r CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL JANUARY 31, 1918 PAGE 4 I LYRIC I U n I .,. & I i rv . . i UUvGLAS TAIRBANW lawM io cARTH ARTCRAFT-PlCTlftE.C Friday-Saturday 10c and 25c l Natural Fortification If you catch colds easily, if troubled with catarrh, if subject to headaches, nervousness or listlessness, by all means start today to build your strength with il n mm which is a concentrated medicinal food and building- tonic to put power m tne Diooa, sirenginen the life forces and tone up the appetite. No alcohol in SCOTT'S. The imported Norwnrian cod livtr oil wwd in Scott' t Emanon il now refined In oar own American laboratories which guarantee it free from impurities. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. W-U i Fresh Smelt At this market Tuesdays and Thursdays every week! Observe Meatless Days! Eat Fish! Prineville Meat Market The Store that is Head quarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! A Fresh Stock of Groceries Some very good boxes of winter apples still on hand Phone us your order The Michel Grocery Co. The Store of Service TiieCitv K. D. Myor was In the city last ! week-end from Paulina. Harry Hacklemau was in th city j laat week-end from Harnea. I i Tarl Volnand was In the ftty j last week-end from Lauionta. j Knymond Smith wont to Portland , Tuesday to stay with his tuothtr. V. A. and O. Q. Chltwood wore In j rrtnevllle, Monday, from Urlily. j Sid KoRpra waa a business visitor j In Prineville Monday from Barnes, j l Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Roberts werei In the city laat week from Roberta. Leo l.afillett waa a buatneaa vis-1 Itor In the city Monday from Red-! niond. M. S. Mayneld waa In the city Monday from hla Crooked River ranch. I Elam Faught waa a buatneaa vla Hor In Prineville, Saturday, from Roberta. Norman and Pearl WelRand were In Prineville laat week-end from Lamonta. Dr. I. H. Gove returned last week from Madras where he had been for a few days. T. B. Zell left Saturday for Port land and other valley points on a business trip. About twenty people from Prine ville, attended the dance at Tumalo, . Friday night. j Mrs. Arthur Wurzweiler and I dauRhteri of Sisters, were visiting j friends In the city Friday. Alex McDonald and T. M. Hamil ton were business visitors In the city yesterday from Ashwood. There will be services at the Catholic church Sunday morning. February 10th, at 10 o'clock. A. L. Mackintosh, county commis sioner of Deschutes county, waa a business visitor In the city Saturday Mrs. Norris Morgan left Tuesday for Seattle. Washington, where she will visit her son Harry Famsworth Vernon Bell and George Johnson, of Redmond, were In Prineville Thursday evening for the basketball game. Leo Cohen, a business man from Pendleton, was In the city yesterday In the Interest of the War Savings Stamps. ' ! Rene Lenoir, who is employed In the Ochoco District office, returned Monday from a week-end trip to The Dalles. Mrs. R. L. Jordan returned last week from Portland where she has been the past several weeks receiv ing medical treatment. j Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peoples and daughter, Arllne, and Miss Irene Barnes were In Prineville last week end from Bend. Mrs. Maud Puett was in the city last Saturday visiting her son Norris Bixby who was here with the Fort Columbia basketball team. A message from Herbert Hamil ton dated January 25 states that he arrived safely in France on that date. Mrs. Norris Morgan and Mrs. Vira Cyrus were In Redmond Friday evening and attended the Rebekah lodge meeting. Fenton Chase, of Suptee, passed through Prineville, Monday, going to Suplee to visit relatives. He Is stationed at Camp Lewis, Washing ton. Logan Bros., of Prineville, are feeding three hundred head of cattle at the Alraeter ranch near Terre bonne. They will keep them there the rest of the winter. Miss Esther Jane Clark and MisB Mabel Lorence, of Bend, Vernon Bell and George Johnson, of Red mond, were In the city Sunday and also visited the Ochoco Project. Logan Bros., of Hampton, who bought 100 tons of hay of P. B. Berlin last fall, brought their cattle last Saturday, stopping over night at the Swingle ranch. The hunch con siHts of 117 head of cattle and 45 calves. Lake County Tribune. Mrs. Elmira Swalley received a letter recently from her grandson, Roy Sumner who is somewhere in France. He enlisted from Prineville when war was first declared and Is with Co. E 11th Regiment, U. S. Engineers. In his letter he says they expect to be back in time to help finish the Ochoco Project. When you cannot find what you want advertised in The Journal, write one of the advertisers and they will get it for you if it is manufactured. All advertisers in the Crook County Journal are known to us to be reliable. LOW PRICES ON MERCHANDISE OF HIGH QUALITY Our prices, considering conditions, are low. You can expect higher price in many lines. The goods listed below are all high grade merchandise and you will make no mistake in taking care of your requirements for some time to come! 35 lb Itot Italian Prune 8.I.UO 2S lb Hot French Prunes 13.85 85 lb Hot Seedless Hulslna asl.a. 25 tt Hot Kvaporated Peachea tit.UH Canned Apples, liallon ('ana Hie Canned Plums, Gallon Cnna 4.V Canned llliick berries. Gallon Can 7.V Koyal Club Peanut Hutter I S tti can JWte Royal Club Peanut Hutter. 6 lb can Sl.otl Golden Gate Unking Powder. 1 tb can 4.V Golden Gate linking Powder. 1 4 tb can . SI.IO Golden Giite Unking Powder, 5 lb can 'J.H Crescent Unking Powder 1 Ri It.V, 5 It) SUM! K.T MOKK MSH: N.WK THK MKATS HH Tilt: MOl.MKUS Plnic Salmon, 10 lb Kits SI.Mil Red Sockeve Salmon. 10 lb Kits HJ.'JO SpU-ed Herring. 10 tt) Klta Spiced Herring. 25 It) Kits fJl.7.1 Booth' Sardines, large cana 1!.V Fancy Chinook Snlmon, S H Flats sit cans for $1.10 Fancy Chinook Salmon, 1 tt) Flats .V sit cans for $1,115 Stripe Surdities, medium site can I.V 8 V HITS Amber Corn Syrup, 5 lb cans ft.Vi Amber Com Syrup, 10 lb caua $1.00 While Corn Syrup, White Corn Syrup, 6 lb cans , oe 10 tt) cana $l l NO IP Wil l, UK Mil. Ill It Hob White Hwp, U bars M hob White Soap, 50 bars 'J.M Mob White Soap, 100 bars .V7I Goblin Toilet Soap, per bar ' IMIMI'AHK Ol It I'llH KS ON HAIIDWAHK Half Mile limb Wire, per hundred n Nails, per It) Nails, per keR base price $.VIM Intuitu I ply Roofing, siiuure 1.1)0 Duikallne 1 ply Roofing II M Multhold Jr. Roofing, per roll $2.0.1 HIGH TK.NT IIATTMUKH 4.V We move a lot of Itntteriea and can Rive them to you that test Mull. Kverready Batteries wlili h we sell, aro considered the best Mattery put out. PAINTS F1ll KVKIIV IHK We have Juat added a new linn of Automobile. Puliits put out by the Gllddon VhiiiIhIi Compuny. You can make your old Automobile look like new at small coat. Our House I'nlula lire put up by lleuth anil Mllllgiui. There Ih no better paint manufiirtiired. Auk any painter. Kunnlilne nnialii'S will make the wood work ail old furni ture look like new, J. E. STEWART & COMPANY returned from to and Douglas Fairbanks has achieved the impossible according to a story told around the Lyric Theatre where his newest Artcraft picture, "Down to Earth" will soon be shown. The famous Fairbanks smile has evi denced itself on the faces of many different kinds of humans but that a hippopotamus would respond to a contagious grin is somewhat doubt ed. However, the picture will prove the truth of the assertion. Miiis Vlda Jones Portland, Friday. Mrs. Charles Houston was In the city yesterday from Roberts. C. W. Elklns was In Redmond on business the last of the week. T. B. Zell returned the first of the week from a business trip to Port land. J. W. Crooks and O. C. Claypool made a business trip to Redmond, Tuesday forenoon. , Clark A. Robinson, of Pomeroy. Washington, arrived yesterday visit at the home of T. B. Zell family. There will be a basketball game tomorrow night between Bend and Crook County high schools at the Commercial Club Hall. Wm. Dunker, who was employed at Camp 18 on the Ochoco Project, was burled here last Thursday. His relatives could not be located. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fertlg, of La Junta. Colorado, are visiting their son, J. H. Fertlg, who Is employed In the Ochoco Project office. They will probably locate here permanent-1 ly. Wm. O. Cot, superintendent of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co., waa In the city yesterday. He will leave for Vancouver, Washington, In a few days to Join the Engineers' Corps. Mrs. Lucretta B. True died at her home In 8herwood, Sunday, January 27. Mrs. True was the mother of Mrs. C. L. Shattuck of this city. Mrs. Shattuck has been with her mother for several days. R. A. Ward, county agricultural agent, and S. L. Wiggins, of the O. W. R. & N., attended the Commer cial Club luncheon Friday. They sre accompanied by Miss Anna M. Turley and Mrs. Jessie MiComh of the U. S. Department of Agriculture who are conferring with the Ladles Annex In connection with a federal food survey which Is being conduct ed by the government. Miss Turley is connected with the extension de partment at O. A. C. :.tii: DKPITY GAME WARDE.V Luckey Ilonney Appointed Part of the Slate I'or Thin Luckey Bonney has been appoint ed special deputy game warden for this part of the state. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 81 HODCES Feed barn will be open for business Feb. 1. 12t2c FOUND Small gold necklace, with silver charm. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. 12tfc WANTED A span of good sound mares to weigh 1500 or 1600 pounds. Inquire of J. II. Fertlg, at Ochoco DiHtrlct office. 12t2p FOR SALE One saw mill, shingle mill planer, and everything com plete, cheap if taken at once. Inquire of Jack Dee, Grizzly, Ore gon. 12t2c FOR SALE A 1' Grain and Alfalfa Ranch; 360 acres, on main road Redmond to Prineville, 150 bot tom. 160 under ditch, all kinds of buildings; fenced and crossfenced 130 cultivated; Railroad building station to be on place, river on Dlace. Price $18,000, one-third cash, time on balance at 6 percent. Also 480 acre stock ranch south west of Prineville; 40 in cultiva tion, large house and barn, fenced A 1 at $3800, one-third cash time on balance at 6 percent. See me or F. Forest at ranch on Prine ville road. C. F. Loomis 12tl0p OOECS! Latest copyright books by well-known authors Included in this assortment: "The High Heart" Basil King Hl-D?11" Elen?L.H?0,?e? The Tiger's Coat" Elizabeth De jeans "Seven Miles to Arden" Ruth Sawyer "Barbarians" r . jJb VW. jChamber s Come in and look them over. D. P. Adamson & Co. Druggists THE ELITE MILLINERY Open Afternoons Only from 2 to 5:30 during the re mainder of January Will go to Portland during February to specialize on different parts of the work. The openine will be on or about the first of March OLLIA M. LEWIS "Hllp-On" Veils, no pins or fastenings. FRANKLIN OWNERS YOU KNOW E. II. Dr. a. j. it. John Vic C. French The Dalles M. Lowe I no Dulles Palmer, The Dulles l'iilt..n. . Wbwo Amlerdon Whmco .lmln. A. H. Iteiinctt. Tlio Dulles Leo V. Hruno GrunddulloH H. Kdwurds, l'llnevillo Pridiiv (.utewuy Krociicrt Ueixl WilllMiiiHon Prlnevlllo George V. Kelley, Pan Una K. N. Hull, I'oweil mine J. P. Bolton, The Dulles VlrH O. Kelly, The Dulles K. K. MutHon Glonwood Chun. A. Hnrth, ....The Dulles George VV- Johnson, Dufur Frank Pennington, GruiKl dalles Carey W. Foster, ....Prineville Dr II. I. A. i .1. N F. L. Houghton, The Dulles II. V. Woodcock The Dulloa V. II. French The Dulles Fred Hluii, Wawo Duve Fulton, Wiinco Grant Mays, I'ortlunil George Mllllcan, .Prlnevlllo Dr. II. P. Itolknup, PrinevUlo Dr. 11. Ferrell, Iteml Mrs. J. K. Hyun, lleud W. P. Trelehel, Paollim Ira F. llliick Culver J. M. Konklin, .....Maiipln George Hcliwurtz, Gninm Valley Chun. Ynockel, .('entervillo George Hnrth, The Dulles L. O. Mcuchum, ....Hood Ulver Johnson Condon J. O. McKlnney, Sisters L. B. Kelly Muupln ASK THEM Call at Salesrooms or write George E. McCIure, care Walthcr Williams Co., The Dulles, Oregon, exclusive agent. Just like money while you sleep. on interest Classified Ada work