Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 16, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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AUGUST 16, 1917
Out Our Fourth Street S
Goodyear Shoe People to Occupy Large Portion of Main
Floor on Fourth Street. Balance of Space Also for Rent
PAr.r a
Finest pianos, player pianos, grands, music rolls, piano benches, cabinets, sheet music, band and
other musical instruments, office furniture and fixtures in the greatest and quickest closing-out
sale ever made. Nearly 100 latest improved modern talking machines also included, at gen
uine price reductions.
Everything in the great establishment, formerly Graves
Music Company, to be sold out where it stands within
fifteen days. Most astounding low prices and easiest
terms of payment on everything musical.
prices, the
This great sale will not last many days, so
aHvantncrp of it at once. The low prices
easy terms and all other conditions are in your
favor. ,
Selling Out
See the Upright Pianos for
Their good quality will surprise you. The
player piano we are now offering for $195
is a beauty and is in perfect condition.
t'kolclcH, tin Imm iimkoN, for
which thin liou lm bit-it ilt'Ncrv.
oily fiimmiN; llki-Hl-r Mrcl Kliltitr,
Imujoa uiiil lHi)Juki', iimmlolliiK,
vliillim of Nil khulx, fur iirtliU mul
tttmiU'urw; vIoIInIn' nuIU', Iui
ilruiim Mnil iimrf ilrtimx, l.niuiiil,
liuttiiiiiili mm, llft'M, lirHHH liiNiru.
menu of every kind mul iliwrip
linn, irit" for the liiimi', Hie
m'ImmiI, I he rliuuel, cverythltiK Hi
genuine ri'iliu ttuni anil on term
of i incut w it Mil reurli of Hit)'
rvMMiiiuhl liujcr.
In ll Ik Mile are m-iirty a liun
lred of the liumt i'xiiilKllely mmle
W34I, t'MO, $1.10, $17.1 I'liono
KrupliH, tut.nt lmrovil miu-liiiH'it
mul for thn (Irs I I line In our
liiMory we un oiferliiK lliein nl
ilelliille illHronnl of BJ M-r
rent; the $ltM machine) lit 7S;
all oilier iroMirllonalel)' re
tluccil. Term, 12 monlh' lino'.
Eilers Music House has been the recognized
headquarters for the finest and best makes of
player pianos; including the genuine Autopiano
player pianos. The player pianos de luxe
Chickering, Decker, Lester, Kimball and Hazel
ton highest grade player pianos; all now priced
almost unbelievably low for quick sale.
Numerous 88-note player pianos and self
playing electric pianos (fine for dancing) now
only $195, $185; several at only $169 each.
Same terms as regular uprights.
Including Krell auto grands, Autopiuno player pianos,
Smith Barnes player pianms lister piayer piano.
Schubert player pianos, Kimball player piano, Steck
pianola player pianos, I)e Luxe player pianos, Weber
pianola player pianos. Standard player pianos, the famous
Bungalow pinyer piano, etc.
All prkotl less than half actual retail value. ote
easy term ti'.u.
We shall sell playable used pianos here now for as little as $19, and
there are many for only $23. We offer elegant new $700 p layer pianos
for less than $300; numerous $600 styles for only $235; all on easiest
imaginable terms. Any home can afford to have one.
We have now latest new pianos, warranted makes,
for only $137, $115 and $96. And many of the most
expensive internationally famous $1000 and $1150
player pianos are reduced far below the actual cost
of making them.
V JS1 . till
Price can never be lower than now.
Rows of piuiKi and pla.ier pianos, and
many srands at le llian lliey eiml u.
We have done all within our power iu Uh:
matter of price t!u.hiiiK, and o tUl fur
ther by arraiiKiiiK Krnm of payment more
liberal than ever heretofore.
This creat business, the largest of Its kind, has been
built up by strictly adhering to the principles of fair
dealing; by doing everything to make each customer
not only a satisfied customer, but a friend of the insti
tution. Kvcry transaction, great or small, in this clos
ing out sale will be conducted in exactly the same spirit.
The Kdison Phonograph, the Victrola, the Grafonola,
Gibson Mindoliu and Martin Guitars are sold under
price imiintcnancc contracts and will not be offered in
the sale at a discount, but everything else has been
price ticketed so low thai we unhesitatingly say such
opportunity will never come again.
The finest
quick sale.
Kent in the big Kiler'
warehouxe on Pellygntve and
l-'ourleenlh and KlfliM'iilh
Ml reel for wool Mtoragn and
lealng the main xrtlon of the
Hint and mezzanine lliMir on
Kourth Street, uh above Ntaled,
1 the combination of ilrruin
htaiii'e which force thi milo.
Bring $5.00
Make a deposit, of merely $5 on any
Piano or Player-Piano, then arrange for a
much a Utt nionlli In which to pay the
balance, but all liiHtrument sale priced un
der 50 must be paid at leat half cash.
M to. ' " '
No sane mail would unilerlakc to sell ho great mill viirlrd
stock, five Hoots full, at regular price. .It could not besdono.
It would be a riillrtiluu waste of effort anil money. ..We know
thai nothing less tiian the most unrelenting reduction In price
will dispose of this stock, and we have therefore literally
Slaughtered without mercy.
Kxtra Savlnr for More Cftih Down.
Inducement for Hhi,rlntng the Time. Ol'LN KVKI11
Closing Out -
J'lano Stools, Piano
Iteiiclies. We now
close out Piano
Hunches, $4.15 and
15.35 for $12 mod
els. 'Less expensive
models $ Pi
ano Stools 89c,
others 95c, some
J --17
C-mmenrinir Friday
in,min.iisti .CooAff ti!AV Mij
'V? rr -i i(f a hnrh wnd twelve flit
of muiic free with each player piano. We
ti c u ;! frc with every piano.
Every instrument fully warranted and guaranteed to
be as represented or money refunded without question
or argument. Could anything be fairer?
You are given the choice of the finest Ptanos, Player
Pianos and all other instruments in the world. You
are given most liberal conditions of snlo, as low as $5
down on any Piano and you are given the longest
possible time to meet the ppyment?.
mar run a Rale that will prove
of greatest fntertut to ctcry hmc in Portland and the
Omit northwest. Hperial attenli'n will tie paid to or
uvr by mail, and parlimlar a'tpntiori to the ruire
m' ii's ' f ?-ac-t r, wntv ,1 and the pr fcinibn will be
grven by our corps of experts daily heiire 10:30 A. M.
i'he largest stock in the W'?sl cf h(.et munic, vocal
and instrumental, classical and pifiuwir, studies and
publicatici of every kind and description. American
and foreign, all drastically marked aiwn fur quick
P. II qsstk
The Largest and Leading Music House
Storr Open Evenings. Two Entrances 151 Fourth
neir Morriso 258 Morrison, Near Fourth
SPECIAL For Well-to-do Home.
Our S500 Upright., Now Only I2?
Our 1350 t'priichta (brand new) !
Other (brand new and warranted) only 1137,
115, 9.
And remember, playable uaed pianoa only
148, and many for only 123. Several (ood
pianoa l each.
one year's time you may exchange
the Piano or Player-Piano you pur
chase for any other Piano or Player
Piano of equal or greater value on
our floors, and all payments made
on first Instrument will be credited
In full against the second.
None of the pianoa and
player pianoa In thia
aale will be fold to
dealera and private
houae aharkal wo wiah
our frlenda to have
every benefit In thia
never - to - occur - again
We Have Extra Salesmen and Everything
is Ready for the Big Rush
We give you a Bench and 12 rolls of Music FREE
with enr.h Player-Piano or a Stool with every Piano.
We allow railroad fare to any purchaser of any new
Instrument ranging In price from $100 upward and
freight prepaid within 100 miles of Portland.
oj ygfjgai