JULY 12, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL DAIRY INDUSTRY HAS IT FUTURE The Contra! Oregon country It proving to he especially wi ll adapt ed to the dairy bualncaa. Dairying Ola In to nicely with a diversified (arming that it la becoming a com mon practice to kip a few cows on many of tlm farm. Home of tlm smaller rang" cattlemen milk their beat towi , In the full anil winter while calves r lining wcaimd aiid tlm cowa are fed. Creameries and cream buying atatlona are centrally located and A cow testing assqclatlon la In successful operation and a ruthleMg weeding out of low producing atock will bo the result. Over 300 cowa aro lining tented at the present time. Some very good records are made. Tho owners of amall Irrigated farma And It greatly to their ad vantage to keep tome good cowa. The labor required can caally he performed at little lout of time from the UMiiut farm duties and the steady Income from thla source la a very Important factor In farm fi nance. The fertiliser obtained from keep ing cowa la very beneficial In main taining the fertility of the farm. Much pasture and aurplua garden productt that would otherwise be of ' ' m :, Ml. h : S fr's. '''' ' H '--. w'v vi & rAUfc I K r-r ' 5 ? . !l t ill III! I A few of these are ranch good on every A (iMHl Type of Mllkera pay a liberal price for cream. The atage companies gather up cream oa all their llnea and return tho empty cans at very reasonable ratea. Tbe cream separator very materi ally leasens tbe labor formerly nuc caaary In caring for the milk and givea the milk fresh and sweet for feeding bogs and poultry which should be kept on every farm. Milk ing machines are also being tried by few. The superior quality of the al falfa, clover and , natural meadow hay of thla rmglon makes them , a very desirable feed for dairy cows. Our native graases which are avail able in the growing season are very One feed for this purpose. All kinda of roota commonly fed to cows are easily grown and yield enormously. 8 1 Ins are being tried out and no doubt will be the means of provid ing succulent feed when it la not naturally abundant. Borne high clans registered stock of the most popular dairy breeds hits bemi Imported, Long prices have been paid fur many of these and their Impression o the dairy stock uf the country is noticeable. Bull associations, sev eral of which have been formed are giving valuable assistance to this ef fort at Improvement. little value, are by this means turn ed to good account and often aid materially In the feed supply. ORKOOX HTtK'K INHI'ECTOIW On recommendation of the Oregon Cattle 4k Horse Kaisers' association, Governor Wlthycombe has appointed the livestock Inspectors for thirty counties. They hold until July 1, 11, as follows: Charles Wendt, Uaker; K. O. Mc Allister, Corvallls; W. A. lOrnger, Aatoria; Elmer T. Council, Deer Island; A. A. Brash, North Bend; L. Nichols,' Prlnevllle; J. W. Oatrander, Gold Beach; A. McDonald, Oregon City; R. K. Hunt, Roseburg; George T. Meador, Prairie City; Lester Wade, Condon"; W. A. Goodman, Burns; J. M. Rader, Medford; R. i. Beatul, Grants Pass; Albert h. Mar shall, Olene; Charlea Pitcher, Silver Lake; W. S. Roberta, Eugene; D. Taylor, Halsey; Jess Farrln, Taft; Thomas Logan, Brogan; G. M. Rice, Woodburn; John Brosnan, Heppner; Gerry 8now, North Portland; James Stewart, Moro; J. E. Reedy, Tilla mook; E. L. Wright, Pilot Rock; T. B. Johnson, Cove; Henry Haas, Enterprise; W. H. Harris, The Dalles; W B. Cook, Forest Grove. The Oregon Inter-State Fair will be held at Prlnevllle, October 3-6. V ' :.r. i V. T Typlral Dairy Herd Every Country Home Should have Hot and Cold Water Under Pressure For a Very Moderate Sum 1 " . I I ' ' ' ' i in. Any home can be fitted with modern bathroom fixtures, water pressure and as many conveniences as the average city dwelling I Guarantee all My Work and all My Fixtures Installed by Me or My Workmen A Gasoline Engine Saves Time, Labor, Money Increases Crops and likes to work on these Hot days just as well as in cool weather Estimates Cheerfully Furnished T. J. M1NGER Prineville - Oregon Let me figure with you on installing pumps and plumbing and I will save you money on every estimate or job "' T ii . . . ill! in ii The Cole Obligation to the Public Only by serving the public well are we entitled to large and Permanent success This is the Cole Obligation to the Public :tj- iTiVAj jini- Mswamfc r -- "r United States Tires We represent the Northwest Auto Co. Selling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars Phone us for demonstration and terms Parties purchasing cars from us are insured local service of quality Central Oregon Garage Redmond, Oregon Certified Seed Potatoes Prize Winning Varieties Grown at Powell Butte Included in the list of certified seed are Burbanks Netted Gems 100 Fold Gold Coin Ten varieties scored 97 1-2 percent per feet and my Netted Gems scored 100 per cent perfect Grown on my Ranch at Powell Butte and certified to by the Oregon Agricultural College For Being True to Name and Free From all Disease My. potatoes took First Prize in competition with growers from all parts of the world in 1915, many prizes at the Portland Land Pro ducts Show and the Crook County Oregon Inter State Fair in 1915 S. D MUSTARD Powell Butte, Oregon