NOVEMBER 15, 1917 PAGE 4 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL The City Mrt. Nell Newsora Is In Portland j this weok. P. M. Pitier returned from Port-! land, Friday. j O. B. Gray was In the city Tues-1 iiiy from Post. j Mrs. M. E. Brink Is Matting In i Portland this weok. Miss Brink was In the city Sutur-; day from Metollus. j Sid Rogers was in Prineville j Tuesday from Barnes. ! Clyde McKay was In the city last '. Thursday from Bond. ; Mrs. Ohas. Hindman is in the city this week from Sisters. j Henry Bernard was in the city Saturday from Taulina. I Edward Myers, of Paulina, was in i the city the first of the week. M. Trapman went out Tuesday to ; fcuild a house for Mr. Williams. I John Milllorn was In the city the ' first of the weok from Roberts. Mrs. Warren Crooks left for Cul Ter, Sunday, to spend the week. Judge X. G. Wallace was a busi ness visitor In Madias, Tuesday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G rover Hatcher, Sunday. Nov. 11, a girl. R. B. Gould, of Bond, was a busi ness visitor In the city yesterday. Miss Edna Merritt was a visitor in the city yesterday from Meadow. H. J. Lister was a business visitor In the city Saturday from Paulina, j Miss Jessie Hartley was In Prine-1 Tille, Saturday, from Powell Butte. Walter Foster and family, of Powell Butte, were In the city Tues- day. Mrs. W. T. Masters, of Portland. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. H. Bell. H. C. Baughman returned Mon-' day from a business trip to The Dalles. ! Miss Mittye Wallace left Tuesday for Corvallis where she will attend 0. A. C. j Dr. Horace Belknap, of Portland, will be In Prine ville, Novemebr 25 and 26. Chas. Congleton was a business visitor In the city Saturday from Paulina. D. B. Stuart and wife were vis itors in the city Tuesday from Barnes. Miss Leola Estes spent last week end In Bend with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peoples, i H. A. Foster was called to Port land, Monday because of the illness Cf his father.' Bruce Balfour, John Pickett and Roy Douglas were in the city yester day from Barnes. Wm. Wurzweiler was a business visitor in the city Monday from his ranch near Sisters. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys went to Suplee to conduct the funeral serv ices of Bud Washburn. Emery Foren, of Burns, is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jesse Tancey. Mr. Foren left Prineville about 20 years ago and this is his first visit since that time. L OW Price s on WIRE AMD We have enroute a carload of barbed wire and nails which we expect to ar rive this week. Price, considering today's market, is very low! You will find our price much lower than can be named by any mail order house or any merchants from railroad points for delivery in Prineville! Why We Can Make Lower Prices! "Carload quantities direct from the steel mills and spot cash tells the tale!" If you are going to need wire or nails in the near future it will pay you to place your order now! Wire sold for cash 6nly! $5.85 Common Wire Nails base, per keg Fence, Staples in keg lots . Minnequa Painted Wire, per 100 lbs. Half Mile Painted Barbed Wire, per 100 lbs. $6.15 Victor and Triumph Game Traps No. 0 per dozen $1-25 No. 1 per dozen ,$1.55 No. 11-2 per dozen $2.35 No. 2 per dozen $3.30 No. 3 per dozen $4.40 $5.90 $6.05 Our Low Prices on Rubber Roofing l-ply Duck&line per 108 square feet $1.75 1- ply Ironite per 108 square feet $1.85 2- ply Duckaline per 108 square feet $2.20 2-ply Ironite per 108 square feet $2.35 Malthoid Jr. Guaranteed 10 years $2.50 J. E. STEWART & COMPANY Dr. Van Waters, of the Episcopal church will hold services at the Lyric Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Miss Clara Thomas, of Hay Creek, is visiting at the home of her brother, Elmer W. Thomas, city. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Galbraith and Mr. Patterson, of Terrebonne, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. Trapman last Monday. Mrs. S. Potter left today for Wy ola, Montana, to stay with her daughter, Maude, who" is teaching school there. J. L. Gaither is a business visitor In the city today from Bend. C. W. Linebaugb, of the Post Of- Tom Long, of Powell Butte, left for Portland, Tuesday, to receive medical treatment for throat ! trouble. flee department, is In the city today. Mrs. Sanford Schultz and daugh- in this ter, Gertrude, and son, Teddy, were in Prineville yesterday from Gate way. Milton Newman and Tessle Gor den, both of Bend, were married at the Prineville Hotel, Tuesday after noon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. T. H. Fertig paBtor of the Methodist church. A few Intimate friends from Bend were present at the wed- ding. ! Evangelist E. P. Lyon, the great ', Bible preacher and teacher, opens a j great campaign at the Club Hall, i Tuesday, Dec. 4. The churches of C. W. Foster returned Saturday j Prineville will heartily unite In from Portland where he had been these services. Let us talk up these Let the Children Play OVEX SHOCKS WON'T CACHE CAKES MIXED WITH CRES CENT BAKING POWDER TO FALL If there are children in your home, tliey can continue their games In the house while cakes mixed with Crescent Jinking Powder are baking. Romping, no matter how intense, won't cause the cakes to fall. For Crescent Raking Powder con tains egg albumen which forms retaining pockets, holding the excess quantity of leavening gas the powder generates, until the completion of a perfect raise. Through being years ahead of the general baking powder field In manufacture as well In su periority of product, a 25c a pound price is possible, liuy a can next time you need bak ing powder; and send 4c, stamps today for the new Crescent Cook Book. mfc rn ECrSSg CRESCENT Crescent Double Acting Baking Powder- to attend the funeral of his grand-' father, the late B. F. Allen. j J. T. Hardy, traveling passenger agent for the O. T. R. R. was in the j city yesterday. He was accompa nied by Fred G. Smith of the G. N. j R. R. i I Oscar Wald, of Pendleton, was In j Prineville, Monday, visiting his sis-j ter, Mrs. J. E. Stewart. He was ac companied by Roy McCarrol of Pendleton. Mrs. Henry McCall and children left Friday for Little Egypt, Mass., where they will spend the winter meetings. It will be a great time for the whole community. The reading and recreation rooms will be open for the boys and young men of Prineville and community at the Baptist church on Monday and Friday eveningB. Mr. Laslette, the pastor, is planning for a series of talks on the care of the human body, to be given by professional men during the fall and winter and open to all who are interested I enough to attend. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MRS. M. TRAPMAN Will start a . knitting class on Nov. 26, 1917, from half past four to half paat Ave. 1 am able to teach all kinds of knitting to whoever wants to Join. Reasonable price, 25 cents a week. I hope it will be a big success. Mrs. M. Trapman. It2c FOR SALE Seed wheat. Spring and fall varieties. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co., Redmond, Oregon. life FOR SALE Two year old Belgian mare colt. C. Hartmaun, Madras, j Oregon. Juniper Springs. ltlci FOR RENT Building on Main St., good location, reasonable price. Inquire at Journal Office, life LOST In Prineville, Oct. 22nd, or 23rd, an Arts and Crafts made lavaleir with pendant of masto don ivory, Alaskan gold forgetme nots and nugget. Liberal reward offered if returned to Ada B. j Mlllican. 1 tic ! FOR SALE Stewart one ton truck Protecting Your Children The long, hard school term drains the vitality of growing children and you wonder why they are listless, puny and pale. Every school child will show marked Improvement in health and growth If given MB BUN Its rich, uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives them vim, snap and zest. It creates strength to resist school sicknesses, overcome pinched laces, sallow complexions and dull eyes. High authorities have established again and again that cod liver oil promotes growth and energizes the body and brain. The Imported Norwegian rod liver oil alwaya uwd in Scot ft Cmmltlm U now refined la our own American Uhuroiorir. which funrntitrc. it free from itupurtiiei. Scott Uowue, Uloumbclil, N.J. IMJ cash. Inquire of T. S. Humes, Prineville, Oregon. ltlp In good condition. Price $500 I have taken the local agency for the Hetty Wales drusses and will have a sample lino on dlspluy In the near fut. Mrs. O. C. Claypool, Prineville Beauty Shop. Notice Is hereby given that we will not be responsible for goods de livered to any one buying In our mime without a requisition issued from our otllce. TW011Y BROTHERS COMPANY, life Prlnnvlllo, Oregon. Too Journal 11.60 per year. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHCRCII i. ..... . . with Mrs. McCall's father, Thomas Lawson. Captain Henry Smith, who has been stationed at American Lake, was notified of the serious illneBS of his brother, Stanley, but had Just left for New York. Union prayer meeting of all the churches will be held at the Baptist j College of Puget Sound will be with church next Wednesday evening at us Sunday and Bpeak Sunday morn- 7:30. These are preparatory meet-1 '"8 an(1 evening. We have known ings for the Lyon revival meetings, j Dr- Todd for twenty-three years. .,,. , He is an able minister and awake Percy R. Smith left yesterday for i . . . . , , , , , ... 3 i to the interest of the hour. We Portland where he will try out forl , . . There Is a call for persons to consecrate themselves for the edu cational work of the church and be come teachers in our Sunday School. This Is a work of high possibilities. Hear the call and take your place in preparation and service. Dr. E. H. Todd, president of the the radio course at Harvard. He was accompanied by Clinton Huston who will also enlist in some branch of the service. Howard Claypool, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Claypool, was injured by being thrown from his bicycle Sat urday. He was unconscious twelve hours but Is reported to be improv ing at thi3 date. Pastor Laslette of the Baptist church will preach at Grizzly school house next Sunday, Nov. 18, at 2:30. Let us again fill the house and en Joy another helpful and instructive message from the Bible. Call on Dr. Day with your eye troubles and let them be removed. Room 15 Prineville Hotel. ltlc Dr. Todd. We are glad to see new faces in the audiences from time to time. Let others come and we will give you a cordial welcome. T. H. Fertig, pastor. CHRISTIAN' CHCRCH A special session of the Bible School at 10 a. m. in honor of the young men of Prineville High School. Morning preaching service at 11, subject: "Much Ado About Nothing." If you have missed the life story of James Cuggell being read at each morning service, you are missing a treat. Come out next Sunday morning and hear It. Even ing preaching service at 7:30 p. m. Journal Classified Ads are only Mrs. Lewis's Semi-Annual Give-Away Sale! Commencing November 17 Ending November 24 During this time I will give a most liberal discount of 25 to 50 Per Cent On Ready-to-wear effects of Velvets, Velours, Pluskes and other soft materials for Ladies and Misses. Also Trimmings, Feathers, Wings, Hackle Aigrettes, Etc. We are showing styles for the most critical at appealing prices to the most ecomonical. COME EARLY SATURDAY MORNING to get first choice! The Elite Millinery First door East of Postof fice