AUGUST 16, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 7 Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, frta. Show rapaira while yau wall All work (uarant Prieat FMMnabU Located in Morris Bldg. r Cornett Stage Barn Opm Undar Naw Manag mnt Farmers Feed Yard Corral! in Connection W. A. Lincoln, Prop. Piineville, Oregon I ..V . I EAT ALL I WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! Me Mora Gai en the Stomach or Sour Stomachl No Mere Heavy Filing After or Conitlr-!oiil If you have eour consti pation or gut on t ich try Jl'BT ONE SPOONr le buck thorn bark, glycerlno, n... hi mixed in Aitlw-lka, the MOST POWER FUL bowel cloatiKor ever eold. The VERY FIRST done shows re uTta and a short treatment with Ad-lor-l-ka will surprise you. It drains such astonishing amounts of old matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves conatlpa Hon, sour stomach- and gas almost INSTANTLY. A dose twice a week guards against appendicitis. PRINKVIIXK DRUG CO. why not have your clothes Tailor They don't cost you any more when you consider the materials trimmings, style and workmanship. All my Suits are Made in My Own Shop made up to any . style you want in the latest Spring and Summer Novelties J. A. GILLIS, Tailor Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your pap er regularly, phone Red 431 and we will send one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent BCRATCH rAiS umeront sizes and quality ot paper, Just the thing for your desk or pocket, tor sale at The Journal office. The Journal $1.60 per year. A. '. :.', v i1J wr 0a, w'" Made? SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK TUB nTATB or okkuon for chook county Hyroa Johnston, Plaintiff, Wlnnlfr-4 Martin, formerly Wlnnlfrwl W.lli, llvfemlant. To Wlnnlfred M.rtln. formerly Wlnnlfrad W.lli, th. abnv. named IN TUB NAMK OK TUB STATE Of OHKOONi You am hereby required to .p. pear .nil an.w.r or otherwUe plead to th. mnpl.lnt IIM herein against you In thta uli by th. plaintiff en or bfora August S3, lull, and If ym, fall to m appear and anawar or nlh.rwU. plead, for want thereof, In. plaintiff will apply to th. court for door prayed 'or In hi. aomplalnt on rite herein, decreeing ihnt that certain owl of conveyance dated Mar , me, mad., e ruled and delivered by you to th. plaintiff herein, which aald deed waa raroriie.1 Jun. II. IKII, In bonk IS at pag. ItlS of th. deed records nf Crook Count, Oregon, wherein irou attempted to convey to tha above named plaintiff all of your right, till., and Internet In and to th. following described real prop .rtr situated In Cmnk County, Oration, to wn i Th. Hnuth half of Hi. Northeast uuarter rH4 of NK'41; th. KVmtheaat quarter of th. Northwest quarter (KK'4 of NW'4I and th. Northeast quarter of th. Southwest quarter INK4 ofHW',1 of Section tw.nty-flv tUl In Township fifteen lliii South, K.nge twen ty (20 East of th. Willamette Meridian, In Whlrh deed of ronvevani'. bmM nrntwrfv waa Incorrectly dmrnnrd aa follow., tn-wll "Hi. noum oi the M. r.. of Ih. H. B. of th N. W. U and Ih. N. K. I, of M W. I. f .Lm H a- t .1, ., . a ..; T . 1 nVtlon ., Township t South of Range 20, Kaat of W, M." be reformed ao that Ih. or. fact description of aald nmuerlv .halt .itna. on th. far. of aald deed and upon Ih. deed Eft 0'k"lJ? .?J? mm meet eet and aereeahle lo eoulle Thla .ummon. la pMbllehed by order o? th. tend on Ih. 9th day of July, nil 7. OHCAR FIJRUSKT. Attorney lor plaintln. M7-S Ry. T.x. Bldg., Portland. Oregon. Date of Flrat Publication July 12, 1.17. bate of Laat Publti allon Auguat Id, 1.17. tc NOTICE In accanUnr. with Hertlon iMtltl, L 0. notice to hereby given that warrant, tor th. following named neraona will be cancelled. and iiarment thereof will be rcfuaed, if aald wananla ar. not prevented for payment Ithln alaty (0 daye Irom July I, U17. Nam. I.. M. St. Clair J. E. Alden B. J, Hincr J. 8. Lilly Amount Hate laaued 1.00 n. i, ii'iu I.OII 1.1.0 Ma a, i.iu Mar. , 11)10 Mar, I, 1UI0 Mar, f, 1910 May 7, 1910 May 7, 1910 May 7, 1910 Carl Hrnderaon M . 1.(0 J. U. Rollman . 10.00 Chaa. Uridle . 11.10 Chea. Feuerhelm a.tio A. D. Carta 4.00 WAHKKN IIROWN. County Clerk. Dated at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, thla loth day of July, 1917. titTp NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed blda will be received by th city council of i'rlnevllle. Crook County, Oregon, at Ih. city hall In I'rlnevlll., until Tueaday, Auguat 14, 1917, at th hour of 7:S0 o'clock 1'. M. and then publicly opened for the re moval of Ih. bridg. icnaa the Mill Race on weal Second atreel In aaid city and for th. conatrucllon of a reenforred concrete bridg acraaa aaid Mill Rare, plana and epeciAca. tiona for which may be eeen at th offtr of H. A. Kelly, city engineer. All blda ahall be upon th regular forma and ihail be accompanied by a certified check In th aunt nf i per cent ot the amount bid, payable to th. City Treasurer of Prlnevllla, Oregon. The right la reaerved to reject any and all blda. Dated at Prlnevllla. Oreann. Lhta loth da. of July, 117. 0E0. P. EUHTON. SUW City Recorder. NOTICE OP MEETING OP BOARD OP EQUALIZATION Notice I hereby elven that on Uma.. th 10th day of September, 117. the aama being the aeoond Monday In September, the Board of Equalisation will attend at tha Court Houa. In Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, and publicly eaamin the aaaaaamnt nil la, and correct ail error. In valuation, de. erription and ouatltlea of lana. u.ia aa I ' i,,"iT,,r aaai-paeo vj me aaaaaaor, and It k the rllllv of all a-.. 1.1 .Lt .. appear at tne 11m and plac appointed provided oy law. Iate of flrat nuhllcatinn Aueiiat lfilti 101 bat of laet publication. September 6th, IVli. H. A. KOSTKB eevop NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Tn -ima ni ni ikat I It a 1 - ----- -- wo res a II IVI etf la U. O. I fl Tl Ofltc. at Th Dalle. Oregon. Notlc la hereby given that U 1V'lP . . , . . ie. nccunui, of Roberta. Oregon, who, on July 2rd, 1914, "nu cniry, no. vtaavu, ror 8W4 SE'i, Sec. 29-WH NE. NE(4 " " .uwao,p nwuio, nange ''-Eea- Meridian, haa Aled notlc . : , . nnai tnrae year proor, to eaubltoh claim to th land above de ecrlbed, befor Warren Brown, Clerk of Clr cult Court, at Prineville, Oregon, oa th 16th day of September, 1917. Claimant name aa witneaaaii Alfred Llbby, Thomas Lowe. Joseph E. Roberta, Samuel A. McElroy, all of Roberta, Oregon. H. PRANK WOODCOCK. MtiP Regiater. NOTICE OP PINAL ACCOUNT Notice la hereby given that 0. C. Henkl. Administrator of th Estate of R. R. Henkl., dece-aed, haa Aled In the County Court of Crook County. Oregon, hia Final Account and report In aaid eatale, and that th aaid County Court haa appointed the 1st day of October, 1(17, at th hour of 11:04 o'clock la the forenoon of aaid day, as the time, and the Court room of aaid court in the County Court House of Crook County, Ore gon, at Prineville, Oregon, as th place, for th hearing of objections, If any, to th acceptance and allowance of aaid final ac count, the closing of aaid estate, and the discharging of the administrator's bonda. O. C. HENKLE, . . Administrator. A. J. M00RE. Attorney for Administrator, Bend, Oregon. SStSc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Offlc at The Dallea. Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that BRITTA1N E. NEVEL. of Prineville, Oregon, who on December 1st, 191S, mad. Home. lead Entry No. 012287 and on July 6'h, 1914, mad additional Home stead Entry, No. 013606, for Section 84, Township 14-South. Rang US-East, William, ette eMrldlan, haa filed notice of Intention to mak Anal three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on th 6th day of Sep tember. 1917. " Claimant names aa witnesses: Enos L. Rna Luther L. Scott, Clarence H. Graves and William Harold, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, t8t8 Register. YOUR Vacation Is not complete) with out an ANSCO CAMERA 1 flie sign ot the dealer Catalogue free THE ART SHOP Prineville, Oro. - NOTICE POI PUBLICATION I Department of th. Interior, U. S. Land OnV. at Ih. ballaa, Orason. July 12th, KIT. Not I, la IM1 that (HAKI.KH I.. HIJHH, on. of th. halra and for th. haln of Albart A. Raa, dornuwd, of Prlnavllla, (lr., who, on February 13th, lull, mail, llnmealrad Kntre. Nn. HHIIa. fi.r NWW, NK', W, NWV 8K(4, He lt,n II, Town.hlp IS-Houih, Kane. la-FUurt. Wlllamatto M.ridlan, haa AM nolle of In tention to mak. nnal tin year proof, to aa. labllah claim to th. land abov. dW lined, befor. Warm Brown, Clark of Circuit Court, at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, on th. .lit day of Au.uat. II7. Claimant name, aa wttnaaaMi Ulyaaaa 0. Allan, of 1'o.t, Omron, John A. Haver, of hVilwrU, Oreaon, Eugene Phil. Hlia, of I'rlnevlll., Oregon, Clifford Phllllpa, of I'rlniille, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Mltp fu-giater. NOTICB OP CONTEST Department of th. Interior, United State. Land Olllr.. Th. Dallea, Oregon. July 17, 117. To llelra of Frank II. Clark, deieaaed, of llend, Oregon, No. SSU Euclid Ave., Tuaron, Aril., Conteateat You are hereby nollflrd that Jam-a E. (lould. who glv-a car. L. M. Bachtell, Frlne. vlll., Oregon, aa hl poatm addreaa, did w ' , "e m tnia omc nia auiy corroboraud application to content and a rur. the cancellation of your honwatead Knlry No , Herlal No. OMlMt mad. March 21. Ull, for b NK'., HKV,, gee. 0, N'l NK',, Section 31, Town.hlp 1, B., Rang. 17, ,, Willamette Meridian, and aa ! PrTaaV W deinerih:nd,,nr nefA1 t 1 ' . ,. V',. . "' "'" i Z J ...a,.Z ,mpro or V! not du. to the entry man employment in I military aervlce rendered in connection with otieratlona in Mexico or along the border thereof, or in nu.biliialbn campa elaewhere In th. military or naval organiaationa of the United Hlatea, or the National Guard of any of the aeveral fltatea. e- You ant, then ton, further notified that the aaid allegationa will b. taken aa eon. fcaiH.1, and your aaid entry will be canceled without further right to b heard, either be- I for. thla oltlc. or on appeal, if you fail to Ale In Ho. .,m .,!.(. a .,.. i th. FOURTH nubllc.tinn of thU .tl,. .. i ahown below, voue .o.w.. ,,nn. ,!, I atwciflc.lly responding to thea. allo.tion. of l contest, together with due nn..f th.t .on I I.OB Jan. 7, IVIIIihav. aarved a copy of your anawer on th. aam conuatant either In Demon or b nib. lereu man. You ahould atate In your anawer tha nam. of th poet office to which you dealr future noticea to ne aent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Regiater. - ReceivCT Date of flrat publication, July 26, 1917. Date of second publication, August 2, 1917. Date of third publication, August 9, 1917. . Date of fourth publication, Auguat 16, 1917. I7t4c NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Th Dallea, Oregon. M . . . L , July 12th, 19,7. Notlc la hereby given that CHARLES L. ROSS, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on February llth, 1911, mine Homestead Entry. No. 0S1I6, for BW"4 SEVi. 8K4 SVY, See. SO; N'4 NK1,, Section l, Township 16-South, Range 18-Ea.l, Willamette Meridian, haa Aled notice of intention to make Anal Ave year qroof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown. Clerk of Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 21st day of August, 1917. Claimant names aa wltneaaeai Ulyaaea G. Alien, of Post, Oregon, Eugene Phillips, of Prineville, Oregon, Clifford Phil lips, of Prineville, Oregon, John A. Saner, of Roberta, Oregon. a PRANK WOODCOCK. Regiater. NOTICE POR PUBLICATION Department of th Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Th Dallea. Oregon. July 12th. 1917. Notice i hereby given that JOHN A. SAGER, of Robert. Oregon, who. on January 4th. 1911, made- Homestead Entry No. 011132 and on April llth. 191S. made additional Home. an n "P"1 Ulead Entry, No. 011648. for LoU H-4 SWU NW14, NW(4 8WS4, Sec. 4 Lot 1 SEV. rr-i. r.i nc'a, section 5. Township 17. South. Range 18-East, Willamette Meridian, haa Aled notice of intention to. make flnal three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 21st day of Auguat, 1917. Claimant name as witnesses: Austin Klser, of Roberta, Oregon. Thomas M. lonnon, of Roberta, Oregon, Ulyieea G. Allen, of Poat, Oregon, Charles L. Rosa, of rnncvmc, uregon. H. FRANK WOOPCOCK, tSo Register. NOTICE OP HEARING ON FINAL AC COUNTING Notice) b hereby given that th under signed, administrator of the estate of W. C. Welkins, deceased, haa Aled hia flnal ac counting of his administration of aaid estate in the County Court of Crook County, State 01 uregon, ana mat the judge of said court has Axed Monday, September S, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., at th. county court room in Prinevile as the time and place for hearing objection, to and th settlement of aaid ac counting, and All persons interested are hereby cited and required to appear at aaid tiro and place and show cause, if auch exist, why said flnal accounting ahould not be allowed and aald administrator and hia surety dis charged. Dated and published first time this 2nd day of August, 1917. ROSS FARNHAM,' Administrator of the estate Mttc of W. C. Watklna. Deceased. NOTICE OP SHERIFF' BALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CROOK Nick Beats, Plaintln, vs. Ada Noel, for merly Ada Elliott, sometimes written Ada M. Elliott, Defendant. By virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of, and under the seal of, the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook to me directed and dated the 13th day of July, 1917, upon a judgment rendered, entered and docketed in the aald Court on the 26th day of June, 1917, in the above entitled cause in favor of the plaintiff, Nick Baata, and against the defendant, Ada Noel, formerly Ada Elliott, sometimes written Ada M. Elliott, aa judg ment debtor. In the sum of ONE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE AND 70-100 (1196.70) Dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 3rd day of January, 11114, for interest on the sum of NINE AND 78-100 (.9.78) Dollars at the rate ot 10 per cent, per annum until paid from the following dates to-wit: From July 3, 1914: from January S, 1915 ; from July 8, 1916: from January 8, 1916; from Jnly 8, 1916; and from January 8, 1917, for TWENTY-FIVE (J26.00) Dollar, at torney's fees and for the further sum of SIX AND 70-100 (16.70) Dollars costs and disbursements, and the coats ot and Upon this writ, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in said judg ment and order of sale and hereinafter par ticularly described, I will on SATURDAY, the 18th day of Augiut, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the morning of the said day, at the front and north door of the Courthouse in the Town of Prineville, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the defendant herein named may now have in the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lota One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Section Four (4) of Township Fifteen (15) South of Range Nineteen (19) East of the Willamette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon: LoU Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Five (5) of Third Addition to the Town ot Prineville, Crook County, Oregon; and Lota Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Block Two (2) In Ncwsom's Addition to the Town of Prineville, Crook County Oregon; or so much of th aaid property as will be sufficient to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees, costs and accruing costs, subject to con firmation and redemption as provided by law. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this 13th day of July, 1917. E. B. KNOX, 86t5c Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon. Now turn to the Classified Ads on page 3. NOTICB Notlr. I. hervtlV Viv.n that tka naataa. ahlp of t. L. Craln and H. W. Ihirkw, ba- In. aaaotiatari In oparatln a .lair, and mall rout, on what la known, aa th. Bar Crack nia.. l.tna, naa tnia day, ky mutual eonaant I bn dl-aolvad and diarontlnuad. Th. buaU I - 'H b. conlinuad by t. L. Crln, who I authorised to -ollort any and all billa du. Ih. partnanhlp and th. aaid F. L. Craln ear., to pay all billa due at thla date by the Dartnainhin. bated at frinevill, Oregon, July it, 1M7. M, W. DURKEE. Intte Closing Oat Sale of Storage Pianos , Mic'ito, roNewocx ....... $18 Dunham, rrnwwtKxI ..92) Htory A Clark, etmnlzcd $40 Anfiael $55 $43 ..W i ..$Oj 50 ' I Dker liroe Hurtltnan, malttiKany ....... Cable A Hon MniiK'g St Co., mahogany, wax flntali ; Kimball, mahogany, carved panels $78 ! .'cker.K. ..-.wood ..$100- I r,,,n DU" walnut ..$123 $133 Peaae, wax flnirth, dull ma hoftany $150 Aeolian player piano, plays 8H-ii(ite rolls $175 Autopiano $200 Worth more than this to play by hand. j TIk-ha M nil mnnv nf tioca In Ka. . . ... ! c"l " "nc at HtoraRe eX i Forwarding Dept., 151 Fourth St., Portland, Oregon. Rummer Tourist round-trip fares To DENVER $62.50 OMAHA ....... 67.50 KANSAS CITY .... 67.50 ST. PAUL 67.50 ST. PAUL, vis Omaha . . 72.20 ST. LOUIS 78.70 CHICAGO 80.00 DETROIT 91.00 WASHINGTON . . . . 116 00 NEW YORK 118 20 PHILADELPHIA .... 118.20 BOSTON 119.20 Regular Sale Date: June 20 to 30, July 3. 4. and Friday and Saturdays thereafter to Sept. 29. Special dates, privileges, limit, fare to other citiea, route, and arrange- upoa application. Union Pacific System POINTS OF INTEREST Yellowstone. Salt Lake, Denver. Euea-Rocky-Mountain Park and the famous Columbia River Gorge, Ask for deacriptive booklet. S. L. Wiggins T. F. &F. Agt BEND, ORE. The Oregon Agricultural College Where trained specialists with modern lab ratoriea and adequate equipment iv in trnetioa Lading to c.Ilefiat degree la la following school: AGRICULTURE, with IS dspartasnta; COMMERCE, with 4 departments; ENGINEERING, with fl department. In cluding Civil, Elctrical, Highway, Industrial IArt. Irrifstlon, and Meohaaieal Engineering; ruzEBTai, including Lagging x-nf later tag; HOKI BOONOaflCS. with 4 major depart ments, .including training ia the Practle Hons ; MINING, with tor., dspsrlsasate, iaaa- tag Chemical Enginsering; PHARMACY. THE SCHOOL OP JnTOSIO, .(furs Insira iloa ia th principal departments of vocal and instrumsntal muaie. THE HILITART DEPARTMENT, rll 1085 cadets ia 1916-17, and won recommen dation for 0. A. C. from the Western Depart ment of the U. S. War Department as oa of Ih fifteea "distinguished institutions" t higher learning. All cadets will b furnished eomplet nnlforms by th U. S, Government and th junior and senior cadets, snrolted ia ih R. 0. T. C, will b given commutation tor mbslstenc, as well as all transportation and tabsistene at the six weeks 8ommer osmp. REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER I, 1(17. Information oa request. ..Address, Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Ooll, OorTaUig, Oregon. The Oregcnian Is handled exclusively in Prineville, by John J. Price Delivered at your door the same day as published for 75c per month For new and old stomach trouble use Adtimson's TMgestezo. Price 60c or six boxes for $2.60 postpaid to any address in the United States of America. For sale by D. P. ADAMSON & CO Prineville, Oregon Plan now to attend the Oregon Inter-State Fair, at Prineville, Oc tober, 3, 4, 6 and 6. , i ' Gas Engines, Car and Tractors Will wear out parts, get out of adjustment and cause various kinds of trouble at times. Don't forget that they can be repaired and adjusted at the Prineville Machine Shop We can do work that the other shops are not pre pared to do. We also handle the best grades of material and supplies. When in need of anything in our line don't forget we will try to do you good honest work and supply you with the best grade of goods in our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Prineville Machine Shop ! 1 i j Hardware of REDMOND, OREGON Invites your inquiries for anything in the hardware and implement line We carry the most complete stock in Central Oregon Orders Filled Same Day as Received. Try Our Parcel Post Service Our Motto Best Quality, Lowest Price Prompt Service A Remarkable Invention It Is no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. This little device. If carried in his tool-box, multiplies his power by 73, and makes him independent of road conditions. If his auto sticks in the mud, skids Into a ditch or overturns, he can right it in 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes In the ground, attaching Pull - to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground and out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead weifht, or pulls 60 tons on wheels; yet its shipping weight is only 28 lbs., and tc fits easily into a space 4x6x14 inches R. V. RANDALL Prineville Representative OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Business Buildings, Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of work Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE, OREGON Prineville Livery & Feed Stable Now Open Under New Management Experienced Men to Feed and Take Care of Your Teams F. F. BOWLIN, Manager a U - Out