CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 27, 1917 PAGE 4 The City M. D. Powell has new Velie. H. L. Maker is In Culver this week. J. N. Williamson has a new Franklin roadster. Sid Rogers was in the city Satur day from Barnes. , Preston Dunham was in the city from Roberts Monday. J. R. and AVm. Post were In the city yesterday from Post. V. F. King and mother returned from Portland yesterday. Pr. Hosch and wife, of Redmond, were in the city yesterday. Fred F. Hoelscher is in San Fran cisco this week on business. Willard Wlrti returned from Portland yesterday morning. Several cars will go from here to the fair at Tumalo tomorrow. G. Springer and family have gone to Crater Lake for an outing. W. H. Harvey and wife were in the city Monday from Paisley. j C. W. Ebberts was in Prineville the first of the week from Paulina, j i George B. London was a visitor in Prineville, Saturday from Powell j Butte. j F. S. Towner left yesterday on a business trip to different points In Washington. Pr. Van Waters will hold services at the Lyric Theatre Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock. Helen Claypool this week pur chased another 40 acre tract of land from the O. & W. Company. Mrs. T. J. Minger, Mrs. A. H. Lippinan and Miss Alma Llppman motored to Bend, Monday. P. Md Fuller, grading superin tendent for the Ochoco Irrigation District, arrived in the city yesterday. E. L. Barnes, of Portland, arrived In the city today and Is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. W. Rea. " . Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knighten. who have been In the city several days, left for their home In The Dalles yesterday. Miss Ruth Lipson who has been visiting at P. M. Ruthncld's ranch near Prineville, left for her home In the east yesterday. City Engineer Horace A. Kelly Is suffering from a very bad wound in his hand, which was caused while splitting wood. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ayres and Rev. and Mrs. Laslette made a trip to Redmond Tuesday evening to be present at the Lyon meetings there. Look for the Goody ear lire Educational Exhibit At our garage in the forenoons and in our booth at the Oregon Inter-State Fair afternoons INLAND AUTO CO. Prineville, Oregon I WILL SELL AT Public Auction On Saturday, October 6 at 1:30 p. m., my stallion "BIIIIKEN" At the Fair Grounds, Oregon Inter-State Fair, to the highest bidder for cash, or payment will be accepted on one year's time, acceptable paper. This horse is a natural pacer, weighs 1200 pounds, is 16 hands high and has won 7 blue rib bons at various fairs. DR. C. A. CLINE MIKE TRAPMAN Home Builder and Cabinet Maker ALL CABINET WORK MADE IN MY OWN SHOP WITH MACHINERY Shop on East Sixth Street PRINEVILLE, OREGON to Paulina I. M. Mills returned Monday. Miss Orlsa Sears was In Prineville Monday. Harold Matson returned from Portland, Friday. Edward Meter, of Paulina, was In the city Saturday. Chester Starr was In tha city from Howard, Saturday. Farmer Powell returned from Portland, Saturday. Donald McKay was in the. city Sat urday from Gateway. Mr. and Mis. T. K. J.' Duffy were in Hend last week-end. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Jauiea tiuun last Thursday, a Klrl. George Walker was a business visitor In lleud, Monday. Frank Nichols was In Prineville Inst Thursday front Tumulo. 8. L. Morris and wife, of Suplee, were In tha city last week-end. I G. K. McClure, of The Dalles, was ' In the city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Lister were In Prineville, Saturday, from Paulina. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Iledlund were business visitors in the city Friday. Herbert Angell and family return ed to their home near Paulina, Monday. M. S. tin Me y was In the city Mini-1 dav from his ranch on Crooked River. Mrs. Walter Klllott and son were in the city the first of the week from Paulina. Ross Daniels was a business vis itor in the city Saturday from Culver. Lawrence, Robert and Toby Lister i were In Prineville Saturday from Paulina. R. L. Schee, who has been In Salem attending the State Fair, re turned yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Houston and children were In the city for several days last week. Mrs. F. N. O'Connor and son, Francis, were In the city from Mad ras last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes are visltiiiK at GeorKe Kelley's ranch near Post this week. Lucille Cohrs returned home Mon day. She has been traveling during the summer, with the Quaker Com pany, j Wilfred Belknap will leave to-j morrow for Seattle where he will I attend the University of Washington j this winter. ; C. O. Pollard left Monday for; Seattle where he was called to the Quartermaster's office, having taken j the examination some time ago. Daniel P., Malloy and Helen L. Sherlock, of Powell Butte, were married by Judge A. R. Bowman at ! the Clerk's office Sunday morning at six o'clock. A telegram from Ernest Estes says that he left for Kansas, Satur day. He has been stationed 'at Fort Worden, Washington, since he en listed several months ago. If you wish to read the Crook County Journal when you are at the State Fair this week you will find J it in the University of Oregon booth, j Journalism room, State Fair ' grounds. j Geo. Kole, one of the best deco- j rators on the Coast, has moved his 1 location from Redmond and will be 1 with us. He has gone into partner- j ship with A. B. Roller and the pub lie will be able to have any class of work they desire. Harry Stearns and Leland Bel knap left yesterday for Eugene by way of the McKenzie Pass In Harry's "bug". Harry is going to attend the University at Eugene and Leland will go on to Portland to continue his course in medicine. The small son of Jack Dee who has been so seriously 111 following an operation for appendicitis, Is slowly improving and will probably recover. Dr. Horace Belknap, of Portland, was the attending physi cian. At a meeting last week of the W. C. T. U., Mrs. Ada B. Milllcan was elected as a delegate to the state convention at Albany, October 4. Mrs. Oliver Powell was elected as alternate. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Josie Yancey, October 10, for the purpose of electing officers. Rev. T. H. Fertlg will preach both morning and evening at the Meth odist church next Sunday. Mr. Fertlg Is the rcKiilar pastor. Jack Long, of Loomla, Washing ton. Is visiting friends and relatives In Prineville this week. He Is a brother of Tom Long, of Powell Butte. The ladles Annex party that was to have been given tomorrow night at (he club rooms lias been post poned until October 10 on account of coinllctlng dates. . K. McClure, of The Dulles, who has been In Prineville for several days, returned home yesterday. He was accompanied by Warren Urowu who will return by train tomorrow. The reception committee consist ing of the president, and all the past presidents of the Ladles Annex, also the chairmen of the music and re freshment committees are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. H. P. He Ik imp tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock to perfect arrangement for the reception to be given the visitors at the meeting of the State Federa tion here uext month. THE ELITE MILLINERY I f you have not yet called upon us, please do so. Old friends are renewing their former pntronnge. New friends re made daily. Come and welcome; a cordial reception awaits your call. Everybody pleased because they receive Fair Treatment and q Squire Deal. We have a distinctive line of larjje and small partem hats of deendrtljle styles, showing the art of clever workman ship. We confine ourselves to Exclusive Millinery. OLLIA M. LEWIS I "Kllp-Ou" VclU, no pins or fnslciilUKS. About twentf people from Print vlllu attended the opening of the new Fischer Hotel In Madras, Friday evening. Tills Is n modern new two-story bricks structure that has just recently been completed and was formally opened with dinner and dunce. A great many visitors from Crook and Deschutes counties were present. Following Is R partial list of those from Prineville who slt"mlJ the Hound I'p In Pendleton last week: J. K. Htewurt and wife, Har old Prose, I, in key lloiuiey, Adrian Yancey, Jim iMxou, Fred Noble mid wife, Claudn llrentiHU, Cllntou lliintnii, Kva Sylvester and Mrs. Dudo Detuarls. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. Torestorethat streturthflnrl ofotnina n,a is so essential, nothing has ever equaled I or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be cause its strength -sustaining nourish- meat invigorates the blood to distribute I energy throughout the body whileitstonic value sharpens the appetite and restores I health in a natural, permanent way. i If you are run down, tired, nervems, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's I Emulsion to-day. It is free from alcohol, i Bcott & Bowse, Bloomfield, N. J. uj At Home! BY SO DOING YOU CAN SAVE MONEY! Every year thousands of dollars are sent to mail order houses under the mistaken idea that goods can be bought cheaper than at home. ADD THE FREIGHT to mail order house prices and compare with the following which ARE OUR REGULAR PRICES 5 lb pails pure Lard $1.35 10 lb pails pure Lard $2.70 White Ribbon Shortening 5 lb P?il $1.15 White Ribbon Shortening 10 lb pail $2.25 Peanut Buter, 5 lb pails 95c Peanut Butter in bulk if you fur nish your own container, lb 17c Short Cut Macaroni, 3 lb pkgs. t 35c Matches, per dozen boxes 65c Golden ..Gate ..Baking ..Powder 1 lb cans 45c Golden ..Gate ..Baking ..Powder 2V4 lb cans $1.00 Golden ..Gate ..Baking ..Powder 5 lb cans $1.90 Crescent Baking Powder 1 tb can 25c Crescent Baking Powder 51b can $1.00 Golden West Coffee, 22 lb cans $1.00 Golden West Coffee, 5 lb cans $1.75 Wadco Lemon and Vanilla Extracts 2 ounces 25c 4 ounces 45c 8 ounces 85c 16 ounces $1.50 Solid pack gallon Apples : 40c Solid pack gallon Pineapple 60c Rolled Oats, 9 lb bag 70c Corn Meal, 9 lb bag 80c Pancake Flour, 10 lb sack .75c Amber Syrup in 5 lb cans 50c Amber Syrup in 10 lb cans 95c White Crystal Syrup in 5 tb cans 55c White Crystal Syrup in 101b cans $1.00 Special Values in Shoes Shoes are high and will be higher. We are offering exceptional values in this line. It will pay you to make your shoe purchases here. J. E STEWART k CO. You Should Buy Dishes Now Crockery factories are practically closed down and we have several lines of both plain and fancy table dishes that we cannot maintain and therefore are clotting them out at very attractive prices. See our show windows and counter displays of these lines. We offer special for this and all next week some bargains in plain white ware from regular stock. $1.25 white Teas, set for 95c $1.75 white Coffees, set for $1.25 $1.25 8 inch white plates, set for.. ..95c $1.75 9 in. white plates, set for $1.25 BARGAINS IN KERR'S SELF SEALER JARS Quarts, special at $1.00 Halves, special at $1.35 TIME TO BUY HEATERS, STOVES AND RANGES We are showing a good line at reasonable prices. Stove boards, dampers, stove pipe at almost before-the-war prices, while they last NOW IS, THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOME We have the Acme line paints for everything. Varnishes. Try our Porch Paint, Floor Paint, Floor Varnish, Wagon and Auto Paints. Guaranteed highly satisfactory. C. W. Elkins' Grocery Store