AUGUST 16, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PACES HAY HARVEST IS PAST T CHOP IH HIIOKT AMI I.AIHHt ; IIAKI) TO OIITAI.V POST CITIZENS AT PAULINA Many 1'rliK-vlllK I'lsipln llt At j MfailnH Utile ;irl (ilun l'rl) Ml Mi-Id -' I BARNES ITEMS (By our KcRulnr Curri(mlint) Mont everyone In throuKli haying and bty it ureo In Oman purU, alao bwlp. Bume of tli funimm urn torn pi'lli'd to do the work alone. John 0'Klliy, who hut been working (or llminitU'i. wmit to I'rlnijvlil.t to mti'iid high school. Koy Itlttor waa a puamnKr on the iUk IuhI wi-nk. Burt Ittmnrl and family are ou the doivrt cuttlnK Mr. Thomua' hay. NO FALLEN CAKES The umi of Crescent Hutting I'owdcr Inn nrovml a boon to thouRHiida and thouaamla of tioiiM'kin'piir. When bukliiK cukf-n, tbny no longer have to face a bol oven takliiK ulruw votn aftur itraw vole endeav oring to uarertuln whether the ink i) will ralao. The double acting principle of Orescent linking- Powder l positive as surance It will raise. This buklng powder bui two leav ening action and from 20 to j 25 per tent . krculcr lesven- LSriw. r. ....... ffcr other nuKiiiK powden offer. TIioukIi extra eRklent, the pike of Ores cent baking Powder la low 25c a pound. CRESCENT MFG. CO. Htsllle, m Am. I... Han Franrlnre CRESCENT l SSI . lew' POST ITEMS (By our Kegulur Correspondent.) Mra. Jeasle Bmead la vlnltiiiK at Buplee. Mr i. W. W. Kayiuond and daugh ter, Marguerite, have returned from Walla Walla. Mln HurkholdiT, Mr. and Mra. Roy Gray and the Kaymond family are ipendlng the week at Little Summit Prairie. Harvey Dunham la on the road with a car load of fat cowa for the Portland market. Ill 8mead li helping drive them to the railroad. Mn. Ounter apxnt the week-end with Mn. Norton while Mr. Ounter waa away riding for cattle. Mr. and Mra. Wallace Poet and Mr. and Mn. Ulllenwater apent the afternoon Bunday with Mr. and Mra. Norton. The Carmnt Basin district has se cured the lurvtcea of Mlaa Nell Farts, of (Jreshnm, aa teacher. Orval lliiyea la working at the Inland Uurage with the Intention of learning the buaineaa. The llonnyvlew ranch hai pur chased 100 toui of hay and the paiture from Homer Norton. Herbert Cook, Grant Allen and Ed Abbott have gone to Silver Lake to help put up Mr. Haye' hay. The Missus Knox entertained Mr. E. B. Knox and Mr. and Mr. Nor ton at dinner Sunday evening. R. B. Foster wu down to Poat (or a load of auppllea, Monday, for the homestead. Oluf Ilaug. who has been working at the Bonnyview ranch several yean, ha gone to Portland to en list In the army. MEADOWS NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent.) Mr. and Mra. Bonx Wluuuurgor pent Sunday at the Kimble & Black ranch. M. It. IIIkk was In Meadow a couple of day lust week. Krunk Merrltt and Mrs. J. 0. P. Anderson and baby daughter made a trip to Prinevllle, Saturday. Perry Long spent the week-end with friends In Prinevllle. Wade Huston wa In Prinevllle one day last week. Mr. and Mr. W. Harden were In Meadow last Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Lynn Nichols and little ton, Jack, spent last Wed nesday at the Kimble & Black ranch. Mrs. Alice Nelson and little daughter, from Robert, are visit ing at the Cram ranch thla week. J. O. F. Anderson and brother, Robert, were In Prinevllle, Satur day. Mr. Wyatt and Cha. Goodnight are helping harvest at the Kimble V Black ranch. field of Rprague, Wash. C. H. Hardy ha a field of sweet clover that stands over seven feet high and Just beglimind to bloom. Ho expect to thresh It for seed. There are visitor every day to see It. Frank Mertsching, of Prinevllle, surprised hi father In Alfalfa, Sun day, by bringing a bride to see him. He wa married to Mr. Klma Rush ford, of Ortlng, Wash., recently. Mis Ada Ferry la working In Prinevllle in a hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell and Mr. Mary Bemi have Just returned from a fishing trip. 1 Curt Muller and wife entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Bhull and children, Carl Lar ' son and Frank Talti. Ralph Kerry has enlisted In the murine. , Mrs. Lake and daughter. Mar guerite, are visiting at the Dutt I home near Bend. I Curt Holloway Is enjoying a visit from hi father who la 83 years old and came all the way from Kansas In his Willys-Knight car. Mr. and Mr. Leslie Clarke spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Ralph j Smock. Charlea Pyalt la spending the week-end with Mr. and Mr. Martin Palmlund at Bend. LOWER BRIDGE NEWS (By our Regular Correspondent.) HELD ITEMS (By out Regulur Correspondent) A birthday party waa given in honor of Miss Ruth Mulholland on August , at her home. Those pres ent were Doris Fischer, Boulah Nye, Edith Winnie, Cllsta Houston, Mabel Kennedy and Leatha Houston. All present reported a splendid time. Mr. E. Danlelson and daughter were business caller at Held one day thla week. Tom Houston and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. John Houston came to this vicinity to spend a few days with relative and friend. Mr. and Mr. R. B. Cross, and Mr. Hockman, of Prinevllle, spent a tow day this week with friend and relative In thla vicinity. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Robins, of Portland, arrived at Bend last Mon day to spend several day with their ion and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cy rus Robbln ot thla vicinity. Mr. and Mr. C. F. Hoskln and son, Omar, accompanied by Mrs. : C. Walter motored to the Cove orchard Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howard were In Terrebonne, Sunday, visiting with Mr. Howard' parents, Mr. and Mr. Detrlch. Mr. and Mr. House took dinner at the Rice home Monday. Mr. and Mr. A. J. Fuller and ion, George, and Loren Campbell returned from the Valley, Tuesday. I Mr. Arthur Jaeger and Mrs. R. 1 8. Towue accompanied by Mr. I Jaeger' parents, Mr. and Mr. Landl, autoed to Redmond and j Bend, Wednesday. Lester Holloway and Oral Camp- bell returned from Alfalfa, Wednes I day, where they have been visiting j Lester' parent. I Mr. and Mra. A. J. Fuller were j In Redmond, Wednesday. j Miss Naomi Hosklns was In Red j moud, Wednesday, where site under went an operation and bad her 1 tonsils removed. CILVKR WHKAT CROP IS FAIR Much I let I er Returns Than Were Anticipated Are Received. I Ed Harbin returned from Culver the first of the week where he has . been repairing a threshing outfit for aeveral day. He says that threshing la started ' In that part ot the country and that i the wheat crop la much better than at first thought possible. ! Some wheat that has never had ; any rainfall since It was sowed is i yielding from ten to fifteen bushels ot wheat per acre. ALFALFA ITEMS (By our Regular Correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cram, of i Gateway, are in the city this week ' visiting Mra. Cram's mother, Mrs. 'j. W. Horlgan. Mr. and Mrs. Museuger and Ros co Coousy have gone to the harvest I IXIOX SERVICES MIKE TRAPMAN Home Builder and Cabinet Maker ALL CABINET WORK MADE IN i MY OWN SHOP WITH MACHINERY Shop on East Sixth Street PHI NEVILLE, OREGON Date Aug. 19 Aug. 26 Sept. 2 Place Preacher Christian Reid Baptist Van Nuys Methodist Gervin The Sunday school and morning service will be as usual In each church. North Beach TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DR. J. TREGELLES FOX Expects to be in Prinevllle for about a week from today, so that anyone I requiring to consult him may do ' bo by appointment (P. 0. Box 483, Phone No. Red 871). He would also esteem it a favor if anyone owing, him money would take the occasion to settle, or if unable, to make such remittance as they can make it convenient to spare now. 40tlc The REAL REST RESORT of the North Pacific Coast ii rtow reached by Rail or Steamer from Portland. LOW ROUND-TRIP FARL til! f "ti m fey Kb km UMOU PACIFIC SYSTEM and a Ntw Btach Folder uponapplkatio to wares wv- or by writing Wm. McMurray,Qonerl PBenger Agent, Portland CALL FOR WARRANTS Ochoco Irrination District Warrants up to and including registered number 87 will be paid on presentation at this office. Interest on same stops after this date. K. L. JORDAN. County Treasurer. Prinevllle, Oregon, August 16, 1917. CALL FOR BIDS Bids will be received for the construction of Prineville's new warehouse, up to Septem ber 1, 1917. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Redmond Lumber & Produce Company's Warehouse at Redmond. We re serve the right to reject any and all bids. McMlCKLE & BELL. 40t8c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U, S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. AugtiHt 13th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that DANIEL P. BOON, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on July 21st, 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 011876, for Lots 8 A NW14 A SWVi, Section 4, Township 20-South, Range 18-East, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, on the 22nd day of September, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Eugene Hall, Gabey E. Warner, W. H. Johnson, W. C. Billings, all of Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 40t5p Register. FRUIT JAR 3 c Buy Your Season's Requirements Before Further Advances Occur Mason pints per doz 85c Mason quarts per doz $1.00 Mason half gallons per doz $135 Economy pints per doz $1.10 Economy quarts per doz .$1.20 Economy half gallon $1.75 Schram pints per d ji 85c Schram quarts per dozen $1.00 Schram half gallons per doz.. $135 Mason rubbers 3 dozen for ..25c Mason, Economy and Schram caps, per dozen , 30c Wide mouth Mason caps per doz 30c Wide mouth Mason rubbers per doz 18c FLY SCREEN PAINTED 1 Compare the following prices with those of any Mail Order House YARD 50 FEET, 100 FEET $3.70 3.85 4.15 4.50 ..... 4.75 5.00 5.30 24 inch 13c $2.00 26 inch J4c 110 1 28 inch 16c 2.25 . i 30 inch 17 l-2c 2.40 32 inch 18c 2.50 34 inch 19c. .r 260 36 inch 20c 2.75 Adjustable window screens, best hardwood frames each 40c Get our prices on rope, steel cable, binding twine, hay forks, Jackson forks hay pulleys and carriers, fork handles, castor machine oil, oil cans, wrench es, water bags and your grocery supplies for harvest O. C. CLAYP0QL & CO. ! ANNOUNCEMENT I i TO THE PUBLIC I S3 , m W I I I We are closing out our entire I line of dry goods and will handle 1 only groceries in the future. If I there is anything in our dry goods 1 J line you want, buy now while I you can get it at a bargain B . . . - i I Thanking you for past patronage and I soliciting your future orders we are I MICHEL GROCERY CO. sly? i M 1 i KM liill!llillll!!!l!I!ailllBI!l!llllll!l!lini i m i ca 1 CQ Ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Orrgon, August 10th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that ARTHUR BOWEN TAYLOR, of Rivera, Oregon, who, on April 8th, 1612, made Homestead Entry, No. 010167, for W(4 SW4, WV4 NYVft, Sec. 29 NEy4, Section 30, Township 19-South. Range 19 Kaat. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commis sioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 21st day of September, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Cornelius O'Keefe, of Bend, Oregon, Martin Hallmeyer, of Rivers, Oregon, Wil lard Gary, of Riven, Oregon, Clifton Lewis, of Rivers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 40t5p Register. Now turn to the Classified Ada on page 3. You can be a better teacher by training yourself professionally at the Oregon Normal School Monmouth, Oregon OREGOX'S SCHOOL FOB OREGON TEACHERS You will learn what to teach and how to teach. The school prepares you for elementary work in city and country schools. Every member ot the faculty has professional preparation. Courses Professional, Supervisor, Rural and Primary. First Semester begins September 10, 1017. Learn more about your professional possibilities. The 1917 catalog tells. The Registrar has one for you. Write for it. 87tfc m 3