Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 10, 1918, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    JANUARY 10, 1918
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Owns L. rrflptimn, M, li diJ t
Wnr vlnr tsmp to the amount
of II7R.628.7I wrrn inlil In Orennu up
to and InolurtliiK Di'i cinlicr 81,
Th lritnt tiiinlii- In the hlatory
of thai All miy iiiiBUifflci" li ihnwn for
the month of Dewmbor Jiint pt.
Work ba itarteil on the const rue
tion of three miles of rond la the Bin
ktyou national foreit near Fort Orford.
The leoretHry of war ent to con
yreei advene reporta on the proponed
Improvement of Younga bar, near
Portland'! municipal employment
bureau got work during 1917 for 31.664
ten and 3736 women, according to the
annual report
Fire, believed to have been of In
cwndlary origin, destroyed large
narehntiia at Junction City, belonging
to Wllhclm Hon.
Eugene paid approximately 10 per
rent of her bonded Indcbtedtieaa the
pat year, according to th report of
Frd 0. Btlckfln. city treaaurer.
Twenty in million feet of lumber
wee shipped from the Columbia river
during December, according to flgurea
compiled by Customs Collector tysddtx.
Mrs. Sarah J, Inman, who was born
in Portland tb yeara ago, and probably
oae of the first white babies born In
that city, died at ber home In Kugene.
Over one. third of the arresta made
by the Astoria police department In
1S17 were drunks, according to flgurea
compiled by Chief of Police Naos
The Columbia Telephone company
f Troiildll has petitioned the public
service commission for authority to
Increase Its rata for business tela
phones from $1.25 to 32 a month.
The irrigation-drainage convention
at Corvallla passed resolutions In favor
of amending tba Kit drainage law
tfl give drainage dlstrlcta authority
to appropriate funda for Irrlgatloa pur
poses. Governor James Wtthycombe aaya
that reports froaa special agenta In
dicate the sale of eitraets aa beverages
la logging camps la Coos sounty la
having a demorallslag effect upoa the
The Oregon public servlca commis
sion haa laaued an rde empowering
the Portland Railway, Light Power
company to increaae Ita cash fires to
aum not to exceed f cents for each
M. 8. Plttman, hesd of the rural
school department of the Oregon
Normal school, haa announced his In
tentions of becoming a candidate for
the democratic nomination for United
Elates senator,
Two hundred and alxty paroled men
from the state penitentiary earned a
total of 31S,iD7.XS during the month of
Nevember, or an average of $63.13
each, according to the monthly report
of Parole Officer Keller.
The county court of Lincoln county
made an order last waek for the ap
polatmeat of a county agriculturist and
appropriated $109 toward the coat,
.tba balance ta be boras by the atata
aad the federal government.
Nearly 10 freight aad passenger
traffic solicitors la Portlaad are af
, faeted by the recent order of the di
rector geaeral of railroads ellmtnatlag
solicitation af bueiaeaa aad oosepeti
tien between rallread eonpaaiaa.
The provision af chapter 31$, laws
of 1$17, which provides that "the ceun
tt court af each coaaty may employ a
road master" Is mandatory If any road
work la to be dona In the county, ac
cording to Attorney Oeneral Brewa.
Residents of the vicinity of Dorena
have formed an organization known
as the Row River Coyote club, for the
purpose of making war on coyotes,
which have been killing goats and
other small livestock,, The club has
14 members, i
Eight thousand stations for the sale
of war savings stamps are to be es
tablished In Oregon during the week,
according to announcement by Charles
N. Wonacott, associate state director
of the Oregon division of the national
thrift campaign, .
Two , fatal accidents were Included
la the 341 reported to the industrial
accident commission for the week end
ing January 3, inclusive. N. J, Crock
ett, Notl, logger, and Gertrude New
port, Astoria, cook, ware the victims of
tba fatal accidents.
So that the production of milk and
other dairy products shall not ba cur
tailed, a nation-wide movement has
been started by the Oregon Dairymen's
association io have dairy employes
1 within the draft age exempted or put
In daferred classification.
The metal production for Baker
county during 1916 totaled a little in
excess of $3,000,000, according to the
report of Charles Q. Yals, director of
the federal bureau of mines, and. the
117 production will come close to that
figurj, although It probably will fall a
little short
A. C. V. Berry, of the Mfaml Con
struction company, of Portland, was
the successful blddt-r for the construc
tion of the south Jetty of tint proposed
Variulua bar project, ills bid wss $393,
Out) for the work complete, Including
all construction material.
Kight more government contracts
tor wood ships have been awarded
Oregon shipyards. Tha yards are those
of Homarslrom Ilrothers at Columbia
City and the Wilson Ilrothers Ship
building company of Astoria. Kach
will receive four. These contracts
represent about $4,000,000.
Oregon will furnish 2031 men for
the second draft soon to be called.
Approximate figures only are avail
able, but they Indicate that the state
will not suffer serious loss of man
power. This estimate Is based upon
the supposition that 637,000 men will
again be called In tha whole nation.
Pendleton haa a new Industry which
Is now pretty well established. Dr.
McNsbb hss started a fog farm In the
eastern end of tha city for tha pur
pose of raising foxea on a commercial
basis. He hss four pair of silver
gray foxea and on female red fox as
a nucleus for developing a profitable
fur bearing business.
Officer elected by the Irrigation
congress held In Portland last week
were as follows: J. H. Upton of
Prlnevllle, president; H. W. Oard of
Madras, first vice president; B. D.
Joslln of Jordan Valley, aecond vice
president; Porter J. Neff of Medford,
third vice president; Fred N. Wallace
of Ttimalo, secretary.
Clatsop county la to open bids on
January 21 for the laying of three
mllna of hard surfaced road, complet
ing the permanent Improvement of
the highway from Astoria to Fort
Stevens. The Improvement will In
clude about 10,000 yards of grading
and 20.000 yards of pavement and will
cost from $75,000 to $30,000.
Robert Paulua, secretary of the
Salem Fruit Union, has announced the
disposal of 1,700,000 pounds of north
west prunes to tha government. The
tale practically cleaned up packing
houses of the northwest of those sixes,
and leaves about 1,000.000 pound of
other alsea In their hands. The prune
were sold at approximately $123,000.
Division of the slate is proposed by
William Hanley, wealthy stockman of
Burns, Harney county, attending tha
Oregon Irrlgatloa congress, as tha only
practical solution by which eastern
and central Oregon can work out their
salvation and develop their Interests
so divergent from those of that section
of the state lying west of the Caseadea.
One hundred and Bin permits to
appropriate water and 10 permits to
construct reservoir, Including the Ir
rigation Of land aggregating 10,639
acres, and water supply tor three mu
nicipalities, with an estimated cost of
construction totaling $294,887, were la
sued by State Engineer John H. Lewi
during the last quarter of the year
With the open season to dste, goat
raisers In Douglss county hsve been
experimenting with fall shearing of
mohair. It la believed the process can
be carried on successfully, so far as
the gsata getting through the winter la
concerned, in Douglaa county at least,
and probably also In Polk county.
Weather conditions In Lincoln county
would not make fall shearing practi
cable there.
Acting Adjutant General Williams
has submitted the following figure to
Oovernor Wtthycombe, showing the
present status of enlistments la Ore
gen: Third Oregon, 2056; Oregon coaat
artillery, 1709; flold artillery, 400; cav
alry, 400; hospital units, 600; officers'
reserve oorps, 256; medical officer,
etc., 200; navy aud marine oorps, 6652;
selective service, 711; infantry service,
under draft 700, enllated 7320. Total
Logging, lumber and construction
companies must keep their dynamite
and other blasting explosives under
lock and key, or at least in a guarded
place where atrlct account of them
may be maintained. This order haa
been issued by the office of the United
States attorney, pursuant to com
plaints that such explosives have been
permitted to remain along railroad
tracks and at placea of easy access
to paasersby.
Continuation of the war may mean
a large saving to the state . In na
tional guard appropriations, according
to present Indications. The guard re
ceived an appropriation for the bien
nium of $166,000 from the last legisla
ture, of which sum about $4000 was
taken to liquidate bills created by a
previous administration. From thfe
presqnt outlook it appears that $75,
000 of tba appropriation may revert
to the general fund at the end of the
Flgurea from the official navy bul
letin show Portland to head tha list
for navy recruits during the final two
weeks' rush pf recruiting. New York
district with Its population of 6,982,489,
had to take second place with 479 en
! listments for the week ending Decem
ber 16. Portland district with Its
population of 993,429, leads all dis
tricts la the United States with an
enlistment of 714 men. Compiled fig
ures for the, total enlistments from
December 3 to 15, show Portland gtill
in the lead with 1350 volunteer signed
up, and Nfrw York second with 1112.
Sanctity of Treaties Must Be
Re-established and Rights
of People Assured.
London, The British prime minis
ter, David Lloyd George, set forth
Great Britain's war alms In an ad
dress before the delegate of the ;
trade union.
The three cardinal point of the
British terms a enunciated by the
British prime minister are: Reestab
llsliment of the sanctity of treatiea;
territorial settlement based on tha
right of self-determination or the con
sent of the governed; the creation of
an international organization to limit
srmaments and diminish tba proba
bility of war.
He declared that It was not a war
of aggression against Germany or the
German people, and that the breaking
up of th German peoplea, or the dis
integration of their atate, waa not one
or the objects tor which tbe allies
were fighting.
Among the Issue for which Great
Britain and the allies were contending,
he stated, were the restoration of Bel
glum and reparation for the Injuries
inflicted; restoration of Serbia, Mon
tenegro and the occupied parte of
France, Italy and Roumanla. France
must have Alsace-Lorraine, and to
thia end, the premier said, the British
nation would aland by tha French
democracy to tbe death. Russia could
only be saved by ber own people. He
declared an independent Poland an
urgent necessity for tba stability of
western Europe.
Roumanla i to b protected, and
the British and other allies are with
Italy In ber desire for complete anion
of the people of tba Italian raea and
The Turkish empire, within the
hoaie lands of the Turkish race, with
Constantinople aa its capital, may be
maintained. But tb passage between
the Mediterranean and Black aea must
b Internationalized and neutralised,
and Arabia, Armenia, Mesopotamia,
Syria and Paleatloe are entitled to
recognition of their aeparat natloaal
Importation of Orientals la Urge).
Chicago. A plea to aolve the labo
problem of the United States by the
Importation ,of Orientals waa mad
here In an address by Elbert H. Gary,
chairman of the board of the Uuitad
States Steel corporation.
Central Oregon Irrigation Company, a cor
poration. Plaintiff.
Ralph Cruikahank, Defendant
To Ralph Cruikahank, the above named
defendant, GREETINGS i
You are hereby required to appear and
anawer the Complaint Died in the above en
titled eauae of auit againat you on or before
February 2nd, 1818, and if you fail to ao
appear and anawer or otherwiae plead, for
want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the
above named Court for a decree a prayed
for in the Complaint filed herein, namely:
That the defendant Ralph Cruikahank sur
render one certain contract in aaid com
plaint deacribed, made and entered into by
and between tha aaid defendant and th
Plaintiff herein on the 28th day of August.
1911 for the purchea of water right by tha
defendant and releaa of lien by the Plain
tiff, to th following deacribed premises, to.
wit I Tha Southwest Quarter of the North
east Quarter and th Southeast Quarter of
tha Northwest Quarter, in Section Fifteen,
Township Fourteen South, of Range Four
teen, East of th Willamette Meridian, in
Oregon, and that aaid contract be cancelled,
forfeited and declared void, and that th de
fendant Ralph Cruikahank and all persons
claiming, or to claim, by, thru or tinder
him ba forever enjoined and debarred from
asserting any claim or right whatever under
aaid contract In or to aaid land, or the water
right appurtenant thereto, and that the
plaintiff have auch other and further relief
aa to this Court may seem meet and equit
able in the premises. .
Thia Summons la publiahed pursuant to an
order made so to do by the Judge of the
above named Court, made and entered on
th 16th day of December, 11917.
Of Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residing at Redmond, Oregon.
Dat of first publication December 20th,
1917. t7c
Central Oregon Irrigation Company, a cor
poration. Plaintiff,
Omer Morris, Defendant.
To Omer Morris, the above named defendant,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint tiled in the above en
titled cause of suit atmtnst you on or before
February 23rd, UU8, and if you fail to bo
appear and anawer or otherwiae plead, for
want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the
above named Court for a decree aa prayed
for in the Complaint filed herein namely;
that the defendant Omer Morris surrender
one certain contract in said Complaint de
scribed, made and entered into by and be
tween said defendant and the Plaintiff herein
on the 11th day of November, 1911, for the
purchase of water rijrht by the defendant
and release of lien by the Plaintiff, to the
following described premises, to wit: The
Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
of Section Six, Township Fifteen South, of
Ran Fifteen, East . of the Willamette
Meridian, in Oretron, and that said contract
be cancelled, forfeited and declared void, and
that the defendant Omer Morris, and all per
sons claiming, or to claim by, through or
under him be forever enjoined and debarred
from asserting any claim or right whatever
under said contract, in or to said land or the
water right appurtenant thereto, and that
the Plaintiff recover of the Defendant its
costs and disbursements of this suit and
that it have such other and further relief
as to this Court may seem meet and equit
able in the premises.
This summons is published pursuant to an
order made so to do by the Judge of the
above named Court, made and entered on
the 2nd day of January, 1918.
Of Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Residing at Redmond. Oreixon.
Date of First Publication, January 10th,
Read The Crook County Journal.
Motifw la haraby etna by tha aadtraltiMd,
tha Administrator of lb Eatata of John L., iMnwd, Is all creditors of laid
becaaard, and lo all paraona having elaima
against said Eatata, to praaant tha aara with
tha propar vourhara. to tha nndaraiKnad at
tha oV of at. R. Elllntt, In Prinavilla, Ore
son, within six month from tha data of
Ihia notira.
Datad borambar IS, ton.
Administrator of tha Batata of
Sta John L. Mcbowall, Deceased.
Department of tha Intarlor, U. 8. Land
Office at Tha Dalle, Oregon.
December let, 1SI7.
Notlc U hereby slvan that
of prineville, Oregon, who, on Mar 21th,
1112, made Homeatead Entry, No. 010304 and
on Juno 3rd. 1UU, made additional Home
steada Entry, No. 013340, for Lota S-4, EM
W(4, HK14, Section 80, Township 1.
South, Kan lg-ttaat, Willamette Meridian,
haa tiled notir of intention to make Anal
three year proof, to eatablleh claim to tha !
land above described, before Lake M. Been
tell, U. B. Commieeloner, at Prineville, Ore
Son, on tb 14th day of January, ISIS.
Claimant names aa wftneaeeej
William J. Johnson, William Klnaaley,
Geom H. Ruaeell, William Preund, all of
Prineville, Oregon.
4Wp Ret-tetar.
Lucille at. Campbell, Plaintiff,
Andrew M. Campbell, Defendant
To Andrew M. Campbell, tb above named
defendant i
OREGON : You art hereby required to appear
and anawer tha complaint Sled against yon
In tha above entitled eutt on or before aix
weeka from tha data of tba lint publication
of thia aummona, and if you fail ao to ap
pear and anawer for want thereof tbe plain
tiff will take judgment against you aa prayed
for In tba complaint herein, to-wit : For a
decree of thia Court that tha bond of matri
mony heretofore and now existing between
plaintiff and defendant be act aaide. dieeolved
and held for naaght; that ah be awarded
tha care and euatody of the minor child.
Myrtle Lucille Campbell, for her coat and
diaburaementa herein expended, and for auch
other and further relief aa may to the Court
seem proper, Juat and equitable in tb
Thia aummona is served upon you by pub
lication for alx conaeeutive weeka by virtue
of an order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy,
Judge of the above entitled Court, entered
therein In thia caua on the 20th day of
December, 11117.
Data of th firat publication December 2 Ota,
Dat of the mat publication, January Slat,
Attorney for the Plaintiff and
(t7e Reaidins si Prineville. Oregon.
In th matter of th Estate of Jennie E.
Bevard, Dee d.
Notice la hereby given that J. P. Roach,
administrator de bonus non of Estate of
Jennie E. Bevard, deceased, ha filed in the
County Court of the 8 tat of Oregon for
Irook County, hia finai report , and account
of hia administration of aaid estate and that
tha hearing on aaid final report haa been
fixed by aaid court for tha 18th dav of Jan
uary. 1918, at th county court room in the
courthouse, in th City of Prineville, Ore
gon, at th hour of tea o'clock In .the fore
noon of that day.
All persona interested in said estate are
hereby notified then and there to appear and
abow cause, if any they have, why th aaid
account should not be settled and allowed
and th aaid administrator discharged and
nia bonus exonerated.
J. F. H08CH. .
Adminiatrator de bonus non of the
tac Estate of Jenni E. Bevard. Dee'd.
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Office at Th Dalles, Oregon.
December 11th, 1917.
Notice hi hereby given that
of Held, Oregon, who, on October 3rd, ISIS,
made Homestead Entry, No. 013906, for
nr. MS., Hfcii. nwu SEtt. at
SW, Section It. Township 19-South, Range
19-East, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice
of intention to make final three year proof,
to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Warren Brown. Clerk of tha
! Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the
28th day of January, 1918.
Claimant names aa witnesses :
Harley 8aundera, of Held, Oregon ; Sidney
W. Rogers, of Held Oregon: Fisher C.
Logan, of Barnes, Oregon; Lloyd G, Baker,
of Prineville, Oregon.
t5c Register.
Central Oregon Irrigation Company, m cor
poration, Plaintiff.
4 va.
Ira A. Johnson, Defendant.
To Ira A. Johnson, the above named de
fendant. GREETINGS :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed In the above en
titled suit against you on or before February
16th. 1918 and if your fail to ao appear and
answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the above named
Court for a decree, aa prayed for in the
complaint filed herein, namely that yon sur
render one certain contract, in aaid com
plaint described, made and entered into on
the 28th day of August, 1911 with the Cen
tral Oregon Irrigation Company, a corpora
tion for water right and release of Lien to
the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter of Section 15, Township 15 South,
of Range 14 E. W. M., for cancellation and
that the same ba cancelled, forfeited and de
clared void, and that Ira A. Johnson and all
persona claiming or to claim by, through or
under him be forever debarred and enjoined
from asserting any claim or right whatever
under said contract or the water right
appurtenant thereto, that the plaintiff have
its costs and disbursements of thia suit and
such other and further relief as to this
Court may seem meet and equitable in the
Thia Summons Is published pursuant to an
order of the above named Court made so to
do and entered on the 24th day of December,
Of Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Residing at Redmond, Oregon.
Date of First Publication January 3rd, 1918.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office at The Dalles, Oregon.
December 26th, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that
of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 21st,
1911, made Homeatead Entry No. 08395 and
on June 6th, 1914, made additional Home
stead Entry, No. 013363, for NEVi, & Lots
7-8-11-12, Section 7, Township 19-South,
Range 18-East. Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final three
year proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U.
S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
the 5th day of February, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry W. Carlin, Edmund A. Parker,
Granville H. Nye, David F. Gutermuth, all
of Roberts, Oregon.
8t6o Register.
SCRATCH TAi UitTerent sizes
and quality of paper, just tbe
thing for your desk or pocket,
for sale at The Journal office.
For new and old stomach
trouble use Adamson's Digesteze.
Price 50c or six boxes for $2.60
postpaid to any address in the
United States of America. For
sale by D. P. ADAMSON & CO
Prineville, Oregon
If you have ncrt'yet called upon us, please do so. Old
friends are renewing their former patronage. New
friends are made daily. Come and welcome; a cordial
reception awaits your call. Everybody pleased because
they receive Fair Treatment and a Squire Deal. We
have a distinctive line of large and small partem hats of
dependable styles, showing the art of clever workman
ship. We confine ourselves to Exclusive Millinery.
M81ip-On" Veil, no pins or fastening.,.
Wall Paper!
We have secured the ageiv
cy. for Prineville of
The finest line of Wall Paper ever
shown in Prineville and our Mr.
Shipp.will be glad to call and show
samples. Phone Red 221
We have several
Alfalfa Hay
Near Powell Butte, Terrebonne
and Tumalo V
Feeding privileges with all. Some instance
good pasture in connection. If interested, write
or phone.
We also have Seed Rye for sale.
Northern Grain & Warehouse Co.
Just like money on interest Classified Ads work
while you sleep.
A Remarkable Invention
It 1 no longer necessary for the motorist to set stuck. This
ltttle device, if carried in his tool-box, multiplies his power by
73, and makes him independent of road conditions. It his anto
sticKs In the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right
it in 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes in the
ground, attaching :
to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few
easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground '
ana out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even
soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead
weirht, or pulls 60 tons on wheels; yet its shipping weight is
only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x1 inches.
L Automobiles repaired
and Fords Mended
Classified Ads save steps and worry.
Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars
and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore
gonian. First door noi th of Lyric
When you cannot find what you want advertised in
The Journal, write one of the advertisers and they will
get it for you if it is manufactured. All advertisers in
the Crook ' County Journal are known to us to be
hundred tons of