JANUARY 3, 1918 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation ot Our Readers. H. T). Kdwarrin, plonwr or WU4. dlrd In Kiikmi, tKfcl 69 years. Clinrli'n VlkiT Young, (or S ymrn i ri'uldcnt of l-siie Cimiily, (IIdiI In KiiniMir, sod 87 years. Tli annual ronvenllon or Ihii Ore gon Irrigation conKress It bnlng hold In Portland January 2 6, Inclusive. It la reported that the new hlKhway from Clatakanl to Mlat waa consid erably dsmsgrd by thai recant heavy ralna. flovrral larga alldi'a occurred. The report or the financial condition of Lincoln county Just laauad shows that for the flrat tlma In many yaara lha county la practically out of debt. Upward of 10(10 dalegalea from tnwna of Oregon ware In attendance t the annual meeting of the Oregon Plata Teachera' aaaoclatlnn at Port land. Revised flgurea ef the recent drive for aubarrlptlniia to the war llbrarln fund enow that Oregon far eireeded It quota or t'000 and actually subscribed $i9.f40 ea. Total rarm producla or Oregon ror 317 ahowed a value or 327,O3,0OO compared with $:i5..nR,Ono In 11. Thla year'a value la the greateat known In the atate. What reaervea or rood are being held In local marketa will be determined by the government In aurvey which will tart Immediately. The "Inventory"' will be nation-wide, A 15 per cent Increaae In frelnht ratea, ejeepi on fuel wood, waa granted by the public eurvlce commlaalon to the Portland Railway, Light A Power com pany on all the Interurban llnea. The atormy weather ror the paat two weeks, caualng numeroua alldea and washouts haa reunited In an al most total abaenca or the uaual crowd of midwinter vlaltora at Newport A aubatantlal growth In the mint producing Indualry In Oregon during the paat year waa ahown at the annual meeting or the Willamette Valley Mint Growers' association held at Albany. Multnomah and Clarke counties will reallae a net profit of more than 1110, 000 a year In recelpta from the Inter atate bridge, according to flgurea and eatlmatea which have been compiled. The aircraft production board haa dvlaed Senator McNary that It la trongly disponed to award contracts for airplane construction to properly equipped factorlee on the Pacific coast. The Valley Slleti railway, which waa to have commenced operations aa a common carrier January 1, 1918, had Ita line blocked by aeveral landslides nrar Hosklns, due to the heavy ralna. The Portland Railway, Light A Pow er company haa filed with the public service commlaalon Ita application ror an Increaae of ratea In the passenger fares on the Interurban llnea out or Portland. Qua C, Moaor, president or the Ore gon atate aenate, baa made public an nouncement of hla candidacy for the republican nomination ror governor at the coming primary election which will be held on May 17, 118. The Northweatern Electric company haa let contracts In Portland ror the Immediate construction or an addi tional plant by which the company a capacity for supplying electrical pow er will be Increaaed M per cent The outlook for the lumber Industry 1i the lower Columbia river dlatrtct for the coming year la moat encour aging and the indlcatlona are that the output of the planta will be greatly In axeess or that or the preaent year. The eecretary or the Interior haa withdrawn rrom entry ror power aite purpoaea 198 acres or public land on the Big Sandy river below the mouth of the Salmon river. The land may be used only for power developments. Whether or not the Orange, Farm era' Union and State Federation of Labor ahall unite In fostering the or ganisation of the Karmera' Non-Partl-aan League in thla atate will be decid ed by thofle organizations within the next month. Until It receives definite Information aa to the plana of the government In handling the railroads of the country, the publio service commission will pursue Its accustomed course in all matters coming before It pertaining to railroads. For the first time In the history of flood River valley, vinegar and cider manufacturing plants find It necessary to Import cull apples from other north western districts In order to keep their presses running and to fill their tanks throughout the winter season. Suit to quiet title of 2,873,661 acres of Oregon-California grant lands was filed In the federal court at Portland by the government against the South ner Pacific company. The govern ment, through the court, seeks to quiet title to all lands the company told prior to tu forfeiture suit and to eompel It to account for money se cured by alleged Illegal sales where purchasers bought more than 160 acres or paid more than $2.60 an acre. Ao appropriation of $r,00.000 will be asked of congress by Bonator McNary to enable th government In co-opera tlon with the city of Cortland to Im prove Columbia aloiiKh from Handy river to the Willamette, In order to provide a outlet for sewerage and drainage, The Coos County Good Roads asso ciation at a mooting held In Coqullle, d"clded to SMk the state highway com mission for the 24 miles of asphalted concrete highway 16 feet wide be tween Coos liay and Myrtle Point th same as was promised by the com mlMRlon. Oregon-grown potatoes sre to be grided and Inspected officially Just as soon as the public service commission, through Its grain Inspection depart ment, can establish the grades, dis trict the state for purposes of inspec tion and formulate a schedule of in spection charges. The antl picketing ordinance of the elty of Portland waa declared void by the state supreme court. The court held the ordinance Invalid because It prohibited atrikes and boycotts as well as picketing. Tbe decision declared that strikes are countenanced by all atate and fedoral courta. For a consideration said to be In the neighborhood of $126,000, Smyths Brothers, prominent Oregon sheepmen, have purchased the sheep ranch and plant of llorst A Wheelhouse, south west of Arlington, Included In the deal are 9000 acres of land, 130 bead of cattle, 2000 aheep and all equipment. - Three or the 394 accidents reported to the state industrial accident com mission ror the week eudlng December 27 were fatal. They were those or R. O. White, or Canby, killed In railroad operations; Louis Wlnert, or AlrHe, killed In logging operations and James A. Conway, or Portland, killed In ship building operatlona. Sixty eight soldiers rrom Vancouver barracks, Waah., have arrived at Marshfleld to work In the Smith Pow era logging campa at Powera, to hast ed the production of airplane and ahlp lumber. Thla Is tbe first detachment sent out by Colonel Dlsque. Several hundred ssore are eipected to Join the various camps soon. The Malheur Irrigation company haa filed a petition with the state water board asking for an extension ef twe years, tross January 1, 1911, la which to complete the works and apply the water In connection with Ita Irrigation project Bear Brogaa, In Malheur eouav ty. Tbe company's operatlona have been delayed on account of Ittlgatloa. Finding that the Central Oregon Ir rigation company, which haa a large Carey act project la central Oregon, haa been giving better water service to some land holders than others, the public service commission haa Issued an order directing the company to In stall water measurement devices and make other improvements before the beginning of tbe 1911 Irrigation sea son. The federal authorities have begun an Investigation of the report of an arson plot having for Ita purpose the destruction of a chain or mills and grain warehouaea extending rrom Gas ton, Washington county, to Salem and other Marlon county towna. The exis tence or such a conspiracy has been trongly suspected since the myster ious burning of a grain elevator at Carlton. Oregon Is looking forward to the biggest harvoet of winter wheat ever garnered In the history of the atate. During the last fall farmers of Oregon hare aowa a larger area of this grain than those of either Washington or California. According to statistics ef the department of agriculture, Oregon haa 662,000 aerea aeeded to winter wheat, or an increase over the pre vious year of 21 per oent In aubmittlng the annual report of the state lime board to Oovernor Wlthycombe, Warden C. A. Murphy, of the atate penitentiary, aald that the board would probably not be able to put any lime on the market until next June. Tbe delivery of the machinery has been delayed, and after Its arrival It will require considerable time to Install It and put the plant Into oper ation, he said. The board has selected the Beeman quarry near Gold Hill for Its operations. Representative McArthur, who re cently received telegrams from par ents of Oregon boys, members of the 23d engineers, charging that condi tions at Camp Meade, Maryland, are tar from satisfactory, and that the men are being subjected to hardships, Interviewed a dozen Oregon troops at the camp. Without exception the sol diers said that they were comfortably quartered, that they had abundant clothing of the right sort, and that food was plentiful and good. It registrants for army duty who are adapted for service In logging camps and saw mills desire to fill their part In the war by performing the work they are best suited to do, they may be granted their wishes, according to Instructions received in Portland by Colonel Brlce P. Disque, from Provost Marshal General Crowder. None can be enlisted now, but they may apply to their district exemption boards and those who are acceptable will be ad mitted to the service of the spruce production division ot the United States signal corps. LABOR VOTES TO CONTINUE WAR London. TTie position of the British government In Its stand on peace was greatly strengthened by the action of the national labor conference In vot ing for a continuation or the war. This attitude taken by labor was HOTlCt fO PUBLICATION Department of Uw Interior. U. I. umca st Tm Dalles, Onm NwmiUf 10th, 1917. Notlr Is hereby given that WII.MAM W. TKUAX, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on January 14th, 1014, made Hnrnmtrad Kntir, No. UVMl. lor UK., NWV,. NW!4 BW'a, 8W"4, flee, tion I, Township 14-K,.uth, Hani it-Kaat, Willamette Meridian, haa Sled nolle, of in- j tentlon to maka Anal th.ee year proof, to establish claim to th land above describe.1, before 1-aBV M. Herhtell, U. S. Commlaaionr. I at Prineville, Oregon, oa tha tta da? of i January, I UK. Claimant nam aa witnesses t 1 Orval Ohorn. Kred Carton. Alex Hlnton. 1 : Sylvester V. Hardin, all of Prineville, Oregon. .llfl,..nt In vlow nf the fact!. f RANK WOOUCOCk, " -- atoa that It followed the offer of Germany and Austria to make peace on a basis of no annexation nor Indemnities. Both Kugland and France, through members of llielr governments, have repudiated the Teutonic offer to nego tiate peace on a basis of the status quo ante bellum and It Is unlikely that the secular note being drafted by Leon Trotsky, the Bolshevikl foreign minister at I'etrograd, will be answer ed. It Is possible, however, that a statement on peace will be made by some member of the British or French government which may be accepted by the Bolshevikl as an answer to ihelr Invitation to all the allies to en ter a general peace conference. There la a disposition to believe that the Austro-German peace offer Is the beginning of a "new peace drive," and that another offer will soon be forth coming, probably through some neu tral source. Register. NOTICE FOR rt BI.ICATIOM Department of th Interior, U. 8. I-nnd Ofllce at Tha Hal lea, Oregon. . December lit, HI 7. Notice la hereby riven that CI.KMKNT L. V. MARKER, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on May 27th, 1012, made Hume Lead Bntry. No. 0I03M and od June srd, 1V14, made additional Home steads Entry, No. 01 3240. for Lota t-4, K. BWli, A BKV4. Section SO. Township 14 South. Rene 18-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa A led notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to aatabliah claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bech tell, V. B. Commiaeioner, at Prineville, Ore gon, on the 14tb day of January, MIS. Claimant names aa witneaaesi William J. Johnaon, William Kingaley, George H. Ruaaell, William rmod. all of Print-villa, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 4lp Res-later. TO REGISTER ALL GERMANS Certificate Carda Will Be Issued Which Must Be Csrried. Washington. The week of Febru ary 4 waa set aside by the department or Justice for registration of tbe halt million of unnaturalized Germane in the continental United States by po lice and postmasters In pursuance of President Wilaon's alien enemy proc lamation directing this action as a means of minimizing tbe danger from enemy sympathizers. Registration will Involve the gather Ing of detailed Information concern ing the business, relatives and habits or every German, together with his photograph and finger prints. After registering he must carry a certifi cate card and may not change hla place of residence without approval of the police or postmaster. Violation of the regulations will be punishable by Internment for the war. The orders do not apply to German Women, nor to persons under 14, be cause these are not classed as aliens by law. Subjecta ot Auatria-Hungary are not required to register. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY Lucille M. Campbell, Plaintiff, vs. Andrew M. Campbell, Defendant To Andrew M. Campbell, tbe above named defendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE4ON j You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled ault on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of thla aummona, and If yon fail so to ap pear and answer for want thereof the plain tiff will take judgment agslnst you aa prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit: For a decree of this Court that the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defendant be set aside, dissolved and held for naught-, that sbe be awarded the care and custody of the minor child. Myrtle Lucille Campbell, for her coats and disbursements herein expended, and for such other and further relief aa may to the Court m proper, just and equitable In the premises. 1 Ilia summons la served upon you by pub lication for sis consecutive weeks by virtue of an order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the above entitled Court, entered therein in this cause on the 20tb day of December, lull. Date of the first publication December JOth. ID17. Date of the last publication, January Slat, 118. N. G. WALLACE. Attorney for the Plaintiff and 4t7e Residing at Prineville, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by the undersigned. tne Administrator of the fcetate of John L. McDowell, Deceased, to all creditors of said Deceased, and to all persona having claims against said Estate, to preaent the same with the proper vouchers, to trie undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 13, 1917. d. A. McDowell. Administrator of the Estate of Itte John L. McDowell. Deceased. THE ELITE MILLINERY I Old New f you have not'yet called upon us, please do so. friends are renewing their former patronage. friends are made daily. Come and welcome; a cordial reception awaits your call. Everybody pleased because they receive Fair Treatment and a Squire Deal. We have a distinctive line of large and small parterr hats of dependable styles, showing the art of clever workman ship. We confine ourselves to Exclusive Millinery. OLLIA M. LEWIS Sllp-On Veil, no pint or fastening. NOTICE OP BEARING ON FINAL REPORT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY In th nutter of Uw EaUU of Jennie E. BevnnL Dec'd. Notice in hereby riven that J. P. Honch. avdtninistrmtor de bonus non of Eatate of Jennie E. Bevnrd. deceaeed, has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, hi final report and account of bit adtainittration of said estate and that the bearing on said final report has been fixed by said court for tbe 19th day of Jan. nary. 1918, at the county court room in the courthouse, in the City of Prineville. O ton. at the hour of ten o'clock In the fore noon of that day. AH persons interested In said estate are hereby notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed and tbe said administrator discharged and bis bonds exonerated. J. F. HOSCH. Administrator de bonus non of the ft&c Estate of Jennie E, Be vara. Deed. Wall Paper! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 22 1 SHIPP & PERRY We have teveral hundred tons of SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OKBtiON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Centra) Oresua Irrigation Company, a cor poration, Plaintiff, va, Ralph Cruikshank, Defendant! To Ralph Cmikiihank. the above named defendant, (iRKKTINGS : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKGON You are hereby required to appear and answer the Complaint filed In the above en titled cause of suit asainat you on or before February 2nd, WIS, and if you fail to so appear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the above named Court for a decree as prayed for In the Complaint filed herein, namely t That the defendant, Ralph Cruikshank sur render on. certain contract in said com plaint described, made and entered into by and between the aaid defendant and the Plaintiff herein on the 28th day of August, 1911 for the purchase of water right by the defendant and release of lien by the Plain tiff, to the following described premise, to- l The 8outhwest Quarter of the North east Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, in Section Fifteen, Township Fourteen South, of Range Four teen, East of the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, and that aaid contract be cancelled, forfeited and declared void, and that the de fendant Ralph Cruikshank and all persons claiming, or to claim, by, thru or under him be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim or right whatever under said contract In or to said land, or the water right appurtenant thereto, and that the plaintiff have such other and further relief as to this Court may seem meet and equit able in the premises. This Summons is published pursuant to an order made so to do by the Judge of the above named Court, made and entered i the 16th day of December, 11917. DEN TUN la. UUKU1CK, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing at Redmond, Oregon. Date of flrat publication December 20th, 117. 6t7c NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at The Dallas, Oregon. December 11th, 117. Notice hereby given that JOSEPH T. BRYSON, of Held. Oregon, who, on October Srd. 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 013906, for SE NE4. EH SE4. NW4 SEK. SWV4. Section 12, Township 19-South, Range 19-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa Sled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Warren Brown. Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, oa the 28th day of January. 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses t 1 Harley 8aunders, of Held. Oregon ; Sidney W. Rogers, of Held Oregon; Fisher C. Logan, of Barnes, Oregon ; Lloyd G. Baker, of Prineville. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, tie Register. NOTICB OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given by the undersigned, the administrator of the estate of Shcllie (Shelly! Holland, deceased, to all persona in terested in said estate that he has made and filed with the clerk of the county court his final accounting of his administration of said estate and that the court haa set Monday, the 7th day ot January, 1918, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the county court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and piece for hearing and settling aaid final accounting. At which aaid time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said final accounting. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1917. HARLEY SAUNDERS Administrator of the Estate of 2t5p Shellie Holland, Deceased. Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will send one up by special messenger Prineville DrugtCo. Local Agent . 8UMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY Central Oregon Irrigation Company, a cor poration. Plaintiff. . , vs. Im A. Johnson, Defendant. To Ira A. Johnson, the abov. named de fendant, GREETINGS : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed In the above en titled suit against you on or before February loth, 1918 and if you fail to ao appear and answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tha above named Court for a decree, as prayed for in the complaint filed herein, namely that yon sur render one certain contract, in aaid com plaint described, made and entered into on the 28th day of August. 1911 with the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Company, a corpora tion for water right and release of Lien to the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15. Township 16 South, of Range 14 E. W. M., for cancellation and that the same be cancelled, forfeited and di clared void, and that Ira A. Johnson and all person, claiming or to claim by. through or under him be forever debarred and enjoined from asserting any claim or right whatever under said contract or the water right appurtenant thereto, that the plaintiff have its costs and disbursements of this suit and such other and further relief as to this Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of the above named Court made so to do and entered on the 24th day of December, 1917. MAX A. CUNNING, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residing at Redmond, Oregon. Date of First Publication January Srd, 1918. 8t7c Alfalfa Hay Near Powell Butte, Terrebonne and Tumalo Feeding privileges with all Some instances good pasture in connection. If interested, write or phone. We also have Seed Rye for sale. Northern Grain & Warehouse Co. Madras, Oregon Just like money on interest Classified Ads work while you sleep. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. December 26th, 1917. Notice la hereby given that OTTO SONNTAG, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on March 21st, 1911. made Homestead Entry No. 0899S and on June &th, 1914, made additional Home stead Entry. No. 013363, for NEW, A Lots 7-H-l 1-1 i Section 7. Townshin 19-South. Ranee 18-East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to tne lana above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 6th day of February, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses : Henry W. Carlin, Edmund A. Parker, Granville H. Nye, David F. Gutermuth, ail of Roberta, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 8tSc Register. NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Oregon Inter-State Fair will be held at the Commercial Club Hall on Monday, January 7th, at 2 p. m. By order J. B. SHIPP, 6t3c Secretary. Now turn to the Classified Ads on page 3. A Remarkable Invention . It la no longer Decenary for the motorist to get ttuck. Thla little device. It carried in hla tool-bos, multiplies his power by 73, and makes him independent of road conditions. If his auto sticks in the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right It in 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes in the ground, attaching PULL-U-OUT to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank ia few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even In very soft ground and out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead weirht, or pulls SO tons on wheels; yet Its shipping weight is only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x14 inches. Automobiles repaired and Fords Mended R. V. RANDALL When writing to advertisers ook County JournaL please mention the JOHN J. PRICE Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for the Ore gonian. First door north of Lyric l Like some other well known articles, the little Classified Ads work while you sleep. Count the words and send one cent for each word with your copy. One cent a word each insertion.