PAGE 2 i CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL JULY 5, 1917 51 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL TRY OUR NEW OPTIMUS FOUNTAIN For the Best in Ouality ask for COLGATE'S BY GVY L.UXHXKTTK Entered at the postofflce at Prtne 'tile, Oregon, ti second-dust mat ter. 7sg hotter Jtour Pl'BMSHKD EVERY TIll'RNDAY j Price $1.60 per year, payable ' strictly in advance. In case of -hange of address please notify us ' t once, giving both old and new . iddreaa. HIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE bvi v. Soeps Talcum Powder Face Powder Toilet Water Perfume Miniature Extracts Dental Cream and Powder Shaving Soap Powder an Cream Lowney's Chocolates Just Right to Eat Tu. LI" " " " tJX ' " " " """"fr"' otNCNAL or nets NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 3riANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES D. P. Adamson & Co. I r " i A Remarkable Invention ft is no longer necessary for the motorist to get stuck. This little device, if carried In his tool-box, multiplies his power by 73, and makes him independent of road conditions. It his auto sticks in the mud, skids into a ditch or overturns, he can right it in 10 minutes by simply driving the three stakes in the ground, attaching Pull-U-Out to them and to the auto and giving the ratchet crank a few easy turns. The stakes will hold, even in very soft ground and out comes the auto. No trouble, no expense, not even soiled clothes! This wonderful little device lifts a ton, of dead weifht, or pulls 60 tons on wheels; yet its shipping weight is only 28 lbs., and it fits easily into a space 4x6x14 inches. R. V. RANDALL v Prineville Representative Standard Oil Co. Will be prepared to supply Gasoline Pistillate and Lubricating Oils and everything in the Standard Oil line after May 1st from the Redmond branch Watch for Our Big 3-1 Tank Truck REDMOND WAREHOUSE CO. AGENTS B. F. PARSONS, Mgr. REDMOND, ORE. Prineville Livery & Feed Stable Now Open Under New Management Experienced Men to Feed and Take Care of Your Teams F. F. BO WLIN, Manager I ' : ... II ! - Ba OI U SKCOXO CH.UT.UOIA We have been told by the KIIInoii i White people that their experience has been that the second year la the difficult one tor their Chautauqmis and that failure is not unknown In the second year towns. While the people of Prineville and vicinity have been busy raising their Liberty Loan and Ked Cross allotments and very little effort was exerted in the ticket saleampalgn this year beyond the work of an exceptionally good ticket sale com mittee, more than the required amount of tickets was sold before the end of last week. Prineville and its surrounding country goes about its Chautauqua as about any other part of the com munity work, as a matter of course, And the result is the name in all the matters, success. Ml. MK I' XI) UOTT! When a hoary headed prophet, more than sixteen hundred years ago, wrote on tablets of stone that about the year 2000 there would be a ruler in Europe who would claim allegiance with the divine, and take up arms against all the Christian nations of the earth at one time, and by them would ultimately be conquered and his nation divided into twenty-two parts, there can be no doubt but the prophet was In spired and wrote a great truth. The fact that there are twenty two states in the empire of Germany and that be claims an alliance with the divine is interesting in this con nection at least, and that the war will be won by the allied nations is just as positive. We can also see that as prophets go, this old gentleman was a won der, and as he has been correct in what has taken place, we will give him the advantage of the doubt, and await the fulfillment of the remain ing parts of his forecast. Si STABS AXI) STRIPES IN FRANCE There has always been a feeling of comradeship between the United States and France, and true Ameri cans have a Just feeling of pride when we read in the dispatches what the newspapers have known was about to occur, that the stars and stripes are now floating over a sizable and growing army of our own men in France, working with ; and fighting for the same liberty as ! are those who honor the trl-color I and the union jack of Great Britain. I The cause of liberty and freedom of the weak as well as the strong j whether they be individuals or na I tions has been the only real excuse for war since the beginning of time, I and these nations are fighting for j that which they know is right, un- der the three flags, and assisted by a number of other allies whom they honor and respect. , There can be no doubt that the allies will win, and when victory does come, the stars and stripes will be flying among the flags of the victors, - total WHY "NOT? There are four big days left of the Chautauqua, and each number is a good one. You owe it to yourself to attend every program, and after all, why not? Ths coming session of the Wil lamette valley Chautauqua, which opens July 10 at Gladstone park, will mark the passing of one of Oregon's famous landmarks. "Me old audi torium, erected 24 years ago, is to be abandoned, and the big programmes are to be held in a new $6000 edifice. N n 'A Hoot The superior quality is assured by the high standard we demand of the wheat for the manufacture of the flour PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS 1 9 i 9 ANDREW JOHNSON . AT CHAUTAUQUA Jshnson One f the Best Story Teller en American Platform. A rousing Elllson-Whlte Chautauqua event for 1017 Assemblies Is the com ing of Andrew Johnson, noted platform humorist. Johnson ba taken the East and Middle West by storm. That he will repeat his previous triumphs on I . .; . . !.".,. . p. T: 0 .,. .. f. ; '. ' "vir " c- -V ANDREW JOHNSON. the Pacific Coast is certain. The "Johnson smile" alone starts the dia phragm to RhakiiiK and the rlslbles to bubbling. Into the wrinkle of every laugh Johnson lays a thought The famous humorist Is said upon author ity to possess the richest store of point illuminating anecdotes in Chautauqua or Lyceum. Strawberries Canning Season is Here and will be Short We are offering for Satur day Field Picked berries at the low price of per crate $1.75 Phone us your order Mrs. I. Michel Phone 111 lllf O I VllShal Phone 111 LTA1 Oo JU 1TA1V11VJ THE STORE OF SERVICE WOKD FDR MOTHERS it is a grave mistake lor mothers to ';-ct their aches and pains and suffer in .ilence this only leads to chronic sick !obs and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; if your nerves an; .xcitablc, ;f you feel languid, weary or '.epresseil, you should know that Scott'f ' mulsion overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the r:y elements to invigorate the blood. ilugthen the tissues, nourish the ner.-' ,il build strength. V-tt's is strengthening thousand . !':, aua will help you, oaicouoi, .Scott 8l Bownc. llluutuueid, N. j. (Cummer Tourist round-trip fares u DENVER .$62.50 OMAHA 67.50 KANSAS CITY .... 67.50 ST. PAUL 67.50 ST. PAUL, via Omaha . . 72.20 ST. LOUIS 78.70 CHICAGO .' 80.00 DETROIT 91.00 WASHINGTON .... 116 00 NEW YORK 118.20 PHILADELPHIA .... 118.20 BOSTON 119.20 Regular Sale Datt.: June 20 to 30, July 3, 4, and FrWaya and Saturday! thereafter to Sept. 29. Special dates, privilege, limiU, fares to other cities, routes, and arrange ments upon application. Union Pacific System POINTSP INTEREST Yellowttone, Salt Lake, Denver. Estes Kocky-Mountain Park and ' the famous Columbia River Gorge. Ask for descriptive booklets. S. L. Wiggins T. F &P.Agt. BEND, ORE. ili SCRATCH PADS Different sizes and quality of paper, Just the thing for your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. Business getters Jfurnal Want Ads. Try one today, lc a word. Spring Is Here! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. i WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall ,. Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY A Classified Ad in The Journal brings anything you want