce, labor difficult to secure, and In addition to the domestic demands the American manufacturer must i supply our allies with farm Imple ments. "To put the production and use of machinery on a war tooting re quires unselfish co-operation on the part of manufacturers, dealers, and farmers. "We must take better care of our machinery. We must use our ma chinery more efficiently, reducing In every way possible the man labor required for , producing maximum crops. "We must anticipate our needs. ordering our new machines and re ' pair parts early before they are ' needed for Immediate use." ave Tffl It M wits - Wlhy ? held till January 1,1923. A simple and secure investment MW VIVUAiSI WWW I' W W Hcgm JOW Enlist our Dollars in your Country's Service THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE CROOK COUNTY BANK, PRINEVILLE, OREGON COMMISSION KB MSTKR The great slink country south and east of Prineville Is represented on the county court for the first time In many years. The Importance of this part of the county Is such that it should never again bo without r presenta tion. The proper administration of af fairs of the county Is only possible when the court Is made up of men who actually represent the diftVrcut Industries In the county. The deplorable condition of the Prlnevllle-raulina roads would never have been possible had this fact been considered In the past, and re gardless of the bad condition of the county's finances, will be corrected If men of the Lister typo are always elected on the board of commission ers. ' Mr. Lister has not announced his Intention to be a candidate to suc ceed himself, but no doubt could be Induced to do so. If he were assured the support a man of his ability should get. All-candidates for county offices must file their petitions before April 17, and It Is important that some good business man, some big man, be elected as commissioner, from the Paulina country. H. J. Lister fills every require ment, has made a good record thus fur In the office, and should be elected to succeed himself If he can be prevailed upon to accept the office. w. s. a. WAR (iARDKNS Your activity during the next thirty days will determine whether or not you will have a profitable garden this year. Proper selection of seed, prepara tion of ground and care in planting will spell success or failure of muny gardens. Now is the time to get busy. Pluu your war g;;rden today. WARS COST MONKY This table shows the approximate entire American people BQ " So J VU Tlllg IIIVIIU cost of the great history: Napoleonic Wars ....$ B.JBO, 000.000 Crimean War 1.700.000,000 American Civil War 8,000,000.000 Franco-Prussian War 3.600,000.000 South African War.. 1,260,000.000 Husso-Japauese War 2, 500,000,000 Great War, 1914-17 87,460,000,000 w. s. s. THE RED CROSS NURSES OF EUROPE ARE GIVING TOASTED CIGARETTES TO THE BOYS To anyone who doenn't know of the wonderful advances that have been made In the preparation of smoking tobaccos In the last few years it may sound strange to speak of toasted cigarettes. Strictly speaking, we should say ciga rettes made of toasted tobacco; the smok ers of this country will recognise It more readily by Its trade name. "LUCKY STRIKE "the toasted cigarette. The American Tobacco Company are producing millions of these toasted ciga rettes and these are being bought In enormous quantities through the various tobacco funds conducted by the news papers of the country and forwarded through the Red Cross Society to tha boys In France. . This new process of treating tobacco not only Improves the flavor of the tobacco but It seals in this flavor and makes the cigarette keep better. The Red Cross nurse Is slwsys glad to have a cigarette for tha wounded soldier, is in moat instances, that la the first tluug asked for. NOTICK Notice la hereby given, that partnership heretofore existing tween Addle 8. Kimble, E. the be W. Kindle and M. A. Black, aaaoclutcd In the operation of a gei.ernl Stock Ranch and General Merchandise lluslness at Meadow, Crook County, State of Oregon, was on tho twenty second day of August, 1917, by mu tual consent, dissolved, closed, and discontinued, and the undersigned j will not hereafter bo responsible for any debts or other obligations or acts contracted by, fur or on buhalf of said partnership. v Dated Feb. 28, 1918. litf.p M. A. BLACK. Because U. S. Bonds, War Savings Stamps and U. S. Thrift Stamps must be purchased by the people from money saved from their incomes every dollar spent for an unnecessary thing is a force for evil When that dollar buys labor and materials for equipping our army and navy it has a double force first it ceases to aid the enemy and second it is fighting for us in behalf of mankind. Be sure that your pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars are enlisted in the cause of your country. An idle dollar is a SLACKER dollar, but a dollar wasted in war time is a TRAITOR dollar. Because you should not let another day go by until you have actually given up some real thing for your country "until it hurts." yielding a good income on your POLITICAL ANNOl'NCEMKXT Political announcements run until after the primaries at tha flat rata of 1 10.00 each, payable In advance. Political mutter other than an nouncements, run at special adver tising rates, 16c per Inch for display mutter and 10c per line (or readers, and must be signed and murkod as paid mutter. For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of tha democratlQ vot ers at the primaries to ho hold May 17, 1918. JOHN WIC1LK. For Hhcilrt I heroby announce my candidacy tor the democratic nomination for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the domocratlo vot ers at tho primaries to be bold May 17. 1918. F A. ROWELL. For County Judge I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination tor the office of county Judge, subject to the approval of tha republican voters at the primary to be held May 17, 1918. COL. r. SMITH. For County Judge I hereby announce my candidacy for tho democratic nomination for the office of county Judge, subject to the approval of the democratic vot ers at tho primaries to bo held on May 17, 1918. N. 0. WALLACE. The Invention of a Maker man, R. G. Nelder, a German subject, designed to render Ineffective the attack of submarine on a ship,' has been ap- proved by O. II. Hancock of the naval j advisory board at Sun Francisco and the drawing and plans have been for I warded by him to the navy department ! and naval board at Washington. With few changes which he suggested, Mr. Hancock staled that the Invention would prove very efficient. money. When you do this, For U. S. Senator fit fc R. N. STANF1ELD Farmer, Stockman and Businessman A man who does tilings. Who lias accoiiiilllied something. Who knows how to work and get reaulla. Who knows Oregon's needs, re quirements and remturcea. Who lias the experience, knowl edge and liUNlnraa understanding. Who, aa a state legislator for al years, has already done much for Oregon. Whoae republicanism Is uiiine Honed and whoae ability tins been proven. (Paid Advertisement by Htanlleld Committee, Htanlleld, Ore.) For new and old stomach trouble use Adamsou'i Digest. Price 60c or six boxes for 82.60 postpaid to any address In the United Btatt.a of America. For salo by I). P. ADAMHON ft CO Prtnnvllln, Orugou you become an actively loyal