JUNE 28, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 i . In the i Heart of i the Cy 1 J ! ' . Hit I $1.50day 64,' ;$ r .tftt I & '.Upward. The Portland Hotel RICHARD W. ,CHILD5, M.nsf.T I Invites the citizen of 'the empire east of 'the Cascades to sojourn, under its hospit able roof when they -vutit the City of Rosea (Generous in size and superior in environ ment The Portland offers to its guests every luxury and convenience. JAY II. DOBBIN. Pr.-Bld.-nt , HENRY L. CORBETT. Vlce-Prea. J. C. AIN8WORTH, Vice-Pro.. B. F. ROY, Treasurer 8..C. SPENCER, Secretary J5.-W. RUMBLE. Gen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advances Made on Wool iLoans on Sheep WE BUY NO WOOL IHRKCTOIUl Hay H. Dubbin Henry X. Corbctt C. C. Colt R. X. Stanfluld J. C. Alnsworth W. iP. Dickey E. W. Rumble North Port! id Oregon r. in jimjLAjLdjtauri CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMONDOREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., selling Dort, Cole, Reo and MarnrMMi Cars. Phone us for demonstration and terms Try us one and w will satisfy you F. G. CUTLiP & C. T. SHETTERLY, Props. City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 201 LIPPMAN & CO. Furniture and Undertaking The Only Licensed Undertaker in Prineville City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season i cent (Classified! Ad k vvnon i XX ff JiU & Pric of Ad Murf Abcopnr Cor VU Ad(Wr h. Mithlr Atw Addrm Uitan la TU JounuJ Prii.ili. rv ecHicm every WEEK Vim HALE FOR SALE B passenger automo blli! In good condition; fully . equipped, electric lights, starter, etc.; one-man top; run aiout 3000 utiles; will demonstrate. Address 0., Journal. 30t4c BUY, SELL, OR TJtADE Farms and city property, (Jive me full particulars and tell we what you have and what you want. T. J. M. RIkks, Bo 224, Prlnevllle, Oregon. 30tfc rOR SALE Alfalfa hay. C. Lind Hjlst, Powell Butte, Ore. 27tfc FOR SALE Corner lot on Main St. Size CCxlOO feet; splendid busi ness location. Box 523, Prlne vllle, Oregon 8tfc THOROUGHBRED Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs, 12.00 per setting. Blddydals Chicken Ranch, Mrs. Omar Wilson, prop., Prlnevllle, Oregon. 18tfc UWT AND FOUND LOST A small gold ring, initials B. P. S. June 16. Reward. Miss Ethel Phelps. ' 32lfc LOST Otie key ring, on Crooked ' River road between O'Nell and , the road camp. Return to Jour nal office and receive reward. 31tfc FOUND Nose glasses with gold chain, In front of Oregon Hotel, May 18. Owner may have same by paying for ad. 28tfc ! REWARDS REWARD A reward clTflOO will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation, lltllp DENTISTS HOWARD GOVE Dentist. County Bank Building. Crook A FINE DAIRY AND STOCK FARM 153 acres for $5500. 95 acres tillable, 42 acres under cul tivation and tiled. Soil finest of condition. Balance Is pasture and timber. Free outrange, good wa ter, ordinary buildings, small family orchard; fenced and cross fenced. 1 mile to grade school, 2V4 miles to Creswell, Oregon. Can have time on $2500 if want ed. This chance is going quick. T. J. M. Rlggs, Prlnevllle, Oregon. 33tf DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Building. PHYSICIANS FOR SALE At a bargain, 3 lots on 3rd Street, near High School. Must be sold. . R. care Journal. 33t4c FOB RENT FURNISHED HOUSE And apart ment to let. O. Springer, City. 16tfc FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Two blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. 19tfc WANTED WANTED Four three-year-old fil lies that will make from 1350 to 1500 mares. State price and de scription In first letter. Answer by letter only to C. K., Journal. r, - 33t3p HELP WANTED WANTED Competent cook. Phone Rural 66. 33tfc MEALS, HOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS Meals and service at the Lippincott restaurant. Meals and lunch at all hours. Two doors north of Ochoco bridge. G. W. Lippincott, Prop.. City. 19tfc FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS With bath, 2 blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. 16tfc CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. G. REMPEL Chiropractor, Rooms 4 and 6, Kamstra Bldg. STRAYED STRAY Sorrel mare, 3 years old, left eye out, 800 lbs., branded HL on left stifle, brought in to Hamilton Stables May 27. Owner may have same by paying for ad and teed. 30tfc BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prlnevllle, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic and Mental Healer. Office in old bank building near Ochoco bridge, Prlnevllle, Oregon. OPTICIANS DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this paper for dates. 25tf ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prineville, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office In Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. , ABSTRACTORS ..- . , CROOK COUNWTBlTTiACTCCv Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prlnevllle Oregon. $40 PER TON FOR GRAIN The Redmond Warehouse Com pany is offering $40 per ton for oats, barley and rye and Is in the market for all these grains they can get at the above figure. 23tfc MISCELLANEOUS HOLSTEIN BULL Ji'or Service. See P. B. Poindexter, City. 6tfc CEMENT SIDEWALKS Add more to the value of your property than they cost. See R. A. Clark for prices. sitfo MONEY TO LOAN MONE Y'o -LOAN On Improved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell, Crook County Bank Building, City. 5tfc $2500 To loan on Improved alfalfa farm near Prineville on Ochoco or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfc MONEY To loan on Improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfc Remember The Journal has the largest bona fide list of subscribers in central Oregon. Our Want Ads get results, lc a word each issue. I EAT ALL I WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! No More Gas on the Stomach or Sour Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Constipatlonl If you have sour sto- consti pation or gas on th inch try JUST ONE SPOONFl i ? Die buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-i-ka, the MOST POWER FUL bowel cleanser ever sold. The VERY FIRST dose shows re sults and a short treatment with Adler-i-ka will surprise you. It drains such astonishing amounts of old matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipa tion, sour stomach and gas almost INSTANTLY. A dose twice a week guards against appendicitis. . v PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. John J. Price Successor to H. R. Lskin Confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars Tobaccos Agent for The Oregonian 1 door north Lyric Prineville, Oregon The Journal $1.50 per year. You Carry the Only Key A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-Proof and Burglar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels Ask Us CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON Buy Now and Get Prompt Delivery of the world's cheapest priced automobile with electric lights and self-starter. Cannot promise delivery at a latter date, so buy now, the car with an overhead valve, plenty of power and easy riding. Price delivered at Prineville $645 A Family Car C. W. Wilson, Prineville, Oregon Phone Red, 561 MIKE TRAPMAN Home Buildet and Cabinet Maker All Cabinet Work Made in My Own Shop With Machinery Shop on East Sixth Street Prineville, Oregon HAMILTON STABLES And Prineville Livery and Feed Stables Under One Management Feed, Livery and Sales. Auto Service Wood, Baled and Loose Hay. Call or phone orders W. T. RAY, Proprietor The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice The Stock Raiser Who Uses Columbia Bacon, Hams and Lard Knows he is getting the VERY BEST be cause of the uniform high standard maintained in the SELECTION and CARE of live stock' Columbia Brand Products are Dependable Always U. S. Gov. Inspected UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON mi