Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 07, 1918, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    MARCH 7, 1918
The City
Quisle DeLore la In today from
8. N. Morris wu In Tuesday from
Louts Miller was In from Suplee,
John Mulr was In Prlneville,
John Moslcr Is In the city today
from Fife.
R. B. Cross Is In the city today
from Held.
Lloyd Cantrlll left today to enlist
In the army.
W. Ferguson, of Bend, was In the
city Saturday.
O. King, of Roberts, was In the
city Saturday.
James Scott is in Prlneville today
trom Howard.
Harold Maker is in the city today
from Roberts.
Jack Twohy spent several days in
Bend this week.
Robert Wiled returned today from
San Francisco.
Paul Held was in the city yester
day from Held.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hinton were In
the city Monday.
Mrs. Robert Vasey returned from
Portland, Monday.
Jesse Allison, of Suplee, was In
the city Monday.
Claude Wilson was In the city
Tuesday from Fife.
Harry Hackleman is in the city
today trom Barnes.
W. J. Buckley, of Redmond, was
In the city Monday.
J. W. Demaris returned this morn
ing from Portland.
E. E. Laughlin, of Mitchell, was
in the city Tuesday.
Reuben Booten was In the city
yesterday from Post.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sum
ner, March 4, a son.
C. A. Stevenson was in the city
yesterday from Held.
Mrs. F. E. Gage is in the city this
week from Mitchell.
Grover Gerking was in the city
Friday from Tumalo.
J. F. Blanchard was in the city
yesterday from Culver.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Logan arrived
in Prlneville yesterday. j
' O. R. Nicely was in the city last
week-end from Paulina.
J. T. Hardy, of the O. T. R. R.,
Was in Prlneville the first of the
AAi?6VEie.iTE Clark
a-Tmet Amazon j f
Marguerite Clark
in the Amazons
Friday and Saturday; 10c, 25c
First show 7:30; Second Show 9:00
Monday and Tuesday
Wm. Duncan and Carol Holloway in
The Fighting Trail
The Most Marvelous Melodramic Serial
ever produced!
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gaither were
over from Bend, Friday.
0. H. Olson was a visitor In the
city Friday from Paulina.
Neat McKenite waa In the city
last week-end from Paulina.
J. O. Madden spent the week-end
In Prlneville from Redmond.
1. M. Mills, of Paulina, Is a busi
ness visitor in the city today.
E. T. Luthy, county commissioner,
is in the city attending court.
D. H. Peoples is a business visitor
In the city today from Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Bailey were In
the city Friday trom Roberts.
G. E. McClure and brother re
turned to The Dalles. Sunday.
G. C. Blake waa a visitor In Prtne
ville, Monday, from Mitchell.
E. B. Wsde, of Suplee, was a busi
ness visitor In the city, Monday.
Edward Mayer, of Post, was In
Prlneville several days this week.
E. Angell was a business visitor
In Prlneville, Monday trom Izee.
O. B. Gray was a business visitor
In Prineville yesterday from Post.
Arthur Wurzweiler is a visitor in
the city today from Powell Butte.
J. E. Roberts was a visitor in
Prlneville, Tuesday, from Roberts.
Chas. Z. Amden was in the city
the first of the week from Mitchell.
, 'John Kemmling was in the city
Tuesday from his ranch on McKay.
Z. M. Brown is a business visitor
in the city this week from Eugene.
Sid Rogers was a business visitor
in Prlneville yesterday from Barnes.
Vernon A. Forbes was in Prlne
ville, Tuesday afternoon from Bend.
Mrs. Wm. Arnold was a visitor in
the city Tuesday from Powell Butte.
Judge T. E. J. Duffy recently re
turned from a business trip to Port
land. H. H. Hawley and son, of Post,
were in the city the first of the
Wm. and Lloyd Wiltse were vis
itors in the city Tuesday from Rob
erts. Dr. Day returned Saturday from
Portland where he had been for a
C. A. Adams was a business vis
itor In the city Monday from Red
mond. W. W. Brown was in Prineville
yesterday from his ranch at Buck
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Severson are
leaving today for Scott's Bluff, Ne
braska. Mr. and Mrs. Severson have
spent the winter at the Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Williams were In
the 'city yesterday from Powell
H. J. Lister, county commissioner,
waa a business visitor In the city
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Houston were
business visitors In Prineville yes
terday. Alfred N. Chrlstenson .arrived In
the city yesterday from Moscow,
B. F. Johnson returned Saturday
from a business trip to Burns and
T. E. Prim-oil was a business vis
itor In Prlnevile, Saturdny from
Miss Belle Gilkey left recently for
Chicago after spending the winter
at Paulina.
E. C. Klnimel left Tuesday for
Spokane, Washington, where he will
remain Indefinitely.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Bogue at their ranch near
Prlneville, March 5.
R. L. Jordan went to Portland
Monday and will be there the re
mainder of the week.
Mrs. R. L. Jordan left Suturday
for Portland, and from there will go
to California for several weeks.
Mrs. E. D. Terrlll has been called
east because of the serious Illness of
her sister, Mrs. Carter.
Mrs. W. H. Carlin and daughter,
Mrs. Eva Noll were in the city last
week-end from Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McFarland
left this morning tor Portland and
will be away several days.
F. S. Hoffman was called to Cali
fornia recently because of the seri
ous illness of his mother.
Mrs. Harold Baldwin has returned
from Albany and Portland where she
has been visiting relatives.
Clarence Dlshman returned this
morning from a short business trip
to San Francisco and Palo Alto.
Frank Merrltt, of Meadow, Is 111
of pneumonia at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. J. 0. F. Anderson in this
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mackey left
Saturday for Portland where Mrs.
Mackey will receive medical treat
ment. There will be a social evening
given by the Ladles Annex next
Tuesday, March 12, at the club
A marriage license was Issued in
Bend, Monday, to George W. Beebe,
of Prineville, and Marguerite Ram
say ot iend.
Mrs. Jerome H. Fertlg entertained
the Monday Night Bridge Club this
week. Mrs. Blomgren received the
highest score.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Davenport re
turned from Portland Tuesday and
left the same day for their ranch
near Howard.
Mrs. J. E. Stewart, Mrs. J. W.
Carlson, Mrs. W. H. Belknap, Mrs.
E. J. Wilson and Dolly Hodges spent
Saturday in Bend.
Mrs. R. V. Randall returned last
Thursday from Eugene where she
had been as a delegate to the Btate
C. E. convention.
W. J. O'Neil is in the city this
week from Kansas City, Missouri,
and is visiting at the home of his
brother, Chas. O'Neil.
Mrs. J. F. Morris returned the
last of the week from Portland
where she was called because of the
illness of her son Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cram are in
the city this week from Gateway,
visiting Mrs. Cram's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Horigan.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Scates at Hay Creek, Februurj
27. Mrs. Scates was formerly Mil
dred Opal Rose of this city.
Mrs. Ada B. Millican presented
the Ladies Annex with a book, "The
Spirit of the Ages", recently. Mrs.
Millican gives a book every year to
this library.
! The "Munsnine Class ol tne Pres
I bytorian Sunday school presented
their teacher, Mrs. C. S. Edwards,
with a lovely bouquet of carnations
on her birthday.
I Albert Powers, field worker for
1 the Red CroHS, is la Prineville today.
; but will leave this afternoon. He
; was accompanied by Mrs. M. G. Fau
j bian of Bond.
j Mrs. Lida Bechtel entertained the
I Red Cross Bridge Club Monday aft
I ernoon. Mrs. A. Wise received the
i highest score. Mrs. M. R. Biggs re
i celved the highest score last week.
I The club will meet next week with
Mrs. Biggs.
j Daily, weekly and monthly papers
I and magazines are on file at the
1 Reading and Recreation Rooms of
j the Baptist Church. These rooms
i are open to the boys and young men
! of the community Monday and Frl
j day evenings.
Sunday services commencing with
Bible 8chool at 10 a. m. Preaching
at 11. The evening services begin
with Young People's society at 6:30,
preaching at 7:30. These services
re for the public as well as mem
bers and everybody la Invited to at
Rev. Dr. O C. Wright will speak
at the Baptist Church next Sunday
at 11 and 7:30.
Sunday school at 10. Young Peo- j
pie's meeting at 6:30. Bible study i
and meditation Wednesday evening. j
Study of Sunday school lesson and
discussion ot Sunday school work
Monday evenings.
The theme for Sunday morning
church service will be: "How Are
the Holy Scriptures Inspired?" j
The congregation will join with I
the Presbyterian people Sunday '
Devotional meeting at 6:30 and
the subject is: "The Voice of God
In the Life of Today."
Biblical material: Heh. 1:1, 2, 4, j
6. 7. j
All noiuilu ..tma vlh in at a n u
- aiwj tt vuiD i v it u u m an j
At the morning servte some as
poets of the question of the origin !
of man will be considered under the '
theme: "Men, Monkeys and Re
ligion." The Young People's meet- j
ing will be with the society of the i
Disciples church to hear reports!
from the state Y. P. 8. C. E. conven
tion. Evening worship at 7:30:
"Jesus on the Hillsides With the
Common People." Over forty pic
tures maps, charts, photographs,
and famous paintings are re pro- j
duced to make clear the relation ot j
Jesus to the men of that day. This
is the third in the series on the :
rises In the life of Jesus. Three
services follow. I
W. S. H. SIK'l lli
Double Value Given at I'imt to All
Who Buy llnketN
No point In Oregon can show
more originality, more of the proper
community spirit than Post.
Just now they are advertising a
basket social to be given there on
March 16. Ladles are to bring bas
kets, and every man who buys one
will be given the amount ot the
purchase price in War Savings
stamps, which means his money
back in Interest bearing government
bonds, besides getting the basket of
his choice.
Little Dorothy ChrlstianI, who
won a prize in the state contest for
school children by writing the best
essay on Food Conservation, received
her Shetland pony Tuesday.
The pony arrived on the train at
Redmond and was met there by
Dorothy and her father.
We offer an excellent line of Spring
Millinery, including all the latest
Styles and Designs!
New styles are forwarded promptly to us as they are designed in the
largest Eastern houses. Each hat has its individual characteristics.
We have one here for you. The little Watteau hat is one of the
latest creations, very much in vogue just at this time. We have
them in a wide variety.
OLLIA M. LEWIS, Proprietress
Easter March 31 this year! Shop Early!
Easily Quickly Convtnienlly Safely Economically
for big cars too Black and five Colors
J. E. Stewart
('Indian Veteran Who Spoke Hern
Now Commnmler t HooplliU
Major Edwards, who was one of
the party of Canadian speakers who
visited Prineville a few weeks ago,
wtis given command of ths Itesl
baven Military Convalescent Hos
pital at Sidney. B. C, where uiuny
wounded Canadiun soldiers are be
ing cared for, upon his return to
He also received the Uussliin dec
oration ot the order ot 81. Stanis
laus, which was won by bravery lu
Meeting Tomorrow Will lie At The
Prlneville H.Kcl
A large number of men attended
the . luncheon held Friday at the
Methodist hunh. '
A report was made by Chairman i
Williamson of the Armenian Relief,
committee to the effect that the
work Is well In hand. !
Paul C. Garrison submitted his
plans for the soldiers memorial fund
and J. R. Myers spoke briefly of the
new Powell Butte Irrigation district.
The luncheon tomorrow Is at the
Prlneville Hotel.
Avernue Tcitiperuture II lull
Storm Light For Period
February was a very warm month
considering the location on the cal
endar. The warmest day was February 9,
when the maximum temperature
reached 65 above. The average
maximum temperature for the
month was about 47 degree.
The coldest night was on the 13th
which reached 11 degrees above
The last half of the month was
colder than the first, and the aver
ago minimum temperature was
about 30 degrees.
Precipitation for the month to
taled .88 of an Inch, the greatest
amount In any twenty-four hours
being .24 of an inch.
& Company
lU-gular Monthly Meeting of lllr
( Amirs Tuediy Afternoon
At ths regular monthly meeting
of the Ladles Annex held Tuesday
afternoon It was voted to buy an
other 11 00 Liberty llond. The lad
les also gave $6 to the Armenian
DANt'K NKTS '!l.n
1'und Turned Over lo lxal Itoii
Ohm full For Their t e
The dance given at the McCord
hall on McKay. Saturday evening
was attended by about 100 people.
The event netted 121.121 which
was turned over to the local Red
Cross chapter.
To dress correctly your
clcUhei should be
IMtlVIDl'AI.ITY l I lie
keynote of gixxl dresxlng
We tailor garments at prac
tlrully I lie mtme price of a
read) made but give )nu
superior garment In every
See our complete line
of Suits, Coats, Dresses
and Skirts. 65 fashions
and 250 fabrics
Your Tailor