Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 03, 1918, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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JANUARY 3, 1918
csasnus FEsnvmES
Mrs. Blanchard at Culver.
Mr. Win. Freund went to town
Monday to do aoma shopping.
Mra. T. B. Price spent Monday
afternoon with Mra. Heyna.
Mra. Dinwiddle and Lillian apent
Christmas with her mother, Mra.
Mis Belle Cow lot waa visiting in
Frineville the first of the week.
Oscar and Dewey Payne apent a
few day last week with Mr. and
Mra. H. L. Payne.
Mr. and Mra. C. V. Starr, of
Howard, motored to Prtueville,
Monday on businesa.
Barnes Cattlemen Are Being Saved
Much Money by the Milil
(By our Regular Correspondent.)
(By our Regular Correspondent.)
Wm. Led ford lost two of his
thoroughbred white face cattle last
week from poison.
John Heyns sold his entire bunch
of cattle to Mr. Blackwell, of Cul
ver, and will deliver them this
James Gilchrist of Mitchell, was
in this section the first of last week
on business.
Wm. Stanton lost a cow last week
from rabies.
Mra. G. C. Price spent Christmas
week with her mother, Mrs. Bennett,
of Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calavan
pent the week-end with Mr. and
One Pound. 25c
Five Pounds, $1
The greater use of corn, bran,
rice and buckwheat flours which
the Government urges, will in
crease the consumption of bak
ing powder in your home. So
we suggest that you make capi
tal of the situation by availing
yourself of the economy the
larger can of baking powder
provides. A one-pound can of
Crescent Double Acting Baking
Powder costs 25c. A five-pound
can may be had for ft. 00.
Send 4c, stamp, for new Cres
cent Cook Book,
which a b ounds
with good recipes
and contains a
I rl "very enlightening
rXOKSil on bk-
ing powder.
Seattle, Wash.
Double Acting Baking Powder
School began again on Monday
after a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. J. M. Hayes is visiting in
Prineville this week.
Mr. Gillenwater has moved his
cattle to Prineville to feed.
Mrs. Stover is home again after
a two weeks' visit in Prineville.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Newsom Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stover and J. W.
Johnson spent New Year eve at
Quite a number of the neighbors
danced the old year out at the
Charley Shepherd house.
Mrs. Gunter spent the first of the
week .with Mrs. Taylor, while Ernest
was below with cattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gray visited
home folks in Prineville over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond en
tertained at New Year's dinner, Mr.
and Mrs. Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
ton, J. W. Johnson and Miss Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Price have
moved to Prineville for the winter
where Roy will feed his cattle.
S. J. Newsom went to Prineville
on Tuesday to deliver a team of
horses which he sold for $300.00.
Charley Shepherd and family
spent several days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brumer.
E. B. Knox was out from Prine
ville, Sunday. Miss Burkholder re
turned with him to stay with Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Norton met Miss
Hansen at Redmond, Sunday, and
after spending the day with Mr. and
Mrs. McMickle, returned home in
the evening.
(By our Regular Correspondent)
Lovely weather with rains and
warm winds just like spring, is vis
iting our locality, weather that is
saving the cattlemen of this section
from $20 to $30 per day as no $20
hay has been fed yet and the green
grass has started.
J. R. Whittaker and wife went to
Prineville on business last week.
Seth Dixon came up from Prine
ville with a load of freight last
Mr. Seeds was in our country
after a horse Thursday.
Grandma Bennett was pleasantly
surprised by a Christmas visit from
her daughters, Mrs. G. C. Price and
Mrs. K. D. Huston and daughters
Velda and Ila. Mr. Huston, one of
the party, had the misfortune to
break his car, and we understand is
Have Pacific Plumbing
Fixtures installed in your
new home.
PACIFIC bath tubs, lavatories, sinks and
closets are of graceful lines, beautiful easy
to clean designs and substantial appear'
They are made of Vitreous China and Porcc
lain Enameled Iron Ware, therefore have a
high glazed pure white surface, which with
reasonable care will last forever.
Although PACIFIC Plumbing Fixtures are of superior quality,
they cost no more than any other reputable brand, and are
guaranteed forever against any defects in workmanship or
Before you build or remodel, write for a copy of 'The Book of
Bathrooms'. It is a 56 page book brim full of ideas. Free on
request of
For Sale by all Plumber
"Main Offices, 67 New Montgomery St., San Francisco
' factories, Richmond and San Pablo, California .',
having some trouble In getting re
pairs from Portland before they ran
return to their homes at Prineville.
Lewis Standolift, Reuben Eng
Strom, Lincoln Kyle and Mra. Susie
Boynton were the guests of Ira Cox
and family for Xniaa dinner.
Ruben Engstrom and Mra. Ira
Cox went to Prineville with K. L.
Miss Eleanor Hackleruan return
ed to Prineville, Saturday.
I By our Regular Correspondent) I
Mabel Kennedy spent a few days
this week with Mrs. Alex Rickmnn.
S. D. Kennedy's family, Mrs. Alex
Rli'kman and daughter Florence,
and Hope PuBois spent Christmas
with the Tom Rickmait family.
Mrs. Floyd Houston and daughter
Clista returned home from Prine
ville today, where they spent the
Christmas vacation.
Alex Rick man made a business
trip to Prineville this week.
E. T. Clarke and son Roy, R. A.
Johnson, Martin Grabower, Tom
Rickman and Mr. Lytle were busi
ness callers at Held. Thursday.
Alex Amnions and family spent
Christmas with J. 1). Taylor's.
Mr. Hoffman, of Prineville and
Mr. Mikula, of Held, were business
visitors at Held, Friday.
S. D. Kennedy is hauling hay.
'By our Regular Correspondent.)
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Herdford re
turned home last week Friday from
a business trip to Prineville.
F. Council was out on a Red
Cross drive in this vicinity Wednes
day. Frank Merritt went to Prineville
last Friday.
Joe McCollum returned Friday
from a few days' stay in Prineville.
Monday's mail did not reach the
Prairie until Wednesday this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thornton will
leave Saturday on a business trip to
There has been an unusual
amount of rain In this vicinity re
cently and the roads are almost im
passable. MUST YOU PAY TAX
Matter That Every American
Is Called on to Determine
Without Delay.
Washington. The time has arrived
for every American subject to the In
come tax division of the war revenue
act to figure up hla Income and file
his return. If he is unmarried and
kaa a n't income of $1,000 or more, or
If he is married or the head of a fam
ily and Mb net Income is $2,000 or
more, he must pay the tax. His re
turn must be in the hands of the col
lector of Internal revenue in the dis
trict in which the taxpayer lives or
has his principal place of business be
fore March 1, 1918.
The man who thinks to evade this
tax is making a serious error. Revenue
officials will be in every county to
check returns. Failure to make a cor
rect return within the time specified
Involves heavy penalties.
"Net Income" means gross Income
less certain deductions provided for by
the act The law defines Income as
profit, gain, wages, salary, commis
sions, money or its equivalent from
professions, vocations, commerce,
trade, rents, sales and dealings in prop
erty, real and personal, and Interest
from Investments except interest from
government bonds, or state, municipal,
township or county bonds. Incomes
from service as guardian, trustee or
executor; from dividends, pensions,
royalties, or patents, or oil and gas
wells, coal land, etc., are taxable.
Normal Rate Is 2 Per Cent
The normal rate of tax is 2 per cent'
an net Incomes above the amount of
exemptions, which is $2,000 In the case
ef a married person or head of a family
and $1,000 in the case of a single per
son. A married person or head of a
family is allowed an additional ex
emption of $200 for each dependent
child if under eighteen years of age
or incapable of self-support because
defective. The taxpayer is considered
to be the head of a family if he is
actually supporting one or more per
sons closely connected with him by
blood relationship or relationship by
marriage, or if his duty to support
such person Is based on some moral
or legal obligation.
Debts ascertained to be worthless
and charged off within the year and
taxes paid except income taxes and
those assessed against local benefits
are deductible. These and other pointB
of the Income tax section of the war
revenue act will be fully explained by
revenue officers who will visit every
county In the United States between
January 2 and March 1 to assist tax
payers in making out their returns.
Officers to Visit Every Locality.
Notice of their arrival In each local-
A Carload
ofcosfc Arrived
In the three sizes from the largest seven passenger to
the little Buick Four! No advance in prices! We
also have the following used cars for sale:
One Buick Six
One Overland Six
One light Buick Truck $250.00
One 1911 Cadillac -One
Ford Roadster -
One 1-ton Republic Truck; new
tires;, good condition - $900.00
Prineville, Oregon
l'y will be given in advance through
the press, banks and post offices. They,
will be supplied with income lax forms,
copies of wMch may be obtained also
from collectors of Internal revenue.
The bureau of internal revenue Is
seeking to infiress upon persons sub
ject to the tax the fact that failure to
see this official In no way relieves
them of the duty Imposed by law to
file their returns within the time spe
cified. The penally for failure to make the
return on time Is a fine of not less
than $20 nor more than $1,000, and
In addition 50 per cent of the amount
of the tax due. For making a false
or fraudulent return, the penalty Is a
fine not to exceed $2,000 or not ex
ceeding one year's Imprisonment, or
both, In the discretion of the court,
and In addition 100 per cent of the
tat evaded.
As to the Farmers.
The number of farm rs who will pay
Income taxes bas not been estimated
by the government officials, but It Is
certain they will form a large percen
tage of the 6,000,000 persons assessed
who never before have paid an Income
tax. The average farmer does not
keep books but if he avails himself of
the services of government experts
Talk to
about your new
Fall and Winter
or Overcoat
A large stock of the pat
terns which will be worn
this winter has just been
received and all suits and
coats are hand tailored in
my shop in Prineville
J. A. GILLIS, Tailor
who will be sent to aid him. It will
not be difficult for him to ascertain
the amount of his net income. '
The farmc In making out his return
may deduct depreciation In the value
of property and machinery used In the
conduct of his farm, and loss by fire,
storm or other casualty, or by theft If
not covered by Insurance. Expensi-a
actually Incurred In farm operation
may be deducted, but not family or
living expense. Produce raised on the
farm and traded for groceries, wearing
apparel, etc., is counted as living ex
penditures and cannot be deducted.
Guatemala City Destroyed by Quake.
San Salvador. Guatemala City, cap
ital of the republic of Guatemala, has
been completely destroyed by an
earthquake. Many persons were killed
In the disaster.
Harbin In Chinese Hands
Tokio. In a fight between Chines
and Russian Maximalist troops at Har
bin, Manchuria, the Russians surren
dered and were disarmed aud mad.
London. British prisoners held by
the enemy, including those In Switzer
land, total 46,712, according to an of
ficial announcement
We huve the Information that
Senator E. 1). C'uslck, of Albany, I
to be a candidate for stute treaj
urer. Whether this Is a fact or not, wo
know Mr. Cusick to be a man of the
common people, a fellow who un
derstands the duties of the office to
which he aspires, aud If ha should
be elected ho will fill the place In a
capable and businesslike manner.
With the fact assured that Hen
W. Olcott will not bo a candidate
for the office of socretury of stale,
people are naturally looking a limit
for other suitable timber.
In E. E. llrodlo, of Oregon City,
we have such a man.
He Is able, of a clerical mind that
Is fully equal to this office, and It
he can be Induced to tuii for the
place, the people will do well to
elect him. Wo know llrodlo person
ally and know ho Is equal to the Job.
Tbt Journal has the largest sworn
circulation of any paper In Central
Try , Journal Classified Ad.
Goodyear's Glove brand, the very
best made! No left-overs: all brand
new stock, made for hard service!
Satisfaction guaranteed!
Honier Norton