J AUGUST 9, 1917 PAGE 3 In the Heart of i City to fit - .Jfti.ll . ' European Plan ? $1.50 day Upward The Portland Hotel RICHARD W. CHILD S. Manager Invites the citizens of the empire east of the Cascades to sojourn under vits hospitable roof when they visit the City of Hoses. Generous in size and superior in environment The Portland offers to its guests every luxury and convenience 'SSL Classified Ad Section Mvery A If UlU I Pn . A4 M.M A.inp., c,r Unl. A4rl.r kM M..M, A,,...,. Add rem Ut.. u Th. J...l. Frilll.. Or,,.. I WE E K J CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMONDOREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., telling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars. Phone u for demon tration and terms Trr tnr d t will ilfr ry F. G. CUTLIP & C. T. SHETTERLY, Props. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish andpysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season Many Pleasant Summer Jrips at Special Fares to the Seashore Mountains California and the East TPI Nil DV Uearhart Seaside or IIIUIHl III. Qf f$m$ OREGON Central Oregon line round trip from Redmond Three trains dailv Portland fr rk .SuiLra Four trains Saturdays; connectionsWorth Beach points Special Tours, to the National Parks 1.15 $29.45 Yellowstone Park Low Round Trip Fares to Easter i Cities TICKETS JULY 3-4 -6-7-13-14-20-21-27-28,0 Month nMCAIC AUG. 34-10111718242581 J,,ni?S ON SALE SEPT. . 1-7-8-14-15-21-22-28-2!) LIMIT J. T. Hardy, Trav. F. & P. Agt. R. H. Crozier, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 84t4 Portland, Oregon City Transfer-& Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 201 FOR HA LK KOK 8 A LB Residence on the best street In PrliiovWKj, Partly fur nished. Will sell reasonable and give terms If necesiiury. Can give IobhwhIoii noon. Address E care the Journal, or call at thin office. 88t8p IV YOU Aro looking for Landor Business opportunities, anywhere In the L'ultnd Status or Canada, come anil see mc. I have lists of properties and . Investments all over the country. T. J. M. 1118, Prinevllle, Oregon. 39tfc TYPKWKITKK Smith Premier In (food condition for sale cheap. Harvey Cyruii. 3gtra FOH 8AI.E Sbkb brush drag IS. BO. Bed springs 11.50 endup. Water barrels S1.S0 to 3.00. New and second hand furniture, stoves and ranges. 2nd Hand Store. ' ' 38tfc FOR SALE At on 3rd Street, Muntbe sold, on, City. , a bargain, 3 lota near High School. Mm. MJ A. Bobln ' 33t7c rOH SALE Sterling Disc Phono graph, will play any kind of disc record, for loss than com If taken at once. W. H. Cyrus. 35tfc rOR SALE Cheap, special built 40 h. p. car. Built of standard parts used In most expensive cars, everything adjustable. Would make excellent truck. Address J. M. care Journal. 36tfc 1XWT AND FOINO LOST Open face gold watch with "bar horseshoe fob," near Mont gomery ranch, on Crooked River road. $5.00 reward. Return to Frank Hughes. 37t4p LOST Browhmaeabout"8 "years old, weight about 1150, deep scar on right shoulder made from wire , cut, stands up well; also roan gelding 8 years old, weight 1050 with four white feet clear to knee, bald faced. Both dress well and are noticeable as fine travelers. Disappeared from my place near Hay CreeK, known as the O. K. Ranch, Sunday, July 1st. I will pay a liberal reward for informa tion leading to their whereabouts and for any assistance in their re turn. W. F. Thomas, O. K. Ranch, Hay Creek, Oregon. 36t3c LOST-r-A small gold ring, initials B. P. S. June 16. Reward. Miss Ethel Phelps. . , 32tfc 8TKAYED STRAY HORSE Came to my place July 17, 1917; color, bay; brand ed TOM on left stifle. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and bill on the horse. Albert Moore, Lazy F R ranch, Madras, Oregon, five miles north of La monta. 39tlp Use the blank on page 3 when ending In your classified ad copy. Then enclose lc ttr each word and mall to The Crook County Journal. Plan to attend the Inter-State Fair at Prlneville, October 3-6, 1917. FOB RENT FOR RENT Thoroughly modern 6-room house In best residence section of city. See O. C. Clay pool. 39tfc FOR RENT 640 acres dry land in Powell Butte country, 200 acres under cultivation. All fenced. House and barn. 18 miles from Prlneville. Will give liberal con tract to party with teams that can' do the work. For particulars tall at the 2nd Hand Store, Prlne ville. , 39tfc FURNISHED HOUSE And apa.t ment to let O. Springer City. 15tfc FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Two blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. 19ttc HELP WANTED WANTED Competent cook. Phone Rural 66. 33tfc REWARDS REWARD A reward of $100 will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation. J 38t2Sp DENTISTS DR. MICHAEL C. SULT Dentist. Successor to Dr. I. H. Gove. Office over Crook County Bank. Dr7H.gT DAVIS Dentist New modern shop, In Kamstra Building. PHYSICIANS BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. 8. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prlneville, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic and Mental Healer. Office in old bank building near Ochoco bridge, Prlneville, Oregon. OITICIANS DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prinevllle; watch s this paper for dates. 25tf ATTORNEYS PERSONAL THE ART OF ORATORY Taught by an experienced and successful public speaker. Few private pu pils only accepted. . Class opens September 1. Address G., Journ al. 30t2 Classified Ads work while you sleep When writing to advertisers please mention the Crook County Journal. K WANTEO-'-A good, big gentle team. to work to the mountains, will put up Berries for use of team. Notify at once. Mrs. Pearl Breeding. 37tlp M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prinevllle, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office in Crook County Bank Building, Prinevllle, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawver. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prinevllle, Oregon. MEALS, BOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS Meals aud service at the ' Llppincott restaurant. Meals and lunch at all hours. Two doors north of Ochoco bridge. G. W. Llppincott, Prop.. City. 19tfc FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS With bath, 2 blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. 16tfc CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. G. REMPEL Chironractor. Rooms 4 and 6, Kamstra Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, City. stfc 32500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prinevllle on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc MONEY To loan on Improved real estate. D. H. Peoplos. 20tfc The Journal has the largest Bworn circulation of any paper in Central Oregon. John J. Price Successor to It. R. Lakin Confectionery, Ice. v Cream, Cigars Tobaccos Ag't for The Oregonian 1 door north Lyric Prineville, Oregon ABSTRACTORS CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prineville. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS HOLSTEIN BULL nor Service. See P. B. Poindexter, City. Stfc CEMENT SIDEWALKS Add more to the value of your property than they" cost. See R. A. Clark tor prices. 2 Ufa CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK Use this Blank in sending in Classified Ad Copy Enclosed find $ , for which run the copy be- 3ow times at lc per word each insertion. Be Mr sure your envelope is addressed to the CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL, PRINEVILLE, OREGON, and your remittance enclosed. When your ad dress is not given, postage must be added for re forwarding. - Name Address : CLASSIFIED AD COPY j Name and address to be used on your Ad You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burgular-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for "a nominal sum. Absolute protection .V for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK ' PRINEVILLE, OREGON I 3 JUsf PERCY R. SMITH j X, 1 j The Stock "Raiser - - ' v i Who Uses Columbia Bacon, Hams and Lard Knows he is getting the VERY BEST be cause of the uniform high standard main tained in the Selection and Care of livestock . Columbia Brand Products are Dependable Always u. . uov. inspected UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND, OREGO N