PAGE 8 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL FEBRUARY 28, 1918 FIFE PEOPLE IN AC- BARXKS MAX IS INJt Kt'.l) HOItSK r Al.l.lMi ON HIM T BY OUTLOOK FOR HAY CROP POOR little hill near Fife the steering rod broke making the car unmanageable but fortunately no one waa hurt. Kdgar Powell, of Hampton ltulte. j spent one day last week at the ti. I. I ranch. f Mr. Herman Haas apent the week-end at the Kil Street home. Johnnie Moaler, who was in need of medical attention, left for town the latter part of the week. The Kerbow children Btarted to school again Monday. Mrs. Lydia Smith is on the sick list at this writing. John Handy is helping feed cattle at the Dixon ranch at present. Parents Visit Terrebonne School and Roe Students lluxy at lleguUr j Kill CroKS Work BARNES ITEMS By our Regular Correspondent) FIFE ITEMS (By our Regular Correspondent) Last Sunday as Mrs. Hubbard and Mrs. Collins were leaving Fife post dice, they accidentally drove into the hitching rack. This frightened the horses causing them to break loose from the rig and run away leaving the ladies and several small children in the wagon unhurt. Word has been received that Mr. King is again in the Burns hospital. Claude Wilson has been spending a few days at the G. I. ranch, riding ! for horses. 1 Chas. Morris went through the valley with a hunch of cows and calves on his way to Beaver Creek. C. C. Birdsong is working for F. A. Hackleman. Harry Hackleman has Just re turned from Prineville where he spent some time visiting. Shortly after his return he had the misfor tune of having a horse fall on him, bruising his foot so he is unable to walk. Orville Evert and wife from Ad die, Wash., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Evert of this place. A turkey supper was served at the Ninety-Six ranch last Thursday evening, and, an enjoyable time was reported by the guests. The farmers are not expecting very heavy yields of meadow hay the coming season, on account of lack of snow In the mountain t "rcM-eiit linking Powder Ithen )ou a mrtmtf, Mead) raise when other talking powder tile out after one effort. It's the double action, IKKSCKXT MrtJ. tX)., SKATTl.K, WASH. Your grocer ella It 25c ' (B-1S2) CRESCENT Double Acting Baking Powder POST ITEMS I By our Regular Correspondent.) Several car loads of people from t There is no snow at all in the low- Buck Creek attended the Silver Creek dance Friday night. Those going from here were Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, Misa Inez Short, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pausch, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Balfour, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balfour, Wesley Street, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Street, Johnnie McEachern and Mrs. Haas. Roy Douglas called at Werner's en Sunday. John McEachern has been sick tor several days. W. W. Brown spent Tuesday night at Fife. Stanley Balfour is home for a few days. Earl Chapman narrowly escaped serious accident while coming iome from Silver Creek, Saturday Homing. He had been driving about 40 miles an hour most of the way, and as he started up a steep hills and valleys and the green grass is as far advanced as it usually is in April. Marry Barnes lost a nice work mare last week. Arthur Evert went to Prineville to do some work on his ranch at that place. T. T. Armstrong went to Prine ville last week. Mrs. S. L. Boynton is at the post office this week taking care of her daughter who is sick at that place. George Tackman and wife and sister attended the dance at Buck Creek last Friday. Lewis Stanclift went to Paulina on business recently. Ira Cox is drilling a well on his ranch at the Barnes postofnee. Mr. McFarland and Max Gross were callers on the Creek, Friday. Chas. Birdsong is feeding for Parrish who went to Prineville on business the middle of the week. TERREBONNE NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent WHEN IN BEND STOP AT PILOT BUTTE INN Central Oregon's Finest Hotel! Built for YOU, Operated for YOU Prices made for YOU! Why not Enjoy it? Others Do! WALLACE C. BIRDSALL, Mgr. BIG DANCE At McCord Hall Saturday, Mar. 2 Good music, good management and a good time assured to all. Everybody come out for a good time. Don't forget the date! Bring lunch and dance late. We will not sell any num bers but take up a collection for the Red Cross. Given by W.B. SMITH and FRANK HINDERMAN Two carloads of cattle were ship ped to the Portland market Satur day from this place. A. E. Dyer shipped a carload of wood to .Madias. Saturday. Quite a number of Terrebonne people attended the sale at the Par sons ranch last Thursday. Mr. Par sons and family will leave for their new home in Montana, this week. A large crowd enjoyed the social dance at Powell Butte Community Hall, Friday night. Miss Mildred Miller has returned to school after a week's absence on account of tonsilitis. A new phone has been Installed in the Terrebonne school this week. A pleasant reception waa given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall, Friday evening In honor of Mrs. Hall's brother, Raymond El liott, of Seattle. Wash. ! A large number of parents visited school Friday, Feb. 22. As the day marked the close of enrollment week for the Junior Red Cross and the National Week of Song, both were observed in a novel manner. For an hour the visitors passed from room to room observing the pupils at regular Red Cross work. This work the children did to the satisfaction and admiration of all. In the primary room they were snip ping scraps for comfort pillows and stringing gun wipes; In the inter mediate grades they were measuring and cutting gun wipes and knitting wash cloths and squares for com forters. The grammar and high scnoot gins were knitting squares, wristlets and sweaters, and the boys in the manual training room were making coat hangers and checker boards for the soldiers. After re cess pupils and visitors joined In a Community Sing, conducted by Miss Dietrich, the music teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond, who have been visiting at Athnua, returned home Saturday, Mr. McLean whs In Prlneviln last week on business. IMtrtch Cordcs made a business trip to Prineville the lust of the week. Mrs. flunter and Mrs. Stover spent the day with Mrs. Raymond on Tuesday. Herbert Cook and mother and Mrs. Abbott, of Canant llasln, were Post visitors Saturday. Ben Hlney was called to Prine ville on the 20th to take the physi cal examination for the army. O. C. Gray brought 300 head of rattle home to the ranch on Tues day. He has been feeding them near Prineville. Hattle and Florence Henry spent the week-end with Mrs. Nora Smead and Uernlce McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and Florence Henry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Miss Hansen. Wednes day evening. O. II. Gray brought S00 head of yearlings down to the Roy Gray ranch on Wednesday to feed up the balance of his hay on this place. The social event of the season was the surprise party given Mrs. Norton, Saturday night In honor of her birthday. Those present were Mr. oud Mrs. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Huyes. Mr. and Mrs. Newsom. Miss Hansen, Wm. Snoderly. Wm. Post. George Cannon and J. W. Johnson. The evening was spent with games audi music. At 12 o'clock Ice cream, cake and coffee were served, after' which the guests took their deimr-! ture. wishing the hostess many hap py returns of the day. $3,50 WATER RATE FOR WHEAT MADE Portland. Ore. For wheatgrowers of the Pacific northwest, afier long contention for the Justice of a price on parity w ith Chicago, there is grati fying assurance in an official message from Herbert Hoover, received by W. B. Ayer, federal food administrator for Oregon, which definitely an nounces the establishment of a $3.50 water rate from Portland to New York, and an approximate parity price. Apparent disparity between the basic price of $2.05 for Pacific coast wheat, recently decreed by proclama tion of the president, and Identical with that fixed last year, will be set aside by the shipping board's agree ment to carry northwestern wheat In government vessels at the $3.60 rate, which automatically Insures growers a basic compensation of approximately $2.18 per bushel. The Fighting Trail. MILL CREEK NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent.) moved ranch he has J. F. Blanchard, of Culver his cattle to J. J. Johnson's one day last week, where purchased hay. Mr. and Mrs. James Fuller went to town the first of the week on business. Oscar Payne, of Prineville, Is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Price and G. C. Price motored to town Monday afternoon. Mrs. I. M. Blevens, of - Howard, called at Mrs. Lawson's home last week. Mr. Cowels went to Portland tost week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard and child ren spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Calavan. HAT ROCK NEWS" (By our Regular Correspondent.) The snow Is melting fast In this neighborhood. School started again in this dis trict last Thursday. Miss Helen Ogden is the new teacher. The children were all anxious and ready for school work again. Mr. Becker returned from Mill Creek last Friday with a load of hay. Thurman Moffltt is hauling straw from Mr. Hopper's and is feeding his cattle on the Biggs place which he has rented. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR 8ALK OF TRAPK Shire "im ported Htallfon. Will sell or trtulH for other Block. Also on a Jack 8 yoars old, weight 1150, for huIm or trade. This Jack will be guaran teed. Ilia colts can be seen at my ranch at Powell Butte. Cull or phone Rural 178. L. S. Mines 1614c CATTLE FOR SALE 6 heifers, two years old In spring, 4 cows; all bred. Roan Durham bull. Price $50 a head. Address or see John Skeen, Powell Butte, Ore. 16Up of Order Appointing Day For Settlement Final Account of Administrator d. b. i IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THK STATE OF ORKOON FOR CROOK COUNTY: In the Matter of the Ftate of John W. White, Deceased. L. D. Wiest, aa Administrator d. b, n. of the Estate of John W. White, Deceased. hav inn rendered and presented for aett lenient and filed in thia Court hia final account and petition for discharge, IT IS ORDKKKI); That Saturday the 80th day of March, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M , at the County Court room, in the Court House at Prineville, Oregon, be and the mime ia hereby appointed an the time and place for the settlement of said uccount ; and that notice of aaid settlement be published in the Crook County Journal, a newspaper published in Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, aa often aa once a wek for four successive weeks prior to said date of settlement. Dated this 27th day of February, 11118. N. G, WALLACE, 16t4c County Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the un dersigned, the Administratrix of the Eritate of Charles A. Ivy, Deceased, to all creditors of said deceased, and to all persons having; claims against said hstate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the under- signed at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prine ville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. 'ated the 2 1st day of February, 11S. SARAH SNODERLY, Administratrix of the Estate of 16t5c Charles A. Ivy, Deceased, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Not Coal Land Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. February 23, 1918. Notice la hereby given that JAMES BEOLKTTO. of Post, Oregon, who, on February 13, 1913 and Amended November 17, 1915, made Homestead Entry. No. 011866. for NWW NWy4, Section 11, E NE'i, N& 8. RWy4 SW4, Section 10, Township 17, South, Range 18, East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bec-htell, United States Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 15th day of April, 1918. Claimant namea aa witnesses: Clarence H. Cook, of Post. Oreiron. Robert Demaris, of Post, Oregon, Hilmer W. Fair- child, of Prineville, Oregon, Edwin A. Ab bott, of Post, Oregon. H. FKANK WUUDCOCK, Insist, Demand Get Monogram Brand! Ihn your motor itrottn mid knock INi illrty pliiK tit" you a nhix'k Thou un MOMKill l A II HMII.K. Ii'ii thn motor' I In Ik iloHor I'uU tin y. T. on the kiMH'ki'r Juat try MONX;ilM A S I) HMII.K. It mnkra your motor run no iiilt Ilonrat, Friend you ought to try It Ortlcr MOMOTillAM AM) HMII.K. Onri you place It In your nu ll will lake you twice aa far Now aay MONOUIIAM AM) HMII.K. Have your motor from aliUMi Hut aay Man, what 'a the Uoe Juat t-ll 'em M0NH;IUM AM) HMII.K. It'a the nil that hi'loa your motor Now iloii't you think you ouKhlVr 1'm JUNt MOMK.KAM AM) HMII.K. Lakin Hardware "Where it pays to trade" Just .Received! A fine assortment of HAIR BRUSHES, CLOTH AND HAT BRUSHES Also the Finest Esmeralda Combs D. P. Adamson & Co. Druggists Save Money Cut the High Cost of Living by Trading at This Store! SHOES! SHOES! My stock of Shoes is complete; qual ity the best; prices the lowest! Homer Norton POST, OREGON 1 16t5c Register.