FEBRUARY 7, 1919 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK Use this Blank in tending in Classified Ad Copy Enclosed find $ , for which run the copy be low times at lc per word each insertion. Be sure your envelope is addressed to the CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL, PRINEVILLE, OREGON, and your remittance enclosed. When your ad dress is not given, postage must be added for re-forwarding. Name Address CLASSIFIED Name and address to You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burgular-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us v CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON G. REIN, SHOEMAKER I HAVE Jl'HT Ol'KNED A First Class Shoe Repair Shop lu the front of Hughes' llurnHS Khop HIIOIOS MADE TO ORDER ! If You Have Trouble Willi Your Feet, See Mo I Use the Very IJet Hole Leather My I'rloc Are Very I Woul He Much Pleased Reaiioiiiilile To Have An Order From You PHONE E. CAMPBELL Brick, Cement and Plastering Contractor Office in old Bank Building CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMOND, OREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., selling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars. Phone us for demon stration and terms ' Try ui ones and we will satisfy you F. G. CUTLIP & C. T. SHETTERLY, Props. City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland. Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 AD COPY be used on your Ad Prineville, Ore. i cent! Classified Ad Section! every AWORD Pro af A4 Mart FOB HALE COR SALE 8 head horses, marts and Holdings; ratine from 8 years to 8 years old. Ten milk cows trade Jerseys. Inquire at A. L. Wilson ranch, 4 miles west of Redmond. 13tlp FOR SALE 2600 tb team, 8 and ( years old, heavy work harness and 8 xk Inch wagon, all In good condition, for $200. See Cbas. McQhee at the 2nd Hand Store, Prlnevllle. lltfc FOR BALE 320 acres In Powell Butte country, 120 acres cleared and plowed, 140 more can be put under cultivation by clearing sage brush, balance pasture. All cleared land fenced. One mile of fencing will fence the entire place. Small two-room house and shed barn. Part of this place comes under the proposed new ditch. Price, If taken at once, $9.00 per acre. Address or see Chas. McQhee, Prlnevllle, Oregon, lltfc FOR 8AGE BRUSH Clearing, oil Juniper pulling under the Ocboco Project, call or write L. T. McCoy. 8tfc FOR SALE One saw mill, shingle mill planer, and everything com plete, cheap If taken at once, Inquire of Jack Dee, Grizzly, Ore gon. 12t2c FOR BALK A 1 Grain and Alfalfa Ranch; 800 acres, on main road Redmond to Prlnevllle, 160 bot tom, 160 under ditch, all kinds of 'buildings; fenced and crossfenced 130 cultivated; Railroad building station to be on place, river on place. Price $18,000, one-third cash, time on balance at 6 percent, Also 480 acre stock ranch south west of Prlnevllle; 40 In cultiva tion, large house and barn, fenced. A 1 at $3800, one-third cash, time on balance at 6 percent. See me or F. Forest at ranch on Prlne vllle road. C. F. Loomls 12tl0p FOR SALE A complete saw mill. For particulars and price address C. H. Farrar, Paulina, Ore. 13tfc TYPEWRITER Smith Premier in good condition tor sale cheap. See It at the Journal office. 38tfG FOR SALE Seed wheat. Spring and fall varieties. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co., Redmond, Oregon. ltfc FOR SALE I have a few choice grade Lincoln and Hampshire ram lambs tor sale. Early lambs ready for service. A. J. Noble, Box 427 62tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT 60 acres of farm land all in cultivation, lots of water. Joins city limits. See Jap Ireland at Lakin's store. 8tfc SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED Man and wife and two children want situation on ranch. Call or write W. Van Sickle, 946 Delaware Ave., Bend, Oregon. 12tip OPTICIANS DR. F. H. DAY Physician, ophthal mologist, neurologist. Specialist of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours: 9 to 11:30 a. m.; 1:30 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. Prineville Hotel, Prineville, Ore. DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this paper for dutes. 12tfc PERSONAL THE LITTLE VANITY SHOP Mrs. Omar C. Claypool, Face and Scalp Specialist. Hair Dressing, Sham pooing, Manicuring and Child's Hair Bobbing.' Sole agent for Maurine Tollot Requisites. Dia mond quality hair switches. All kinds of hair goods made to spe cial order. Combings used. lOtfc LOST AND FOUND FOUND Small gold necklace, with silver charm. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. 12tfc NOTICE TO STOCKMEN APPLICATIONS to grate livestock on the OCHOCO NATIONAL, FOREST during the setiaun of 1U18 muut be on tile at the office of the Forest Supervisor, Prineville, Oregon, on or before February 28, 1918. Considerable confusion has been caused during the past by stoenmen letting this go until late in the spring. Positively no applications will be considered this year unless on file by the above date unless surplus range is available. VERNON V. HARPHAM, 12t4c Forest Supervisor. For new and old stomach trouble use Adamsou's Dlgesteze. Price 60c or six boxes for $2.60 postpaid to any address in the United States of America. For sale by D. P. ADAMSON ft CO Prineville, Oregon When writing advertisers, ploase mention The Journal. Amwbrm? Cmr! VuXtm AeVtrtbsf luu Maalkrr MISCELLANEOUS WOOD 8AW1NO City and country work a specialty. J. E. Campbell McFall. Phone Llpplncott's restaurant. 8tfc WOOD SAWING Call Black 71. Leave orders at Llpplncott's Res taurant. A. M. McPhall. lOtfc When writing advertisers, please mention The Journal. WANTED WANTED A span of good sound mares to weigh 1600 or 1600 lbs. each. Inquire of J. H. Fertig at Ochoco District office. 12t2p STRAYED TOO LATE TO fXASHIFY 81 HODGES Feed barn will be open for business Feb. 1. 12t2c MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LOAN On improved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell. Crook County Bank Building. City. 6tf $2600 To loan on Improved alfalfa j farm near Prineville on Ochocc j or Crooked River. A. R. Bow- j man. 26tfc MONEY To loan on Improved real estate. D. H. Peoplea. tOtfc ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St.. Prlnevllle, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office in Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. PHYSICIANS BELKNAP ft EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon. DR. J. T. FOX Physician and Sur geon. Office hours: 10-12 and 2-4. Cornett Building, Room 12. At other times and at night ring up Phone, Red 871, Prineville, Oregon. TELEPHONE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Rye Grass Telephone Company will be held at the Lower Rye Grass school house on February 13, 1918, at 7:30 p. m. Election of officers and such other business as is necessary will take place. A full attendance is requested. CHARLES O. CHRISTIANA,' llt2c Secretary Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoe repaired while you vait All work guaranteed Prices reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. FISH WHERE i THE FISHING S nAnrt r The FISHING IS GOOD In this town. The home merchant CAN SUP PLY YOUR EVERY WANT When you deal with hue jroa KEEP THE DOLLARS IN TOWN. SHOW YOUR CIVIC PRIDE. TRADE AT HOME I - 01 mm ! I A...L Aitnm Lrtton to The Mrail, DENTISTS DR. MICHAEL C. 8ULT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Gove. Office over Crook County Bank. DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, In Kamstra Build ing. ABSTRACTORS CRookcbuNTT abIitractco Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, I. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prlnevllle Oregon. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish Fruit and Vegetables in Season Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their services to the United States government. Would yon like to do your share and help, by putting your money where It will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agriculture? You can do this by opening an account with us as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where it will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and RU1LDER Business Buildings, Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE, OREGON ' MIKE TRAPMAN Home Builder and Cabinet Maker ALL CABINET WORK MADE IN MY OWN SHOP WITH MACHINERY Shop on East Sixth Street PRINEVILLE, OREGON WRITING THEM AGAIN! What? Oregon Journal Bargain Day Subscriptions! Daily and Sunday $3.50 Daily $3.75 Sunday $1.75 Sena-Weekly 85c v RAY V. CONSTABLE Choice Office Rooms TO RENT Inquire Room 4, Adamson Bldg. PrlMTllU. Onm WEEK CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. O. REMPEL Chiropractor. Rooms 4 and I, Kamstra Bldg. MEALS, BOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS Meals and service at the Lipplncott restaurant. Meals and lunch at all hours. Twe doors north of Ochoco bridge. O. W. Lipplncott, Prop.. City. IStfe 3CRATCH Vk.ua Different size and quality of paper, just the thing for your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. and Oysters