NOVEMBER 22, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 ATrickofthe Spice Trade There are tricks In ull trades, mi we have- liecn IiiIiI fur )rnr. A I r lilt of llit spice I nidr, lo e tiff-graiU', liiiuiliiinc plce for alluding. Tlil In iIk' pi lie lire if iiImiiii nine ami of ecry leu spice grinders. We believe we were t ! Ilrxl Piiiillc Cniit Hlce House In iiki' evi lucki ly Ural a 1 1 1 it 1 1 ( pcc fur grinding. Our ii-iltl m iir clnucrcil li) this prm Hi t lint niir pal ruling)' I liriiiiili'iiril. Ho our li In In rctillly M U'lln. If Mrl 1 1 1 1 ' ftplec are jour iIcnIi'C, lnlt oh llii1 Cri'Mcnl 1 1 -( I . liny ii run lf H'lM-r, tllllllll'g iiml nlKplce ! ' iz-- a ,1,,,, ,i,o IrCTSKII v.. he for iHMlk. II Jl . frit". VrfJ Ml'li. To. Hinlllc, Wll. BID FOR ATTENDANC HHHT IUITIHT III IM II UNCLE SAM v Church Hlhlii Hiliool ut 10 a. m. 1'ri'iK'IHtiK t 11 a. m. iiml 7:. 'Mi p. III. 'I'll II HITVll'l-H will tin held In III" I large 1'oiiiniiiilliiiiH wnrin hMiwineiit. Tin) church M"ul will li ItroiiKlit fill Wll. ('(UNO llllll WIIIHllIp wllh UH, ynu will Iiml iin'iiily wi'li:nnin. PIIKNHVTKKIA! 4 III IC If Hiiiuliiy, November 2 51 h. Morn In i theme: "A M it ii 'm l(li:lit to In terpret fur Himself Uod's Mcmuige," Thin l tliH thlril mid IuhI sermon on Ki'foriniitloii prliM'Iph-M. Evening: "Th Joy of a Thankful Il?rt." A preparation for Thuiiksglvliig duy. Service will be held next week uh follow: Held, Tuimiliiy, Nov. 27; IturiifH, Wednesday, 2Hlh; Klfo, Thursday, 2IMh; Huplee, Friday, :10th; I'iiiiIiiiii, Huniluy, llec. 2nd. These services until Hiiiuliiy, are at 7 : HU p. m. Tim Ulvcrdiilo eongre Kin Inn lit uHki'd to meet at Kite thin month. r III J I. i: m it i: it, it our Salesman He goes every where and we ship anywhere. MTII, HIIINOI.KH, iMMIKH WINDOWS, nt.l.MKH, MOt 1,1)1 NJH, WAIX IMIAIIM, KT '. ALHO LKWlH-lllllT HKADY-CtT MKTIIOItlHT KI'lHf'OI'Ati III IU II Crescent rNi:or.i.r:i mpm kh The City W'h are Ktud to report tlmt our people tiud two rmiiiiK of lilgn or der IiihI Ruiidny. Our friend )r. Todd was l h speaker. Next Hunduy tmiriiliiK we will be favored with a sermon from Rev. P. M. Pembcrton, Dint. BuiktIii tcndfiit of The Dulles District. Thin nervlce will conclude with Sacrament of Our Norrls MorKn ta a Portland via- i,orj' Supper. Itor thin week. , ju t10 evi-nliiK we are to be fa- K. T. Hlayton went to Portlund ifori'd with three papers from three IuhI nlitht for the stink show. high si hool atudeiits. These papers . n .i i wl" 'r"Ht subjects from the New Dr. Horure Uelknup, of Portlund,, .... . , ,. " ... . , , ,. . , KukIuikI Literature of the Colonial will be In the -lty Huuduy. ,j jyr()(1 Mr. snd Mrs. Beth' Dixon left yes-. iThe first semiion of the quurterly terday for Portlund to attend the xonfren- will be held In the stock show. t church purlor on Saturday eveniiiR brother of Alex and "l ' r'VHrJr 01 me rjiuri li In weli'omo. ' ' T. li. FertlK, pastor. John lllnton Iiutl lllnton. Is vImIUhk relntlves In Prlnevllli). ', Mrs. Wilfred Uelknup. who bus been seriously III for several weeks. Is ItnprovliiK. Loyd Cuntrlll left fur Portlund yeslerduy and expects to enlist In some branch of the service. Mrs. Ma M. Wilson went to Mud- ras Tuenliiy to spend a few with her son, Albert. mitlHTIAN (IIIIU H . Bunduy ri'Kular services, com juuuciiiK with Hllile Rchool at 10 a. m. ( PreachiiiK at 11. Preaching HKiiln In the evening at 7;30, sub ject: "SiiKur For Sour drupes." Friday evenings very Interfiling days meetings are being held at the - homes of the various members for ! the study of prophecy as related to tne present wur. If you wish to know what the results of this war will be, come out to these meetings. Next meeting at the home of C. F. iiOI'KKH. Hen l 'us at once a list of what you require for your buildings and we will name you prices delivered at your station snd guarantee lo save you money and give you full salU fuct Ion. WHITE TODAY HAM CONNKM, LIMIJKIt CO. Portlund : -: Oregon NKW Ml Kill KK AltltlVKS A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iluker Knox this morning ut two o'clock. UKI) 4'KOHH WOltkKIW WANTKII The ladies of the city are urged to be present whenever possible to help with the lied Cross work every Wed nesday afternoon in the Masonic hall. One hundred seventy-five pieces were sent out by the ladles lust month. WITINCOTT KKHTAl'KANT HOM K. K. Chapman and Wife Will Take Charge Monday The Uppincott restaurant was sold this morning to F. E. Chapman and wife who will take charge of the business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman are re cently from California. ji im;k waMjAck movkh la In OMIee At Court House He lalns Ijw Prucllce Ml. K. II. DAV, I'hv-lilun, Oplhul DioluglNt, NeurologlNl, HmcIiiI InI of Kyea and Nerves O I ... . AUn .1... In . Twitching. Itching and redness of18"11'"- everybody Interested Is invlt. . eu o aiiena. the eyes, when light pains them, granulation of lids, when reading tires them, drooping of the lids, headaches above eyes, top of the head and at base of the hrsln. Have you any of the above symptoms? Bee Dr. Duy and have them removed. Glasses fitted.' Olllce hours it to 11:80 a. m. 1:30 to 5 p. m. Even ings by appointment. Prinevtlle Hotel, Prlnevllle, Oregon. 2tlc TYPEWRITER Smith Premier In good condition tor sale cheap. Harvey Cyrus. Snturdny evening a regular Chin ese supper will be servedjn the K. P. Mull for the boys and girls of the Chrlstlun Illble School. Chop suey, chop sticks and Chinese dec orations will be features of the evening. The union prayer meeting will be held In the church building next Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The prayer meeting which has had an average attendance of sixty dur ing the year. Is expected to increase in Interest and numbers through tho union arranged for lust Sunday Judge Wallace has moved his of fice to the County Judge's chambers and will bo found there at all times In the future. He will retain his law practice, and all who wish to find him may do so by calling at the court houBe. 11 At; K.H-STK W A RT X UTI A IJH 38tfO ! evening. Everybody welcome. Help the Boys at The Front! A Dance will be given by H. B. Winfield at his Hall at Terrebonne, Oregon FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1917 Come one, come all, to this Grand Ball For sake of the boy who's answered the call So we at hom can gladly say We helped the Sammies on their way. If we do not our duty do , The soldier has no friend ghat's true, Now while they are fighting for the cause, We should help without a pause. Remember those whom death does face, Have anything but a pleasant place, While we at home are safe ana free Should help the boys across the sea. Now, if we our part do share, They'll rout the enemy everywhere, Then Stars and Stripes in glory stand On what they now call No Man's Land Then they will stop that awful fight , With hearts of glee, and full of delight. Then homeward comes that Soldier Boy, For Heaven knows no greater joy. ; H. B. Winfield. Tickets $1.00 Supper 35c Proceeds to go to tbe benefit of the Y. M. C. A, Music by Jerro's Orchestra of Madras, Oregon Myron H. Hager and Ethel Hori gan Stewart were married at the home of the bride's parents last evening at 8:30 o'clock, Rev. F. C. Laslette omciuting. Beside the family a few intimate friends were present to witness the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Hager will reside at their ranch south of the city. RKTl'XH FROM PORTLAND Kvery Miller To Do His Hit In Win uing The War J. W. Carlson returned on Tues day from Portland where he was called, to discuss grain and milling problems with the federal food com mission. Every miller and dealer is ex pected to do his bit in winning the war and Mr. Carlson is cooperating with the commission in this regard. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TURKEY S"fOR " SALE Live, 2 5c pound; dressed, 30c. Order yours , for Thanksgiving now. Phone Red 461 or Sub'n 947. Mrs. B. F. Wllhoit, Prlneville. 2tlp ROOM FOR RENT Iu modern House. Mrs. u. u. ciaypooi, two blocks east of Prineville Hotel, opposite Court House. 2tlc WANTED Horses to pasture. Bunch grass and straw and spring water. No stallions. $1.60 per month, delivery extra. Fields & Down, Powell Butte, Ore. 2t4p Now turn to the Classified Ads on page 3. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP New Goods Arriving BMBMSBB MMBMU Nineteen and Seventeen Ladt?.abfeiE and cereals, winter apples etc. Ask us for quotations on new, fresh groceries not included in this list. CORN AND TOMATOES Ktanduril Torn, per can l.V, per ilozen $I.HO, per rasw Kancy .Mulne Corn, per can 2c, p-r down 2.-l, per eane Hiniiil.ini Toitiutoen, per can ,1.1c, per dozen I.H, per case Holiil Pack Tomntoets l. M. 2, per can 17Jc, p-r down I.IM, per case Solid Pack Tomutoew, P. H. .'In, per can 20c, p-r down 42.H.1, per cane .. $:..Hl .. l.5 .. $:i.0 .. (M.1 .. DRIED FRUIT SPECIALS In order to make room fur a large quantity of I)ri-1 Fruits to arrive we are offering special price on a limited quantity while it luxts. Kach and rvery pound l guaranteed. Dried Praclien, per pound 12c, BO pound boxes $.1.2.1 lrl-d I'runin, Italian, per pound 12c, 541 pound boxen $.1.2.1 Dried Prune, Krench, per pound 7c, BO pound boxen $.1.2.1 Dried Apples, per pound lie, 2.1 pound boxes $2.50 NEW FLOUR AND CEREALS Standard Flour, per sack $2.KO, PWnore, (patent) none obtainable at present (.riiliain Flour, BO lb sack $2JM, (.rulium Flour, 2.1 lb sack $1.4.1, Graham Flour, III tb sack $ .7B, Whole Wheat Flour, same as Uraliam Kve Flour, BO lb tuu k $2..1, Kve Flour, 2B Tb sack $l.BO, Kye Flour, 10 lb Hack $ .SO, erm t.'rlls, 10 IT sack $ .7.1 laical Farina, 10 lb sack $ JW, l-ocal Pancake, 10 lb sack $ .7.1, Cream Oats, It sack $ .75, Cream Oats, 22J4 lb sack Sl.ttO ( renin Oats, 45 It) sack $3.50 per cwt $.1.50, per bbl. ,.$10.70 per cwt $.1.50, per bbl. . $10.70 per bbl $11.00 per bbl. per bbl. ....$11.50 ... $11.80 W heat and Oats, lb sack $ .7.1 AlberV Farina, 9 lb sack $ .00 Corn MeaL White, 9 lb sack $ .HO Corn Sleal, Yellow, 9 lb sack $ J0 Kurkwheat, 9 lb sack $ .9.1 Pearl Hominy, 9 lb sack $ ,75 WINTER APPLES We have In transit a portion of car of choice varieties of Winter Applea from Moxier which is due to arrive within a few days. Special prices will be made on five box lots. Watch our ad for prices later BARBED WIRE AND NAILS Minitequa Special, painted, (half mile wire) per cwt Minuequa Regular, painted, (3 spools to mile) per cwt Nails, retail, per lb Nails, per keg, baxe Nails, per keg, base, 8ve keg lots .... $6.15 ...... $5JW Wc $.1.90 $3.85 0. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY Groceries and Hardware FIFE ITEMS (By our Regular Correspondent.) E. E. Chapman and wife have se cured work at the Dixon Brothers' ranch for the winter. They expect to start in a few days for a two weeks' visit with Mr. Chapman's mother who lives near Portland. They will drive through in the Ford which they purchased recently from the Inland garage. Mrs. Stanley Balfour . and little son, Stanley Jr., are visiting with her mother, Mrs. John McEachern. Word has been received that Bill Lozier has joined the navy. Mr. Scammon sold his cattle to Charley Ivy, and his horses to Mr. Monroe. He has gone to Bend for the winter. Although the crowd at the dance was not as large as usual everyone enjoyed the evening. The next one will be given Dec. 7th. The pupils of Riverdale school having all moved away, Miss Low den gave up teaching and left for her home in California. Guss Lemkey and family have gone to Bend for the winter. Boys who have been delivering beet in Prineville report hay and pasture very scarce in the lower country. Mrs. B. F. Shepherd sold her cat tle and leased the ranch for five years to Frank Foster and Dean Huston. Charley Sherman, who was ap pointed by W. F. King to collect for the Y. M. C. A. in this precinct, was on Buck Creek for that purpose. He says only one party thus far refused to contribute. Claude Wilson returned Friday from a visit with his people in Bend. Miss Mace Wilson has gone ta spend th- winter in the Valley with, her sister, Mrs. Nelson. , Christmas Presents Have you begun to get them ready? For photos Shop Early! and don't forget our other lines. They make fine presents. November 1st we began a daily film service; films are now de veloped and printed dally. Why send them away to be finished? Who is your candidate? And don't forget to vote. The Art Shop Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Lee & Hughes has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All bills due the firm are payable to Frank Hughes. E. P. LEE, U4c FRANK HUGHES. Notice is hereby given that we will not be responsible tor goods de livered to any one buying In our name without a requisition issued from our office. . TWOHY BROTHERS COMPANY, ltto . Prineville, Oregon, Thanksgiving Sale! Make This a Pleasant, Helpful Day! SPECIAL Our $1.50 17 tb Polished Steel Roaster $1.20 Our $2.25 20 tb Polished Steel Roaster .. $1.75 Our $3.50 20 tb Blue Granite Roaster $2.90 DECORATED DISHES FOR YOUR TABLE Set 75c Sauce Dishes 55c Set 6 in. 85c Plates 70c Set 7 in. $1.00 Plates 79c Set 8 in. $1.25 Plates 99c Set 9 in. $1.50 Plates $1.20 Set 7 in. $1.25 Coupes .99c Set $1.50 Teas and Saucers ........$1.20 DECORATED OR PLAIN PLATTERS at about One-Half Price 12 in 75c Platters 40c 13 in. $1.Q0 Platters 60c 17y2 in- $1-50 Platters 75c ELEGANT COVERED DISHES The $1.25 kind for 75c The $1.50 kind for 99c GROCERIES Fresh Celery, bunch 10c Cape Cod Cranberries, quart 20c Cooking Apples, box $1.35 Eating Apples, box ... $1.75 Sweet Potatoes, 4 lb for 25c Good Storage Eggs, dozen 55c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, tb 50c Blackberry Preserves, lb 40c Strawberry Preserves tb 40c Ready Made Plum Pudding 35c Ready Made Plum Pudding 70c Ready Made Fig Pudding 35c Ready Made Fig Pudding 70c Try our Lebanon special at zuc per can, best on the market. Peas or Beans, actually the Try our Salt Red Salmon, per tb 22Y2c Choice Mackerel, 2 for 35c Collins W. Elkins si