Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 07, 1918, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
FEBRUARY 7, 1918
Great Improvement in RamuIs at
Terrebonne Is Doing Made by
the Vse of Cinders
(By our Recular Correspondent)
Several farmers in this section
re taking advantage of the lovely
spring weather and are doing their
Raymond Calavan passed through
this section Monday with a bunch of
stock cattle which he brought from
Fowell Butte. He says the cattle
have had no hay this winter and
they were in good condition.
G. C. Price sold a few head of
beet cattle to the local butcher and
delivered them Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Balmner went
to town Tuesday on business.
J. Johnson and James Fuller went
to town Saturday to attend the
telephone meeting.
W. J. Stanton lost another cow
the first of the week with rabies.
This makes eight or nine head of
cattle Mr. Stanton has lost this
winter with rabies.
Mr. Severson went to town Satur
day from the Russell ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Price and Mr.
and Mrs. T. B. Price motored to
Powell Butte, Sunday, to speud the
Mrs. Wm. Led ford is spending a
few days this week at the ranch.
Mrs. C. YV, Starr spent the week
end with her father, H. P. Evans,
on upper Mill Creek.
(By our Regular Correspondent.)
Ed Penrose, who was taken to
Bend last week died in the hospital
at Redmond a tew days later with
ptomaine poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Werner were
Fife visitors Sunday.
Word has been received that a
daughter was born Jan. 22 to the
wife of Pat McName, ot Bend. Mrs.
McName was formerly Maude Street
of this place.
Roy Douglas was sick tor a few
days recently.
', Mrs. Carl Pausch vlBlted with Mrs.
Herman Hass, Tuesday.
Geo. Huettl made a business trip
Come in and look at our tire stock
and have us explain why they are
guaranteed 6,000 miles!
Ford Sizes
7,500 miles!
Auto Accessories
Monogram Oil
'Where it pays to trade'
Cut the High Cost of Living by
Trading at This Store!
My stock of Shoes is complete; qual
ity the best; prices the lowest!
Homer Norton
The Value
of Spice
lies in the amount
of natural oils re
tained after grind
ing. Crescent Spices be
ing pure, possess
the requisite natu
ral oil and the care
ful, slow grinding
retains it.
They go farther,
season better and
cost less. Your
grocer has them.
I Z3
Better Spices
the first ot the week.
J. W. Johnson made a business
trip to Prlnevtlle, Saturday.
J. M. Hayes returned from Cali
fornia. Tuesday.
O. C. Gray was out to the ranch
last week.
Mrs. llordman and Velma visited
Mrs. Joe Post, Sunday.
Ernest Kelly Is working tor J. W.
Mrs. Hoy Gray and Mrs. Stover
spent Tuesday with Mrs. Ounter.
K. O. Raymond and family are
visiting relatives In Athena.
lvltrloh Cardea went to Prlne
vtlle on buslnes the first ot the week.
Roy Qray and family were down
from Rabbit Valley, Saturday. Mrs.
Gray la spending the week with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Sunday
with Mr. aud Mrs. Gunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton, Miss Han
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dray, Mr.
and Mrs. Newsom and Mr. Johnson
spent the evening Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Stover.
By our Regular Correspondent)
- T. N. Rickman and family and
Anna Burchtorf were visitors at the
home of Mr- and Mrs. K. U. Cross
last Sunday.
S. D. Kennedy butchered a hog
last week,
Mr. aud Mrs. Alex Rickman and
daughter were visitors at 8. 1).
Kennedy's, Wednesday. Mrs. Rick
man is spending a few days with her
mother this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cox passed
through Held, Thursday night on
the stage on their way home from
C. A. Kolihins was a business
caller st Held, Thursday.
T. N. Rick man's are on the sick
list st this writing.
Mrs. Joseph llryson wss pleas
snt visitor at Floyd Houston's, Mon
day night and Tuesday.
Ren llurchtorf wss a Held caller
Tuesday evening.
The weather Is chaugeablo at this
Miss Florence Rlckmun is on the
sick list.
By our Regular Correspondent)
Snow Is at last visiting our vslley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cox made a busl-
nes trip to Prlnevllle lust week.
Cltss. Morris, of llosr Creek, was
on the creek last week.
F. C. Logan Is home again from
the desert.
NOTira or tontust
rtanartmanl of Dm Interior, Unlive lutas
Land lift
Tha iIIm. Own. January . 1(11.
Tt Jamra Uownra, ot Howanl, Oraaua,
I'rlnattlla, Oron. ('ontaalaa i
You an harby nllltnl that William O.
flalfour, who (Ivm I'rlnmrllla, Onion, at hla
Kt-onV addraaa, dll on I, lull, la
thla onVa hla duly aormhoralad appllrallon
to nnlMt anil aorurr Ilia tan-i-Unir n of
Siur homautaad Kntry No. .. HHal
,i. 0WM ma.w r'aby. SI, Nil, for N
HKU. Hartum S. TownahlB 14." S.. Hanya ID.
K., Wlllamatto Mr-rldlnn. and aa yroumla for
hla MinlMl ha a lira lhat aald Jamaa lw.
ranro haa wholly lallad la mid upon. Im.
prova or rultWato and anld and ramova.1
what Imernvanwnla ha originally had on aald
land fur mora than thraa yaara laal paal :
lhal ha la 14 anllatad nr la actually anal
In lha military or naval aarvlra of lha tlnllad
Hlalaa aa nrlvata aolillar. ufllrar, aoaman or
marina nr a mambar of any oihar oraanlia
lion fur oltanaa nr dafanaa oulho:lwd by
Conarvaa durlno any war In which lha Unltxl
Htatao may ha anaaawd.
You ara, Ihartfora, further not I Had lhal
lha aald allavallona will ha laaan a aun
ImL and your aald anlry will k ranralad
without furthar rtahl la ha heard, ailhay bo.
fi.ra thla antra ar an annaal, If ' (all M
Ala In thla nrtlc within iwanty dnya altar
lha roil NTH publication ol thla out Ira. aa
howa balow, your anawar, untlar oath.
aporlSrally raaimndlna- to Ihaaa allallona of
con tail, lusai hnr with duo proof lhal you
hava aanrad eopy of your anawar on lha
aald aontaatanl ollhar la oaraos or by rnHa
land mall.
You ahould atato la your onawar lha nam
of tho ooal ofltro to whUh yol daalra fulura
nollraa Is ba aant to you.
Data of Aral uublh atton January II, ltl.
tlato of aorond iu 1,1 Ira I Ion Kabruary 1, ll a.
Ilata of third tnibllratloa Kabruary U, ll.
i liata of fourth publication Kabruary HI.
to Granville Nye's on Bear Creek the
first of the week.
John McEachern is doing some
carpenter work at the 0. I. ranch
at present.
Mrs. Johnnie Mosler and Mrs.
Stanley Balfour called on Mrs. S.
Rodkey one day this week.
Donald Stuart came up from Port
land and spent a few days at his
ranch, at the head of Crooked river.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Street, of Sil
ver Creek, have been visiting friends
in this vicinity.
Jack Romberg and Claude Seeds
have returned from a trip to Prine
ville. Mrs. sEd Street and children are
visiting with Mrs. Earl Chapman
this week.
Christie McEachern, Mrs. Monroe
and Mr. Weaver, of Bend, and Jay
Gardner, who is In training at Camp
Lewis, motored out to McEacbern's
George and Anna Wilson, of Dry
Lake, were visitors at the Dixon
ranch recently.
(By our Regular Correspondent)
Mr. Dixon, of Prlnevllle, shipped 3
' carloads of fine beef catle to Port
' land, Sunday.
The north end of the platform of
the Farmers' Union warehouse has
fallen down from being overloaded.
It will soon be rebuilt,
i Earl M. Ralston and Paul WII
' Hams passed the examination before
1 the exemption board and are now
awaiting the call of Uncle Sam.
j The two McElfrech boys who have
; been in training camps in New York,
have been sent to France.
1 W. A. Pickett, road supervisor,
; has a crew of men hauling cinders
i onto the roads near Terrebonne,
j which is making a great improve
i ment.
i Winfield's Hall wag the scene of
an enjoyable dance last Friday even
i ing. Excellent music was furnished
by a Bend orchestra.
Fred Elliott, of Prinevllle, was
busy Monday hauling a car load of
oil cake for Mace & Cofold. I
The Farmers Union Warehouse '
shipped two carloads of potatoes,
Monday. j
Quite a crowd attended the rab-'
bit drive Sunday. They ate dinner ;
at Earl Malkerson's ranch about
three and one-half miles below town. 1
Everbody reported a fine time at
the I. 0. O. F. social dance Saturday ',
Mrs. L. A. Heathman and Mrs. W. !
O. Ralston made a trip to Bend,
Friday. j
John Close, from Saskatchewan, i
Canada, is visiting his brother Fred
Close, of Terrebonne. He is looking '
for land to buy or rent and will
probably remain in this neighbor- j
hood for a week or so.
Mrs. Blanche Hyde spent the j
week-end in Prlneville visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Freeburg, of Sarles, I
N. D., at the home of Dr. E. O. j
Hyde. Her mother, Mrs. Emma
Wilson, returned with her tor a
short visit in Terrebonne.
(By our Regular Correspondent.)
Mrs. Carrie Hansen has returned
to her home in Gresham.
Will Post was a Prinevllle visitor
Northwest Shorthorn
wmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmm MaSajaBHHHHHHMBHHHBBH
Breeders' 8th Annual
A 0
At Portland Union Stock Yards
40 Bulls! 30 Females
From the herds of Minor, Brown, Dunn, Day &
Rothrock Co., Cornett, Kiger, Reynolds, Horadon,
Keyt, Oregon Agricultural College, Felzer Bros.,
Cutting, Dement, Holloway, Witham, Tarbell
and Lynch!
Rangemen will find at this sale strong, rugged
bulls 16 to 24 months old and the breeders will
find some choice herd bulls sired by the best bulls
in the Northwest. Choice consignments of fe
males will be sold from the herds of Minor, Dunn,
Day & Rothrock Co.
Kraschel & Cranke, Auctioneers
For catalogues, apply
Carlton, Oregon