CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 5 MANY ATTKND AVMWI, I'HMC row tkhtino ahhociatio.n NKW HXTUIKH INHTAIXKI) JUixh i, 1917 Ainlr at Hluyton Home (irown More Popular lUich eur A Iuikii crowd uf miopia from the I'rliiKvlllu I'roljytiTluii cliurrli, mid llii'lr frlmiilit mid n-liillvi-K, ntlondxd tli minimi picnic ut thu hoiii of E. T. Hluyton (uHt of tlio city, lust Tburmluy uriitruooii. Tliii Iium hmimiii vury pupulur fuuctlon, and grows inoro popular each yi'iir. TIih Kroumls urn Ih oiiU ful, and llio wrlconiu that those who mti'iid alwuya ri-lve li Rulfl i lent to liiHunt tholr ruturn. to Dm I CAM. Vim WAKKANTH All r'KlNi'ti'd K''i'ral fund war ruul up to and InrludliiK rK Irttrtul n u hi In' r 5012 will Ixi mlil upon pro wmtatloti at till olllcfl. lntori'Nt on kauia atopa on thin iluto. It, I.. JOKDAN, ' County TroHHurer Prluuvllln, Oregon, Junu 21, 1 1 1 7. J KI.IST IN TIIK AHMY of Jour iiul road'TH. Do It toiUy! Hlaiilnic Sow Year in AukuhI O, .M. Alfainl'r In w TWT 0. M. Alexander wu In thu city ynad-rduy cviiiiIiik on dutl'-a in i:on nncllon with hl work ai oHlclal tenter for the Cow Tenting Aio:ln tlon of Crook and Demhutei coun ties. Thfl object of ths tenter l to find Juitt how Rood euch animal U, and to ollmlnato the "boarderi" or the cow that are not paying, and to how the valu of different kind of food Htuff. for the dulry herd. The HBHoclutloii I now tenting about 300 cow, and will have a much larger number at the begin ning; of the now year, which will bej In AuKUNt. Anyonti owning a dulry herd will advance hi IntercHt decidedly by getting In communication with Mr. Alexunder at Hedmond und afrang Ing for hi crvlcc. MP Plouno umntloL The Crook Count Journul when writing to advortler Modern Hull, Hat and Khlrt Cane J In Klklim' Department HI ore Three elaborate new fixture were j liiNtulled In the C. W. Klkln do- ! partment (tore on Tuenday. They are of the luteal dealgn for dlnplay of nulla, Khlrt and hut, and will be a great annlntanve In that depart ment. I WATCH TIIK HVAt CHOHH CMX'K I .urge liul Telia of I'rogreiut of I'll; Drive Iteri ('rim r'lagn My The Filliohs at Chautauqua Musical Artists Give Two Splendid Programs '''aiiaiiiMMi THE PILLION CONCERT PARTY. A large 'dial, on the flag Htaff on Third and Muln, tell the progress 1 of the Ked Croa drive In the county j a fust an the report come In. I The hand Indicute the total j amount reported and the commit tee expect to ee It pans the $5000 mark long before Suturday evening. A Ked Cronn (lag file juiit be neath the atari and trlpe on Oil ataff alao. It, with a number of other that are uaed on car which have been donated for the work, was made and donated by Mr. Nicolal, Mr. Pollard and other lad le who are doing all they can to aaalHt In thl great work. Ml! CTAYIHXHi AM) Kl'HTON CHONKN Annual Hcliool Klcct Ion Very Quiet Occaxlon In I'rinevllle The annual ichool meeting and election wa held lu thl city Mon day afternoon. O. C. Claypool was elected to suc ceed C. W. foster a a member of the board of director, and Geo. F. EuHton wa elected clerk to succeed I). H. People. Doth theae men are citizen of the highest qualification and will be good official. The election wa very quiet .there being no contest for the office. I'NIOX MKAT CO. AHSIHTIXG IimureK KniplojcH Old John If They Help Hurvewt TIIK Kllllon Concert Party, the fa liiniiH '.MiibIc of Ihc .Master" Concert Company, Ik the red let ter event lu rlmiiliiuqiin mimical cir cle for KMImiiii-While 11117 Annrmbllp. Ferdinand FIllU'U. ui'U'd Kremb vlrm. oao uf both violin and plane; Pern (inltru. Mopruno of Chicago Orand Oji era Company, and Kdna Mcl'm licin uf I lie Moscow iliiiMNlai Conservatory of MiihIc, accoiiipiiulst. are the arllxl. The Union Meat Company of Portland ha just lasued a bulletin to its employees which contains a fund of good timely suggestions of food conservation and other meth od of cooperation. Among other things they state that all who wish to assist the farmers with their harvest will have their old jobs waiting on their re turn. '- Order ait Once We have a carload of Maxwell Cars which arrived here today and those contemplating the purchase of a car should place their order early as they will go quickly Touring Car $665 Roadster $650 F. O. B. Detroit E. H. BRENT, PRINEVILLE, OREGON Maxwell distributor for Crook, Wheeler and Grant Counties PICNIC CROWD LIGHT Thime In Attendance Report an Ex cellent Time The picnic held at McKay grove last Saturday was attended by a small crowd for the reason that many of the people were unusually busy. Those who were present report i very pleasant time. MY DKAR FRIEXDH I wish to thank each and every i one of yvu for being so kind and generous with your voting in the ; ring contest. It is utterly Impossi ble to expresB my appreciation. i 32tlc WAY BARNEY j POST ITEMS i (By Our Regular correspondent)) Sheriff Knox was out to. his ranch the first of the week. Robert Libbey has completed J. R. Post' ditch, which will Irrigate about ninety acres of land. Mr. Robert Raymor 1's mother is visiting her this week, from Athena, Oregon. Stewart Glttlngs is sick with spot ted fever. Chas. Shepherd and family visit ed at Mr. Welborn's Sunday. Miss Mary Hansen has been em ployed to teach the school for a term of nine months, beginning on September 4th. Mrs. Ben Hiney's grandfather from Kansas visited them Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, E. E. Gunter and family autoed to Prineville Tuesday. J. V. Kuhn passed through here Sunday with a Moline tractor pur chased from the Redmond Lumber and Produce Co. There is going to be a 4th of July picnic at the Willie Carey ranch. the W. H- Post was down from homestead Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wiley vis ited at the Hayes ranch the first ot the week. They are planning ft two months' trip in the car and will visit the Willamette Valley end other points. ( C. L. Ream, Arch Ream and Joe Gibson were fishing on the Metoliu last week and report a good catch. Mrs. Nora Smead visited Mrs.Me Lean Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gray spent Sunday with W. H. Brummer. Dr. Belknap was called to Bonny view Monday to attend Mrs. Robert Raymond who was very sick, but I much Improved now. Mrs. R. R. Price and Sylvia Miller spent the week-end with their sis ter, Mrs. Stanton, on Mill Creek. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'A. Abbott, of Canant Basin, and Mr. and Mrs. Polk and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Demaris, Sunday. 1 Men's Department Men's Fine Clothing If you would ask, for a good suit of clothes for $ 1 0.00 we would endeavor to fix you out. We can show you some very snappy suits for $15.00, $17.50 up to $25.00. Men ask to see these up-to-the-minute $20.00 suits. All the style and appearance of the $25.00 gar ments. The very latest, nobby styles A Good Hat for $2.50 is hard to find but we have them, dozens and dozens, from factory in good roomy shapes with i the smart mili- d0 tarybrim. Try one. just PiJl Men's Dress Shoes in rubber sole and neat pointed last. Early purchases make these prices possible. Try a pair Only $5.00 up. Get Ready for Chamtauquia Week!! Hundreds of people will be here to spend the week and enjoy the six days of entertainment and instruction. Part of your pleasure will be in having suitable wearing apparel comfortable footwear, and nowhere in this country are such elaborate preparations being made, such com plete selections of the proper things to wear as here. Make your business headquarters at our store where you will be treated with courtesy. It is Strawberry Time In Our Grocery Store Our Shoe Store Has the best in ladies' shoes in Central Oregon. Recent arrivals of the leading styles has placed us in the best of condition to meet your needs and requirements. Our new arrivals show several cloth tops with patent or kid vamps, very fetching and attract ive patterns. Brown kids in high heels are as attractive as ever and are reasonable in price. We are showing several important new arrivals in white kids that are very pleasing. Excellent foot form shoes for little children at very reasonable prices. See them. What areKeds? Keds are rubber soled shoes and can be had in different grades and prices according to quality. The uppers are either coarse or fine white duck. Keds wear excel lently and have been but little effeeted by the general advance of materials. Children's sizes from 5 to 10J, misses' II to 2, ladies 2i to 7. We have Keds in all sizes and in several grades. Child's Sister Sue Keds 90c Misses' sizes $1.10 Ladies' best Keds in pump style low heel, either wide or pointed toe ,..-$2.25 Ladies fancy opera heel Keds . $2.75 Ladies' low or high heel "7T Ked shoes i ). U We have some very fine dressy shoes in white canvas, both in rubber and leather soles CO OT at special during June yL.LJ Men's pneumatic heel, white canvas lace shoe, some- flQ (f thing neat, comfortable lJO.UU The Very Best Shoe for Boys is the little Scout Shoe, made of soft, pliable leather with extra quality viscolized sole. Size 9 to 13 1-2.. .$1.95 Size I to 2 $2.25 Size 2 to 5 $2.50 Men's sizes only $2.75 Irrigator Lace Boot Makes Irrigation a Pleasure Constructed of the best rubber fabric, laces to the knee, enables the leg and not the instep to carry the entire weight. A de cided improvement over the heavy rubber boot Price $5.00 Special during June only $4.50 Place Your Orders Early For Your Strawberries COLUNS The season will be short, berries will not be plentiful and cheap as they were last year. We will have both Hood River and Valley berries at reasonable prices. Let us know how many crates you will want and we will arrange for delivery at the most favorable prices. Make arrangements now Big Stock of Fruit Jars, Lids and Preserving Kettles The Royal Worcester Corsets ,$83 In high, medium and low bust. These are strong, practical garments that hold the shape as it should be held. Get a corset to fit you as you would a shoe and you will have comfort and be satisfied with your appearance. This the Worcester does. The Wonderful ' it BonTbn VCORSETS For the stout woman, for the dressy wo man who is not afraid to pay a little more for the best that can be had. Excellent and pleasing results can be tiA f( had with Bon Tons at $3.50 pfrUU I nrliAC ou snou seethe summer dress goods we are selling J-OUlCb for 1 2 J .2c, 1 5c, 20c and 27 1 -2c. Every piece of sum mer dress goods now on sale at big reduction in price. It will pay you to buy liberally at these prices on these goods. Big opportunity. c