PAGE 8 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS The Coast's Largest and Best Market Strictly Modern Facilities for the Expeditious Handling of all Kinds of Live Stock All Packers Wanting Stock Every Day , Shipping Demand for Fat Stock Here is Excellent, this in addition to the local call insures against burdensome Holdovers The Stocker and Feeder Demand is Growing Daily and is a Factor in This Market PMMMIE SHIPP ft Should not hesitate in coming to this market as it insures them the best net results PORTLAND UNION STOCK YARDS CO. Wm. H. Daughtrey, Pres. F. J. Hagenbarth, Vice Pre. O. M. Plummer, Secretary-Treasurer L. R. McGee, Asst. Sec. JULY 12, 1917 "i