Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 07, 1918, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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FEBRUARY 7, 1918
Beth Dixon was In the city Tues
day. K. W. Grime Is In Portland this
Joe Post was In the city Tuesday
from Post.
Ed Jones, of Gririly, was in the
city Friday.
Wm. Ledford spent the week-end
In Prineville.
Van Wilson, of Sisters, was In the
city Saturday.
Champ Smith returned Saturday
from Portland.
Fred Elliott was In the city Mon
day on business.
Sam Lytle, of Paulina, was In the
city last week-end.
Sam Ellis was a business visitor
In the city Friday.
' Aaron Hoffman was In the city
from Held, Tuesday.
C. H. Erickson was In Prineville
Monday from Bend.
Ernest D. Smith, of Barnes, was
In Prineville, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ray left yes
terday for Portland.
Mrs. Homer Ross is visiting with
friends in Portland.
J. O. Madden was in the city from
Redmond, Saturday.
Henry Bernard was in the city
Sunday from Suplee.
W. H. Barney was In the city
Tuesday on business.
Geo. Messinger was a business vis
itor In Bend, Friday.
Jim Hayes Is a business visitor in
the city from Suplee.
Fisher Logan was in Prineville,
Tuesday from Barnes.
Robert Vasey was in the city Fri
day from Combs Flat.
Granville Nye was In the city
Tuesday from Roberts.
Otto Sontag was in the city Tues
day making proof on his homestead
near Roberts.
Herbert Angell and family, from
Suplee, are In the city.
H. A. Foster was a business visitor
In Bend last week-end.
Jas. Fuller was In Prineville, Sat
urday from Mill Creek.
C. O. Chrtstinia and family were
in the city last week-end.
A. L. Schults. of Alfalfa, was a
Prineville visitor Tuesday.
John Luckey was a business vis
itor in Prineville. Saturday.
I, . K. Sltton was in the city Fri
day from the Barnes ranch.
V. A. Foster was In the city
Tuesday from Powell Butte.
F. S. Towner was a business visi
tor In Prineville, Saturday.
Lawrence Lister was In the city
last week-end from Paulina.
John French was In Prineville on
business Saturday afternoon.
C. J. Sundquist was In the city
Friday afternoon on business.
John Kemmling was a business
visitor In Prineville, Tuesday.
H. L. Van Meter was In the city
Saturday afternoon from Bend.
Louis Vierhus. of Hay Creek, is
spending the week In Prineville.
Ed Estelle. of Griizly, was a busi
ness visitor In Prineville, Friday.
Mrs. H. J. Edwards was in the
city Saturday from Powell Butte.
L. J. Ogden was in from his ranch
on lower Crooked river. Saturday.
Miss Hazel Sullivan returned Fri
day from a business trip to Bend.
J. F. Rice was a business visitor
in the city Friday from Powell Butte.
C. C. Brix was In Prineville. Fri
day, from his ranch at Powell Butte.
Chas. Parrish and family were In
the city last week-end from Barnes.
H. R. Welch was in the city Mon
day from his ranch near Prineville.
Everett Nye Is spending the week
at his father's ranch near Roberts.
E. W. Foster was a business vis
itor in Prineville, Friday, from Post.
C. H. Farrer was a visitor in the
city Friday from Wheeler, Oregon.
Jesse Yancey
was In the city
L. L. Scott was In the city yester
day afternoon.
A. Q. Brown was In
yesterday on business.
Victor Shawe was In the city yes
terday from Powell Butte.
W. P. Myers, an attorney from
Bend, was iu the city yesterday.
J. A. Ktggs was in the city yester
day on business from Powell Butte, i
J. Ralph Breese was in Prineville
yesterday from his Combs Flat
Nig Prlngle. of Bend, accompanied
the war speakers to Prineville, Friday.
Wells, was a week-ejul
the city from Powell
r T" 11 I SS I I I
M z i I ' f , If
1 X V- ; h'vm
i'""''A ' i
'' Jane .
Cowl In
The Spreadin
Coldwyn Pictures.
10c and 25c
Open Afternoons Only from
2 to 5:30 during the re
mainder of January
Will go to Portland during February to specialize on
different parts of the work. The openine will be on
or about the first of March
"Slip-On" Veils, no ping or fastenings.
Geo. W.
visitor in
Jas. Forrester was In the city
Friday from his ranch on Crooked
James Allen was a visitor In
Prineville the first of the week from
D. II. Peoples was a business vis
itor in Prineville, Saturday from
J. H. Cpton left Sunday evening
for a business trip to Portland and
J. J. Johnson was In the city Sat
urday from his ranch on Marks
E. Hereford, of Meadow, was
transacting business In Prineville
Jack Welgand returned recently
from a pleasure trip through Cali
fornia. Mr. and Mrs. John Drlscoll were
In the city Tuesday from Powell
Dennis Hunt, a prominent stock
man from Sisters, was In the city
Miss Stevens, of Corvallls, Is the
new bookkeeper at J. E. Stewart &
Co.'s store.
Aaron Walking and falmlly were
week-end visitors in Prineville from
Barnes Butte.
Geo. Slayton and family were in
the city Friday to bear the Canadian
: war veterans.
t W. C. Fleming, of Powell Butte,
! attended the speaking at the court
house Friday.
Raymond , Calavan was In Prine
ville. Saturday from his ranch on
Marks Creek.
Wm. Endlcott and family were
business visitors In the city Saturday
from Madras.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Gray and Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Johnson motored to
Bend yesterday.
Mrs. Arthur Wurzweller and
daughter were In the city Tuesday
visiting friends.
Chas. Montgomery was In for the
Canadian war veterans speaking on
Friday afternoon.
E. S. Robe, assistant manager of
the Portland Hotel, was a Prineville
visitor laBt week-end.
C. C. Healy, who has been assist
ing with the Horney tractor, left
for Metollus, Friday.
John Hopper was In Prineville
Friday to attend the speaking of the
Canadian war veterans.
County Commissioner H. J. Lister
is in the city this week from Paulina
attending county court.
R. M. Powell was a visitor in
Prineville, Monday afternoon from
his ranch on McKay.
Mrs. ,H. W. Carlin and daughter,
Mrs. Eva Noll, were In the city last
week-end from Roberts.
A. P. Jones was a business visitor
in the city Monday afternoon from
his ranch on Mill Creek.
Homer Barney was in town Satur
day attending the Lookout Moun
tain Telephone meeting.
S. L. Wiggins, agent for the 0. W.
R. & N., has gone to Washington,
D. C, on a business trip.
Judge Duffy, M. R. Elliott and J.
H. Upton returned Friday from a
short business trip to Bend.
Fred Wallace, chief engineer of
the Tumalo Project, was a business
visitor in the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. McColn were
In Prineville Friday to hear the
Canadian war veterans speak.
H. H. DeArmond, district attorney
for Deschutes county, was in Prine
ville, Saturday, on county business.
H. W. Durkee, formerly a Btage
driver on the Paulina line, has gone
to Adin, Cal., to remain indefinitely.
Mrs. J. B. Shipp, who recently
underwent an operation In a Port
land hospital, is Improving rapidly.
' A boy wag born to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter McDonald at Camp 18, on
the Ochoco Project, Sunday morn
ing. .
Our prices, considering conditions, are low. You can expect higher prices in
many lines. The goods listed below are all high grade merchandise and you will
make no mistake in taking care of your requirements for some time to com!
id lb Hot Italian Prunes $.1,190
25 lb Bo French Prunes ,
25 lb Box Seedless Raisins
25 lb Box Kvaporsted Peaches
Canned Apples, Gallon t'niis ....
Canned Plums. Gallon Cans
..... a,85
Canned Blackberries, Gallon Can 7fto
Royal Club Peanut Butter t lb can Hoc
Royal Club Peanut Butter, 6 lb can $!.
Golden Gate BuklliR Powder. 1 lb can 4.V
Golden Gate linking Powder, J H lb can ... $1.10
Golden Gute linking Powder, 6 lb can $'J.H
Crescent Unking Powder 1 lb U.V, 6 lb $100
Pink Salmon, 10 lb Kits $1.80
It ml Sockeye Salmon, 10 lb Kits S'J.iiO
Spiced Herring, 10 lb Kits $I.M
Splcrd Herring. 25 lb Kits $.1.7.1
Booth's Sardines, large rani 25o
Fancy Chinook Salmon, lb Flats tttki
six cans for $1.10
Fancy Chinook Salmon, 1 lb Flats a.T
six cans for $1.0.1
Stripe Sardines, medium slxe can , 15c
Amber Corn Syrup. 6 lb cans Mo
Amber Corn Syrup, 10 lb cans $l.oo
Whlt Com Syrup, 6 lb rans :
White Corn Hyrup, 10 lb runs $1.10
HO IP Wil l. UK IlK.lll ll
Boh While Knup, 25 brs i. $Mi
Hob Whit Hoiip, 60 bars ... $.
Bob While' Soup, 100 bars $.1.7.1
Uohllll Toilet Soap, per bar W
nMPAUK 01 It I'KM KS OV 'll.tllUWAHK
Half Mlht IliirUWIre, per hundred $0.1.1
Nails, per It) .
Nulls, per keg base price $.1.00
I run lie 1 ply Hoofing, square $l.oo
Duckallne 1 ply Hunting $1.8.1
Malthoid Jr. Roofing, per roll $'i..l
We move a lot of Butteries and can lv them to
you that test high. Everready Butteries which we
ell, are considered the best Buttery put out,
We have Just added new line of Automobile
Paint put out by Uib Glldden Varnish Company,
You ' make your old Automobile, look like Hew
at small cost. Our House I'uliiU are put up by
Heath and Mllllgan, There is no better paint
manufactured. Ask any painter. Huimbliin
finishes will make Him worn work and old furnl
, turn look like new.
Qregon (Qrill-Diner
"On the Banks of the Ochoco"
Mother Thompson's Good Home Cooking!
Courteous Treatment; Quick Service and
Prices You Can Afford to Pay! Come and Eat!
Mrs. 8. D. Mustard and Mrs. W.
D. Arnold were In the city Saturday
from Powell Butte on a shopping
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Belknap 1-r.
will arrive in the city Saturday
morning for a short visit with relu
Mrs. C. Sam Smith returned Mon
day from Portland and Albany
where she has been visiting rela
tives. Sam Cox, of Howard, was In the
city Friday on business and also at
tended the speaking at the Court
Hugh Gee was a visitor In the
city Friday. Mr. Gee recently had
his arm broken but it is Improving
F. S. Francis, of the Bund High
School, accompanied the Bend bas
ketball team to Prineville Friday
Miss Margaret Hanley, who has
been visiting her sister Mrs. W. J.
Smelzer, left Sunday for her home
In California.
B. L. Kidwell arrived in the city
Friday from Portland. Mr. Kidwell
Is a frequent visitor having stock
Interests here.
Mrs. C. L. Sliattuck returned from
Sherwood, Saturday, after attending
the funeral of her mother, Mrs.
Lucetla B, True.
Laniont Horney, who has been in
the vicinity of Prineville most of the
winter with his tractor, went to
Metollus, Friday. '
Word was received Tuesday from
Corporal Ernest Estes that he had
arrived safely In France and had a
very Interesting trip.
Henry Grimes and family and
Alvln Grimes and family were in
the city Friday to hear the Canadian
war veterans speak.
The Baptist Church Auto Evangel
ization Society will conduct gospel
services next Sunday afternoon at
2:30 at Newport Camp.
Charles Parker, principal of the
Metolius schools, was a week-end
visitor in Prineville. While here he
inspected the Ochoco Project.
There will be a basketball game
between the Prineville town team
and the Redmond town team Satur
day evening at the Commercial Club.
Home Hospital
Under New Management
Thoroughly sanitary in every respect;
Modern operating room and modern
equipment. Visiting hours, 2 to 4;
Visitors Sundays, 2 to 4.
MRS. K. E. WARNER, Prop.
Fine toilet soap in natural odors
Lilac, Heliotrope, Violet and Rose!
15c per cake or box
of 3 cakes for 40c
D. P. Adamson & Co.