FEBRUARY 7. 1919 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 7 1916 DELINQUENT TAX FOR CROOK COUNTY Tiih kataaie d.llna.nl Orlofcer I, lilt. Stale til Oreaon, tVninty f Cima, as, Noilee la hereby lven that on anil after April Und, lum. I will ull la In II ml ff twin to apply for II eeme, delinquent Ul ctrlinratna on any or all of the fulloarlna; dfarrllwd proiierty. whlrh Ul la lha delin quent las on Ih sama fur lha (or I Ul V, and with lha amount of tha lal, iienelty, Interest, aad llw 'I of pulIUhln lhl nulire. anil aald purrhaarr of dallimuanl la rertlflretee Ut par all other delinquent laiaa. If any, at ih tim of nurrtiMjilritf aatd rarttflrataa. and I hrrrhy eerllfy thai aald tartlllralaa shall M. A. Unman. W NW, WH W. Haa. 4, Tp. 14, Sana 14 t.U M. T Lammona. BWI4 NW4. NW 8W, Km. I, Tu 11, Kanaa it; Sh'.,, 8WV.. i. Tp. HI, Kama tl .... I.K W. A. I.lnrola, UK1,. HW', Hr.' HI.', hW', Mac. It, 'iu. 1.1, Ua. I 10 00 Henry l.ln.ter, HW NR'i. Bee. 4. Tp. i, kanaa 14 jamaa I.U.I... 8V NK'.,, NK HW' NW'4 HK' Haa. V: Tp. 14, Km. W. II Mum. H'll. Her. 7, Tp. III. Kanee l K. T. I.ulhy, V. HW NW'.,, Hn-. W. 111. IH. Kanaa 17 I HW'i HW4, 8e. 21, Tp. IH, kanaa IV I 11.20 11.24 N K '4 HKS. r.l NKH, Haa. 211, Tp. IH. kan 17 i HW KW'j. Hac. IH, Tp. IH, kanaa 17 1 HKV, HKV, See. 17, Tp. IH, kanaa 17 ... Clinton Mallory, tlW'4. See. U, Tp. 14. kanaa 14 Krnaal Martin. NW'j, gar. 24. Tp. It, Kanaa III - Julius Martin. N4 HW' UK' W', US NKV,, nar 17, I p. I n. HK. 21 24.7V 4 ll .. MM redeemed and If mil ikWi"I In Ihraa yaare thai lha hulder cil aald dellmiuent la rem f.ata may forarloaa tha aama aa II rat llan tin lha uruoerty. Name Dearrlptlon Amount Hanry Alhara, all bar. It, Tp. It, He 2i NW',i, 84 NE'A, l 8. M, Tp. IH. kanaa M U.M W. K. Allan NK'-, HKV,, and Smith 0 irna 01 nr.' nr.', nee. ia, ip. Haniia 1ft - 1. K, Ayrork. Wli NWV4. See. l NKV,. V. NWIi, Baa. M, Tp. U, Ranaa I .......... ...... 1 II. llama.. W, HW. IW, ! f, KKW. Haa. Ij K.4 NK'. NK.W8KV,. Haa. Il NW NW. gee. . Tp. la, Ranaa 21 ftarah K. Harnett. 8WI4, Sec. I. Tp. It. kanaa 14 .. ..... E. r. Hataon. NV, NWIi, Bac, 10, Tp. II, kanaa U - - A. II. Hall, all Haa. t; all Haa. 7, Tp. It, Kanaa It - 7- J . Ilo.man, H4 Haa. it, Tp. II, RnHa 14 .- t. M. Iloyla, HKI4 HW',,. Haa. 20 i IWU NWIi, Haa. 2, Tp. It. ka. It u V llr.,1.. KU NK'. MWV NK,'i, NK.l HKI4. Haa. , Tp. 14, Hi. It 21.44 I Mary II, llrown. K'4 NW, wv NKU,. Hat. Hi. Tp. I. ka. 14 draw It iiarrant InlaMI until lha aama ara Arrhla Maaon, HW, HKVi Hae, I.St 1141 21.21 1124 IM l.97 14.42 t.4t 12. Tp. II. kanaa 20 1. II. Malhrny, NKV, HKV,, Hae. II; W4 NWV,. W'. Hae. 12, Tp. II. kanaa 14 frank Manafaa, SW HW'4. BWH NWU, Haa. II, Tp. II. Kanaa It .. I. H. Maaalnaar VM, N 'tj H, Mac. 21, 21.21 44.14 1.40 24.22 aet. J lu.ll. all Hra. . Tp. It. HI. " (.an II. ( arnar. HW, Hac. at. I p. I, Kanaa I ... . ... .. .. C M Charlton. H'j HW'. Haa. 2: ti'M NWU. Haa, II. Tti It. Hit. 14 tla M Charlton. HWV, NKW. N'4 UK.,, HW( HK', Hae. U, Tp. II, Kanaa 14 K J. Chlnaraw, H' NW'4. Nl It, Ka it H. 14, Tp. Haa. 2. In Y J. Chfitanaan, IV, kanaa IV . J J C.ttalt, NW'(, HK'-i HW.',. 8K' Haa. 12: N'd NW'4. HWVi NWi.,, HWl,,, haa. 14. Tp. It. kanaa II . A H. Collin., NKV, NK',,, HS Nr.'.,. Haa, J. Tp. I. Kanaa IH J.roh II C.k. NW'., HK'-.. ' NK',, NK'-, Hr". . Hav. SI NW',. HW', UK1,, Har. 4 i NK'i NW',.. H' NW',. NW',, HW',. Haa St, Tp. It. Il.naa 20 : HWL, NK',,, H', NW".,, NK1,, HW', Hac. 2. Ip. I. kanaa 2'l 0 C. lorhln. HW, NWV,. Haa. It, Tp It. kanaa It ... H KH O-a. HK'4 NW',,. HWV, NKI,. NK', HW',,. NW' HKVi, Haa. . Tp. It. kanaa It II Karl (roaa. HK', HWV,. Hae. 14, Tp. 14. kanaa II . j.maa N. Culvar, HS. Hae. i. Tp. It. Naliir'lanlala." HK'i SWIiJ HaaT j! NK'i NWW. HWf, NKI. NWV4 HK', Har, II. Tt H, kanaa It .... Maud A. I'.U. Wli NB' NKV, HWVi. NWVi HKVi. H. 10. Tp. It. Mr.")."l. "ka'C" K Hi" N K 14.' NK Vi HKVi. Haa. 10. Tp. I", kanaa 21 . Jn. IMor. rt WV, NWW, NV, BWVi, Bae. 12, Tp. 14. kanaa It Sam I II. Kllla. 8 HKV,, H". 20: WVi HW Vi, Hae. 21, Tp. It, Kama II... Willi. 2. K..na. WVk NWVi NK4 NWV,. NW'4 NK'i, Hae. 2H : WV, HKV,. 8V, NKVt. Bae. 21. Tp. l. Ranaa It Tp. 14. kanaa 14 Rlehard Maaara Kat., NKV, Hae. 22, Tp. II, kanaa 14 II. 41 Krbtlna Millar, UU 1-2-J-t, Hae. I, Tp. It, kanaa 14 rioyd Millar, NWVi. Hae. 12, Tp. 14. kanaa It L. M. Millar and Co.. Iiareal 120(110 ft., Haa. 14, Tp. 1, kanaa 2 ... John Mllllnrn. NWVi NKVi, H'i NKV,. HK'4 NWV,, 8ae. 22. Tp. IH, ka It 1. M Montaomarr. H 84. KKV, NWVi. HWVt NK4. Bae. 24, Tp. 14, Hange 14 .... Claoraa Miaira. K'4 HW, W'4 HKVi, Bar. 22. Tp. 17, Kanaa It . A. 1). Morr.ll, HK'4, Hae. 22, Tp. It, Hanaa 14 , Clifford Morriaon, NWV, NW',, Bae. li NK', NK',, Hae. 14. Tp. It, Kanaa 21 ., Van M. Morw NW', HK'4. H'A HKVi, Hae. t; NKV, NK'4, Hae. , Tp. It, . Kama It .. ZtOt'Mlnnla Moalar, HWV, NK'4. K'4 NW'4, NKVi HWV, Hae. IV. Tp. It, kanaa 21 J. K Mr.ra. NWi, NWV,. HVi NW14. NW'i HW'4, Haa. 4. tp. It. Ka. It Hli-hard K. Myara, NK',, Haa. 12, Tp. 21. Kanaa 24 I. rrad M-yera. NW', NK' NK'4 NW'4, H' NWV. Hae. 22, Tp. 21, kanaa 24 .... IO0'K.lalla N. MrCormlrk. NWU SW',, HU SW'.. HWV HK'4. Hac. 10. Tp. tl-M It. Hanaa l J. W. M.Kay, KVi, Hae. It, Tp. 17, Kanaa It John I. Nalaon. BVt HW'... KW'4 4l.t0 NW'4. NW', HWVi. Hac. 2H, Tp. 14, 1 kanaa II . Hit, Muhel Norvar, N' NKV,, Haa. 14, Tp. . It, kanaa It ... (i. I. raiiil.rton, South 20 aaraa of HKVi NKV,. Hae. It. Tp. If., K. I IVV.12 11.21 It.U 1.01 40. M 17.01 II. 10 t.tv 48,00 ll.tt 20.11 14.11 It 14 2H.2I 22.14 Oarar C. Hyde, Ixrta -l 9-1 1-12. Blk. It W. II. Wlrtl, K'i of UH , H'oaa II) tM I". Hloak 12 Nora Millar, undlaldad one-half In- Uraal UH 7-, Hloak 14 .. . Prlnarllla fifth Add U PaUraon. 1oU 4-t-t, Hloak 2 Ilruaa llalfour, I "la IU-II-I2. Hloak I Chaa. Altaahul, l'l H'-ll. Hl.k 4 ... W .rran Kno, Ul 7, Illoak 7 Valnra K. White, aA 1, Hloak 1 Chaa. Altaahul, Lota 10-I1-I2, Hloak Julia K kaouwy, yu B-V-I0-1 1-12, Hloak 10 Ntwaaal let Add. Chaa. I'r.wt, l.l. la-ll. HIKk 12 W. J. Hin.lwr, M 12, Hloak 12 Jahneoa a Hull, Unknown, IxH 2, Hloak 2 Nahlt'a Add. Unknown, UU 21-22-29-24. Hloak I W. b. JaaoU, lila 1-2-1, lllo. k t Or,, and Wee. Add. Wa.le Hu.(.,n, l,U 1,2.2,4,1.1, Hloak I W. H. Thomaa, Lot I, Hloak 11 Ilavld Culhlrt, Uit 1, Hloak 12 - Una K. Whituk.r, U.l 7, Hlia-k 12... N. W. T. Ce. lat Add. N. W. Town.lt. Co., Lot I, lllork I... Laura, H. Htch, UH 1, lllKk t Ilalar Grant, IM t, Hloak t Jamaa K. Woodmanae, t. lllork t J. II. Uutaenherry. Urt 10, Hlotk U. Traet Adjeln. Newaeai fMU BonUa, Lot 4 Mary Kauaht, Lot 7 . liau. Millar, KM, UA It H. W. Wrlahl, Ia. IH t.10 H. H. llalfour, UH 42 t it E. O. Hyda, Lot 14 I4.4V KabarU Unknown, Lota 1-2. Block I Jania Hlndarman, Lot I, Hloek t Unknown, LoU 1-2, Hloek t Paulina CI. P. Ia, Lota 1-2, Block 1 Kva Millar, Lota 1-4-t-t. Hloak 1 Ilea. Koba, LoU 1-2-1-4, Hloak t John Kaulknar, Lola 1-2, Block $ . Unknown, Lot 4, Block I Kva Millar, Lota 6-t, Block I Pauline, Altachnl'l Add. Ida Moalar, Lot 7, Hloak I Tha above 01. not Include any pereonal piofiarty. Alao the amounta slvao a how only orialnal tax and doaa not includa penalty and Intoraat. Partiaa wiihlnff to pay ara requeatad to Arvt wrlta for etatatnant. Anyone cUlmlng an error. In advertleinc will plrjuw notify Hherifl a olllia. E. B. KNOX, Ultp Hheriff. II Jl 14.4V 7.11 t.7V .It I. HI 1 til 4.V 14.04 14 14 20.44 1.44 142 12.20 It. HI 2.44 2 12 2.44 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.13 lot .12 III .62 1.21 2V.V2 lt.22 t.lt .88 l.0 .ll UMMONI , v 11 THE CIRnJIT COURT Of THE 8TAT1 Of OKKiON FOR CKOOK COUNTY CentraJ Orcon Irrlaatlon Crmpany, aof po ration. Plalntitf. va. Ira A. Johnaon, flafandant. To lrm A. Johnaon, the above named da fandant, flKKKTINfiH: IN THE NAME OK THE STATE Of OKKGON Voa ara barahy required to apiar and anawer tha complaint filed In the above en titled ault Mainat you on or before February Kith, IVIt and If you fail la ao appear and anawer or otherwtee plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tha above named 1 Court for a decree, aa prayed foy in the eompiaint nieo nerein, namely tnat rim aur render one certain contract. In aald eom piaint deeeribed, made and entered Into on the 2Hth day of Auiruat, 111 with the Cen tral Oreiron Irrlaation Company, a corpora tion for watar rivht and releaae of Lien to tha Houtheaat Quarter of the Northeaat Quarter of Baatlon It, Townahip It south, of Kanaa 14 K. W. M for cancellation and that the aama be cancelled, forfeited and de clared void, and that Ira A. Johnaon and all peraona claiminir or to claim by, throuah or under him be forever debarred and enjoined from aaeertlne; any claim or riirht whatever under aald contract or tha water riant appurtenant thereto, that tha plaintiff have ka eoate and diaburaementa of thla auit and urn other and further relief na to thla Court may aeem moat and equitable la the premiaee. Thla Bummona la nubllaned pursuant to an order of the above named Court mad ao to do and entered on the 24th day of LNaeembtr, 117. MAX A. CUNNING. Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. , HeeldinK at Redmond, O rearm. Date of First Publication January lrd.,1911. t7e NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION United Htatas Ijtnd OlHre. Tha Dalles. Ore. It HI I (on, January 16, 1UIM. Notire la hereby alven that on the 11th " day of January, 1UIH, tha koxara-You mans r Hamuton. Orairon. 1 Lumlier Comiwny, whose post Ulrica address 1 H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 1 ia Minnaaiiolla, Minnesota, filed in thia ollli e jotoe Heniater. 11a appiiiaiion 10 scieci, unuer tne provisions NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S- Land Oflke at Tha Dal lea, Orenon. January 14th, 1I1S. Notice la hereby riven that CLAkKNCE M. CULOV80N. of Dry Lake, Oregon, wTto, on Feltniary 14th, 1VI1, made Homeatead Entry, No. 011282, for E'4 BK, NWVi HE, NKVi SWVi. BVi NKVi. Bee. IV i BVi NWVi. Section 20, Town ship 20-Bouth, Kanife 21-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tha land abova described, before Elmer M. Peck. U. B. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on tha 23rd day of February, 1V1H. Claimant names aa witneaaea: J. O. Wilson. C. A. Ivy. Lewis Bennett, all of Dry Lake, Oregon, Chaa. A. Mr Una, ! 1 of the Ai t of Connreas of June 24. 1VI4 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ! 1 an btat. raice sail the following ueecriuea ACCOUNT. ianda, "-wil: ,N Tjjg COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE a a ni l r'i uuf ! ' OK OHMJON FOR CKOOK COUNTY S3, t. llf. r. 2. iV iV 8'4 of NEVi. S'4 ta.th ,ht E"UU ' Kubrt 8im of NWV,, HKV,. , N(,tice is HEREBY GIVEN, bv the on.! 4. 5. 6. HKU ot; . . ... . . . . . . . 17.21 i 21.10 I t.72 Hae. I. Lots I, 2, 1, ersiicneil, that he has filed his final account 1.28 .."?..'" ""-i- 01 BW' land final reuort and nelition for distribution. 10.17 22.2V lO.tt 12.20 10.74 10.44 lit ts.oa Frank W, I'etltl, N'4 HKV,. HKVi j Kec! V.' NKV..' NVi V.f SEVi, 8EVi of 8EV1. ' J" lhe to,'t'' f.rlt r . MI L tw 2H To It Kir IV 21 zo 1 VU, Himpson, deceased, and that the County ..'".-. ." J.!V. ',..,.;- " U;N' of 8W V i l th. HI.U, .1 (lr. I.r th, bnti It. M. rowan, nr.ta PW'-,. nrr-, Sac. 10, M1.,. I , , . 7". .i , ' HK'H, HW', HW',. Hac. M. Tp. 13, Sac. II NVV'4 of NWVi. BVi of NWV., ; CpTk' "h'ch curt tlie admmiBtration It. II NWV. SWl. Haa HI. Tp. NlTJl ri Vi ' ",d eetate is being had. haa aet Friday, itZ' I1:U i. U I TP. 14 Hac, 12, HWVi of SEVi, NVa of.SWVi j the Itth day of February. IV1H at 10 olock Kanae II 20.lt ayu f swi ' I A. M aa the time, and the Court Room of t. Price, WVi' KKVi'," 8WV,'.' FW. 21 ; 1 s. 13. N4 of NWi. NW of KE. I ! Prineville. Oregon, aa the place, KI4 HKLi. Hac. 27. Tp, IH, Kg. 21 10.77 ! REW of BKVi, EVj of HWVi, o( th h'V,n", .,Bd '"l,"? Ch. II. rueta. NV, HW',. Hac, 2: I K, 14? 4, and 8WV, NV4 of SEVi, report nd f i w . j me, n ai... l'l'i, u T 111 u. it iim'.,,:' any person interested in said estate may SI 17.lt 28 24 14.08 42.17 12.70 lt.no 18.11 26.42 9 ia .'i.... '.'"".'..i..;' rater W. Fair, NVi NWV,, "", NWV,. NWV, 8WV,. 8a. V, Tp. It. Wriim" Fnra-.nr 8H ';NK4'r'wV. ull u a Tn. It. Kanaa 21 Mary V. Fields W HK'4. NKI4 HKVi. HK'4 NKS. Bee 14. fp. 14. Kg. It IV.I4 Ada r. roatvr, c 'H a-ya, -" -a- It. kange II Martha U Foater. SWVi. Hec. 10. Tp. II, kange 14 Loula W. Fiiar. NK'4. See. It. Tp. It. kange 14 j, ;v W. A. F.-lar. BF.Vi. Hoc. 21. Tp. It, kange 14 Frank It. Foster. W',. Kc. 14: NKVt, NK'4 NW'.,, N'4 HKi, Hec. 22, Tp. 17, kange 22 Che. 11. lienung. KV KV. Sae- ll WU Wit. Haa.. 211. Tp. IV. kg IV Paul K. (iilrhrlat. HKV, NW. nwv, NK'i. NK'-, HWVi. HKVj. See. 4 : NKVi NKV.. Hac. V Tp. It. kg. It 17.42 John W. (iilrhrlat, NK'4 NKVi. Hac. tti HK '- NK', K HKVt. Hac. 21. Tp. 20. lUnge 22 !u Cllrhrut Hioa... HWU Xr.h. See I ; WV, E'ii. Haa. 10 ; N Vi, NK'4. HKVi NK14, Hae. It: NWH, NKVt, NW HWVt, HK'4 HWVi, HKV4, Har,. 14? NK'4 NW',. NW'4 Nk'ii, KV, KS. Hec. 28; WW WW, Hac. 24; " WW. Hac. 2t: NKV, NKVi. Hec. 2 i KW HKVi. HWV, HKVi, HK'4 NK'4. 8a?. IB I VV4. Bac. 81. Tp. 20. Rg. 22 110.00 (indilartl ana 1..0., nr.H f Tp. 20, kange 20 Bernard f loach. HW NWVi, NW SWVi. NW NKV.. HWV, nr.,, nn or. UN. Tu. U. Kange It i.k. rlumm.r. Nil,. See. 31. Tp. IV, E.BF?ri umme'ri" 8W.' '8ec'.'"'it,' Tp. . rriwrnC Ha'riiy,'''NEVi'riM7 ii, Tp. It, kange It Margaret H.ye. WV4 8KV4, EVt SWVi, NWVi SWVi, Sec. 10; NEVi HKVi. See. 6. Tp. 18. Kange 18 . ............... U K. Ilcalcy. SEV4, Bee. 28. Tp. 16, BetairTnnd WMtTWWiiTNWiii: NEVi. Hac. 22; SWVi NWVi, Bc. 21, Tn. 17. Range 21 - C R. Hanry. SKVl 8EV4. Sac. 12, Tp. 17, Knnge 22; KW HKVi. 8WV4 HKV., See. 4, Tp. 17, Range 2 ; NWVi, NWVi NKVt, Sec. 18, Tp. 17, Range 28 Ralph llllden, NWVi, Sec. 8, Tp. 15. Range It Elsie A. Hill Est., NEVi. Sue. 34, Tp. 16, Knnge 20 f i ii.li,..r, WU, NKVi. Sec. 16. Tp. 20, Range 20 Ceo. Hohlis, HWVi, Sec. If., Tp, 15, Range 14; Lola 8-4, W Bar, oe, 2. Tp. It, Knnge 14 J, (1. Houston, SWVi, Sec. 86, Tp. 14, U..n. 14 Frank Hughes, Lot' 8, NW SWVi. SWVi 8WV Sec. 1. Tp. 16, Rg. 14 22.04 Chna. L. Humar, nr.,, ocv. a,, p. 1U, Knnge 14 Redmond Realty Co,. KW NKVi. Bee. 10, Tp. II. kange 14 Geo. W. Roberta, NW NKV,, SKVi NKVi, See. 12: NWi NWVi. See. 81. Tp. It, Kange 21 Emma (i. Koblnson, W'4, Haa. It, Tp. It. kg. 17; HW NWVi, NEW. Bee. If, Tp. II, Range 17 Frank P. Rogers, WW EW. Sec. 21, Tp. 11, Range It A...K. Huno, WW WW. 8F.V4 NKVi. KW BKVt. SWV, NKVt. WW HKVt. See. 14. Tp. It, Range 11 Santa Fa, Pacific. KW HKVt, See. t, Tp. 17, Range 18 ... Mark Salmon. North 20 arm of SEVi NKVi. Hec. If. Tp. 18, Range It.. Ilarley M. Ha umbra, NK'4 SEVi, SW NEW. HKVi NWVi. Hec. 2f, Tp. 18, Range 20 - .... L. F. Bahlaaa, North 10 acrea of NEVi 8KV4. Bee. If, Tp. It. Range It.. Luther L. Hcolt. 8WV4 NKV,, SKVi NWVi, NKV.HWVi. NWVi SKVi, Sec. K 111 Mli. ,. NWI. .na MRU NRV. '"jof SKVi, 8W ot SEVi, NWVi of SWVi. 8W I 01 v ,, M1 1 See. 17. NKVi of NEVi. SEVi of SEVi, 21.14 gwvi of SWVi. See-. 18. WW of NEVi. NW of SEVi, NEVi i . . of SWVi. j !t.04 fW, 19. Lot. . 1. 4. EU of NW VI. SV4 I objections in writing to tha same, or any part thereof. H. E. MeKENNEY, Administrator of the Estate of Robert Simpson, deceased. -MAGILL, MeKENNEY BRUSH, Attorneya for Adminiatrmtor. lOtte 12.48 I of NRii and HFU F't. of SWU ' W NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT of NEVi, and SE14. EW ol SW 4. ,v,n-o a.a.o aim arm Hec. 20, NW and 8WW, NWIi of HEW, "I,.;.? ',',"1 14.12 18 1.44 11.80 SW of BEVi. See. 21. WW of NWVi, SEVi of NEVi, j NEW of SKVi, See. 22. 8W of NWVi. NVi of NEVi, SEVi I of NEVi, NKVi HKVi. and SWVt. See. 23, SWVi of NW'4, Sec. 2t. NW of NWVi. SWVi of NWVi, i NW of NKVi, and SKVi. NWVi of SWVi. SW of nw vi, see. .10 1.88 18.46 14.81 14.88 19.26 14.76 28.26 6.24 OF ORECON FOR COUNTY OF CROOK IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM T. CASEY, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the un dersigned the Administratrix of, the Eatete of William T. Casey, Deceased, to all peraona Interested in said eatete, that aha haa made and filed with tha Clerk of the County Court her final settlement of her administration of 2t, NW. and EW of BEVi. WW of i "id Estate and that the Court haa set Mon- twi.: day the 4tn day 01 atarcn, 131a. at iu oeioca Sec." 27. NEVi of NWVi. and EW. NWVi 1 1? th 'renoon of aaid day at tba County ouriy. Court Room in Prineville. Oregon, aa the a. 'A nwu ne wwtz su. r wiru Mix 1 time and place for hearing and aettling aaid I 10. Tu. lb. Kange It - II. U ' rru n. r av;. '.nrf hwu i Anal accounting, at which time and place any r.owsra u. onaier, on-, o. ... iv. Sec. 2V, W'A ol NW14, EW OI NCVi t . r"""' .. , .ar il, Range It - IS.lt 1 f SEVi WW of SWVi, 'and object to aald final accounting. Thne. Shani. Jr.. All Bee. 27 j NW I See. 80, Lois 8. 4. NKVi of NWVi. NW of i Dated thia 17th day of January. 1918. NKU K-a 14. Tn. 14. Range I4.. 12V.20 vi2 ip,,".. Z-v. ..j7aJw. 1?' r c42 LAURA CASEY. SeC 82 All nuniuiai, v. n, uaww Sec'. 83'. NEVi of NWVi. NWVi of SEVi. j lOWp of Wm. T. Caaey, deceased. SW of SEVi, NEVi of SWVi, SW of SWVi. KfiTirg pitri (cation " Sec. 15, NWV, of NWVt, NW of NEV4. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION SEVi of NKVi, ! Department of the Interior, U. S. Land T. 16 S., R. 20 E, W. M. Olllte at The Dalles, Oregon. See. 2, LoU 2, 1. 4, NWVi of SWVi, SW January 8th, 1918. of SWVi. Notice ia hereby given that Sec. 4. Lota 1. 2. I. 4. SU of NWU. SW 1 NICOLAUS KOSTIUK. of NEW, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on September 26th, 11.52 11.20 16.61 13.86 A. L. Simmons. SW NKVi. EW SKVi, Haa. 4; NK'i NKV,, See. V; NW NWW, NWV, NKVi. Sec. 10. Tp. IK, Kg. 24 Aldy Simmons, NWVi, Sec. 26. Tp. It, kange It Thereana Caaatdy Smith. EW KW. Sec. 10, Tp. It, Range 16 Wm. k. Hmllh. KW NW'4. NWVi NWVt. Hec. 16. Tp. I. kange It Waller M Smith. 8W 8K., Sac. 7; HWVi HWl.. Sk. 8; NWVi NWVt. Sac. 17; NKJi. Sec. IH. Tp. IV, Kane 1 - 11.08 Chaa. Smith. HKVi NEW. Sac. 25, Tp. 17, Kange 25 2.34 Wm. F. Hundley. SKVt. Sec. 36. Tp. 14, Range 14 8.16 Horace N. Steele, SEVi. Sec. 81, Tp. 16, Range 15 17.W Any and all peraona claiming adversely! lull, made Homestead Entry, No. 0V5O8, fori the lands drarriocd, or desiring to object be- . Lota 1-2-3-4-5-6, Sec. 19 ; Lota 1-2, Section I cause of the mineral character of the land, 1 80, Township 20-South, Range 18-Eaat, Wil- or for any other reason, to the disposal to lumette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention applicant, should Ale their affidavita of pro- to make final five year proof, to establish I teat in this ottire on or before tha 25th day I claim to the land above described, before n. of February. l'.HH. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 1 hereby designate tha Crook County Stilwell. NK'4. Sec. 26, Tp. 14, Rg. 14 8.16 j journaJ published at Prineville. Oregon, be- E. 6. Hyde. SKVi SWVt, SWVi SEV, Eli K K 11 . Sec. SU. 11. 11, wi 49.81 21.7a 28.26 80.66 8.16 84.65 24.18 7.07 1.10 1.72 21.71 20.64 29.26 17.10 84.26 6.60 4.82 n..'. r- u,i. NU. NKU. EW NWVi, Sec. 28, Tp. It, Range 15 4.80 Oscar C. Hyde, SW SEW, Sec. 28, Tp. 15. Rnnge 18 W. C. Jiu-ol... SEVi NWVi, EW SWVi, SW SKVi. Sec. 1, Tn. 18, KK- Ml NEW NKVi, Sec. 12, Tp. 18. kg. 22; SWVi BWW. Sac. 6, Tp. 18, Rg. 23; NW " r"l 1, Wm." Johnson Est."'N W Vi"'Nriw7'NEVi NWVi, Sec. 24, Tp. 18, Kange 16... 0. W. Jones, NWVi SWVi, Sec. 11, To. 18, Range 16 Mr. A. C. Jordan, NW NWVi. SWVi vi wv. NWV. HWV,. Sec. 16. Tu. 18 Range 17 W. R. Kelly. NWy, NEW, NW NWVi, ro HWV. NWVi. Sec. 2, Tp. 17, Rg. 20 14.56 Christiana Kenter, SEVi NEVi, SEVi NWVt, NEW SW'., NW SEW. Sec. o. au. MWV. NKVi SWV,. Sec. 10. To 17. Range 19 .23 Margaret Kimmell, SEVi SEVi. Sec. 8; n-n ii.v.i "s - ' Tp. 16, Range 16 1-3B n 1 u-i.hin SWVi. Sec. 2. Tu. 18. Ralig. 16 . 10.80 WM. H. Knapp. NW SVi, Sec. 12, Tp. 14, Knnge 20 . 28-2 C. C. Lofland, SW SEVi, Sec. 12, Tp. 18, Knnge 20 - Thoa. W. Lawson, SW NW, Sco. 22, Tp. 14, Rnnge 14 lli- Thomas W. Lawson et al, EW SWVi. Sec. 22, Tp. 14, Range 14 15.62 G. P. Lee, Lota 1-2-8, BEVi, NEW, See. 2, Tp. 17, Range 211 ' V. P. Talkington Eat.. EW, Sec. 16. Tp. IH. Rg. 17; All Sec. 3, Tp. 18, Kg. 17; EW. Sec. It. Tp. IV. Rif. 18; All Sac. 86. Tp. 19. Rg. IH : All Sec. If, Tp. IV, Rg. 19; SW. SW NW, Sec. 86, Tp. IV, Rg. 19; All Sec. 36, Tp. IV. Range 20 180.84 Geo. B. Taylor, SEV, NWVi. NW HWW. HWV, BWW. SEVi. Sec. 91, Tp. 18, Range 17 F, 8. Taylor, NWVi NEW. Sec. 12, Tp. 14, Rnnge 20 Floyd Tuwnaend. NW NWW, SWW NWVi. NWVi SWVi, Sec. 22, Tp. It. Range 18 Sam'l Unsworth, WW NWW. Sec. 2t ; EW NEVi, Sac. 26, Tp. 14. Rg. 28 J. J. Vandevert Est., WW WW. Sec. 28. Tn. 15. Rg. 16 Ham Van Meter. EW NWW. WW NEW. See. 80. Tp. 16, Range It 16.00 Ernest Ward. EW &W. Sec. 84, Tp. 16, Range 16 19.86 C. E. Warner, SEW SWW, Sec 27; EW NWVi. BWW NEW. Sec Tp. 17, Range 17 9.86 J. E. and C. E, Warner, NEVi NEVi. Sec. 38; WW NWW. NWW SW W. Sec. 84, Tp. 17, Range 17 A. K. Wnyland, NW NEW. SWW NEW. NEW NWW. Sec. 12, Tp. 16. Range 18 Grace Wciser, SW, Sec. 86. Tp. 16, Kunge 14 22.77 E. J. Welser, WW, Sec. 16. Tp. 18, Range 15 17.28 Ida V. Welbnrn, SWW. Sec. H Tp. 16, Range 19 24.06, Jaa. A. Walls, SEW. Sec. 26, Tp. 16, Kange 20 26.60 Marv A. Whalen. NWW. Sec. 80. Tp. 14. RnnSW 16 16.68 J. B. Whitney, EW NWW. Sec. 84, Tp. 16, Range 14 80.03 Francis Weist, SWW. Sec. 24, Tp. 21, Kange 24 - 01.10 Emma Wilson, SEW NEW. Sec. 32, To. 17. Range 16 8.16 Asa L. Young, EW, Sec. 16, Tp. 18, Range 19 18.8 Alice M. Young, WW WW. Sec. 16, Tp. 18, Range 19 City of Prineville W. A. Booth, Parcel beginning at the SW corner of Block 14, Original plat of Prineville, Oregon, thence south 160 ft., thence west to mill race, thence In a northerly direction to a point west of place of beginning, thence east to place of beginning E. A. Davenport, South 40 ft. of lota 1-2-8. Block 7; North 40 ft of lots 4-6-6, Block 7, Tract adjoining on woat to mill race Prineville Orig. Bud Hinton, Lot 8, Block 15 Sarah Dorsey, Lot 4, Block 15 Margaret Price, Lots 6-6, Block It ..... Tract Orig. Sarah E. Stevens, Lot 14 Prineville First Add. E. 0. Hyde, Lota 1-2-3, Block 7 Prineville Second Add. Robt Moore, Lot 4, Block 8 11.86 Geo. W. Ramsey, Lots 4-6, Block Prineville Third Add. Delia Houston, Lots 10-11-12, Block 1 Prineville Fourth Add. Anna A. Lively, Lots 4-6-6, Block 2 Fred Bostonero, Lot 2, Block 8 M. L. Everett, Lots 1-2-3, Block 6. M. L. Everett, Lute 10-11-12, Block I ing n newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the above deeeribed land and the nearest thereto, as the newspaper wherein the above notice shall be published. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, HtSc Register. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY Charles C. O Neil, Plaintiff, va. Arthur R. Minkler, Defendant To Arthur R. Minkler, Defendant In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled court and cause on or before the 14th day of March, 1918, which is the time pre scribed by the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, on the 18th day of February 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: John M. Stewart, of Brothers, Oregon: Ansel Stewart Henry Stenkamp, Bob Lisa, all of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 10t5p Register. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY Central Oregon Irrigation Company, a cor poration. Plaintiff, vs. Omer Morris, Defendant To Omer Morris, the above named defendant, GREETINGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above en titled cause of suit against you on or before Februasy 23rd, 1918, and if you fail to ao appear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the riainun win apply 10 tne above named Court for a decree as prayed f A . a... r1 i. r.,,... .... It .... r.il an . . .t i ih k. for in the Complaint filed herein namely; nl.lntitt will unnlv to th. court for the re. ! that the defendant Omer Morris surrender lief demanded in his complaint to-wit; that I one certain contract in said Complaint de- plaintitT'i title to the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-Six In Township Fourteen South, of Range Sixteen East of Willamette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon, be quiet ed against you and all persons claiming by, through or under you adverse to the plaintiff, and that plaintiff be adjudged to be the owner of said real estate in fee simple, and that you and all persons claiming through or under you be forever barred from claiming any right title or interest in said premises or any part thereof, and for such otner or further relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. The date of the first publication of this summons is Januury 81, 1918. Thia summons is published pursuant to an order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, made and entered on the 28th day of January, 1918. M. R. ELLIOTT, 12t7e Attorney for the Plaintiff. 9.92 6.10 27.46 27.46 12.20 86.60 15.26 12.96 7.68 86.60 11.90 6.08 6.08 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 14th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that RUTH LANGFORD GULOVSON, formerly Ruth Langford, of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on March 16th, 1918, made Homestead Entry, No. 011417, for NEW. NW SEW, SWW SEW, SB 8"i Section 20, Township 20-South, Range 21 East Willamette Meridian, has Hied notice ot intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Elmes M. Peck, U. S. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 23rd day of February, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses 1 J. O. Wilson, C. A. Ivy, Lewis Bennett all of Dry Lake, Oregon, Chaa, A. McUne, of Hampton, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 10t5c Register. scribed, made and entered into by and be tween said defendant and the Plaintitt nerein , on the 11th day of November, 1911, for the purchase of water right by the defendant and release of lien by the Plaintiff, to the following described premises, towit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Six, Township Fifteen South, of Range Fifteen, East of the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, and that said contract be cancelled, forfeited and declared void, and that the defendant Omer Morris, and all per sons claiming, or to claim by, through or under him be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim or right whatever under said contract, in or to said land or the water right appurtenant thereto, and that the Plaintiff recover of the Defendant its costs and disbursements of this suit and that it have such other and further relief as to this Court may seem meet and equit able In the premises. TkU summons la nuhlished nursuant to an order made so to do by the Judge of the above named Court made ana entered on the 2nd day of January. 1918. MAX A. CUNNING, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. Reairlinir at Redmond. Oregon. Date of First Publication, January 10th, 1018. tTe Use the blank on page 3 when tending In your Classified ad copy. Then enclose lc for each word and mall to The Crook County Journal. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE IW OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CYRUS DeVlLBISS, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given by the under the Administratrix of the Estate of Cyrus DeilbisB, Deceased, to all persons in- . . . j !,, ,1.0, ,hi ha. marie I and filed with the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, her final accounting of her Administration of said Estate and that the Honorable County Court has set Monday, the 4th day of March, 1918, at Ten o'clock In the forenoon at the County Court Room in Prineville, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing and settling said final accounting at which said time and place any person inter ested in said estate may appear and object to said final accounting. Dated this 24th day of January, 1918. LAURA D. LAWS, Administratrix of the Estate UtEp of Cyrus DeVUbiss, Deceased. The Store that is Head quarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! A Fresh Stock of Groceries Some very good boxes of winter apples still on hand Phone us your order The Michel Grocery Co. The Store of Service Leave Prineville at 6:3 0RM and catch the evening train for Portland, every evening without fail! No wait in Redmond! New, roomy, comfortable cars! ShWs Auto Livery Millard Elkins, Driver WaD'Paper! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. WALL PAPER A Remarkable Invention It Is no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. This little device, it carried in his tool-box, multiplies his power by 73, and makes htm independent of road conditions. If his auto sticks in the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right It In 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes in the ground, attaching PULL-U-OUT to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground ana out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead weirht, or pulls 50 tons on wheels; yet its shipping weight 1 only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x14 Inches. Automobiles repaired and Fords Mended The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY R. V. RANDALL JOHN J. PRICE Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore gonian. First door noith of Lyric 1 i