NOVEMBER 15, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 1. -tti A . ..... . 1 SE Classified Ad. Section? every I AWORD i I.IUVHi rm .1 M M Am. w Cw tri. Mrnltor I. D.lkl tamt AUnm U.U-. U Th. J..r--1. Prlll.. 0,,,.. 2 It E El j X ipWELpn I J MmA CtHCV R. SMITH - J, V Pure Blood Hampshire Rams Ready for service. Trices reasonable. Stock can bo Keen at my Ranch near O'Neil or at my residence in Prineville. It pays to buy your breeding stock of a perma nent breeder. C. M. ELKINS, Prineville -: -:- -:- Oregon 111 ' 1 7 ; I OK H.AI K KOR SAI,E2f0 youriK wci In lot to suit purchaser. J. E. War ner, Powell liutto, Ore. fi2t4p KOIl BAI,K; -A complete khw mill. For partlculur ami price addrexs C. H. Karrer, Paulina, Ore. 62(4p HIXTV KKKT KKONT - Hi hI resi dent loratlon In cly. A burgaln If titknti at once. Term. AiMii-hn llox 4S2, I'riiicvlllc, Ore. G2tfc 1110 POTATOES -- Little ""potatowT. Wi! pay ciiHh fur hot h kinds but we want them sorted separately. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co. 62tfc CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMOND, OREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N.' W. Auto Co., telling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Can. Phone us for demon ' ttration and terms Try Hi onr. and wilt IUf- ,oa F. G. CUTLIP & C. T. SHETTERLY, Props. City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season Hardware of REDMOND, OREGON Invites your inquiries for anything in the hardware and implement line We carry the most complete stock in Central Oregon Orders Filled Same Day as Received. Try Our Parcel Post Service Our Motto Best Quality, Lowest Price Prompt Service a rr:r: - 1 City Meat Market J. W. H0R1GAN, Prop. KOR HAI.K HO gallon watur tank Willi electric hutliiK element, practically new. I'lione Black 133. C. C. Seeley, City. 61tfc KOR 8AI.E My residence property opposite Court House. Mr. M. A. KotiliiHon. 4Ctfc KOIl HAI.K A second hand organ. Call anil see It at my store. Mr. Vlra Cyrus, City. 4Gtfc TYPE WHITER Smith Premier In Kood condition for sale cheap. Harvey Cyru. 38tfO KOR SALE Plenty of rough lum ber at Maury Mt. aw mill, $14 p-r thousand. Todd & Hamlin, proprietors. 48t8p KOR SALE Houso with 6 rooms, large ham, and water for stock. Will sell on easy term. See J. E. Stewart & Co. for particulars. 44tfc KOR 8AI.E I have a few choice grade Lincoln and Hampshire ram lambs for sale. Early lambs ready for service. A. J. Noble, Box 427 E2tfc ALL KINDS OF GRAIN By wholesale in car lots, cotton seed cake for sheep; oats, cracked corn and bay. Northern Grain and Warehouse Co., Telephone 162, Madras, Oregon. 49tfc KOR SALE Registered Cottswool rams of the best quality; also 2 Guernsey bulls old enough for service. F. B. Baughman, 3 mile north of Deschutes. 41tfc KOR SALE Sterling bisc Thono graph, will play any kind of disc record, tor less than cost if taken at once. W. H, Cyrus. 36tfc I-OKT A.D FOl'XD LOST Shepherd pup, cream color ed, 6 months' old, bob tailed; was seen foiowlng team to Prlne vllle, Saturday afternoon. Kinder return to Orvlle Davidson, Route No. 1, near Tom Houston's ranch on Redmond road, and receive $2.50 reward. filUlp LOST One light colored buckskin gHuntlet glove, on street of Prlneville. Kinder please leave at Journal olfice. 5Hfc DKXTIHTS DR. MICHAEL C. SL'LT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Gove. Office over Crook County Bank. DR H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Building. MI KIC TK.W HKKS MISS EVA ELLIOTT Instructor of pianoforte. Cluss now organizing. Beginner and advanced students. Studio in the Booth house on West Third Street. 52tfc AI1HTRACTOK8 CROOK COUNTYBiTRAcfCO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pre Ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prlneville Oregon. MEALS, HOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS Meal and service at the Lippincott restaurant Meala and lunch at all hour. Tw door north of Ochoco bridge. G. W. Lippincott. Prop.. City. Htfe FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOM3 With bath. 2 blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Mai Wilson, City. Htfe The Journal has the largest sworn circulation of any paper in Central Oregon. OPTICIAN'S DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prlneville; watch thl paper for date. 2Etf REWARDS $500 Will be paid for evidence leading to the conviction of any one stealing cattle from the Sis ters Metollus Livestock Assn. Joe Howard Jr., Sec. 42tfc REWARD A reward of $100 will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation. 38t25p MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On improved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, City. Btf( $2500 To loan on Improved alfalfb farm near Prlneville on Ochocc or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tf MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. People. lot! ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prineville, Ore WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office in Crook Count Bank 'Building, Prlneville, Ore. SCRATCH uinerent sizes and quality of paper, Just the thing for your desk or pocket, for ale at The Journal office. TO EXCHANGE TO TRADE For Irrigable land, Hampton Butte ranch, 320 acre fenced, 40 acres In cultivation, living water, cablu, barn, cattle, horses, hay, fine range at door. Adress B care Journal. E2t2p CALL KOR WARRANTS All registered Ochoco Irrigation DiBtrlct Warrants up to and includ ing registered number 459 will be paid upon presentation at this office. Interest on same stops at this date. R. L. JORDAN,' County Treasurer. Prlneville, Oregon, October 18,1917. 49t5p JUST VmATTbuWANT A factory made machine cut home already to nail up Our representa tive, Mr. E. Campbell, located at present In Dr. Grater's offices, will be very glad to show you plans of different house and give you es timates on lumber, hardware and paint, or an estimate of house com pleted. Sam Connell Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon. E. Campbell, representative at Prlneville. 49tfc Journal work while you sleep. Use the blank on page 3, when sending In your copy. The Journal $1.50 per year LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United State Commissioner. Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. PHYSICIAN'S BELKNAP EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon. , DR. J. T. FOX Physician and Sur geon. , Office hours: 10-12 and 2-4. 6th house, north side of Fifth Street west. At other times and at night ring up Phone Red 871, Prineville, Oregon.' CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. G. REMPEL Chiropractor Room 4 and 5, Kamstra Bldg CALL FOR WARRANTS All registered general fund war rants up to and Including registered number 5359 will be paid upon pre sentation at this office. Interest stops from this date. R. L. JORDAN, County Treasurer. Prineville, Oregon, October 18,1917. 49t5p NOTICES NOTICE All persons knowing themselves In arrears tor dues to Lookout Rebekah Lodge are requested to call and settle same promptly, as, owing to our loss by Ore we are badly in need of funds. . E. TRUE SHATTUCK, Secretary. The Crook County Journal hat the largest sworn cir- i.i! p.- rwr,. . J i:i,.: We have several hundred tons of Alfalfa Hay Near Powell Butte, Terrebonne and Tumalo Feeding privileges with all. Some instances good pasture in connection. If interested, write or phone. We also have Seed Rye for sale. Northern Grain & Warehouse Co. Madras, Oregon Gas Engines, Cars and Tractors Will wear out parts, get out of adjustment and cause various kinds of trouble at times. Don't forget that they can be repaired and adjusted at the Prineville Machine Shop We can do work that the other shops are not pre pared to do. We also handle the oest grades of material and supplies. When in need of anything in our line don't forget we will try to do you good honest work and supply you with the best grade of goods in our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Prineville Machine Shop Men Wanted! ALL WINTER JOB Wages $3.50 per day. Write or Phone Ochoco Irrigation Dis't PRINEVILLE, OREGON You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burgular-Proof ' Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection , for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON Rambouillet Rams FOR SALE Choice 1 and 2 year old, pure bred Ram bouillet range rams from celebrated flock of R. A. Jackson, Dayton, Washington. Rams now at Stanfield, Oregon. Also 19 Hampshire and Oxford, and a few Lin coln rams for sale. If interested, write or 'phone T. F. B0YLEK or DAN P. SMYTHE Pendleton, Oregon Just like money on interest Classified Ads work Ue bet advertising medium. while you sleep. . ... i.