JUNE 21, 1917 V40 O The City Frank Foster was lu Prineville Monday. Miss Maggie Glare left Sunday tor Fortland. Mrs, R. L. Jordan returned Fri day from Portland. Kay Putnam returned from Port land Friday evening. John Hays, of Silver Lake, was in Prlnevllle Saturday. R. L. Jordan fs at Goliiendale. Washington, this week. Mrs. Carl Fischer, of Roberta, Is In the city for a few days. Wni. Ledford and family were In the city from Post, Saturday. Alex Ammons was In the city Monday afternoon from Held. Vernon Bell, of Redmond, was a visitor in the city over Sunday. Mrs. John R. Luckey returned Sunday from a trip to Portland. Chas. Congleton of the Forest Service was in Prineville, Monday. Miss Dorthea Nash left Sunday tor her home at Nashville, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Reynolds re turned from Portland Sunday even ing. F. C. Logan and Viola M. Smith, of Barnes, were married in Bend on June 11. S. S. Brown and son and W. D. Boyce, of Culver, were in the city Saturday. Mrs. E. H. Conser returned from Portland Saturday after an absence ot several weeks. , Helen Summers arrived Sunday from Portland. She will spend the summer in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer Logan, of Barnes, were In the city Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Hazel Sullivan returned Sat urday from Portland where she has been visiting her mother. R. G. Smith left Monday for Gate way where he will paint, and paper the residence of Robert Cram. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Mrs. Elva Allen spent Sunday and Monday in Bend visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Peoples, and Misses Irene Barnes, Leola Estes and Nora Stearns spent Sunday at Suttle Lake. Mrs. Floyd Houston and daughter returned Saturday from Portland where they have been for the past two weeks. E. C. Faught was in the city Sat urday from Roberts. He was ac companied on his return by his daughter, Grace, who has been vis iting relatives here. Andrew Morrow, Howard Turner and other prominent business men ot Madras have incorporated the First National Bank of that place, and have been granted a charter by the treasury department. Miss Vivian Hinkle returned Fri day evening from Salem where she had been visiting her brother, Sichel Hinkle. She stopped in Port land on her way home to take in the sights at the Rose Festival. J. F. Healey was In Prineville Saturday. J. F. Blanohard has moved to his ranch near Culver for the summer. Mrs. Nick Rachor and Mrs. H. H. Rachor visited Mrs. B. F. Wilhoit last week. L. M. Beohtell and G. N. Clifton were on Ochoco a few days last week fishing. There will be services at the Catholic Church in this city next Sunday at 10 a. m. Mrs. Lester Hall arrived in Prine ville from her home at Hampton Buttes on Monday, Business Men's luncheon tomor row at Hotel Prineville. All are invited to be present. Rev. F. C. Laslette will preach at the I'pper McKay school house, Sun day, June 24, at 2:30 V- m. Mrs. H. H. Rachor and children are visiting at Powell Butte with Mrs. Nick Rachor this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Powell and son Lloyd and wife returned from Portland and other points Monday. Dr. I. H. Gove bought a Ford last week and Saturday afternoon left for Fossil where his family has been visiting for a few weeks. Ralnh Christian passed success fully the naval examinations recent ly in Portland. He lives in Prine ville and is home now but if called (Will go. Myrtle Lister gave a farewell slumber party for Marjorie Wilson Monday night at the Lister home. A tew of the most intimate friends were invited. The Baptist Bible School classes of Mrs. William Ayres and Mrs. H. D. Still held a Joint picnic at the Jacobs farm last Monday and report a delightful day. " C. W. Goodnight and Hattie Wil son were married in The Dalles yesterday afternoon. The bride was a resident of Louisville, Ky. They will make their home in Prineville. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jones, of Portland, have been Prineville vis itors recently. Dr. Jones returned to Portland Sunday but Mrs. Jones will remain in our city for some time. Sunday evening Rev. E. T. Reid will take his congregation to the Christian Church and hold a union service with the people of that church. Rev. Reid will speak on "Human Nature and Its Possibili ties" and all are invited to attend. A rabid house cat was killed by Hub Kinder at the Kinder home in North Prineville, Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock. It showed every symptom of the disease, Mr. Kinde, says, and was dispatched with a rifle. He thinks that no damage was done to other animals in the community. , At the Methodist Church Sun day, June 24: Morning, reception of members in preparatory class into full membership with a short ser mon to children. Evening, the pas tor will preach at the Christian Church and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock at Grimes' Chapel. Other services as usual. Everybody is in vited. E. T. Reid, pastor. Colorado's Fighting Governor Hon. George A. Carlson to Be Heard at the Chautauqua . ffn'l ! - "HnnMUfiimnMrnr fm Mini it ill 111 i"'W' i HON. GEORGE A. CARLSON, the fighting Governor of Colorado, is coming to Chautauqua to de liver his stirring address, "The Price of Progress." Judge Ben B. Lindsay of Denver, with whom the Governor co-operated in securing the wisest lej: Islation ever secured in the state, says of Carlson: "He is a broad, courageous champion of good government. He has had a most novel, dramatic and Intensely in teresting experience as District Attor ney and Governor of a great western state. He hns a big vital message that conies from his broad and abundant experience with men and measures. I ((insider C'hantnuquas fortunate In se curing his services," Z. M Brown was lu Prineville the first of the week. Sam Ferguson arrived from Junc tion City on Tuesday. Mrs. A. L. Macintosh, of Bond, was In Prineville on Momluy. Mrs. J. W. Smith returned from Colville, Wash., on Monday. Vorn Merchant and wife, of Cul ver, were In the city Tuesday. Mrs. I). F. Stewart has returned from a trip to Cioldomlule, Vnnli. Mrs. K. A. Davenport went to Portland last week on a short visit. Miss Maud Bllyeu is visiting at the S. S. Steams ranch near La Pine. Leland Belknap arrived Sunday from Portland for the summer va cation. Mr. and "Mrs. Joel Newton, of Roberts, were In the city on busi ness Tuesday. Several auto loads ot fans wit nessed the ball game at Bend Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Roy Price, of Post, ami Miss Silvia Miller were lu the city the first of the week. "Mrs. Norris Morgan left Sunday for Portland and Seattle where she will visit friends. W. I. Dishman and family have moved to their ranch on Ochoco to spend the summer. Miss Genevieve Smith arrived from Portland recently and will spend her vacation in this city. F. P. Luce and Lena Cox were married in this city on June 13, Rev. W. L. Vau Nuys. officiating. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Biggs and Mrs. W. I. Dishman returned Mon day from an auto trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ban Puett and Mabel Bixby, of Paulina, passed through Prineville yesterday on their way to Portland. L. Conncl, of Meadow, returned the first of the week from a trip to North Yakima and other points in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chrlstenson returned Friday evening from Mos cow, Idaho, where they had been visiting relatives. The Ladies Annex library will be closed July 1 until September 1. All books must be returned by the last Tuesday In June. James A. MofTitt was in Prineville on business Monday. He left the following day for LaPine where he will Bummer his sheep. R. G. Smith, C. M. Stroud and Paul Smith returned Sunday from G. W. Russell's ranch where they have been for the past week paint- j ing buildings. j J. Alton Thompson, W. D. Barnes, A. L. Macintosh. L. E. Smith, H. H. j DeArmond and other officials of Deschutes County were in the city on, business Monday. Presbyterian Church Sunday, June 24th. The hour for Bible study, 10 to 11 a. m., will be given to special Children's Day exercises. At 11 special service for the chil dren will be held with a suitable sermon by the pastor. Young Peo ple's meeting at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8. Ralph Christian, Bub Barnes, Roy Mattson and Homer Allison, who re cently enlisted in the army and were allowed to return to this city be cause of congested quarters , have been called for service, two of their i number left yesterday for Portland, the others going today. Orville Dil lon enlisted yesterday alBO and left last night for Portland. First Baptist Church Sunday, T n , . II. - TIIUI- o..l 1 a ! June 4? ; iuurcit ruum ocuuui av 10. Glad to see new faces. Young People's Rally 6:45, subject: "The Bible and the People". Come. Preaching at 11, theme: "If" or "The Eloquent Sllonce of JesuB". At 7:45 service of song; at 8 preach ing, subject, "The Oldest Love Story". Glad to see such fine au diences last Sunday. Come again F. C. Laslette, pastor. Another carload of UECK Is due to arrive this week, two of which are already spoken for We rrgirt that it will be impossible to fill any orders Lr Fords before July I. If you want a Ford please drop in and sign an order, as deliveries are made on signed orders only. We nave in stock the following trucks and touring cars for immediate delivery One 1 -ton Republic Truck One 3-quarter-ton Republic Truck One Dodge Touring Car One used D45 Buick at a Bargain One Buick Bug INLAND AUTO COMPANY, PRINEVILLE, ORE. Joe Howard was In Prineville from Lower Bridge yesterday. j R. L. Schee Is attending the dairy men's picnic at Lower Bridge today. Robert Lister and Clarence Blxby of Paulina were In the city yester day. Mrs. Ida Duncan, of Silver Lake, Is her visiting her mother, Mrs. Draper. Tom Kltchlng arrived yesterday from his home In southern Califor nia on business. Miss Alman Green arrived today from Mt. Angel academy where she has been attending school. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY POWELL BUTTE DANCE At the Community Hall on Tuesday, June 26. Good music, and light refreshment!. Everyone Invited. 32tlc ON JUNE 26 There will bo a dance at the Powell Butte Com munity Hall to which everyone Is invited. Refreshments will bn served by the ludies. Good music. S2tlc TYPEWRITER Smith-Premier In first class condition with steel case for sale for 25. G-Journal . office. I 1. M Ul . LEATHER COUNTER POCKETS SOLE LEATHER COUNTERS FULLWmPS J S0LI0 LEATHER HEELS SOLID LEATHER SOLES & INSOLES, Shoes of Quality at a Reasonable Price J. E. STEWART & COMPANY S.' Dr. Turner, the well known CS" eye specialist of Portland, will be at Prineville Hotel again Thursday and Friday, July 5-6. Dr. Turner is a specialist of experience and standing and you will make no mistake in consulting him about your eyes and glaBses. Headaches relieved, cross eyes straightened, satisfaction guaranteed. Don't fail to call and see the new double vision glass without lines or seams to catch dust, strain the eyes, or come apart. One light solid piece of glass that looks like a single pair, yet answers the purpose of two, en abling you to read or do close work and see distant objects perfectly. They make you see like you did when you were young, both distant and near vision at once. Dr. Turn er makes no charge for consultation or examination. Consult him. Don't forget the date. 32tfc Metal Wheel Farm This is a Good Substantial Truck of the Regular Wagon Pattern It has 28 and 34-inch steel wheels, with 4-inch grooved tire, oval stag gered spokes, 3Jxl 0-inch skeins, hickory axles, hard wood gear parts, regular mortised bolster stakes, ironed and ringed, circular angle iron front hound and regular wagon bolster plate. It is nicely painted and finished and has a capacity of 4000 pounds. Prices on application Trucks GROCERIES We have the pleasure of announc ing that we have a large stock of fresh groceries, a portion of which was bought considerably under the market and which we are selling under the market today. To our sat isfaction we have stopped thousands of dollars from going to the Portland mail order houses during the past two years and the only business we have not stopped is the business that was not presented to us for quotations. We invite the public to price their own orders from any Portland cata log of most recent issue and mail or deliver to us and we will fill the orders with freight charges added. O. C. CLAYP00L & CO.