CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL MARCH 7, 1918 IVIEAT TASTES BETTER COOKED And tobacco now tastes much better toasted. You'll know this when you smoke the imous Lucky Strike cigarette, the real Burley cigarette. Atoastedy It's toasted to develop and seal in the Burley tobacco flavor. ft Guaranteed y Wall Paper! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY A Remarkable Invention It U no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. Thil little device, If carried In bis tool-box, multiplies bis power by 73, and makes him independent of road conditions. If bis auto sticks In tbe mud, skids Into a ditch or overturns, be can right it in 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes in the ground, attaching PULL-U-OUT to them and to tbe auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground and out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead weirht, or pulls 50 tons on wheels; yet Its shipping weight 1 only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x14 inches. Automobiles repaired and Fords Mended R. V. RANDALL ALL CABINET WORK MADE IJi MY OWN SHOP WITH MACHINERY Shop on East Sixth Street PRINEVILLE, OREGON CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL BY UlY LAKOLLKTTB "Entered at th postomc at Prineville, Oregon, as second-class matter. PtlUISIlKl) EVKKY THl" RSIIAY Prio 11.60 per year, payable itrlctly In advance. In case of change of address please notify us at once, giving both old and new address. MIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE OCNERAL OFFICES! NEW YORK AND CHICAGO MANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES j IKVT TALK T(H MK'H Finding that Oregon communities are being fed up on falsehoods o! various kinds, that the people here as elsewhere are ropoatlng these stories for truth and are thus creat ing a morale that Is Injurious to the cause which brought the United States to declare war on Germany, the administration at Washington Is asking the people of this state to refrain from passing judgment on the way the war is being won, or from saying and doing things that will destroy confidence. A favorite story Is to the effeet that food and supplies gathered and sent forward to soldiers are being diverted, that articles are being sold and the money not accounted for. AH such statements may bu branded as false.' In Portland more than 20 such rumors have been traced down and found to be unfounded. They were probably started by German agents. Don't believe rumors that are peddled about surrepticiously. All war news will be given out at Washington. Don't talk too much auyway. o W. 8. 8. There is no questioning the fact that the united States has been the most wasteful nation in the world. Waste habits, or thrift habits, like most other habits, are acquired. Unconsciously we do the things we did last year and the year before. Old men live with their minds In many respects fixed much as they were In their youth. The War Savings Stamp campaign is already producing a very excellent result In that the children of the na tion are getting a lesson In thrift that is much better than they ever received before, and patriotism Is a valuable element at this time also. We believe that the campaign will gain momentum each month throughout the year, and that it would be well to continue the plan of thrift stamps after the war, In stead of the poBtal savings banks, or in connection with them. MIKE TRAPMAN Home Builder and Cabinet Maker -w-s-s- POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Political announcements run until after the primaries at the flat rate of $10.00 each, payable in advance. Political matter other than an nouncements, run, at special adver tising rates, 25c per Inch for display matter and 10c per line for readers, and must be signed and marked as paid matter. For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the democratic vot ers at the primaries to he held May 17, 1918. JOHN WIGLE. The Carload of TO) 0 H A which we advertised last week Has Arrived. Three of these have been de livered; two are yet unsold! A carload of Republic Trucks and a car load of the New Case Tractors also en route to us! , INLAND AUTO CO. PRINEVILLE, OREGON SEEDS 0-. i a (jiurtcr ccnlury jr v- . at the recognized "Buckeye" T T7 an4 Brt,Jr on HEADQUARTERS Pun.ond .,1 thr nrllmol .1 our Poultry Kood. j V'1' i' v;'9 ir. wc ! crtjlr.f. . ' VW V'-""J; .. fr - t90 i 1 TYPEWRITER Bmlth Premier In good condition for sale cheap. See It at the Journal office. 38tfO Home Hospital Under New Management Thoroughly sanitary in every respect; Modern operating room and modern equipment. Visiting hours, 2 to 4; Visitors Sundays, 2 to 4. MRS. K. E. WARNER, Prop. For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the democratic vot ers at the primaries to be held May 17, 1918. F. A. ROWELL. For County Judge I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for the office of county judge, subject to the approval of the republican voters at the primary to be held May 17, 1918. COL. F. SMITH. Classified Ads save steps and worry. For ' new and old stomach trouble use Adamson'a Dlgesteze. Price 60c or six boxes for $2.60 postpaid to any address in the United States of America. For sale by D. P. ADAMSON ft CO Prineville, Oregon Idaho National Harvester - . ' ' ' ! ' ! . r .' v ' ,, L , -'., i .-- I I 4 V. Z. Uranstfltter, Madras, Oregon. Madras, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1917. Idaho National Harvester Co., Moscow, Idaho. Gentlemen: In regard to harvester. We cut 280 acres, had very little trouble outside of a few chains broken. Did good work, handled nicely with eight horses. 1 Both horses and machine came through In good shape. Machine shows very little wear after season's run. Respectfully, V. Z. BRANSTETTER. Wm. ENDICOTT, Agent, Madras, Oregon Idaho National Harvester Company Limited, Moscow, Idaho. iiin.j.miwi.nini