Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 07, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    FEBRUARY 7, 1919
r JtfrYand Mr. P. M. Huthflela wore
1n "'the city yesterday from tholr
, ffiiifh rixur the city.
A Soldier's Strength
fcvery enlisted man would, KrB11,.h fllD,l1y WBre ,
Stand Up Stronger during the the city yesterday afternoon from
nrst year's service it he could
have the benefits of '
because it fortifies the lungs
and throat, creates strength to
avoid grippe and pneumonia
and makes rich blood to avert
rheumatic tendencies.
Send a bottle of SCOTT'S
to a relative or friend
in the service.
Th rWwmlan cod liver oil In
Isest's lnwlilw Is now rvAtiwl In our
own Amrrkaa lalurntorlr. whlcb
make. II nuni 4 palatal,!.,
iroll ft Down. lllMmiflrtd.NJ, p. 14
Tins City
Hlil Honors I In town today from
llotiiftr Hum In in timid today on
John Monro In in tint city toduy
from lli-nd.
Wm. 8liivtiii returned to Prlits
lll toduy.
('. C. Dunham In In thn city today
on IhihIiii'hii.
L. T. McCoy wm In the city today
on buMlni'iM.
Wm. KIiik la business visitor In
Portland till week.
Mm. Edith Washburn, of Huploe,
it in the t'lty today.
(i rover KwIiik l a I'rlnnvllla vln
Itor toduy from Bend.
C. 8. WoodM, of Sisters, In a busi
ness visitor In rrlnuvlllu today.
Chus. Ilos of the Inlund Auto
Co., Im in itixlmond toduy.
J. L. (iultliiT, of the Pacific Tele
phone Co. In In I'rimivllln today.
Mr. 0111a M. Lewis returned Mon
day from a ImihIik-hh trip to t'ortland.
Homer Ron loaves tomorrow for
Portland to altuud the Automobile'
K. T. Luthy, county commissioner,
I In the city iIiIb wock for county
II. J. Edward wa In Prlneville
yesterday from hi ranch at Powell
Mr. and Mr. Marston White are
In the city toduy from Bend visiting
Mr. John Hunsaker has recovered
from her recent Illness und Is in the
Office again.
Ali'x Hluton was a business vis
itor in Prinnvillo yesterday from hi
ranch on McKay.
A. WhlHiiunt, editor of the Bend
Pre, wua a business vlHltor In the
city lust night.
Mr. Harold Baldwin will leave
tl)l evening for Portland and Albany
to visit relatives.
their ranch on McKay.
Mm, Laura Casey ha recovered
from a recent operation and ha re
twrtlf 1' to hnr home from the Home
Miss Om Myers I able to be at
school ukhIii aftr an II Inch of sev
eral day. Hhe I teacher of the
fifth Krude.
Mr. Carl Hyde, who la teaching
at Terrebonne thl winter, spent the
'. week-end In Prlneville visiting rela
tive and friend.
Mr. and Mr. W, H. WlrU enter
tained, last nlgbt with a duncliiK
party In honor of Cha. Kolsey who
I leaving Hundity.
Mr. I. M. Mill and daughter,
Violet, are spending the week-end
In Prlneville before returning to
1 their ranch near Paulina.
V. It. ftelneklng, who I employed
In the Ochoco District offices, left
liiMt night for Portlund and will re
turn the first of the week,
Mr. 0. O. Adnm entertained
with three table of bridge Monday
fteruoon. Mr. Frank Foatnr re
ceived the hlghcMt core.
Mr. Kill LauKhlln returned thl
morning with her lBier, Mr. I. M.
Milla. They have been vlNitlng rela
tlvea In Albany and Portland.
.John P. Hopper and family and
V. C. Fleming and family pont the
evening Tuniday at the home of 0.
W. Well at Aapen drove ranch.
, Mr. and Mr. E. O. Btrong left
: Saturday for I.o Angeles, Cal. Mr.
SI rong hua been employed at the
: engineer' camp on the Ochoco ProJ
1 oct.
.; P, 'C. Ourrlaon was a bualneaa vis
itor In Kedmond last week-end. He
went over to meet Matt Clark, a
well known timherman from Port
hind. t
The Music and Art Department of
the I.uiIIcb Annex will meet next
Tuesday at 2 o'clock. A program
will, be given on KuhhIhii Art and
Mr. and Mr. George Mllllcan,
who have been apending the winter
In Portland, have gone to California
for the benefit of Mr. Mtlllcan's
Wayne Adamaon should have been
with the list of eighth grade gradu
ate published in thn Journal hint
week. The name wa omitted by
":,W,, II. Lewis, of the firm of Lewis
Wlloy and Morris, of Seattle, arrived
In the city recently and 1b superin
tending the sluicing work for the
Ochoco dum.
Mrs, Julia Stanclift and daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Smith, arrived In the city
Monday. Mrs. Stanclift has spent
the winter In Portlund with her
A meeting of young people will
bo held at the Baptist Church next
Sunday evening at 6:30. The sub
ject "What Baptists Stand For" will
be discussed In ten one-minute talks.
There will bo other Interesting feat
ures. Those not attending else
where will And a hearty welcome.
Belgium Under
The (German Heel
U. S. Minister to Belgium
An Absorbing Story Masterfully
Written. Contains the Official
Record of
Belgium's Tragic Fate
Begins Serially February 17
in the
of Portland
J. E. Freeburi; left Tuetday morn
ing for hi home In Sarle, N. D.
Mr. Freeburg and the baby will re
main with her parent, Dr. and Mr.
K. O. Hyde, for several week.
Mr. and Mr. C. W. Klkln are In
Portland thl week. Mr. Elklns
attended a special meeting of the
Oregon Federation of Women'
Club held In that city recently.
Mr. and Mr. E. L, Ashby and
Mr. Cha. O'Noll returned Friday
from Portland. They have been
away several week while Mr. Ash
by lias been receiving medical treat
ment. P. M. Kuthfleld ha disposed of all
of hi holding Including the ranch
known as the Gibson ranch north of
Prlneville. Mr. and Mr. Ruthfleld
left for Portland today and will re
main there permanently.
Mr. W. J. Stunton entertained
the Hed Cros Bridge Club Monday
afternoon. Mr. II. W. Hea received
the highest score and the prize
which wa presented to her wa
three pounds of home made sausage.
W. J. Schmidt, of Hlllsboro, Is in
the city this week and attended a
meeting of the stockholder of the
O. C. Claypool & Co. store. Mr.
KbIi in lJt I one of the principal
stockholder of thl company.
On their way to Canada, H. R.
Donahue and his daughter, from La
Pine, passed through Bend yester
day. Miss Maude Donahue will be
married shortly. Bend Bulletin,
Feb. 1. Miss Donahue I a former
resident of Prlneville.
The ladles of the local Baptist
Church motored to Redmond on
Thursday and were royally enter
tained by the Baptist ladles there.
They also heard Kev. Dr. C. E.
La nil Is and Mrs. Land is recently re
turned from India, give glowing ac
counts of what gospel mission bad
accomplished In that wonderful
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Presbyterian Church held their
regular business meeting at the
manse Tuesday evening. At the
conclusion of the business session a
social evening was spent and re
freshments were served. The com
mittees lu charge of the evening's
entertainment had made ample pro
vision for a good time and all In
attendance appreciated their efforts.
During the Sundays In February
a special series of sermons will be
preached. Bible School at 10.
Young People's Rally at 6:30. Re
ception of members and celebration
of the Lord's Supper at 11. Evening
sing and sermon at 7:30.
Sunday services commencing with
Bible School at 10 a. m. Preaching
at 11 o'clock.
Preaching again in the evening at
7:30. Come and see the safety
valve work. A "Criticism Box"
where you can drop a note contain
ing your criticism or make your
suggestion for a higher efficiency in
church work. All are welcome and
everybody is Invited to use the
"Criticism Box."
We expect Dr. M. H. Marvin with
us for Sunday morning services. The
devotional services at 6:30 Sunday
evening will be conducted by Mrs.
Paul. The subject is: "Am I Doing
Anything I Would Condemn in An
other?" Biblical material: Ro
mans 2:21-32; Luke 6:37-42.
Dr. Marvin will preach at 7:30.
There will be services each evening
next week excepting Saturday. We
take pleasure in inviting the pastor
and laity of the other churches to
attend with us and aid in making
this a union meeting in spirit. Dr.
Marvin is here to be helpful to all
persons of the town and surrounding
Full Attendance of Teachers at M.
K. Function Monday Evening
A mooting of the Methodist Sun
day school board was held at the
parsonage Monday evening.
There was a large attendance of
teachers and officers, and at the
close of the business session, light
refreshments were served.
Anyone wishing to enlist in the
U. S. Public Service Reserve ' for
work in shipyards or spruce plants
should see L. M. Bechtell who Is
agent for Crook County.1
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned,
Administrator with will Annexed of the
Estate of Clarissa Welch, Deceased, to all
creditors of said deceased and to all persons
having claims against said estate to present
the same with the proper vouchers to the
undersigned at the oflice of M. R. Elliott in
Prineville, within six months from the date
of the first publication of this notice.
Dated this 7th day of February, 1918.
Administrator with the will
annexed of the Estate of
l'3t6c ; Clarissa Welch, Deceased.
WW Kbit
have the best quality of Canned
Goods, Bottled and Packed Goods
at prices as low as you are pay
ing for some brands of inferior
' quality?
AND VEGETABLES-Peaches, Apples,
Prunes, Cherries, Rhubarb, Carrots, Spinach, 00 IP
Squash and Stringless Beans, per package LLlXJ
On Your Fuel B:
A small electric heater will keep
your office or room comfortable
through all kinds of weather. Much
cleaner than wood; absolutely no
trouble to keep the temperature ,
even and no effort to keep the fire
going. If you move to another lo
cation in the room, take your stove
with you. Light and portable. Ask
to see them. Cost for 24-hour serv
ice, small sizes, $3.00 per month;
large sizes, $4.75 and $7.00
, t
Des Chutes Power Co.
Office on West Fourth St., Prineville, Ore.