JUNE 28, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ; mw m.w in-'- PAGE 7 OFFICIAL EXPLORER OF BOLIVIAN GOVERNMENT Chautauqua la Hear Oreat Leoture toy The Livingston ef louth Amerioa." a. wiiiL-ni'id liar. r. k. o. a., noted tplorrr, writer ami lecturer, la com ing to (liiiiiliiiiia. For many yr-are Or. Hay Olfliial Kxplorer fur the Moll vlnn Ooverument Mon ii I Itn jr. nut of the paka In the mnunlHlna of llraxlt, wan iiamcd after Dim lijr t tin I limprtinHMil In recount tloo of lila mined aervlrt's for them, and flip llollvlitn ivitiiiiiiiiI jravetilin 0. WHITEFIELD RAY. a grant of land and uirirto him cltl ten. II ft it n jrr.ia aMnt in xploratton have ntalillHlu-d Hay's name among " ii iitltlc mi n aa 'The l.lvlnicatmi of goiilli Atncilia." In bearing Dr. liar you'll get more facta tlxml our Rival Hnnthcrn llcputi tlra In an hour than ymi cnnlil athiM from dimly volumea In a jmr, and tnld In the almiie of a cliarniliig uarra five, Instnirtlv. miming and thrill tally Ititerpatiiif. While on guard duty at one of the tunneli between Moaler and The Iiallea, Private M. N. Miller, of Com pany K, waa eirur.k by a passing freight train and aererely Injured. R. D. lletiel, director of the extan alou aervlce at the Oregon agricultur al college, haa been offered the presl dency of the New llampahlre agricul tural college and haa the offer under eonalileratUin, For new and old stomach trouhle utte Adamson's Digest eze. Price 60o or six boxes for $'2 60 pOMtpaid to any addreae io the United State ol America. For aale by D. P. Adamson & Co., Prineviile, Oregon. why not bae your clothe Tailor They don't coat you any more when you consider the materials trimmings, style and workmanship. All my Suits are Made in My Own Shop , made up to any style you want in the latest Spring and Summer Novelties J. A. GILLIS, Tailor Our Stock of Seasonable Millinery IS THE LARGEST IN THE CITY The Elite Millinery Mrs. Lewis, Proprietor Prineville, Oregon m Made? NOTICS FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. S. Lena Offic at Tin Dallas, Oregon. Jun 2nd, 117. Nolle la hereby given that PRANK MIKUI.A, of Hrld, Oregon, who, on July I9lh, 112, mail Momeslead Entry, No. 0I0M4, for HK' . See. 18-NK', NW', NWVi NK'l, Section l, Township 19-Houtli, Rang 19-Keat, Wlllamatt Meridian, haa filed notle of InUntion to maka final thra year proof, to establish rlalm Io tha land ala oWrlbed, bafora fcltner M. Pack, U. M. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oraaon, oa tha 14th day of July, i'7. Claimant namaa aa wltaaaaaal Theodore M. BoersU, R. A. Amnions, E. C. Fsught, at. fc. Feught, all of H.ld, Oraaon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. IMS RegisUr. NOTU.'K roR PUBLICATION Department of tha Intarior, U. S. Land OnVe at Tha DaJlea, Oregon. Jun 5th, 1017. Notir la hereby given that A KOI. I ll W. IIOCII. of Roberta, Oregon, who, on April 19lh, 1911, mail Homestead Knlry No, 0H747 and on Jul? Hlh. 11)14. mad additional Homestead Knlry. No. 0l;il. (or KVg HK"(, Sec. I W'(i HWi'i, He 20 NW', NWVi, Ha. 29 N", UK1,, BWV, NKV,, rterllun no, Town hip IH-Soulh, Hanaa 16-Eaat, Wlllamatta Marldian. haa filed notlc-a of InUntion to maka Anal Utraa year proof, to aatabllah rlalm to tha land abova deschlhed, befuss l.aka M. Ili-chlcll, U. n. Commission., at prineville, Oregon, on Hi Hlh day of July, IU1V. Claimant namaa aa wltnaaaaa : Matthew C. Trvnna, Carl K. Kiarhar, Ma-i-ford U. Nya. Edmund A. I'arkcr, nil of koharta, Oreson. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, auto Hat later. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. S. LeUvl Ontc at Th bailee, Oregon. June Ith, 117. Nolle la hereby liven that CAKI. KM II. KIHCIIKR, of Roberta, Oreavn, who, on Per. 2Hh, 1912. ma.le llomeetead Knlry No. OIIOHt and on July Win, IVI4, made additional Homeairad Knlry, No. 0IH7III. for NKVi, Het-. IV -NWVi, Hertion !, Townehlp IH-8outh, Hanae 1H Kaat, Wlllamatt Meridian, haa filed notlre of Intention to maka Anal thra year proof, to aatabllah rlalm to tha land above deacrlb d. before Uka M. Herhlell, U. 8. Com into aionrr, al I'rlnevlll, Oregon, on th 14th day of July, 11)17. Claimant name aa wltnaaaaa t Adolph W. Horn. Matthew C. Trenne, Manford D. Nya. David K. Gulermuth, all of Roberta, Oraaon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Otac , Kealater. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrlor, U. a Land OAte at Th Dallea, Oregon. Jun tth, 1917. Nolle la hereby given that KATK K. WARNKR, formerly KATE E. ROCKWELL, of Pmlher. Oregon, who oa Jun 7th, 1914, made Homeairad Entry, No. VI23V1, for W4, Kartlon It, Townahlp i(l-8oulh. Rang lft Eaat, Wlllametl Meridian, haa filed nolle of Intention to maka Anal three year proof, to aatabllah claim to tha land abova deaeribed, before H. C. Ellia, U. B. Commlaaloner. al Hrad, Oregon, on th lit day of Auguat, 1917. Claimant namaa aa wltnaaaaa: fjamuel E. Lorhrir. Patrlrk H. Samuel W. Nerrlll, WalUr Taylor, Coffey, all of Brother, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Iltty Keauter. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of th InUrlor, United BUUa Land Office. Th Dallea. Oregon. June 1, 1917. To Charlea E. Harrla, of Portland, Oregon, care Y. M. C. A., Con lea lee: You are hereby notiAed that Manford D. Nye who glvea ear L. M. Hechlell. Prine ville, Oregon, aa hfa poat-onVe addreee, did on April . 1917, Ala In thia office hie duly corroborated appllratlon to eontcat and se cure the cancellation of your homeetead Entry No.. . Serial No. 091 OS made Jun 2V. 1911. for 8W4 NK'-i. NK'i RKV.. W'i 8KV1. Section I. Townaliip 18. 8., Range U, 1 K., WillametU Meridian, and aa ground (or hi ronteat he allege that aald Charlea E. Harrla haa wholly abandoned and failed to reaida upon. Improve or eultivaU aald land for more than Ave year laat paat or at all : that aald absence from tha land waa not due to entry nun I employment In military aerv ic rendered In connection with operation In Mexico, or along the bordera thereof, or In mobilisation campa elaewhere, In th military or naval organisation of th United BUlee or the National Guard of any of the eeveral SUtea. You are, therefor, further notiAed that th aald allrgationa will be Uken aa con fessed, and your aaid entry wtll be canceled without further right to be heard, either be fore thia office or on appeal, If you fall to Ala In thia office within twenty daya after tha FOURTH publication of thia notice, aa abown below, you gnawer, under oath, apeclAcally responding to the allegation of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the aaid contestant either la person or by regis tered malt . You should sUU la your answer th nam of th post office to which me dealr future notice to be aenl to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, RegleUr. DU of Arat publication June 1, 1917. Date of acoonr publication Jun 14, 1917. DaU of third publication Jun 11, 1917. DaU of fourth publication Jun 21. 1917... NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrlor, U 8. Land Offic at Th Dallea, Oregon. Juna 22nd. 1917. Nolle la hereby given that 001. DA V. MILLS, FORMERLY. GOLD1E V. TELFER, of Paulina, Oregon, who, on May 8rd, 1912, made Homeatead Entry, No. 0102&9, for LoU 2-3. EH SW',, Section 80, Township 11-8, Range 18-E, WillametU Meridian, haa filed notice of inUntion to make Anal Ave year proof, to eatabllah claim to th land above deaeribed. before Lake M. BechUll, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2nd, day of Auguat, 1917. Claimant namea aa witneaaea: Wad Huston, of Prineville, Oregon, Stan ton 8. Black, of Aahwood, Oregon, Charlea Campbell, of Aahwood, Oregon, Albert Sima, of Hay Creek, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. S3t5e Regiater. Get the habit. Advertise in The Journal It you wish to reach the reading public ot central Oregon. Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoe repaired while you wait All work guaranteed Price reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. The Oregonian Is handled exclusively in Prineville by John J. Price Delivered at your door the same day as published for 75c per month SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OK OKKtlON FOR CKOOK COUNTY Mary E. Penland, Plaintiff, va. Jama H. Pen land. Defendant To Janua H. Pen land, th above named defendant (ikKKTINOH I IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKKdON I You are hereby required lo appear and I a newer th amended Complaint A led in th I abova entitled eaua of action againit you on or before th 7th day of July, IVI7, and If you fail lo ao appear and aniwer or otherwiea plead lo th complaint of th plaintiff herein, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the above named Court for a decree diaaolving the honda of matrimony now enlatlng between the plaintiff and the defendant; granting and awarding unto the plaintiff the aula cuetody and control of Charlea Avery, adopted minor child, granting unto th plaintiff her coeta and diaburaementa herein and for euch other and further relief aa to th Court may aeem Juat and equitable in the premiaea. Thia Hummona la published purauant to an order ao to do mad by Hon. T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of the above named Court, aald order being made and entered on th 19th day of May, I VI 7. DENTON O. BURDICK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Data of Ant publication May 24, 1917. 2t7c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrlor, U. 8. Land Olltr at Th Dalle, Oregon. May 25th, 1917. Nolle la hereby given that KKKD W. BURCHTORF, of Hrld, Oregon, who, on May 24th, 1912, .,ot,w, c ,, r j t J.o. iiivi, lor n- NK14, N HK. N' RWi4. HE', SEV. HKV, NWV,, Bertlon 14, Townahlp Id-South, Kanae l-KM.t, WillametU Meridian, haa Alad notlre of Intention to make Anal three year proof, lo eatabllah claim to tha land above dearrlbed, before Elmer M. Peek, U. B. Com. miaaloner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the 14th day of July, 1V17. Claimant namea aa wilnaaaea: Paul Held, Richard A. A mom. Hen Burch torf, bamuel U. Knnely, all of Held, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, tlS Keg later. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. Ii. Land Office at Th Dalian, Oregon. May 22nd, 1917. Notice la hereby given that CKKliOR A. GAHHKE, of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on tth of May, 1913, made Homeatead Entry, No. 011637, fur 8KV, SWVi, 8WI4 8KV4. Kee. 4 -W NEV,, K' NW14, NW14 8E, SH'A BWV,, section 9, Townehip Z0-8outh, Range 21-Eaat, Wil lamette Meridian, haa Aled notice of inten tion to make Anal three year proof, to ea tabllah claim to the land above deaeribed, before Charlea A. 8herman, U. H. Commla aloner, at Fife Oregon, on th lVth day of July. 1VI7. Claimant namaa aa wltnaaaaa : John L. Garake, of Dry Lake, Oregon, George Gelger, of Dry Lake, Oregon, John Pauach. of Barnaa, Oregon, William Pauacb, of Barnea, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, eOt&e Regiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrlor. U. & Land Office at Th Dallea, Oregon. June Uth, 1917. Notice la hereby given that CHARLES E. WOLFE, of Prineville, Oregon, who on July 7th, 1913, made Homeatead Entry, No. 011861 and on December 17th. 1914. made additional Home atead Entry, No. 01426 J, for NWVa NW4, 8'4 NWV,, 8WV, BE'-., a BWV,. Section 28. Township 14-8outh. Range 17-Eaat, Willam etU Meridian, haa filed notice of InUntion to make Anal three year proof, to eeUbllah claim to the land above deaeribed, before Lake M. BechUll, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 20th day of July, 1917. Claimant name aa witneaaea: Charlea H. Crain, Butler Holloway, Wesley Kile, drover C. Price, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 31t&c Regiater. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING Notice la hereby given by the undersigned, the Eieeutrix of the estate of Frank Vanina, deceased, to all persona having an Interest in aaid estate, that ahe haa made and Aled with the Clerk of the County Court, her Anal accounting of her adminiatration of aaid eaUU, and that the Honorable County Court haa set Monday, th 6th day of Auguat, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the County. Court room in Prineville, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing and settling aaid Final Aclounting at which aaid time and plac any penton inUreaUd in said eaUU may appear and make their ob jections thereto, if any they have. Dated thia Uth day of June, 1917. CATAR1NA VANINA, Executrix of the EaUU SltB of Frank Vanina, deeeaaed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United SUtes land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, May 81st, 1917. Notic i hereby give that LYSANDER 8. LOGAN. of Dry Lake. Crook County, Oregon, as nnal assignee or George W. Thompson, haa on the Slst day of May, 1917, filed in thia office hit application to select under Sections 2806 and 2307, Revised BUtutea of the United SUtes, the (8WV4 NW4, NWV4 SWVi, Sec. 261, in Township 20 South, of Range 20 East, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the land described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to appli cant, ahould Ale their affidaviu of protest in thia office on or before the Slat day of July, 1917. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 82t7c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the InUrlor, U. S. Land Office at The Dallea, Oregon. June 11th. 1917. Notic la hereby given that JOSEPH VARCO, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on July 22nd, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010662, for North Half, Section 34, Township 20 South, Range 18-Eaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of inUntion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, -at Bend, Oregon, on the 19th day ot July, 1917. Claimant names as witneaaea: Burnes D. Young, Patrick Henry Coffey, Samuel E. Lochrle, Ernest Olson, all of Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 82ttp Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dallea, Oregon. June 11th, 1917. Notice is hereby give that ERNEST OLSON, 1 of Brothers, Oregon,' who. on July 29th. 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010683, for West Half. Section 26, Township 20-South, Range 18-East, Willamette Meridian, has Aled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon on the 19th day of July, 1917. Claimant namea as witnesses: Burnes D. Young. Patrick Henrv Coffey. Samuel E. Lochrle, Joseph Varco, all of Brotners, uregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 82t5p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. II. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. June tth, 1917. Notice is hereby siren that TOLBERT SMITH, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on September 6th, 1910, made Homeatead Entry No. 07377 and on Dec. 18th, 1012, made additional Home stead Entry, No, 011079, for SEV4 SWVi, SWVi SEV4, Sec. 81, T. 16-S. ; Lots 8-4-6, SEVi NWVi, EV4 SWVi, Section 6, Township 17-South, Range 18-East, Willamette Merid ian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Celrk of Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 16th day of July, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry Smith, Albert Way, Marion May field, Alonso T. Yancey, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOOBCOCK, 80t5p Begiater. NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of tha InUrlor, United SUtae Land Office. Th Dallea, Oregon. June 19, 1917. To Theron E. Dana, of Prineville, Oregon, Contealee ; You are hereby notiAed that Clarence H. Cook who gives Post, Oregon, aa hie poat onVe address, did on Marrh 22, 1917, Ale In thia office hie duly corroborated application U contest and eeeure th cancellation of your Homes lead Entry No. 0I0V00, and Serial No. 01127 made Nov. 7, 1912, Feby. 8, 1VU, for W'i 8W',, 8KV, 8W' Sec 1, Lot 2, Hj NE' N14 UliVi, Section 4, Townahlp 17.8., Range 18. E WillametU Meridian, and as ground for his contest he allerea that aaid Theron E. Dana haa wholly (ailed to reside upon, improve or eultivaU the above deaeribed land for over one and half years laat past and la wholly In default for want thereof; that aaid absence from the land waa not due to tha entrvmen's em. ploy men t in miliUry service rendered in ' connection with operations In Mexico or along the border thereof or In mobilisation campa elsewhere in the miliUry or naval organisation of the United HUtea or the National Guard of any of the several 8utee. You are, thertfore, further notified that the aaid allrgationa will be Uken as con fessed, and your aald entry will be canceled without further right to he heard, either be fore this office or on appeal, if you fall to Ale In thia office within twenty daya afUr the FOURTH publication of thia notice, a shown below, your answer, under oath, apeclAcally responding to tha allegation of conteat, , together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the aald eontesunt either In person or by regis tered mail. You ahould lists in vnor na w h nam. of the post office to which you desire future J notices to be sent to you. H. rnANK WOODCOCK. Register. DaU of first publication June 21, 1V17. DaU of second publication June 28, 1917. DaU of third publication July S, 117. DaU of fourth publication July 12, 1917. 82t4c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U 8. Land OHice at The Dallea, Oregon. June 22nd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that CLARENCE H. COOK, of Post, Oregon, who, on December 12th, iHl, made Homeatead Entry No. V7802 and on December 18th, 1912, made additional Homestead Entry, No. 011074, for Lou 8-4. 8'v NW!,. BWV, NEV,. NE'4 SWVi, NWy4 8EV4, Sec. 8 -Lot 1. Section 4, Township 17 Bvuth, Kange 18-Kest, WillametU Meridian, has Aled notice of intention to make Anal three year proof, to eaUbliah elaien to the land above deaeribed, before Lake M. Bech Ull, U. 8. Commissioner, at 'Prineville, Ore gon on the 2nd day of August, 1917. Claimant namea as witneaaea: Austin Kizer. of Roberta, Oregon, Allen Lane, of Roberta, Oregon. Edwin A. Abbott, of Post, Oregon, William Dorrell, of Post. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 3.1t6e RegiaUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the InUrior, U S. Land Office at The Dallea. Oregon. June 22nd, 1917. Notice la hereby given that ERNEST GUNTEK, of Post, Oregon, who, on April 7th, 1913, made Homeatead Entry. No. 011624 and on March 11th. 1914, made additional Home stead Entry, No. 012640. for EM, NWl,, NE'4 8W'4, WV4 NEV,. 8EVi NEV4. NV4 8E',. Section 81, Township It-South, Range 19-East, WillametU Meridian, haa Aled notice of inUntion to make Anal three year proof, to esublish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. BechUll, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2nd day of Auguat, 1917. Claimant names aa witneaaea: Albert Oldham, Marion F. Taylor, Homer Norton, Jamea Hays, all of Post, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Mttc RegiaUr. NOTIC. FOR PUBLICATION Department of the InUrior, U. 8. Land uiwt at in IMIl, uregon. May 16th, 1917. Notic la hereby given that BERNARD COX. of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, oa November 23 rd, 1912, made Homeatead Entry, No. 010968. for 8 NWV. NVt, SWV,. See. 4: EM, SEVi, SWVi SEVi, Sec 6; NWVi NEVi, Section 8, Township 20-South, Range 21-Eaat, WillametU Meridian, haa filed notice of in Untion to make final three year proof, to esublish claim to the Und above described, before Charlea A. Sherman, U. 8. Commis sioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 9th day of July. 1917. Claimant name as witnesses: Richard R. Rhode. Lewie Bennett. John Wilson, John F. Mosier, all of Dry Lake, Oregon. B. FRANK WOODCOCK. 28tSc RegisUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrior. U. a Land Offic at Th Dallea, Oregon. May 22nd, 1917. Notic la hereby given that ANDREW EVERSON. of Barnea, Oregon, who, on May 26th, 1913, maae Homestead entry. No. 011740, lor SEViSWVi, SWVi SEVi, Sec. 18 WV4 NEVi, EV4 NWVi, NV4 SWVi, Section 24, Township 19-South, Range 20-East. WillametU Merid ian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abov described, before Charlea A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Ore gon, on the 10th day of July, 1917. Claimant namea aa witnesses: Harry Bames, O. T. Davidson, Kenneth Thompson, of Bames, Oregon, Charles Raucha, of Dry Lake, Oregon. B. FRANK WOODCOCK, SOttc RegiaU-. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th InUrior. U. 8. Lead Office at Th Dallas. Oregon. Jun 1st, 1917. ,Notic I hereby given thst CHARLES RUBERG, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on July 10th, 1911, made Homeatead Entry, No. 09242, for NEV, SEVCSV SE4, See. 18 SEVi NWVi. A NEVi. Section 24, Township 18-South. Range 16-East. WillametU Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Anal five year proof, to establish claim to the land above deaeribed, before Lake M. BechUll, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the Uth day of July, 1917. Claimant namea aa witnesses: Charles A. Weaver, David Weaver, Leo Battinger, George B. London, all of Prine ville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, SOttc RegisUr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the InUrior. U. S. Land Office at Th Dalles, Oregon. May 22nd, 1917. Notice la hereby given that JOHN L. GARSKE. of Dry Lake, Oregon, who, on December Z6th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 011686. for EV4 SWV4, SWVi SWVi, Sec. 8 SEVi SEVi, Sec. 4 NVi NVi, Section 10, Township 20-South. Range 21-Eaat. Willam etU Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 10th day of July, 1917. Claimant namea as witnesses: George Geiger, of Dry'Lake, Oregon, Bert Louten, ot Dry Lake, Oregon, John Pauach, of Barnea, Oregon, William Pausch, of Barnes, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 8015c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. June 2nd, 1917. Notice is hereby given that THEODORE M. BOERSTE, of Held, Oregon, who, on April 2nd, 1913, made Homestead Entry, No. 011406. for NEVi, Sec. 21 SV4 NWVi, SWVi NEVi, NWVi SEVi, Section 22, Township 19-South, Range 19-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Elmer M. Peck, U. S. Commissioner, at Hampton, Oregon, on the lith day of July, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Mikuln, R. A. Amnions, Frank T. Carpenter, Henry C. Hope, alt ' of Held, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, SOttc Register. The Journal does first class jojb printing at right prices. Gas Engines, Cars and Tractors Will wear out 'parts, get out of adjustment and cause various kinds of trouble at times. Don't forget that they can be repaired and adjusted at the Prineville Machine Shop We can do work that the other shops are not prepared to do. We also handle the best grades of material and supplies. When in need of anything in our line don't forget we will try to do you good honest work and supply you with the best grade of goods in our line. Give us a trial and be convinced. Prineville Machine Shop OMAR WILSON CONTRACTOR and BUILDER- Business Buildings. Residences and all Classes of Construction. Quality of Work, Absolutely the Best PRINEVILLE z OREGON CEMENT SIDEWALKS Cement Blocks and Cement Brick and ALL CLASSES CEMENT WORK I am pleased to furnish figures and will Contract anything in these lines R. A. CLARK, PRINEVILLE, OREGON W. J. HUGHES Harness and Saddlery Good, Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets, Bits, Spurs, Robes, Whips, Harness and Saddles, Oik and Axle Gr easts. All work neatly and promptly done and guaranteed Saddles Made to Order a Specialty PRINEVILLE, OREGON Mmm Hardware of REDMOND, OREGON Invites your inquiries for anything in the hardware and implement line. We carry the most complete stock in Central Oregon. Orders Filled Same Day 'as Received. Try Our Parcel Post Service 1 Our Motto Best Quality, Lowest Price Prompt Service The Crook County Journal has the largest sworn cir culation of any paper in Central Oregon and likewise is the best advertising medium. Dealer in TC WELF p I ? sLeal PWCY SMITH - JjV I