PAGE 5 OCTOBER 25, 1917 V. HON CO. AT WORK Thi ipace U bought and paid for by O. C. Clay pool & Co., and it donated to the cause of the United States Second Liberty Loan Campaign WIIX WOUK I'llOM IK TII KMH Wit KYI Kit OK 'AS.I, E1CKEHEYER TO BUILD TUNNEL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL a timm Umm firo J lluvi Two Cuiii KnIiiIiIInImmI 4ni' M O'Ni-il HiiikIi, himI the Oilier mi Mi Kny Tim Nnwport Cimitlrui'tlim Com pany 1 moving dirt on the nniln tunul of tlia Oilioco I'rojnct In tlin.n ilMTiirotit Dimes along III li'iinlh. Thny huve cainp tlilliihd at tli Chn. O'Noll ranch from wlilih thny will work two crews of men. On of tlwim will common work iirnir tlin cmitr of tlia (BiimI anil will wnrk Hither way toward the i-mls. Thn ali'am sliovnl will atart work on tho aat nd of thir-canal and will move went ward toward the center. , On the went end of the canal will be a deep open cut which will he made from the camp on the old Powell uluce on McKay. Another crew of men will work from ttils point eaatward toward the center of the main canal. In the ridge between Pry Creek and the east end of the table land will be a tuunel of aome length The rock work will be done by Mr. Klckemeyor, who la an expert In thla cIuhs of construction. Considerable, dirt la being moved bv Newimrt'a each day and two wwlia will ane their onerallons In full piny at all the point mentioned It la the ulun of the board of (II rectors and the contractors to have the canal system completed In early spring, and everything Indicates at this lime that this will be achieved T Every HireaHgan Farmer I The City Fred Wallace, of Tumalo, was a! visitor In tho city yesterday. Ed Smith, of Tost, and Sylvia Uuyer, of Paulina, were married at the Presbyterian church, Saturday, Oct. 20, llev. W. L. Van Nuys of ficiating They will make their home near Post. Among tho prominent women at tending the convention is Miss Elizabeth Kox, dean of women at tlm University of Oregon. Miss Fox Is accompanied by MIbs Helen Delano, a student at the University. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Lamb, of FokhII, are visiting at the home of their dauithter. Mrs. Howard Gove. They motored from FokhII and were accompanied by J. T. Cooper. John Cyrus wua painfully burned , on the hunds and fuce recently when aome mm nowder which he and some other boys bad Ignited, explod ed causing several deep burns. John and Steve Steldl, of Bond, were in the city Saturday for , the Bend-Prlnevllle football game. The boys are home on a furlough from the Mare Island training station. Rov. F. C. LaHlette, mlnietor of tho RiiutlHt Church speaks to the people at the Johnson school houso Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28, at 3 and a cordlul welcome is extended to all. The names of tho Crook County Imvs who are In the service are com inir in rather slowly. The Spunleh American War Veterans urge that all bo In by tho first of the month Wm. Crier, engineer In charge of Twohy Brothers Company's work on the Oihoco Project, will build a residence as soon as poBslblo for his nwn use while superintending the work here. The young people of the Baptist church will entertuln with a Hallow e'en party next Wednesday evening in the basement of tho Baptist church. The young people of the city are invited. The pastor of the Baptist Church in conjunction with the churches all nvor the United States will preach special sermons on the 400th anni versary of the Great ProteBtant Reformation next Sunday, Oct. 28, at 11 and 7:30, subjects: "Martin Luther, the Man .of God and Des tiny." E. P. Lee sold his interest in the blacksmith shop to Wm. McFarland of this city who has had a shop on Main street near the Prineville Hotel. The firm will be known hereafter as Hughes and McFarland and will continue the business In the same location of, Lee and Hughes. K lit- . 1 1 Form I20S CLA5 Or SERVICE OtSIREO f sat Pty Mtlas Kljht L1w sk-ont akouM mart X apoo dn Uw earn f Mrvfc d !: OTHERWISE THE TELEGRAM WILL K TRANSMITTED AS A FAST DAY MCMAOL WESTELL UNION TEL AM NIWCOMI CAHLTON. miiMNT aEOftOC W. K. ATKINS. T VkCC-PftniecNT RaMtvartN. Ctwck Tana FM Send dM following' Ulegram, aubisct to tbe terms M back barter, which srs hereby afresd to WASHINGTON. D. C. OCTOBER 1, -1917. TO THE AMERICAH FARMER. EVERYWHERE, USA NEVER IU THE HISTORY OP OUR NATION HAS THE AMERICAN PARMER HAD THOPPORTUNITY TO REPEAT WHAT THE "EMBATTLED FARMERS OP 1775 DID WHEN THEY "FIRED THE""SH0T HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD" WHICH STARTED THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, TODAY THE "CALL" IS NOT "TO ARMS" BUT, "TO BONDS" - A CALL FOR YOU TO .BUY fHENEW LIBERTY BONDS" - TO LOAN TO YOUR GOVERNMENT MONEY WITH WHICHfOFROTfic"T YOUR LIFE - YOUR HOME - YOUR HONOR AND LIBERTY FOR WHICH YOU WILL BE PAID IN RETURN 4 INTEREST ON YOUR INVESTMENT NO TRUE AMERICAN FARMER WILL FAIL TO RESPOND TO THIS CALL AND THEREBY AGAIN SHOW TO THE WORLD THAT THE AMERICAN ?TILLER F THE SOIL" IS STILL - TODAY - THE BACKBONE OF THE U.S. A, .11 UNCLE" SAM V:.. if f "I '.. J' Will you be a U. S. backer, or Will you be a U. S. slacker? To win this war it requires a vast amount of money, and if we don't win it, your home, your farm, your life, your riphta, your liberty become subject to ruthless destruction. To raise this money, your Government calls upon you for a loan. It does not ask you to give money simply to lend it and in return gives you a U. S. Government Bond, the best security on earth, on which you draw Interest, greater than bank interest, free , from tr except inheritance and income surtax. What Will Be Your Reply? Here is an opportunity to show your pat-, riotism and at the same time get on the Government's pay-rolL Here is an opportunity for you to "do your bit" and show to the world that the American farmers are still the "backbone" of their country. Here is an opportunity to say to your nation's enemies, in language none can fail to under stand, that "money talks" that America knows no defeat and that we intend to wipe militarism and despotism off the face of the earth and finally insure a lasting peace. What WM Be Your Reply? Do you know that the total value of the 1917 crops is estimated by Government officials at $17,000, 000,000 nearly six times the amount of "The Second Liberty Loan of 1917"? Do you know that the increase in the value of the 1917 crops over 1916 is $2,000,000,000 almost equalling this Second Liberty Bond issue? Don't you think then, that the American farmers ought to "respond" liberally to their Govern ment's call, especially when they get 4$ interest on their investment? , What Wfll Be Your Reply? You owe it to your country to "reply" with a subscription for as many bonds as you have money tor-spare. You owe it to your country to "buy Liberty Bonds" as evidence of your patriotism. You expect your country to "protect" your life, your home and your liberty. Your country expects you to do your share toward that end by helping to maintain its credit by lending it your money in this critical hour. What Will Be Your Reply? The New Liberty Bonds will be issued in denominations of $50 and up. The total amount is $3,000,000,000 or more. , The interest rate is 4 paid semi-annually on Nov. 15th and May 15th. They can be paid for in installments: 2Jb on -application; 18 on Nov. 15th; 40 on Dec. 15th; 40ft on Jan. 15th, 1918. They are 25-year bonds, redeemable in ten years. They carry a conversion privilege and can be changed for any higher interest bearing bonds issued at any succeeding time during the war. They are exempt from taxation except in heritance and income surtax. The practical effect of this is to exempt holdings up to $5000. The subscriptions will start Monday, Octo ber 1st. and close October 27th. Buy Your Bonds Today! Don't put it off a moment You have nothing to risk Fill out the application below at once. Send it in to the publisher of this paper and you will have answered vour country's call loyally, patriotically andslso answered YOUR NATION'S ENEMIES in a way that will bring peace the quickest and most lasting. If you want to buy, say one $50 bond and wish to pay for it on the installment plan, you send with your Application Blank 2 or $1.00; then on Nov. 15th you rOTitthe 18 or $9.00; on Dec. 15th you send $20.00 and on Jan. I5th. $20.00 making a total of $50. - If ou buy two or more bonds your payments increase two or more times. Don't sit back slacking wishing for peace. Wish bones are mighty poor back bones. YOU. tbe farmers, i worth oi being credited as the " backbone of our ntUten, must furnish the backing. Do It Now! application Blank for New Liberty Bonds I hereby subscribe for--;,-,;",---,-,i-New kTxsty 4 Bonds. Enclosed find $ (You can send amount in full or first payment of 2 of total amount of bonds subscribed for.) Please have bonds sent to following name and address: Name of purchaser., Town .... County ...State NOTEf The publisher will aeknowledga laeeipt ol this aobeeriptioo which is done gratis and as an accommodation to oar subeenbert mnd an aid to the Government in facilitating the sale of thia iessn- If you have not already bought a Liberty Bond, fill out the coupon, attach the amount of your payment and leave it at this store. We will place it in the hands of the proper authorities O. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY