PAGE 2 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL OCTOBER 25, 1917 1 1 EVEREADY Flashlights in different shapes and sizes and EVEREADY BATTERIES You will find just the one you want at this store Ice Cream Cold Drinks, and Lowney's Chocolates D. P. Adamson & Co. Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period in our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their services to the United States government. Would you like to do your share and help, by putting your money where it will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back ot our commerce, industry and agriculture? Ton can do this by opening an account with us as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where it will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE ELITE MILLINERY I Old you have not'yet called upon us, "please do so. friends are renewing their former patronage. New friends are made daily. Come and welcome; a cordial reception awaits your call. Everybody pleased because they receive Fair Treatment and a Square Deal. We have a distinctive line of large and small partem hats of dependable styles, showing the art of clever workman ship. We confine ourselves to Exclusive Millinery. OLLIA M. LEWIS "Slip-On" Veils, no pins or fastenings. Apples For Sale One Thousand Bushels 50c per pushel. Pears, Peaches, Plums MRS. F. E. GAGE, Mitchell, Ore. CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL BV GfV LAFOIXKTTK Entered at the postottk-e at Prtnevtlle, Oregon, as second-class manor. rnil.ISUKl) KVKKV thiiwday Price 1. 60 per year, payable strictly tn advance. In case of change ot address please notify us at once, tiring both old and new address. flllS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGIt ADVERTISING BY THE OINIAAL OFFICE NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BLANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The United States Government Food Administrator Says: "Baking Powder Breads of corn and other coarse flours are recommended" ROYAL POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse flour breads CORN MEAL MUFFINS K eop m bimI caps Sow H teupooa ull 4 Ural tMipoooi moral BtkUf rowd.t t teblMptOBI U V 1 enp Bilk I UblHpowu akortaalaf Vis tkoroofblj dry lntT.dl.nU: M t1s til maltal hartMUf tnd but wall. Bit. la (rau tlu U M im about M mlautaa, NUT BREAD I 01 pi mhaa tour S Imidoobi Moral Bto Pawta 1U ult 1H .up. milk aa w.t.r tup .uftr at oora ijrus gup chopp.d au dot to. Is.) at t tsf ram.., hum loans Hit tofotkar tour, kaktat powd.r sad aalti add milk ad wat.r, tuttr or turn arrup and autmoata of raltlat. fut lata t'oai.4 loaf paa, allow I. au.4 10 nlnut.i la warm plana, Baka la sudoral ataa M to tt mlaataa. Our iW, whit and blu, bookUl, "Bit War Timt Rcipa," containing additional ,imilar raclptt. hkI fraa on rtfuui, Addtmu Royal Baking Powd,r Company, Dipt. H, IK William Strait, Maw York KAVORAHLE (XttlMKNT Much favorable comment has been showered upon Prineville re cently because of the fact that the most important meeting of the year! in the feminine world is taking' place In our city. I Besides numerous smaller press notices, the leading article in the woman's section of last Sunday's Oregonian was on this subject. Wej reproduce it here below: j "All Is in readiness tor the impor-j tant meeting of the year, the state ! convention of the Oregon Federation j of Women's Clubs, which will open : In Prinevllle tomorrow night. "Portland will send a good repre sentation and the towns throughout, the state will be well represented, j In fact, the smaller cities are plan ning to send the larger proportion ate delegations. "The federation special will leave the Union Station at 8:20 o'clock tomorrow morning. Delegates are1 reminded to be sure to get their j certificates when purchasing their! tickets to Redmond. When the' whistles blow and the bells ring at the appointed time it will be strictly J a woman's train, with women dele-' gates to a woman's convention, In charge of a woman passenger agent, that will start on Its way to Central i Oregon., Miss Avis Lobdell, passen-i ger agent for the O.-W. R. & N ! has been making the preliminary! arrangements and work usually done senger agent. "The train will decorated, the decorations havinit been planned under the direction of! Miss Lobdell and A. H. McKeen, ! who has designed all the company's 1 prize-winning floats. Flags for the train are loaned by the Employes' j Club and Include many ot their silk ' will do all the by a man pas-j 'be beautifully! IB 1 P mammmmmsmum z .7 u wjr. - Use Your Phone for A Remarkable Invention It Is no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. This little device, if carried in his tool-box, multiplies his power by 73, and makes him independent of road conditions. If his auto sticks in the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right it In 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes In the ground, attaching PULL-U-OUT to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground and out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even i souea ciotness tms wonaeriul little device lifts a ton, of dead weifht, or pulls 60 tons on wheels; yet its shipping weight'! only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x14 inches. Automobiles repaired and Fords Mended R. V. RANDALL trophies "A diner will be attached to the train and this will obviate the ne cessity of the box lunches that were to have been taken. "The train will be met at Red mond by women of the convention city, who will escort the delegates to Prinevllle by autos loaned by the Commercial Club of Prineville. "The latter part of October was selected as the meeting time because the weather at this time is beauti ful, and a glorious outing is antici pated by those who will attend. The distance from Redmond to Prine ville is 17 miles, not 50, as some imagine. "The train will go by way of the Columbia River, and then up the Deschutes Canyon, one of the finest scenic places In Oregon. Snow-Cap-ped mountains will be In full view from the plains that are to be traversed in the latter part of the Journey. The convention program heralds a reception at the conven tion place tomorrow night, with ad dresses by celebrities and some ex cellent music. The program for the entire meeting Is replete with Inter esting attractions. "The attendance from Portland will be larger than at first antici pated. -Among those clubs that will send delegates are: Army and Navy Auxiliary, Tuesday Afternoon, Civic Welfare, Alblna Woman's Graduate Nurses' Association, Re search, Railroad Woman's, Shake speare Study, Woman's, Presidents' Psychology, Coterie, Grade Teach ers' Association, Oak Grove and Milwaukle Social Service, Bay View Study, Brooklyn Mothers and Teach ers', Charles Dickens, Corrlente, Council of Jewish Women, Monday Musical, Mount Scott Mental Cul ture, State Woman's Press. There is every indication that the attend ance will be well over the 100 mark." Best Groceries MICHEL GROCERY CO. THE I'LEASIKE IS ALL Ol IW A half century ago, one white woman, any white woman, in the Ochoco country, as all of this part ... . . .. oi me state was then called, was worthy of more than passing notice, j This week Prineville Is playing .the part of host to the largest gathering of talented women that has ever been held in Oregon, east of the Cascades and south of the Columbia. And that is as It should be. The women of Oregon represent more than they do perhaps In any other state in the nation, and with out doubt the women of America are leagues aneaa ot those In any Other nation in the world. Oregon was among the first states to recognize the right of suffrage, to put the liquor traffic Into the dis card and keep it there, to admit a woman to the legislative body and recognize her there, as equal to any member of that body, all of which is pioneering. Prinevllle and the community is, always has been, and will continue to be a pioneering community. Just as it leads the other interior towns in educational and other de velopment, making an Ideal home community with the influence of the women of the town always for the better things and always recognized without question, it sets the pace in securing this meeting, and giving its guests the consideration they de serve, thereby causing them to al ways remember our town and city as a pleasant place to live, a place where women are recognized and appreciated. It is indeed an opportunity for Prineville to show its appreciation o the women of the state and the pleasure should be and is all ours. Liberty Bonds keep away bombs. Prineville, the convention city. RIGGS The Real Estate Man 640 ACRES $45,000.00 200 acres in alfalfa, 100 more ready to seed, 80 mora can be cultivated, between EOO and 600 tons ot bay go with the place, two houses, one tour and one six room, horse stables, wagon (hed, hen house, bunk house and cellars. 120,000.00 WILL HANDLE THIS PLACE I have a 1150,000.00 proposition In land and livestock it Interested call and see me; one ot the best investments in Oregon. ," T. J. M. RIGGS Prineville, Oregon Business Opportunities City Lots Alfalfa Farms Stock Ranches Anything from a city lot to a stock ranch None too large, none to small Square deal to all. If Interested write or call T. J. M. RIGGS L. K. SHEPHERD Direct Factory Representative for Pianos and Player Pianos Easy Terms Bend, Oregon Keep posted. Read the Journal, all the news every week