NOVEMBER 15, 1917 PAGE 2 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL BY GUY L.UX)LLKTTK Entered Prineville, natter. at the postomeo at Oregon, aa soeond-claM PROCEEDINGS OF THE CROOK COUNTY COURT n 111.1SHLD EVERY Till RMAY Frtce$1.60 per year, payable itrictly in advance. In case of change of address please notify us at once, giving both old and new address. proceedings for THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGft ADVERTISING BY THE of erNtOAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 1KANCHES IN ALL THE FRINCIPAL CITIES 'j i ANOTHER MILE STONE With this issue the Journal starts upon its twenty-second year. Itsj growth has been steady and sure,! and today presents the enviable rec- j crd of being the oldest paper in j this part of the state that has never j missed an issue and all these years j has been able to get to its increas-j Ing family of subscribers with j marked regularity. j Looking from the present back-1 ward, and reviewing the files of the Journal gives a view of the develop-j ment of this part of the state that j has passed through many stages. At uo time during the past twenty-one years has the future of the community appeared so bright, and we candidly believe that the country unrounding Prlneville on every side is destined to develop into a power ful and wonderful district, where all will be prosperous and happy. This is absolutely necessary be fore any development of the town is justified, and this alone will make the town what it should be. In the future, as in the past, the prime object of the Journal will be to march in the front rank of the forces that are to make this a County Court November, 1917: R. L. Jordan reported $2344.64 in Road Fund. Ordered that sumo be applied on first road work claims ' presented. j In the matter of the report of road viewers for V. W. Foster road. Reports of road viewers publicly read firot time. In the matter of the report ' road viewers of V. W. Foster road. Report of road viewers publicly ' read for second time. In the matter of ordering bridge lumber by H. J. Lister. Commis sioner Lister is hereby instructed to order necessary lumber to redeck Crooked River bridge and in ad dition lumber to have on hand. Lumber to be purchased from Geo. Russell at 116.00 per M. to be de livered at bridge and Court House. In the matter of the reports of Warren Brown. Reports of war rants drawn In payment of bounties for killing certain antuiasl within Crook County accepted and ordered ! filed. In the matter of the cancellation of old warrants. Ordered that all warrants Issued seven years prior to July 1st, 1917, be cancelled. In the matter of the report of County Agent. Report of County Agent received, accepted and or dered filed. In the matter of the report of R. A. Ward. County Agriculturist. Monthly report received, Mr. Ward commended to activity in securing feed for stock and vaccine for black leg preventative. In the matter of the report of Homer Ross. Report of Homer Ross received, filed, and approved. and ordered filed and warrant drawn for Mr. Rosa for $22.65.. In the matter of the establish ment of the proposed H. W. Carlin road. Now comes this matter on regularly to be heard on this 7th day of November, 1917, upon the Resolution and Order of this Court heretofore made and entered herein on the 7th day of September, 1917, and it appearing from the affidavit of H. A. Kelly on file herein that due notice of this proceeding baa been given as provided by lawl' It Is Hereby Ordered and Ad ludeed. That the Board of County Road Viewers of Crook County, Ore . . . , , -ij gon meet at me Deginmus " road on the day of . 1917. or upon their by the Court and the Court la here-1 by declared to be satisfied that said! I road will be of public utility, and ! i . 1 - .. ine 1 ouiuy ourvejur m ih-h"i,j wi - i dered finally to survey the said road '. and oneu same to public travel, and ; from this date said road shall bo, and the same la. declared to bo a public highway. , In the matter of the paymnet of ! salary to J. 11. Rosenberg, county ; physician for Crook County, during the time of enlistment for govern-j ment service. It appearing to this 1 Court that, on April 4. 1917. an' order was made, authorising the payment of one-half the salary of o wimiiiiih wmmmmmmmmMMimm Mil 3 ii'WiwwaiwuiMniwiiniH BILLS PAID BY THE 9.00 ! 9.00 .75 i Claims allowed by County Court for November, 1917: E. C. Faught, witness, Ju venile court $ 10. SO Charles Wheeler, witness Ju venile court $ 10.20 Emery Carlin. witness Juve nile court James Carlin, witness, juve nile court Ed Parker, witness. Juvenile court 10.00 Dorris Fischer, witness, ju venile court 3.40 Dr. J. E. Hinderman, health registrar .25 Mrs. Mary Cox, health reg istrar The Home Hospital, care of poor 217.00 J. E. Myers, expenses and stamps 66.95 T. J. Mlnger, repairs (court house) 17.10 Lippman & Co., burial of King 46.50 Van Gesner. salary (County physician) 25.00 J. L. McDanlel, Juror, (Cir cuit Court) 17.00 Central Oregon Enterprise 400 cards (Assessor) Jap Ireland, transfer Deschutes Power Co., lights aud water 23.80 H. A. Foster, stamps, etc 3.50 Virginia Villar, board of Pat Donahue 31.00 H. R. Lakln, spikes 1.30 Nora F. Stearns, work (Clerk's office) 54.00 Zeke Hendrickson, work erander and better country, and to this end the paper will be dedicated. gon me Comparing the paper with the ex- j p op changes from other f 80 t0 meet then upon a day the northwest, we bel.eve that we, thereafter, and view. present as much to our readers as, nPCP88arv. iay out and anv or our contemporaries, me size the community considered and ef we expect to enlarge the scope of the paper as rapidly as the growth of the community will permit. As the strength and growth of the community is first reflected in its newspapers, we will continue to give development news that is real news the first consideration, and we believe that the future of the Journal, like the future of the com munity, was never brighter. Talk to GIL IS about your new Fall and Winter Suit or Overcoat A large stock of the pat terns which will be worn this winter has just been received and all suits and coats are hand tailored in my shop in Prineville J. A. GILLIS, Tailor Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoes repaired while you wait All work guaranteed Price reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. iio the swill road as near as practicable to the route set out In the said resolution and file its re nnrt and recommendation with the riprk of this Court. ' In the matter of the establish ment of the proposed Dry Creek road. Now comes this matter on reeularly to be heard on this 7th day of November, 1917, upon the Resolution and Order of this Court heretofore made and entered herein on the 7th day of September, 1917, and it appearing from the affidavit of H. A. Kelly on file herein that due notice of this proceeding has been given as provided by law: It is hereby ordered and adjudged that the Board of County Road Viewers of Crook County, Oregon, meet at the beginning of the said proposed road on the day of , 1917, or upon their failure so to meet, then upon a day within 10 days thereafter, and view, survey, if necessary, lay out and lo cate the said road as near as prac ticable to the route set out in the said resolution and file its report and recommendation with the Clerk of this Court. In the matter of the petition of W. W. Foster, et al for a county ! road. This matter coming on regu larly to be heard on this 9th dajr-of November, 1917, upon the report of the Board of County Road Viewers failed to agree and that the said Board filed separate reports on the 6th day of November, 1917, prior to the onenine of the regular No vember term of this Court; and The reports of the said Board of Viewers having been publicly read first time on the 7th day of Novem ber, 1917, and having been publicly read for the second time on the 8th day of November, 1917, and no re monstrance being filed with a greater number of resident free holder remonstrators than there Is of the petitioners upon the petition, no claim for damages being pre sented or recommended, the report of Viewer W. H. Birdsong being favorable to said road, the Court being fully advised in the premises and considering that the road would be of sufficient importance to the traveling public and to the people of the County of Crook and State of Oregon: It Is hereby Considered and Or dered. That the report of Road CROOK COUNTY COURT In order to assist in the Conservation of Food Stuff The government earnestly requests that during the months of October and No vember each householder buy at least one sack of Irish Potatoes. We also have a large shipment of home-grown squashes in all sizes. Assist the farmers by buying their products MICHEL GROCERY CO. 'C 'f X t fil mmmmmmmmmwmMtmmMM 19 i . . , Mill mm a i l 3.25 1.50 (Clerk's office) 64.00 Hazel Sullivan, work (As sessor) 4.50 A. W. (Irater, care of Fleet wood 60.00 Inland Auto Co., County car (Ford) 522.25 Prineville Drug Co., drugs (Hospital) 12.60 Prineville Drug Co., supplies (Jordan) 5.40 John Malech, services 9.00 A. M. Hnrdenbrnok, special deputy sheriff 8.00 Crook County Journal, sup plies and proceedings 82.60 Irwin-Hudson Co., typewrlt- R. L. Scheo, expenses of ex- rP erasers 1.18 hlblt (Portland) 160.00 J. I. Holcontb Mfg. Co., floor S. E. Roberts, serving sub- j brush 11. 7 poena 6.60 , Elllott-Flsher Co., repairs Crimea & Fitzgerald, auto on machlno 8.86 hire (Sheriff) 62.90 jW. K. Flnxer ft Co., stenclla Grimes tc Fitzgerald, feed I (Myers) 3.51 for horses 1 8.50 ! Compton ft Fronheffor, lum- H. Knox, expense (Nichols) 2.60. her for bridge Burchtorf, road work ... Stuart, 64 cords wood 7.60 E Hen Roy 84.90 264.60 Birdie 8. Norton, registering electors 6.60 p, Chltwood. work on bridge J. E. Newhltl, work on bridge II. A. Kelly, county surveyor Fred Noble, chalnman ........ Pat Donahue, 27 days O 25.65 10.40 4.00 84.01 4.08 Vf For better food at less cost MAZOLA 1 UTTER, lard and suet have been used for years for deep frying, .. i i ..t- i :f-w t:.,.i sauteing or shortening occause me houmwuc tuun mm nothing better. Today the Food Administrator asks her to B use vegetable oils. And Mazola, the pure oil from corn holds first place among vegetable oils. It is the ideal medium for sauteing, deep frying, shortening and salad dressings from every standpoint. Mazola reaches cooking heat long before it smokes cooks food more quicklv and at the same time more thoroughly. This docs away with that sogginess and greasiness so -prevalent with the old cooking mediums. And Mazola can be used over and over again because it docs not transmit taste or odor from one food to another! That is what makes it so wonderfully economical. Get a can of Mazola from your grocer today. Sold in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon tins the large sizes give greatest economy. Also ask for the free Mazola Book of Recipes or write us direct. Your money refunded if Mazola does not give entire satisfaction Viewer W. H. Birdsong be accepted Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Place New York S.IIIH .atmnUUrM Johnson, Lieber Company Portland, Oregaa " PnTn'-r ai?ii ii. i . ni'1 n 1 1 1 " " ' " ' """rl" "MMMIW"