PAGE 4 The City Leola Estes is visiting Violet Lis ter at Paulina. v 0. L. Lawson, of The Dalles, was tn Prinevtlle Friday. Mrs. Mary Hall left Wednesday for Chehalis, Wash. J. H. Christensen. of Paulina, was In the city Tuesday. C. W. Wilson left Sunday for Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. James Cram were in Prineville Monday. Fred A. Powell was in Prineville Monday from Paulina. Gilbert Lawson was in the city from Mitchell Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagoner are vis iting friends In Seattle. H. L. Maker made a trip to Port land the first of the week. Carl Fischer is assistant plumber at the Theo. Minger shop. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Maker on June 21, a son. C. S. Hudson and family were in Prineville Sunday from Bend. Mrs. L. M. Hodges returned from a visit to Eugene on Sunday. Miss Farria Stocker returned Suu day from a trip to Shaniko. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Meyer, of Post, are. in the city for a few days. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rowell on Sunday, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dunham, of Post, were In the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Kelley, ot Post, were in the city Tuesday. Sam Ruberg was in Prineville from Bend the first of the week. Frank Foster left for Canyon City in his car Tuesday morning. Mrs. E. L. Rose and children re turned Sunday from Boise, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cram, of Gateway, were in the city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cantrill re turned Sunday from a visit at Bend. Dr. M. C. Suit has purchased the business and practice of Dr. Gove. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foster, of Powell Butte were in the city Sunday. Are You Ready for Harvest Only a short time now until the first hay crop W ready to harvest. Let'us figure with you on your supplies. Merchandise is steadily on the advance. You will profit by supplying your wants now before any further advances Steel Cable for Hoists Price per foot 10c One-fourth guy wire per foot 2c Mounted grind stones ....$6.00 Two and one-half gal. water bags $1.15 Rope Thimbles Rope Clips Pulleys Hay Forks Our hay forks are made of the highest grade of steel and the handles are of extra quality and double sanded. Price of regular three lined head- Cf er style $1.00, lots half doz. pO,JJ Extra handles in four and four and one half lengths 45c Manilla Rope Yu need good rope for haying. Our manilla rope is long fibre, beat quality pure manilla at mail order house prices. We save you the freight One-fourth inch per 100 feet. 75c Three-eight inch per 100 feet $1.45 One-half inch per 100 feet $2.70 Five-eight inch per 100 feet $4.30 Three-fourth inch per 1 00 feet. . . $5.40 One inch per 100 feet . .$8.60 Men's Wear Harvester shoes $2.35 Work shirts 60c Heavy canvas gloves 15c, 7 prs..$1.00 l,i luuc.vriMi OII.N Castor Machine Oil, 1 gal- EC Ion cuns OOC Castor Muuhlnn Oil, & gallon cans Hand Separator Oil, quui'ts 0C $1.90 Hand Separator Oil, hulf EC gallons OOC Hand Separator Oil, nul- yr . loiia I DC INtitKASK THK OtOP KIM. TIIK K.VI'H 10 tb cans Kiiulrrol Poison $3.00 1S06 Winchester Ko- f -I O r prating K 1 M Remington ' Itepimtlug Ulllo $14.50 2! short semi-smokeless o QE cartridges per M 2 long semi-smoke cartridges per M 22 long semi-smokeless J C GROCERIES Klondike gallon Poaches 4e Klondike gallon Apples 40e Grated Pineapple, gallons ... MK DelMonto gallon Plum Jinn... VI. 110 Diamond W Peanut lluttnr OA. 1 tb tubes UC 2Vi ttt cans Peanut but- 6 111 cans Peanut Hut- Qtjg llrlng In your own container: we will (111 It with Peanut Hut- -I J lur ip per It lit milliard tirade Dried rfo Qf Peaches. 25 lb Box ... Heedless llalsllis, 25 111 gg Italian Prunes, 25 tb fj JQ Get our prices on strawberries for canning We have a full stock of jelly glasses, fruit jars and trimmings JI STEvVAR IX COMPANY C. W. Goodnight and wife arrived the last of the week from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jones, of I Howard, were In the city Monday. I Fred A. Woelflen, ot the Bend i Bulletin was in Prineville, Sunday, j I Mrs. J. V. Collins and daughter, are spending a few days In the city ' on business. Mrs. May Rowan ot Seattle is In Prineville visiting her mother, Mrs. Ellen Logan. Miss Etta Belle Houston came Jamea? Elkins is visiting friends I down from her homestead near and relatives near Sisters this week. J Roberts, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Angel, ot Paulina, are spending few days in the city this week. Dr. I. H. Gove left Monday after noon tor a trip to Lamonta and Culver. Mrs. R. V. Randall returned Wednesday from a visit to . The Dalles. Mrs. Harold Baldwin is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. M. Mills, at Paulina. W. C. Randall, of The Dalles, has been visiting his son, R. V. Randall, and family. Presbyterian Church. Sunday, July 1st,, no services beyond Bible School at 10 a. m. Services at Paulina at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ALL SUMMER HATS -ATA- Big Saving UNTIL AFTER CHAUTAUQUA All of our new 1917 trimmed hats must go within the next two weeks and we have Marked Them Down so that all may have a new hat and be right in style during Prineville! Chautauqua Week Our display space is limited and all hats must go during this sale to make room for new fall stock The Elite Millinery MRS. LEWIS, PROP. Music Festival July 5-6-7 and National Education Convention II July 7 to 14 Dedicating Portland's Grand New Municipal Auditorium Dr. A. W. Grater left Tuesday for Portland where he will open an office for the summer. Mrs. Anna Todd, of Portland, ar rived Sunday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Draper. Mrs. Chas. Ross and son, Norman, were in the city from their ranch at "Long Hollow" on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Winer of Portland, have moved to this city and will make their home here. Miss Marjorie Tackman, of Held, is visiting at the home of Mrs. C. W. Elkins in this city for a few days. Miss Maclennan and Mrs. R. L. Jones, who have been in Prineville for some time, returned to Portland Tuesday. ! i - Mrs. E. J. Wilson and daughter, j Marjorie left last week for Pennsyl-1 vania where they will visit Mrs. j Wilson's father. i ! John T. Wheeler Is in New York ( with the First Reserve engineers, and will leave in a few days for i j France. J j L. S. Logan was in Prineville on ' his way to Portland Friday. j Seth Dixon returned from Bums i the last of the week. ! , Judge T. E. J. Duffy returned : i Tuesday from Shakopee, Minn., ! where he was called by the illness ' ) and death of his father. Mrs. W. J. Chamberlain, who has ' i been visiting her uncle, Norrls Mor j gan, returned to her home at As- toria the last of the week. j Lee Durham, who has been driv-1 ' ing on the Prineville-Redmond stage ; run, has left for Portland where he I will enlist in the aviation corps. ! Mrs. J. Custer, who has been vis- j iting her daughters, Mrs. W. J. ! Hughes, and Miss Catherine Love, i left Sunday for her home in BIs mark, North Dakota. J. W. Carlson and family. J. K. Stewart and family, and W. II. Bel knap and family returned Monday from a Ashing trip to Summit Prairie. They caught about 300 nice brook trout. Misses Kate Thwenln and Kdythe Wonderly gave a birthday party at the home of the latter Monday evening. Twenty-one guests spent a very pleasant evening. Ice cream and cake were served by the host esses. The Young People's Society ot the Baptist , Church will enjoy a hay rack ride and then stop at the hospitable home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wra. S. Ayres for games and re freshments. Each member is asked to bring a friend. Remember the date, Friday evening, June 29. Meet at the Church at 7:30. New cement sidewalks are being built this week on East Third street in front of the residences of J. N. Williamson and B. F. Johnson by contractor R. A. Clark. This again reminds us that Prineville has more and better cement walks than all other central Oregon towns com bined. - Sunday morning Children's Day was observed at the Presbyterian Church. At 10 o'clock, the regular Sunduy school hour, an excellent program of music and recitations wus given by member of the school, followed by a surmou In keeping with the duy, by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Van Nuys. Tim committee ill charge of the program is to be com menced for preparing such an ex cellent program when so many of the members ot the school are ab sent from the city. Kev. It. C. Ilartranft ot the Pres byterian church performed double wedding ceremony on the evening ot June If, 1917, at the parsonage In Bend. Frances E. Brown, ot Bend, and Orvllle F, Evert, of Barnes, Ore.; and Letha P, Evert, of Barnes, and John O. Morris, of Paulina, Ore., were the contracting parties. Dinner wus served for them at the home of the former bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Brown of that city. All were dress ed In traveling attire. Both coupli'S left that evening on the train for a wedding tour. Prineville Chautauqua July 2 to 8. First Bupllst Church Acting up on the suggestion of President Wil son, Hunduy, July 1st, will be ob served us patriotic Hunduy when all true Americans will bo found In tli Lord's house. The pastor will preach at 11 on the subject "Tb Mission of America to the World". At 8 p. in. "The Signs of the Times and What They Teach Us", a ser mon on prophecy. If you are Inter ested, come. Bible School for all ages, come at 10 o'clock. Young People's Rally at 7. F. C. Lasletle, pastor. Prineville Chautauqua July t to 8. OLDER BUI SlhtiNlitR To lie healthy at seventy, prepan. .. forty, Is sound advice, brutune ill tbe strength of middle lilt we tuoofun 'orget that neglected cold, or airele-w Unit turnl ol slight aches and puins, simply undermine ntreni;th und bring chronii weakness (or Inter year. To I stronijrr when olil. r, kr-; your blood pore nml rich mvl nrtive wit1! the strriiKtli-Uiililinit ami IrtWI-tnnirmliiMj properties of Scott's limuNioii .hkli us ftxxl. a tonic and anivdiriiic to l.i--,ivr,i-f blood rich, alleviate rheuiiinti'tii i.r.,1 avoid sickness. No alcohol in Scott A Bowitr tiw..rir- I EAR the Superb Festi val Chorus of 250 voices and the Port land Symphony Or chestra of 50 pieces Prominent educators in at tendance at the Education Association Convent ion. Hear the symposiums on civil and military service and general preparedness SPECIAL FARES TO PORT LAND FOR THESE EVENTS Round Trips From Redmond Ticket Sale II 1 O Daily from Jllty D"! J See Local agent. Vacation fares to Clatsop Beach, Circuit trips East Through California 33t2 .OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE ! . Dr. Hugh Burdon and Miss Mor- I ieta Hickman, of Gladstone, Oregon, I were married at Vancouver, B. C, i i ion June 15. They will make their j home at Ocean Falls, B. C. ; Rev. F. C. Laslette, pastor of the i First Baptist Church, will preach at the Montgomery school house on Sunday, July 1st, at 2:30, a patriot ic sermon. You' are invited. Dr. Turner, the well known eye specialist of Portland, will be at Prineville Hotel again Thursday and Friday, July 5-6. Dr. Turner Is a specialist of experience and standing and you will make no ; mistake in consulting him about j your eyes and glasses. Headaches ! relieved, cross eyes straightened, satisfaction guaranteed. Don't fail to call and see the new double yislon glass without lines or seams to catch dust, strain the eyes, or come apart. One light solid piece of glass that looks like a single pair, yet answers the purpose of two, en abling you to read or do close work and see distant objects perfectly. They make you see like you did when you were young, both distant and near vision at once. Dr. Turn er makes no charge for consultation or examination. Consult him. Don't forget the date, 32tfc Metal Wheel Farm Trucks This is a Good Substantial Truck of the Regular Wagon Pattern It has 28 and 34-inch steel wheels, with 4-inch grooved tire, oval stag gered spokes, 3 Jxl 0-inch skeins, hickory axles, hard wood gear parts, regular mortised bolster stakes, ironed and ringed, circular angle iron front hound and regular wagon bolster plate. It is nicely painted and finished and has a capacity of 4000 pounds. Prices on application GROCERIES We have the pleasure of announc ing that we have a large stock of fresh groceries, a portion of which was bought considerably under the market and which we are selling under the market today. To our sat isfaction we have stopped thousands of dollars from going to the Portland mail order houses during the past two years and the only business we have not stopped is the business that was not presented to us for quotations. We invite the public to price their own orders from any Portland cata log of most recent issue and mail or deliver to us and we will fill the orders with freight charges added. O. C. CLAYP00L & CO.