Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 13, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    DECEMBER 13, 1917
1!Ahm:m mks ii:mvi:h rAm.K
TO .VlltKoWM lit V Ml
(By our Regular Correspondent)
C. W. Hlurr Ituya New iir Stuck,
ini'il Oiillicrliiu (utile on
.Mill Creek
(l)y our Regular Correspondent)
KhtI Hearford and Mr. Wright
puHHcd through thl Reclloii Monday
with -lour oar loud of beef initio
from the prairie.
Q. II. Himxi-ll Hliliipml a cur load
of lines beef to Portland one day
lllMl WIMili. '
Win. Lcdfnru Hii i a few iluy at
III pine liiKt week rlilliiK for cuttlt.
C W. Sturr pintKi'd through thl
section th Itntl of the week In u
new Kurd..
Tin Ntijiikmi'ti' of thl Ni'i tloii wi-ri'
llllHV rllllllK II K.t III IlINt Week.
ivin MiiK'T returned lMt week
from American Lake.
Jim llui'K') wtm vIhIHiik on Oil
creek on day limt week.
Htnlili Mro., while returning from
town- Monday, huil thn mlHforliinft
to breuk their cur and hud to wnlk ;
aliout nit mill-.
Henry Korht ptied through here)
Tui'Nday with a bunch of young I
(Hit lo.
lliTlllllll Hill pUrrllllNI-d two milch
cow from Win. Krcutid'n herd.
liiMvt Irrigation Project on Tour
of Interior Y-f-rluy
Htato Knglneer Lewi, Attorney
General llrown and Kred N. Wallace
of the Tuuialo Project were In the
city yesterday and went to thn work
on the Ochoco Project.'
They were on a tour of Inspection
havliiK looked over different Irriga
tlon project In thl purt of the
t'oiiNiilllnu Knglneer Inspect Ocho
co' Project TIiIn Week
CmiKullIng KtiKllieer J. M. Howell
spent three day on the Ochoco
Project thl week and was greatly
pleuaed wlih the progre that I
being niiido on the work.
Ralph Hchnneloch wu here ye
terdny and wu alo greatly pleased
with the work.
(I)y our Regular CorreHpoudcnt.)
Port Town
mot her and i
Clarence linker, of
wnd. I vIhIIIiik hi
Mr. Btelln lloaiclnian, of Port
land. I vlHltliiK her parent, Mr.
nil Mr. Will luce Poat.
H. J. NewKoin Jr. und family
C ii. Htover and family spent
week-end with Mr. and Mr,
Gray at Itahlilt Valley.
Mr. W. W. Raymond, of Walla
Wallu I vlaitliiK at llonnyvlew.
Mr, laom t'leek, of Hhedd, Ore.,
I visiting her dauKhter, Mrs. 8. J.
(Vew mini, Jr.
W. I). Knox wa over from the
desert, Monday for aupplle.
Mr.' and Mr. Norton, Ml Man
ten and J. W. Johiiaon attended
church In Prlnevllln, Bumlay night.
Journal Classified Ad art only
on cent a word each week.
Mi, ('hurley Hheiniaii and niece,
Ml m I nex Short, motored to Ruck
Creek Inn! week,
Mr. and Mr. Carl I'uiikcIi have
been employed to work at the (J. I.
Iliit'h Hwngert and Culvnn Sher
man are taking a hunch of cattle to
Harney County to feed for the win
ter. Although the weather la remark
ably good fur till time of your the
K lu mh I very scarce and cuttle on
the range are beginning to ahow
their need of feed.
Stanley llnlfour, who left for The
Dalle early In the fall on account
of hi health, I vlMltlng wltb hi
wife and ion for the week.
While In Rend laat week Claude
WIImou purchiiHcd the horea of Ciuy
llruee Balfour and John Mc
Knchern are delivering rattle that
Ihev aold to Mr. Comegy of the
Were Hnccefiil In Inler-Hix-lct)
IMiute VfHleriluy Afternoon
The flrat of a aerie of seven de
hate wu held at the Crook County
High School yentcrday afternoon be
tween the two locletle. The ques
tion wa: ReHolved, "Tha Immi
gration to the United State ahould
be further restricted. "
The alllrmtitlvo wa upheld by the
Alpha represented by Neva Wel
giind, Thelma Miller and Mildred
liiHhman. The negative waa upheld
by the Ochocnuiuns represented by
Helen Van Nuy. Hurnld -Davis and
Hurvey Gate. The dexiaion was in
favor of the Ochoeonlans.
A ailver cup will be given the so
ciety winning the greater number of
The Mildred Morrison Company,
composed of three people, will ap
pear at the Club Hull, Dec. 18, a
the second lyceum number.
Steam Shovel lrogreslng Kupldly ;
With Main (anal j
The steam shovel has the main
canal completed a distance of about
two miles from the east end and Is
now at work In the southeast corner
of the Harney place, and I moving
at an average rate of about 250
feet per day.
LOHT Presto tank, about 3 miles
from Redmond on the. Prfneville
Kedmond roud, Wednesday night
. between five and six o'clock. M.
K. Hanson, Prlnevllle, 6tlc
LOST New bearskin muff, on
Paulina road, between Prlnevllle
and 3 miles out, November 25,
Kinder leave at Journal office and
receive rewurd. 6tlc
FOR 8AI.B Ford roadster, price
$250. I n ((ill re Journal office. 6tfc
Notice In hfffhy vivrn by the undVrniKned,
the Admlnintralf.r f th Kulat of Jehn L.
M-Iwll, ptwftffrcl. to nil crrtlituni of at(i
lv-M-L and to nil peraona having claim
aifairial Raid tt, to prmrnt the aame with
tha pwpt-r vmithi-nt, Ui th untferaiKnttl at
tha unVe of M. K. Elliott, In I'nnfvlll. Ort
Kon, within ix mvntha from tha date of
thia notira.
Dated Lfetv-mbar 1.1, l17.
AdminiatraUtr of the Ketate of
ttSc John L. McDowell. Uecaaaed.
Help The
Red Cross!
Every sack of Apples purchased at
the Ruthfield place north of Prine
ville at $1.00 will mean 25 per cent
of that amount for the Red Cross!
These sales netted that fund $5.75 last
week. Come to the orchard, bring your
sacks, select your own apples! ,
The Lyon meeting are quite well
attended from night to night and
the people seem Interested. We
urge our citizens to attend theae ,
meetings and by our united efforts
we can be of mutual help. j
Some of the leaders of the Ep
worth Leaguee met at the parsonage 1
lut Saturday evening and made I
some pluns for their work. A
short time was spent in eating pop
corn and vialting. At an early hour
they all departed realizing they had
spent an enjoyable time.
Our Sunday School is making
growth both In size and efficiency.
Come with us and we will do good
together. Who la the lady that will
Prineville Hide and
Junk House
We pay the highest price for hides, pelts, horse hair,
old casings, rubber and all kinds of scrap metal. Op
posite old bank building, near Ochoco bridge
devote herself to the interest of the zens and strangers to all of our
Junior Department? services. Prove us and we will
The theme for Sunday morning show you that you have a cordial
will be: "The Freedom of Truth." welcome.
We shall be glad to meet both citi-1 T. H. Fertig, pastor.
or The Holiday
We take pleasure in calling your attention to our line of fresh groceries for the holiday trade. We solicit mail orders from out of
town trade, invite country folks to make our place their headquarters while doing holiday shopping and extend a cordial invitation
to city folks to include our store on their shopping route.
Sweet Potatoes, 4 11) for 25c
Celery, fresh and crisp, per bunch i'c
Pry Onions, rb 6c, per cwt 4.50
Cranberries, best New Jersey, per lb liHc
Oranges, large size, per dozen Hoc
Oranges, medium size, per dozen fMlc
Lemons, large size, per dozen 45c
llanana, per dozen 4c
Candled Citron, per rb SBc
Lemon Peel, per rb Hoc
Orange Peel, per fb Hoc
Comb Honey, per cake JSoc
Heat Creum Cheese, per To Jlrtc
Hulk Peunut Uutter, lb 20c, 10 lb $1.75
Dromedary Dates, large size, each ,...2c
Dromedary Dates, large Blze, 6 for $1.10
Dry Mince Meat, None Such brand, package 15c
Dry Mince Moat, None Such brand, 6 for 75c
Soft Shell Walnuts, lb 30c; 10 lb , $2.80
Roast Peanuts, lb aoc; 10 lb $I.JM
Almonds, lb 5tc; 10 lb S2.H0
Hrazil Nuts, lb 2tc; 6 lb 5c
Pecans, !b 80c; 5 lb $1.25
Filberts, lb oc; 6 tb $1.85
Popcorn, best grade, lb 125c; 10.1b $1.15
Wire Corn Poppers, quarts 25c
Heavy Iron Poppers, two quarts , 35c
Rival Chocolates, Bordeaux Mixed, Jumbo Gum Drops,
Imperial Penoche, Creole Chocolate Caramels, Jelly Beans,
Sterling Mixed, Peanut Birttle, Ribbon Mixed, Perfection
Mixed any variety,
5 lb for ...$1.25
10 lb for for $2.40
Good quality. Fancy Baldwins, Choice Newtowns, and"
Ortleya, ptr box $2.10
Choice Baldwins, Wagners and Winter Pearmains,
per box .. $1.85
Less 10c per box In five box lots.
P. S. Raisins, seeded, 15 oz
puckage, 15c
Not-A-Sed Raiains, 15 oz. pkg.
2 for 35c
P. S. Currants, 15 oi. packugo
each 35c
Unbleached Sultanas, bulk, lb ....14c
CliiHter Ralslus, IS oz. package 20c
White Flgs 5 lb 80c; 10 tb $1.50
Black Figs, 5 lb 70c; 10 lb $1.35
P. S. Peaches, can 30c; per doz $8.00
P. S. Apricots, can 80c; doz. Ifci.oo
P. 8. Pears, can 80c; per doz. $8.25
P. S. Strawberries, can 25c; per
dozen .-. $2.00
P. S. Raspberries, can 25c; per
dozen $2.00
P. S. Loganberries, can 25c;
per dozen $2.00
P. S. No. 2 Sliced Pine Apple,
can 25c; per dozen $2.75
P. S. No. 2 Grated Pineapple,
can 25c; per dozen $2.75
P. S. Pumpkin No. 3, can 20c,
per dozen $2.25
j J!LEs'B;tlHpX0. y
Knox's Gelatine, per package 20c
Jiffy Jell, any flavor, 2 for 25c
Jell-O: Strawberry, Rasp
berry, Lemon, Peach,
Orange, Chocolate and
Cherry, per package 10c
Grape Juice, full pints, each 25c
Grape Juice, full quarts, each 50c
California Grapeine, pints, each 35c
Loganberry Juice, pintB, each 25o
Boiled Cider, pints, each 25c
P. S. Tomato Ketchup, pints, each 3oc
Del Monte Ketchup, pints, each 25o
1 lb tin Schilling's Best 50c
2 Mi lb tin Schilling's Best $1.10
6 lb tin Schilling's Best $2.10
1 lb Folger's Golden Gate ....45c
2 H tb Folger's Golden Gate $1.00
6 tb Folger's Golden Gate $1.00
1 tb Crescent '. 25c
3 lb Crescent 70c
6 lb Crescent ............. $1.00
Albers 3elfrisine Buckwheat Flour, package . S5c
Albers Flap Jack Flour, package 35c
Albers Wheat Flakes, large pkg. 40c
Albers Wheat Flakes, small pkg .200
Albers Oats, large pacKage 40c
Albers Oats, small package 15c
Albers Pearls of Wheat, package .. 25c
1 Tb Eagle Chocolate ....80c
i lb Baker's unsweet
ened chocolate ..........23c
1 lb Baker's unsweet
ened chocolate 50o
lb can Hershey's Cocoa 25c
1 lb Ghlradollia Ground Chocolate 85c
8 lb Ghlradollls Ground Chocolate $1.00
Pop's Corn Starch, 16 oz., each 12 He
Best Corn Starch, 16 oz., each 15c
Kingsford's corn Starch, 16 oz., each ....15c
Ivory Gloss Starch, 10 oz. each 10c
Lilly Gloss Starch, 16 oz. each 15c
Kingsford's GIobs Starch, 16 01., each ....15c
No. 1 Soda Crackers 15c
No. 2 Soda Crackers ........30o
No. 1 Grahams .. .. 15c
No. 1 Oatmeals 15o
Bulk Soda
Magic Yeast and
Yeast Foam 5c
Yeast, 2 for ;...5c
0. C. CLAYPOQL & CO., PrineviUe
- JmL