CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL FEBRUARY 7, 1918 LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE Until this new "smoke" was m de you could never have a real Burley tobacco cigarette. It's the best yet. IT'S TOASTED The toasting brings out the delicious flavor of that fine old Kentucky Burley. You never tasted anything so agreeable think what roasting does for peanuts. ills? Q J Guaranteed byv' This Tear "rcful!y pUn your plantings choose vineries for food value and productiveness. Plant GOOD SEED Strive for big returns. standing of over a quarter century as "EED HEADQUARTERS of the Northwest Guarantees that can rve You to Your Profit and Satisfaction Our the mm ill i T ' ' i .a "BUCKEYE" Incubators. Standard Brooder Stoves. Diamond Poultry Foods. LEE'S Foods & Remedies. Special Catalogs NURSERY stock POULTRY supplies BEE SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS "BUCKEYE" and LEE BOOKLETS Mailed on Request hsfi for Gateof flato The Franklin Car Stand alongside any rough roadway and watch the passengers in the average car brace for the jars and bumps! Stiff, rigid construction that is what frazzles a man's nerves and the mechanism of his car. But here is a new experience for you. Let us take you out in the Franklin car. Drive the car yourself over stones, holes, car tracks, choppy roads, anywhere. Keep on running it for an hour or two and learn why road shocks can never reach you and how annoying rattles are kept from de veloping. A new achievement of automobile engin eering is this modern anti-rattle construc tion, that eliminates friction and wear. Call at Salesroom or Write GEO. E. McCLURE, Care Walther-Williams Hdw. Co., The Dalles Exclusive agents for Wasco, Hood River, Sher man, Gilliam, Wheeler, Jefferson, Crook and Deschutes Counties. CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL HY lil'Y LAKOLLKTTE Eutcred it the postofflce at Prtneville, Oregon, as aocond-class matter. PI' 11 1 .IS II Kl K V KK Y T HI' ItNHAY Price 1 1.60 per year, payatilo strictly In advance. In case of change of address please notify us at once, giving both old and new address. nils PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE i jiH.vijfJS'jIjul GENERAL OFFICE NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BLANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES To assist In gi'ttlng the amount noecssary for the price of baby bond, the government sells the 15 cent war stamps, which are taken In exchange for the bonds when 16 have been presented to the postoltli-v by the bearer. It Is Indeed a privilege to assist the government In winning the war, and at the same time acquire habits of thrift that will be lienellclul tor the remainder of your life. It la your duty to help. It Is your privilege, to do It In thin mttnner. liny baby bonds. Anyone can do that much. LORRAINE SECTOR IS HELD BY AMERICANS American Artillery Proves Su perior in First Real Battle With Germans. roiJTICAI, AXNOl'Xt KMKNT For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination for; sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the democratic vot ers at the primaries to he held May 17, 1918. lltfc JOHN WIGI.E. For Sliei ia I hereby announce my candidacy for the democratic nomination tor sheriff of Crook County, subject to the approval of the democratic vot ers at the primaries to be held May 17, 1918. j lltfc P. A. ROW ELL. i AM) HIS .MF. IS PKXMS To Bruce Dennis, eastern Oregon newspaper man, is due the credit tor arousing the people of Oregon to the fact that we are In the great est war, that we are to be the decid ing factor In that war, and that the attitude of the people at home will save many lives of our own men. In the support of the administration in this Immense undertaking. Bruce Dennis ts the proper man as head of the State Council of De fense, and dealing as he does with the moulding of public sentiment, he realized the value of getting real, first hand information from the ac tual seat of war to the actual seat of government, the people them selves. It matters not how much the of ficials and the financiers strive to support the administration, if the common people do not get behind the various moves for the promo tion of this war, the results will be anything but satisfactory. That a responsive chord was lo cated Is demonstrated by the fact that every audience addressed by the Canadian veterans was a record one for the community where the meet ings were held, and the keen in terest displayed shows that the sup port of our men over seas will be the most loyal. All honor Is due to Bruce Dennis, for he Is the man who secured the speakers for the tour, arranged the speaking schedule tor the state be fore the start, and during the entire trip which covered a month, 100, 000 people were addressed, and not a single date was missed, although the speakers addressed as many as eight audiences In a single day. o THOSE ISA II Y BOXD3 Liberty Loan drives, Red Cross j drives, Y. M. C. A. drives and many other drives come and go but the Iiaby Bonds, they are with us all the time. It is no striking thing for the man who has the money, to go to his bank and buy a $1000 war bond. It is good business, and to make the necessary $1000, he has used good business judgment. But when the masses, the children and grown-ups, commence to save the money that ts otherwise wasted, a seed for thrift has been planted that will bear fruit for ages to come In the nation."" It is our Job to buy $17,000,000 worth of war stamps and baby bonds in Oregon during 1918. To do this we must buy $60,000 worth each day for the year, and thus far the sales have reached only about $20, 000 worth per day. This may sound large, but when we realize that It Is but about seven cents per day each, tor the citizens of the state, we see how easy the task will be. The baby bonds cost this month but $4.13 and will be worth $5 each at their maturity In 1925, which means that the Interest Is com pounded, and added to the face of , the bond tor Its date of m. tui itjr. With the American Army In Prance. American troops are now occupying a sector of the, Lorraine front In Prance. This announcement Is per mitted by the military censor. The whole American sector Is re sounding with the boom of guns. Two Americans were killed and nine wounded during recent bombard ment and one suffered shell shock. It has been ascertained that the American gunners wrecked several of the enemy dugouts and so badly dam aged the first line positions ihut at one point the Orniatia were unable to occupy them Sunday. American officers sre elated over the results of the flsst artillery duel between American and Urrnian gun ners, which followed a preliminary shelling by the Germans. In official reports the Infantry coinmaiulers paid tribute to the promptness wltn which the artillery responded to the call for a barrase and to tho effectiveness of the artillery fire. Aerial reconnalnsnnccs showed that the American gunfire had had a very destructive effect. DEATH TO GERMAN STRIKERS IS THREAT Ijindnn. General von Kessel, mili tary commandant of Brandenburg prov ince. In which Berlin Is situated, threatens summary punishment of strikers who fall to obey his order that they resume work. Employes falling to resume work will be tried by cnurtmartlal, which Is authorized to Impose sentence of death. execution to take place within 24 hours of the time the sentence Is Imposed. These drastic military measures, ac cording to a report from Copenhagen, seems to have bad the effect jf break ing down the German strike movement The German government Is keeping a tight hand on news of the strikes, which are attended by demonstrations. In Berlin and other parts of G'-rmany. Hundreds of thousands of German men and women have Kliown In the last week that they have lost faith In the militarists, that they no longer be lieve the promises of their rulers, that they consider prolongation of the war poor business and they muBt now de cide whether to return to work or face the penalty that awaits spies and traitors. The latest news from Germany tells of rioting and exciting scenes In the j working class sections of Berlin, with the arrest of many men and women In I various parts of the city. OulBlde of the capital the strike grew on Satur day, but there are no reports of clashes between the military and the workers. ENTENTE HAS MOST TROOPS Secretary Baker Says Allies Numer ically 8uperlor on West Front. Washington. Warning the nation not to let reports of strikes and other Internal disturbances In Germany slacken Its war preparations, Secre tary Baker In his weekly military re view also makes the official announce ment that American troops are at last holding a -portion of the actual battle front For the first time, also, Secretary Baker declares that It Is fully believed the allies have a preponderance of men and guns on the western front, despite the fact that the German line has been strengthened by troops from the Russian field. Secretary Baker declared the reports of numerical su periority have been spread by the enemy himself. I 8lx Americans in German Prisons. Washington. Six of the 12 Ameri can soldiers reported missing after the German trench raid on November 3 have been located by the Red Cross in a prison camp at Tuchel, West Prussia, General Pershing reported to the war department. They were captured In the first assault launched by the Germans on an American sec Now turn to the Classified Ads on page 3. MAZOLA ths tvprfnMe oil from corn which ft-Wes the bttt results la general cooking -at I cm roat THE housewife h found" that NW.ols the pure oil from corn it ni hittr n the olJ rooking mediums for deep frying, mute'itig anJ shortening. AnJ mtrt tcntmuat Miizola dors not trammit tste or odor from one food to another can be ucd over and over aain. A rwvnt dmmmtrailon .hewed thai the urn linliil of Manila could U uwd tifkitt difrrtni ttmii lur dwp dying. Sinrt It li s vKtallt oil, il enattlas ynu In mm bull.r, laid snd Hivt, sa rjmird by (he rood Adminulrator. And Kent llnw jrou want an aapwially d.liuum alad drawing, try Manila. j Manila eonwa In pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon llni buy tin largt aim lur giratnt arononty, AIM a your groctf for tlx fiat MaaoU Hook ol Katipaa, or writs ui diract. You monty rahimW if Maiola dust nut givs tntirt wtiifaction. Corn Products Refining Co. 17 Iisttary Place, New York Johnson, Lleber Company ttrtUU, Oniae mm Do you pdninith prido to your bathroom or is it unsightly because of old fashioned plumbing fixtures. Modernize your bathroom by having PACIFIC Plumbing Fixtures installed. Their beautiful graceful designs, simple, easy to clean patterns and pure white highly glazed surfaces will make your bathroom a room to which you can conduct your guests with every feeling of pride. Although PACIFIC Plumbing Fixtures are of superior quality, they cost no more than any other reputable brand, and art guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or materials. Before you build or remodel, write for a copy of The Book of Bathrooms'. It is a 56 page book brim full of ideas. Free 00 rcqueat of PACIFIC PLUMBING FIXTURES For Stilt by all Plumbers Main Offices, 67 New Montgomery St., San Francisco PORTLAND AND LOS ANGELES Factories, Richmond and San Pablo, California Seed Wheat! Of all kinds especially some extra good Early Marquis, dry land grown. Ask for samples. Clean Seed Rye delivered at your railway sta tion for $2.24 a bushel. ALFALFA HAY At Powell Butte, Tumalo and Terrebonne. Write or telephone Northern Grain & Warehouse Co. Madras, Oregon Fresh Smelt At this market Tuesdays and Thursdays every week! Observe Meatless Days! Eat Fish! Prineville Meat Market Classified Ads save steps and worry.