Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
MAY 24, 1917
Ranger Anderson went to Oohooo
Ranger Station last Saturday on
business connected with the Korottt
(By Our Regular Correspondent)
School Uosed With Entertainment
anil Teacher Retained for Xet
Year at Grixxly
(Special to the Journal)
People are busy these days put
ting In grain. It is rather late, but
better late than never.
Ralph Elder, who worked in the
Forest Service here last year has
returned from an all winter trip to
Kansas and California and will be
in the service again this summer.
Mrs. Disbro had the misfortune
to have her saddle horse get away
a few days ago, but the animal was
caught and returned by Fred Mer
ritt. Jim Anderson went to Mitchell
last week, returning Wednesday.
He reports the road clear of snow.
L. G. Parmin and Bouz Winebarg
er were Summit Prairie visitors
last week.
Fred Merritt brought a bunch of
horses in from the Cram place last
Miss Grabhorn closed very suc
cessful term of school here Friday
evening. On Saturday, May 12th,
assisted by her pupils a very Inter
esting program was given at the
close of which a basket supper was
enjoyed by all. Excellent music
was rendered by F. M. Simpson and
daughter. A good time was enjoy
ed by all until about midnight when
the people bade each other good
night and departed for their homes.
Miss Grabhorn has signed a contract
to teach the school here next year.
She left for her home at Ueavertou,
Ore., Friday evening.
Miss Bonita Simpson took the 8th
grade examination Thursday and
N. E. Newbill expects to leave for
Portland Sunday to enlist In the V.
S. cavalry.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Montgomery
and son, and Mr. Bazelle who have
been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton, returned
to Bend Sunday.
Smith Bros, are helping K. W.
Bland put in his crops.
Miss Manila Dee came out from
Prineville the last of the week to
visit her parents and take in the
program and basket supper.
Rainy weather has again delayed
farming operations for a few days.
Capt. Healy and wife, of Culver,
spent Saturday and Sunday visiting
at the home of F. M. Simpson.
(By Our Regular Correspondent)
why not
bTO your clothes
They don't cost you
any more when you
consider the materials
trimmings, style and
workmanship. All my
Suits are Made in
My Own Shop
made up to any style
you want in the latest
Spring and Summer
J. A. GILLIS, Tailor
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wiley returned
to their home in Prineville Sun lay.
Mrs. J. A. Gibson and sons, Ralph
and Ernest have moved back to
their ranch. The boys have been
attending high school..
Raymond Smith and Miss Hansen
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Dunham. Sunday.
Orval Hayes is home from high
Mrs. Geo. Wiley and Mrs. Gunn
called on Mrs. Wm. Stuead Monday.
C. L. Ream and Dan went to Red
mond Monday.
Mrs. C. 0. Stover is visiting rela
tives in Prineville this week.
Mrs. Polk spent several days In
Prineville last week with Mrs. Rob
ert Demaris.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Abbott are
home .again after spending the win
ter at the Victor Shaw ranch.
Wade Huston is surveying in this
neighborhood this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gunter and Mrs.
Roy Gray visited at M. F. Taylor's
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Newsom Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Groff, Mr. and Mrs.
Norton and D. W. Knox went fish
ing on the Deschutes, Sunday.
Mrs. Hayes is improving and ex
pects to come home soon.
Grant Allen and Miss Burkholder
spent Saturday with Miss Ethel
Four Deliveries Daily From
This Store, the People's Store
Use the Phone 351
Wesson Oil, per can 4 flO
$1.50, 80c and 4Ul
Cocoa, H. & G. brand, 8oz
can 25c, 1 6 ounce JjQjJ
Diamond W Spaghetti,
Vermicelli, ana
Sago and Double 10n
quick Tapioca, I lb 1 L2j
Mail or Phone Orders Promptly Attended to
' Sw prineville. Oregon rf&r
Mrs. Booton was a Prineville vis
itor the first of the week.
James Newsom Is visiting his
uncle S. J. Newsom Jr.
Joe Post and wife visited at Nor
ton's Monday night.
(By Our Regular Correspondent)
Harvey Payne took a load of
grain to town Friday.
Jess Yancey took some of his rat
tle to pasture Tuesday.
Belle Cowlcs spent a few days
lust week in Prineville at tho Dish
man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Price went
to Bend Saturday.
Jim Gilchrist went to the city
Mr. Baldwin moved his cattle
from the Crain ranch Sunday, where
they have been fed.
Mr. Burmelster and Mr. Haines
went after wood Wednesday.
Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Lawson
went to town Friday. ,
nal readers. Do It today!
Continued from page 1
approximately the sum of 1409,000
and they shall take the bonds of tho
district at par for said construction,
putting up a satisfactory surety
bond In the full amount of the con
tract price to guarantee the comple
tion of the work according to speci
fication. The bond shall be filed
upon delivery to them of the bonds
and work shall begin within IS days
thereafter and shull be completed by
March 1st, 1919. The canal will be
built during the fall of 1917 so thut
the Hood water from the Ochoco can
he used for Irrigation during 1918.
The contract docs not become ef
fective however unless the district is
able to dispose of the balance of lis
bonds consisting of about 1500,000.
The district reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids made for Its
bonds and if they do reject the bids
or if they fall to find a purchaser
then the contract becomes null and
The Interests of this district are
thus fully protected, for the district
first hus to approve the contractor
and thereafter the bond furnished
by him and then can reject tho
offer made for lit bonds If It re
ceives one, so that If conditions
clinnge between now and the time
the honda are offered for sale, It can
take such action as the occasion
warrants and thus dm lure the con
tract null and void. -
Mr. Ralph Sueelock, representing
tho firm of Clark Kendall k Co.. ex
pressed himself at being very confi
dent of hla ability both to find a
good responsible contractor who
would take over the. work of con
struction and to secure the coopera
tion of four or five other bond
houses who would subscribe for the
bond Issue, I'nder his plan he pro
poses to give the contractor one hulf
the roust ruction price In rash and
the balance In bonds and this would
niuke It necessary j to tell about
$700,000.00 of the' bonds and he
believes that he ran within the next
thirty duys get Ave or possibly six
bond houses to go In together and
finance the bond Issue,
Owing to the present condition or
the market. It would be absolutely
Impossible to get one firm to buy
the full amount of the bond Issue
and It is believed the plan proposed
It tho only one that will result In
the tain of the bonds at long at tht
war lastt.
Mother's Troubles
Mother's unending work and
devotion drains and strains her
physical strength and leaves
its mark in dimmed eyes and
careworn expressions sho
ages before her time.
Any mother who is weary
and languid should start taking
as a strengthening food and bracing
tonic to add richness to her blood
and build up her nerves before it
is too late. Start SCOTTS
today its fame is world-wide. '
No Alcohol.
Droit ft Knwn lll.-ml.rl.l N I. UV4 '
Oranges per dozen 20c, 35c, 50c
Poultry Supplies
Oyster Shell Clam Shell
Beef Scraps Chick Food
Oil Meal Calf Meal
Scratch Food Chick Starter
Our Prices are Stricly Right
For June
are hers Call and get a faihion plate, free
The Designer
Style ar5 reproduced by
Standard Patterns
Standard Quarterly
For Each Season
Just received another shipment f the newest styhs in
Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists, one of a kind
Priced at $4.50 to $8.50
1054- ijKJ 1033 1039
Also New Waists of Wash Taffeta
Wide Sport Stripes of
fancy patterns, priced $3.50 to
Women's House Dresses
Very neatly made of percales
and ginghams of new 00 AT
patterns. Price $1.25 to (JZ.ZO
Bungalow Aprons
Made of real Amoskeag (P Art
ginghams, fast colors OI.UU
The Peggy Stewart
Middy Blouse
Wide sport stripes and 0 1 TA
plain colors. $1.25 and tPl.OU
Our Ready-to-Wear Department is Now Very Complete
Including misse's and girl's wash dresses, also boy's wash suits. These are correctly
priced from 75c to $1.00 cheaper than you can buy the materials and make them
Another Shipment
of Men's Ties
Wide flowing ends, wide
stripes and solid colors.
Not 75c, but
Brandegec-Kincaid Clothes
New Spring Hats
For Men
In the latest shnpr-3 and
shades. Same old qual
ity, haven't been cheap
ened in workmanship.
Take one of these (JQ AA
at this price 00.UU
Also other hats in cloth
and fancy styles at. $2.25
Wash Ties
Pretty assortment, and neat
and attractive styles
Spring Suits for Men Awaiting Inspection
Only one of a kind except blue serges $15.00, $20.00, $22.50, $25.00
25c and 35c Learn to read this sign, it is our BOND
Suit Cases and
Trunks priced
Very Low now
ki?ri neville. Oregon
35c, 50c, 65c