JUNE 28, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 The City TViuhnr'i rxumliiullmi r b-tjiJ bulit till wm-k. Mr. 8. A. 1'roHii returm-ri from I'urtlnnd yi'HtordBy. MIh A (111 Wllclit wm over from lliHlmonil, Bntunlny. "Dr. lliiri'0 Ilnlkiinp will hit In ilio tlty Huturduy riiiI Hiliiiluy to hmhI;-. bin (utlmr, Dr. II. I'. DHkimp, with Mtivurul (liiiirullon. Tim MittlimlUt Bumtuy wliiiol IihiI picnic at McKay xrovo on Tui-mlny. A lnrxu mimliiT of tlio llttln folk woro proiiit bikI a groat tlino I rportm. Hoi I'uwi-ll rut urn od Suuiluy from Hhttrmail county wIht ha vUltml rolutlvn few day. I la uy that wbiuit avcruKi'i thirty lm-h In bitlicht In that county, and look well r!Kardli!N of thu weather. At IIih Mitthodlat Churrh Huniluy, July Int. Communion day. Mum lux, "('(inmirvatlon". Kvonlnit, "The (lift of tha Ron", Other service a uaual. Hod Croud duy In tha Hun duy'd'hool. Everybody Invlttid, K. T. Iti'ld, paator. l'rliwvllltt Chautauiua July 8-8. Mr. J. II. Tumor and family ei pwt to li-BV Tuimday for Sulom, OnKuii, to luiat. Thu ham and It commit, bulotiK hiK to C, II. Uravo who live a few mile went of till city, wm dcMtroy ! by fire Hunday afternoon. A Hpark w curried to the hay mow by a brmixe from a truh fire omo llntunce away. The wagon and bar no wera saved. ' No mattr If you trade bore or not, Comntt and Co. urgn that you make thl tore your headiiuarter and reMlliig place during the Chau tauqua. You are welcome bore. Thl I the coolest Rtore In town with the warm't welcome. Head our ad on page eight. Cornell and Co. Mr. Thoa. Lowe, of Roberta, who wa brought to thl city about a week ago with a well developed cumo of spotted fever, dlnd yeHtorday morning. Prior to being taken lck, Mr. I.owe wa enguged In killing wage rait at the Kusbell ranch and It la presumed that during that time he wa bitten by a sage tick and contracted the dleue In that way. Diseased leave a huHband and Severn! children. BANG CHAUTAUQUA WEEK COMMERCIAL CLUB HALL Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights 1 Music by BOWKER'S ORCHESTRA ROOT TELLS SLAVS OF ISSUES OF WAR Petrograd. Declaring that tbe Uni ted Htates wa going to fight until the world wa made safe for democracy, El In u Hoot, head of the American mis sion, made hi first public appearance bere. Mr. Hoot spoke to a large and enthuxlufttlc Husslan audience gather ed under the auspice of the Husslan American Committee for Industrial and Economic Rapprochement, recent ly organized. Mr. Root outlined the cause wblcb Induced America to enter the war. "Cheered, encouraged and made en thusiastic by the freedom won by Ru-. la, who wa to become our ally and friend, we entered the war," said Mr. Root, "and we are going to fight until the world ha been made safe for dem ocracyyour a well a our so no overbearing military caste (hall push you or u off the sldewulk." Porto Rlcan Regiment Filled. Ban Juan, I'orto Hlco. Forto Rico ha brought It regiment of infantry of the United State army to full war trength 1900 men by the voluntary tnllstment of COO men within lei than one month. A total Increase of ap proximately 140U men In less than a fear wa made. Irrigation Oam Break In Utah. Kalrvlew, Utah. The dam of the Price River Irrigation company, 12 mile from here, broke. There wa no loss of life In the town of Scho field, Helper, Castle Gate and Colton, which were In the path of tbe 11,000 acre feet of water that wa released In tbe bisak. BC8IXK8H HOIHKH WILL CLOSE (1iutauiua Hour Will Find All ltuslneH Houm-s Not Running By mutual agreement, the busi ness house of Prlnevllle will close next week during Chautauqua after noon sessions so tbat all may attend the programs. From about 2:30 or 3 o'clock un til 6 o'clock or a few minutes after will be all the time that the pro grams will occupy, and the stores will be open evenings long enough to care for the business. Ml i ENLIST the service of The Jour nul Job department If you are in need ot anything in the printing line, M Order at Qmce We have a carload of axwell Gars which arrived here today and those contemplating the purchase of a car should place their order early as they will go quickly Touring Car $665 Roadster $650 F. O. B. Detroit E. H. BRENT, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Maxwell distributor for Crook, Wheeler and Grant Counties 1912 1914 1914 4-38 1917 117 I'HKIJ CARS BARGAINS Every car a represented. We will pay your railroad fare if you purchase one of these used cars. 1910 6 passenger Cadillac 1325 6 passenger Cadillac 500 5 passenger Cadillac 800 5 passenger Studebaker.. 500 1914 5 passenger Reo 500 1912 6 passenger Haynes 425 1916 6 passenger Briscoe 750 6 passenger Briscoe 4-24 725 8 Cylinder Briscoe near- . ly new 950 Mitchell chassis 200 Oldsmobile chassis 175 Rebuilt Federal Trucks Every truck rebuilt and guaran teed $1100. PACIFIC KISSEL KAR BRANCH, Broadway & DavU St., Portland, Oregon. Distributors for Kissel Kars, Kissel .... Trucks, Briscoes, Dobles. Wm. Arnold moved his household goods out this week to his home stead in the vicinity of Powell Butte where he expects to locate permanently. PAULINA NEWS (Special Dispatch to The Journal) Fred Powell went to Prineville the first of tbe week. He had the mis fortune to break an axle on the trip. Water for irrigating purposes if getting very short in this vicinity. Walt Morris and wife went , to Prineville on business the first of the week. A. L. Miller recently bad a sigm painted on hi store window. Crops are beginning to look a little better the past week. Haying will be a month late this year with, a shortage of help. Farmers here are in hopes ot get ting a little road work done soon a the roads are almost impassable. Prineville Chautauqua July 3 to 8. treatment. Henry Smith and Vera McKenzie were visiting at Suplee, Sunday. George Kelley went to Prineville on business this week. Johnnie Morgan is building in Paulina for the purpose ot running . the Pilot Butte telephone central. I They expect to be moved in by Sat j urday. K. D. Huston intends to leave for I Prineville the last of the week to t spend the summer. I Charlie Congleton bought a new Buick four this week in which be . brought his wife home from Frine- I ville where she has been taking GIRL WANTED For general house TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND Bunch of keys. The Journal office. Call at 33tfc FOUND Pair of shoes. The Journal office. Inquire at 1 work. Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy. 33tla Get Ready for Chaitauqia Week it OO Hundreds of people will be here to spend the week and enjoy the six days of entertainment and instruction. Part of your pleasure will be in having suitable wearing apparel, comfortable footwear, and nowhere in this country are such elaborate preparations being made, such com plete selections of the proper things to wear as here. Make your business headquarters at our store where you will be treated with courtesy. Men's Department Men's Fine Clothing If you would ask for a good suit of clothes for S 1 0.00 we would endeavor to fix you out. We can show you some very snappy suits for $15.00, $17.50 up to $25.00. Men ask to see these up-to-the-minute $20.00 suits. All the style and appearance of the $25.00 gar ments. The very latest, nobby styles A Good at for $2.50 is hard to find but we have them, dozens and dozens, from factory in good roomy shapes with the smart mili- d0 C(S tarybrim. Try one, just pfOF Men's Dress Shoes in rubber sole and , neat pointed last. Early purchases make these prices possible. Try a pair Only $5.00 up. Our Shoe Store Has the best in- ladies' shoes in Central Oregon. Recent arrivals of the leading styles has placed us in the best of condition to meet your needs and requirements. Our new arrivals show several cloth tops with patent or kid vamps, very fetching and attract ive patterns. Brown kids in high heels are as attractive as ever and are reasonable in price. We are showing several important new arrivals in white kids that are very pleasing. Excellent foot form shoes for little children at very reasonable prices. See them. What are Keds? Keds are rubber soled shoes and can be had in different grades and prices according to quality. The uppers are either coarse or fine white duck. Keds wear excel lently and have been but little effeeted by the general advance of materials. Children's sizes from 5 to 10 J, misses' 11 to 2, ladies 21 to 7. We have Keds in all and in several grades. 2 sizes Child's Sister Sue Keds 90c Misses' sizes " $1.10 Ladies' best Keds in pump style low heel, either wide or pointed toe $2.25 Ladies fancy opera heel Keds . - fb.M $2.75 Ladies' low or ftigh heel tfQ "7T Ked shoes Si . tyL.l 0 We have some very fine dressy shoes in white ' canvas, both in rubber and leather soles CO 0C at special during June v)LLJ Men's pneumatic heel, white canvas lace shoe, some- tf0 flA thing neat, comfortable )0.UU The Very Best Shoe for Boys is the little Scout Shoe, made of soft, pliable leather with extra quality viscolized sole. Size 9 to 13 1-2 .$1.95 Sizel to 2 .$2.25 Size 2 to 5. $2.50 Men's sizes only $2.75 Irrigator Lace Boot Makes Irrigation a Pleasure Constructed of the best rubber fabric, laces to the knee, enables the leg and not the instep to carry the entire weight. A de cided improvement over the heavy rubber boot Price $5.00 Special during 'June only It is Strawberry Time In Our Grocery Store The season will be short, berries will not be plentiful and cheap as they were last year. We will . have both Hood River and Valley berries at reasonable prices. Let us know how many crates you will want and we will arrange for delivery at the most favorable prices. Make arrangements now Big Stock of Fruit Jars, Lids and Preserving Kettles The Royal Worcester $4.50 Place Your Orders Early For Your Strawberries COLLI W. Corsets from $1.50 to $3.00 In high, medium and low bust. These are strong, practical garments that hold the shape as it should be held. Get a corset to fit you as you would a shoe and you will have comfort and be satisfied with your appearance. This the Worcester does The Wonderful BonTbn VCORSETS For the stout woman, for the dressy wo man who is not afraid to pay a little more for the best that can be had. Excellent and pleasing results can be d A ff had with Bon Tons at $3.50 ipr.UU liStf M V r I orli You should see the summer dress goods we are selling L.d.QieS foV 12 1 -2c, 1 5c, 20c and 27 1 -2c. Every piece of sum mer dress goods now on sale at big reduction in price. It will pay you to buy liberally at these prices on these goods. Big opportunity.