NOVEMBER 8, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE t Classified Ad Sectiom mx A WORD I WF Vv : ik 1 1 J ip Vna mt At Mast pur Opr I'nlcM Aortlwf ku Maalhlr Annil. AUnm L-t(n U Th J.antl. Prinr.HU, Orcgm 1 "IX "I I IF w elf R I 3 JLi PtHCY R. SMITH JL-i JL V Pure Blood Hampshire Rams Keady for service. Prices reasonable. Stock can be Keen at my lianch near O'Neil or at my residence in Prineville. It pays to buy your breeding stock of a perma nent breeder. ' ' C. M. ELKINS, Prineville . : :- :- Oregon KOK HAI.K KOK BAI.K 260 young ewe In liitx to suit purchaser. J. K. War ner, Powdl Hut to, Ore. 6Zl4p CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMOND, OREGON ' Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., selling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars. Phone us for demon stration and terms Try nrt mni will Mtlif, yon F. G. CUTLIP & C. T. SHETTERLY, Props. City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 City Meat Market J. W. HOR1GAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard - Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season Hardware of REDMOND, OREGON Invites your inquiries for anything in the hardware and implement line We carry the most complete stock in Central Oregon Orders Filled Same Day as Received. Try Our Parcel Post Service Our Motto Best Quality, Lowest Price Prompt Service , KOH BALI A complete Daw mill. For particular and price address C. II. Karrer, Paulina, Ore. 5 2 1 4 p 81 X T Y K KT K IIONT Host resi dent location III i 1 y . A barKain If taken at onoo. Terms. Address Rox 4G2, I'rliiMvfllf, Oro. 02tfc uitj POTAT(Ji:8 I-lttlo pnlatwii. We pay iukIi for both kinds but we want them sorted separately. Iti'iltiiimil Lumber & product) Co. 52tfc FOR HALH; 80 gallon water tank with electric heating element, practically nnw. Phone Black 133. C. C. Seeley, City. 61tfc KOK BALK My residence property opposite Court House. Mr. M. A. Robinson. 40tfc KOK SALE A second band organ. Call and see It at my store. Mrs. Vlra Cyruii, City. 46tfc KOK SALE A Thomas Crow.n mower, used but little. Phone or address 8. S. Kurtz, Howard, Oregon. 48t4p Mint and found DKNTISTS LOHT Hunch of keys Wednesday ovenlnK, October 31. ' Kinder please return to N. J. Bradbury, Prineville. 52tlp LOHT One liicht colored buckskin Kuuntlet glove, on streets of Prineville, Kinder please leave at Journal office, Gltfc OITKriA.VM OK. J. 0. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this paper for dates. 2Gtf REWARDS 500 Will be paid for" Evidence leading to the conviction of any one stealing cattle from the Sis ters Mritollus Livestock Assn. Joe Howard Jr., Sec. fZlfc DR. MICHAEL C. SULT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Gove. Office over Crook County Batik. DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, In Kamstra Building. AIWTRACTOIW CROOK COUNT'f'XB3TR'ACTCO. Iiicorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prineville Oregon. MEAL8, BOARD AND ROOM KIRST CLASS Meals and service at the LIpplncott restaurant. : Meals and lunch at all hours. Twe doors north of Ochoco bridge. 0. W. LIpplncott, Prop.. City. 19tt FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS With bath, 2 blockc west of postoffice. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. IStfe The Journal has the largest sworn circulation of any paper In Central Oregon. REWARD A reward of $100 will j be paid for Information leading to the arrest and conviction1 of ' anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation. 38t2Sp MONEY TO IX) AN KOK SALE fall seed rye. Red mond Lu.nber & Produce Co., Redmond, Oregon. 44tfc TYPEWRITER Smith Premier In good condition for sale cheap. Harvey Cyrus. 88tfO MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, City. Ctfc $2600 To loan on Improved alfalfa '(arm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc ATTENTION STOCKMEN 320 acres mostly natural meadow, $6400. See Riggs the Realty Man. 49t4p KOR SALE Grade Perchcron stal lion, 5 years old, weight about 1750. Broke to work and a sure horse. x Write to George Menken maur, Kremont, Oregon. 49t4p KOK SALE Plenty of rough lum ber at Maury Mt. saw mill, $14 per thousand. Todd & Hamlin, proprietors. 48t8p MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. People. 20tfc ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prineville, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office in Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. Gas Engines, Cars and Tractors Will wear out parts, get out of adjustment and cause various kinds of trouble at times. Don't forget that they can be repaired and adjusted at the Prineville Machine Shop We can do work that the other shops are not pre pared to do. We also handle the best grades of material and supplies. When in need of anything in our line don't forget we will try to do you good honest work and supply you with the best grade of goods in our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Prineville Machine Shop KOR SALE House with 6 rooms, large Uarn, and water tor stock. Will sell on ensy terms. See J. E. Stewart & Co. for particulars. 44tfc ALL KINDS OK GRAIN By wholesale In car lots, cotton seed cakes for sheep; oats, cracked corn and hay. Northern Grain and Warehouse Co., Telephone 162, Madras, Oregon. 49tfc KOR SALE Registered Cottswool rams of the best quality; also 2 Guernsey bulls old enough for service. F. B. Baughman, 3 miles north of Deschutes. 41tfc KOR SALE Sterling Disc Phono graph, will play any kind of disc record, tor less than cost tf taken at once. W. H. Cyrus. 85tfc PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, I Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon. DR. J. T. FOX Physician and Sur geon. Office hours: 10-12 and 2-4. 6th bouse, north side of Fifth Street west. At other times and at night ring up Phone Red 871, Prineville, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. G. REMPEL Chiropractor Rooms 4 and 6, Kamstra Bldg. FOR SALE Forty acre tract irri gated land, all in cultivation, 26 acres seeded. No rock, land level In fine shape to irrigate; new six room bungalow;, roothouse, cis tern, stable, and reservoir that will water 200 head of stock all winter. Also four head horses, three cows, one wagon, one back, work harness, $300 worth of hay, plow and other articles. Also two 320 acre homestead relinquish ments it wanted. This outfit at $4000.00 for quick sale. Located east of Bend at Alfalta. Apply to M. L. Pyatt, Alfalfa, o're. 60t2c SCRATCH VAua Different sizes and quality of paper, Just the thing tor your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. WANTED WE ARE READY To contract all kinds of grain. Write or phone us for prices. Redmond Ware house Company, Redmond, Ore gon. 39tfc TO EXCHANGE TO TRADE For irrigable land, Hampton Butte ranch, 320 acres fenced, 40 acres in cultivation, living water, cabin, barn, cattle, horses, hay, fine range at door. Adress B care Journal. 62t2p NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Bear Creek & Camp Creek Horse & Cattle Association on Saturday, No vember 10, at Held, the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. All stockmen residing from the mouth of Bear Creek to Fife, in cluding the Camp Creek, Buck Creek and Hampton Butte districts are urged to be present. 61tlp CALL FOR WARRANTS All registered general fund war rants up to and including registered number 6359 will be paid upon pre sentation at this office. Interest stops from this date. R. L. JORDAN, County Treasurer. Prineville, Oregon, October 18,1917. 49t5p The Journal has the largest sworn circulation of any paper In Central Oregon. Journal Classified Ada are only one cent a word each week. For new and old stomach trouble use Adamson's Digesteze. Price 60c or six boxes for $2.60 postpaid to any address in the United, States of America. For sale by D. P. ADAMSON & CO Prineville, Oregon Try a Journal Classified Ad. Mei Wanted! 'LLLHHIiHsHssl iHHiBssHHiHjHHHssHHHiliiHHHHH ALL WINTER JOB Wages $3.50 per day. Write or Phone Ochoco irrigation Dis't PRINEVILLE, OREGON . 1 i 3 You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burgular-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection i I for your valuable papers and jewels j. Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON The Crook County Journal hat the largest sworn cir culation of any paper in Central Oregon and likewise is NOTICE All persons knowing themselves in arrears for riuen tn T.nnlcnut Robfekah Lodge are requested to call and settle same promptly, as, owing to our loss by fire we are badly in need of funds. The Stock Raiser Who Uses Columbia Bacon, Hams and Lard Knows he is getting the VERY BEST be cause of the uniform high standard main tained in the Selection and Care of livestock Columbia Brand Products are Dependable Always ,! ... , TJ. 8. Gov. Inspected - UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND, OREGO N E. TRUE SHATTUCK, Secretary. the best advertising medium.