JANUARY 17, 1918 CROOK'COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 F HTHKA.M IIKINCJ HKNT OVKIt IMM AH WOIIK I'lUHiKKMHKH VthB DtshmaQ placs Tuisdsjr. BitTHr! Indlrldukli u( this section J war In I'rlimvllls lust week answer ing questionnaires. wMlns Diille Cowlos n rlsltlnf In town Hunday. D. A. 8rs loit fln horse lust week. ' It got cut to badly In the barbwlre they were unable to save It. - 0. II. Hussel went to town day for a load of supulis. LAKE STARTED III REST Wtlit at Dam IVrlin Trn I'cct M-u l.arK" I'M (Mric(l In Hill l r Mut.rlul The Increase of flow of the wa ters In Ovhoco caumiU a iIiuiikh In the plan of handling construction, and the flume which hurt been built at a previous time win brought Into play, which la now currying the stream over the dam, while the work of raining the surface of the fill goa on. i The volume of water coming down the stream la much greater than ton duya ago, and for that reason the dum will be built to a sufe bnlght before the flow la stopped entirely. J tint now there la a pond, the tart of the blggeat luke In thia part of the slate, forming above the dam. It It about ten feet deep at the dam, and extends up stream some dis tance. A pit that Is perhaps 100 feet by CO In depth bus been opened Into the mountain side, where a flue grade of material Is being taken out and sluiced by the giants Into the dam. The plan of construction Is to re move all the earth from the face of the cliff at that ponlt, over an arna sumclent In site to build the dam A steady at renin of material, con slating of rock, and various kinds of earth. Is pouring Into the struc ture each duy, and engineers suy the consistency of the deposit la Ideal for the work It Is expected to perform. Ilucauae of the difficulties In hand ling material, no shift Is now being maintained during the night. TERREBONNE NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent) M. C. Davis, of Portland, shipped two carloads of silica from Terro bonne to Portland, Wednesday. The Great Northern Warehouse Company shipped another carload of hay to Madras on Friday. Fair View Stock Farm shipped four carloads of cattle from the Terrebonne stock yards to Portland Wednesday. i Fair View Stock Farm hauled out two six-horse loads of rolled barley from the Union Warehouse, Friday Fourteen carloads of produce have been shinned from Terrebonne the lust ten days. J. M. Perry klled a hog Inst Frl day which dressed 2G0 pounds. A lartre crowd attended the rabbit drive Sunday and many rabbits are reported to have been killed. C. W. Clupp, of Lower Bridge shinned some sold bearing ore to Arizona laat week. Mrs. Whltels, principal of the Terrebonne school, was one of the Judges In the debate Friday night at Bend between Bond and Culver The Culver team won, Doiizll Harrington, a former stu dent of Terrebonne High and a resi dent of Lowor Bridge left last week for Globe, Arizona, MILL CREEK NEWS (By our llogulnr Correspondent.) GEI Mon- E PROPHECY YEARS AGO A little snow full In this section last night, the first we have bad tbls year. G.H . Russell lost several head of cattle last week with blackleg. W. J. Stanton lost a calf last week with rubles. A surprise party was given Mrs. I. M. Elevens, Friday night of laBt week, and everyone had a lovely time. Light refreshments were gorved. Miss Oral Sears returned home yesterday after spending several days In Prlnevllle. C. W. CowleB was butchering hogs Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will send one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent A most remarkable prophecy, made by the German monk, Fratre Johannes, In the year 1600, seems to be Hearing a fulfillment. As a key to the prophecy one has only to realise the following: The kaiser la a German Lutheran he has a withered arm. Germany Is the Black Eagle. Austria, bur ally, has also an eagle. Kussla Is the White Kagle. France Is the cock. Kugland, the British empire, Is the leopard. The following prophecy by the monk Fratre Johannes, who lived about the year 1600, Is remarkable In Its application to the present world crisis. The authenticity of this prophecy was at first doubted because of a few discrepancies In the text but the matter was referred to the newspaper Information bureau at Washington, and Director Fred erick J. Hawkins replied as follows: "In reply to your letter asking Whether the prophecy by the monk, Fratre Johannes, Is real, we would say that this prophecy was . discov ered In old parchment In the convent of the Holy Ghost, at Wismar, In Germany, and Is kept under glass in the town hall of this city. There have, been numerous translations which text vary somewhat. We are returning your copy of this prophecy The discrepancies which we not' ed, and which you also may notice are probably due to the variations in the translation of the text. On the whole It is a remarkable proph ecy. It Is as follows: The real antichrist will be one of the monarchs of his time, a Luther an Protestant. He will invoke God and give himself out as bis messen ger, or apostle. This prince of lies will swear by the Bible. He will represent him self as the arm of the most high sent to chastise corrupt peoples. ' Ho will have only one arm, but his Innumerable armies, who will take for their device the words, "God Is with us," will resemble the Infernal regions. For a long time he will act by craft and strategy. His spies will overrun the earth, and he will be master of the secrets of the mighty, He will have learned men in bis pay who will maintain and undertake to prove his celestial mission. A war will afford him the oppor tunlty of throwing off the mask. It will not be In the first Instance a war which he will wage against French monarch. But It will be one of such nature that after two weeks all will realize its universal charac tor. Not only all Christians, but Mus selmnns and even more distant peO' pies will be Involved. Armies will be Involved from the four quarters of the earth. For by the third week the angels will perceive that the man is antl christ and that all will become his slaves If they do not overthrow this conqueror. Will Massacre Helpless. Antichrist "will be recognized by various tokens In special be will massacre the priests, the monks, the women, the children and the aged. He will show no mercy, but will pass, torch In hand, like the barbar luus, but invoking ChrlBt. His words of Imposture will re- somble those of Christians, but his vows of all the human race. He will have an eagle in his arms, there will also be an eagle in the arms of his confederate. But the latter will be a Christian and will die from the malediction of Pope Benedict who will be elected at the beginning of the reign of antichrist. In order to conquer antichrist, It will bo necessary to kill more men than Rome ever contained. It will need the energies of all the king doms, because the cock, the leopard and the white eagle will not be able to make an end of the black eagle Without the aid of the prayers and the vow's of the human race. Never will humanity have been faced with such a peril, because the triumph of the antichrist would be that of the demon, who will have taken possession of his personality, The UeiiHt Incarnated. For it haB been said that 20 cen turies after the incarnation of the word the beast will be Incarnated In his turn and will menace the world with as many evils as the divine In carnation hat brought It graces. Toward tb 2000 antichrist , will be made manifest. His army will surpass In number anything that can be Imagined. There will be Christians among bis cohorts and there will be Mohammedans among the defenders of the lamb at well as some heathen soldiers. For the first time the lamb will be red for blood will flow In the domain of the four elephant at once. The black eagle will hurl Itself upon the cock, which will lose many feathers. It will soon be exhausted, but for the leopard and Its claws. The black eagle, who will come from the land of Luther, will make a surprise attack upon the cock. The white eagle will come from the north. The black eagle will find itself forced to let go the cock In order to fight the white eagle, whereupon the cock will have to pursue the black eagle Into the land of the antichrist to aid the white eagle. Great llattle on Lutheran Holt. The battles fought uq to that time will be as nothing compared to that which will take place In the Luther an country. When the beast finds himself lost he will become furious. Men will be able to cross the rivers over the bodies of the dead. Antichrist will sue for peace many times, but the seven angels who march before three animals of the land will have proclaimed that vic tory will not be given except on con dition that antichrist will be crushed like straw upon the threshing floor. The three animals will not be per mitted to cease fighting so long as antichrist has soldiers. It will be made manifest that the combat which will be fought out In that part of the country In which antlchrlBt forges bis arms, is no human conflict. The animal defend ers of the lamb will exterminate the last army of antichrist. Antichrist will lose his crown and will die in solitude and madness. His empire will be divided Into 22 states but none will have any longer forti fications, armies or ships of war. The white eagles, by order of Michael, will drive the CreBcent out of Europe, where there will be no longer any but Christians. He will Install himself at Constantinople. MOB DEMOLISHES PLANT 8eattl Print Shop Is Wrecked by Twi Civilians and a Score of Sailors. Seattle, Wash. With the six men employed In the place lying in a row, with their faces to the floor, two civil ians and about 20 sailors wrecked the plant of the Piggott Printing company at 83 West Pike street H. C. Piggott, president of the con oern, estimated his loss at more than 110.000. The Dally Call, a socialist paper, and the Industrial Worker, an L W. W. publication, were both printed by the Piggott concern, but maintained offices at other locations. In addition the concen printed a dozen or more other publications. VYou have been running some pretty bad dope," one of the mob remarked after the wrecking had been finished. "Tell your boss that he's about through." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ANYONE Having lost one brown mare, branded horseshoe on left stifle, about 7 years old, see J. H. Gray, City Marshal lOtlc WANTED Girl for steady work. Good pay. Johnson's Sweet Shop. lOtlc ADVANCE IN BARCLEY CORSETS Avail yourself of the present low price before the 10 percent advance on the Barcley line Feb. 1st. The name Barcley on a cor set means the same thing as Ster ling on a piece of silver. Barcley means Sterling quality. The Little Vanity Shop. lOtlc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Oflke at The Dalles, Oregon. January 14th, 1918. Notice Is hereby Riven that RUTH LANGFOKD GULOVSON, formerly Ruth LanKford, of Drv Lake. Oretron. who. on March 15th, UllS. made Homestead Entry, No. 011417, for NE4. NU, SKH, SWi4 SEW, SE"4 Section 20, Township 20-South, Ranite 21 East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Elmos M. Peck, U. S. Commissioner, at Hampton, Orevon, on the 23rd day of February. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: .T. O. Wilson, C. A. Ivy. Lewis Bennett, all of Dry Lake, Oregon, Chaa. A. McUne, of Hampton, Orenon. H. FRANK, WOODCOCK, 10tBc i Ketfister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Orexon. January 14th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that CLARENCE M. GULOSON, of Dry Lake, Oregon, wtio, on February 14th, 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 0112S8, for SEM, NW!4 SE, NEVt SW. Si4 NEVi, Sec. 19; SH NWVi. Section 20, Town ship 20-South, Range 21-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above .described, before Elmer M. Peck, U. S. Commissionef, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 23rd day of February. 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: 1, O. Wilson. C. A. Ivy, Lewis Bennett, all of Dry Lake, Oregon, Chaa. A. McUne, of Hampton, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 10t6o Register. have the best quality of Canned Goods, Bottled and Packed Goods at prices as low as you are pay ing for some brands of inferior quality? KING'S PATENTED PROCESS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES-Peaches, Apples, Prunes. Cherries. Rhubarb, Carrots, Spinach, 00 IP Squash and Stringless Beans, per package LLlXj O. C. CLAYPOOL & CO. 84 per cent of Failures Are Non-Advertisers! Bradstreet's says that "eighty-four percent of all failures are among non-advertisers!" Which, considering the source of the declaration, is pretty conclusive proof that advertising pays. When Bradstreet's says that only sixteen per cent, of . business failures are among advertisers the statement has real significance. No business firm ever became truly great except by the aid of advertising! Like competition, advertising is the "life of trade." Without it, in modern days and under modern business condi tions, no commercial or other business concern can achieve the success that it can with it attest That is axiomatic, as every successful business man will Outside, possibly, of personality and integrity, advertising is the mightiest force, positive and potent, in present-day com- merce and business. Atlanta. Constitution. Advertising puts the Special Delivery Stamp upon your Sales Message! Journal Phone 611 Call us up for a personal interview!