Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 24, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    MAY 24, 1917
.Tins City
It. 8. Dixon hin ft Hi' BlucU'lmknr
It. L, Hrlii'H rturni'i yi'tTiiiy
from 1'ot t In n , i
Jllllli'H llmilrllo, (i I'lmt, wan III
tli rlty ynHti'iiluy.
J. II. 1'pti'n In ii hiiHiiM'MH visitor
lu Thti I ullM tinluy,
It. A. JiiIiiimoii wuh In tlin cltv
Tui'xiluy friiin llclil.
N. (I. Wullui'H liiuili) a IiiihIiiciih
trl to Tumulo TiH'Mduy.
J. ('. Akin, of Hold, win ft'liunl
iii'Kx vlMltnr In tlin rlty Tuwluy.
Junius NiiwNoin Jr. In vlail'M ul
H. J. Niiwhdiii'i ranch nur Pout.
Niw cimii'iit MlilcwulkM arn blni
cunntrui'tiMl on Hi I'rlncvlild J.aun
Ury rnriirir by It. A. ('lurk thin wei k
B. 8. Hti'uriiN mill fumily hiivn
moviiU (ii ilmlr rum h fur lliu i.uiu
J. T. iliirily, BKi'iit fur tha Ori'Kon
JuiIk" Duffy loft the drill of tho
woiik fur MIiiiihmoO whnr h wan
rallml by tlio t-rltlral lllnvas of a
A. P. Jiiim'i rix'ontly bought a
14(10 ir ranch from B. P. Allen
flvft inllim inn Hi of thli city, tin)
coimlcloratlon bnltiK $16,000.00.
Dr. II. I'. ilnlkimp wuh chII'm! to
Willow flp-i-k about 6 o'elork limt
nlKht to attiiud tlin nliiu-yfur-old
dauKltr of Mr. and Mn. Hoy Johmi'
lyn. A lurxo barn door fel on the
child and brokn Imr leu.
Shot put Johnaon,
Coynnr, Hond; UnU-r, I'rliinvllln. -
Mllo run John (ton, Hcdmond;
fturncy, Prliifvllln.
IllKh Jump Tuck, Kinlmond;
Mlchid, Prlnnvllle; Norcott, Hond.'
220 yard iiinh Tuck, Kndmotid;
.'lurk, Prlnuvllli!; Coynor, Ilond.
Wan lilt Ii)' 'Autu Truck Moiuluy
Trunk H. It. wiih In I tut city yHli-r-j
Frank Cm wm painfully Injured
Moiuluy evHiiliiK about durk when a
heavy motor truck drlvon by.Wultor
McKarliiud run.ovor him In the road
near thfl Cox hom on Croknd lllvor.
AUIioukIi rciidiri-d uncomcloua
for hcvituI bourn, bo l rapidly Ini
provlnx and will no doubt noon bo
ablii to bo about.
HOY WANTKDTo milk two row.!
uiKht and mornliiK. Mm. J. I). j
Pickett. 2Stfc
STHAVKD-Old buy murn, brand
on r I k Ii I KliouMer, aupponnd to In
veil II. P.; bay flllcy two yearn
old, ntrlpn in fiicn, brunded luzy
Y four on rlalit nlllle, acur on
right hip. Howard for recovery.
J. H. Pont, Pont, Ore. 28-2p-tf
ON SATUIl DAY June 2nd, we will
oil for canh only, 5 lb Home
Kendnrnd Lard for $1.00; JO lb
Home Hondnred l.ard for $2.00.
Prlnnvllle Mont Market. 28tlc
Departniont f tha Interior, U. 8. Lund
Ofllia ml Tha Dallas, Orii.m.
My mth, mn.
Nolle ll hrri'hy ilvm that
of Pry l.a!u, Orncun, win,, on Nuvrmlwr IWU, mini llwnlnil Knlrr. No.
UlllW.n. for H'v NWl-,. N', HW',, Hrt. 4;
K', HK',, KWi,, HK,,, Ki fi; NW, NK',,,
Hrrtiun H, Town.hii, 2U-Houth, lUnKe 21-Kaat,
Willamrlla Mrrlillan. hu nitd nolle uf In
trntton to mak final lhrv yrar uruof, to
MUbllih claim to In Inrtd ahov dftrlbl,
bfur Charlr A. Hhvrman, U. H. Commw
lonvr. Ml Klf. Uroicon, on U tflh day of
July, inn.
Claimant namaa an witniMt K. Khoda. UU HranMt, John
Wllaon. John K. MonWr, all of Dry Lake,
MUSIC LK8HON8 Clana continued
during the nu minor monthi. Spe
cial lntruvtion given to nmall
children. Kdna Kntea-Hobba,
Teacher of pluno. . 28t2p
Continued from page 1
vllle; Van Allen, Redmond; Mor
dorf, Bend,
Dlacua Bronnan, Prlnevllle;
Johnson, Redmond; Bronterhoui,
Business Buildings. Residences and all Classes of
Construction. Quality of Work Absolutely the Best
Javelin throw Tuck,
Hmltli, Ilond. '
nlay race Won by Prlueville.
Fifty yard duah Keller, Anh
wood; Knnney, Culver; Witchcraft,
Hod mond.
Klfty yard danh (MldKeU)
Clark, Prlnevllle; Illalr, Hedmond;
Mcliuln, Culver.
Hundred yard dunh (Midget) j
Poindexter, Prlnevllle; liluir, Ked-i
mond; Mcliuln, Culver. 1
Hundred yard danh over 100 !
pbundn) Keller, Anhwood; Melnter, i
Kedmond; Clark, I'rlnevllle.
The following were the results of ,
the Krade declamation content:
Primary Lenter Davenport,
Prlnevllle; Mary Uennett, Bend; i
Lawrence Lunilmuuli, Culver. !
Intermediate Alice Powell, j
Ileud; Orvllle Bradley, Redmond;
Gladys Hooifll, Culver. I
Orummar Hazel WriKht, Red-1
mond; Willis Boegll, Culver; I.era
Muddox, Prlnevllle.
Results in ntenography, typewrit
ing and declamation were as follows,
contestants being rated In the order!
named: '
Hteiiogrupliy '
Klrst year typewriting Cora i
Dick, Bend, 49.0; Van Allen, Red-;
mond, 45. C; MIhs Bu'n&ett, Prlne-j
vllle, 37.6. j
Second year typewriting Alma
Llppman, Prlnevllle, 65.6; Mls
Riggs, Redmond, 48; Mildred Dish- j
man, Prlnevllle, 44.6. j
First year stenography Cora j
Dick, Bend, 73 2-3 on 75 word ma-i
terlai; Amy Ingemann, Bend, 72 ;
words on 75 word material; Van
Allen, Redmond, 43 words on 65
word material. , j
Second year stenography Miss
Riggs, Redmond, 89 words on 100
word maturlal; Alma Llppman,
Prlnevllle, 87 10-19 on 90 word nia-j
terlai. I
Declamation ,
Oratorical division Luckey Bon-;
ney, Prlnevllle; Ruth Kaesemeyer, I
Redmond; Stunley Bond, Bend. i
Dramatic division Joyce Wood, !
Redmond; Estelle Conway, Prlne
vllle; Rydal King. Culver.
Humorous division Margaret
Thompson, Bend; Caroline Thron
im, Prlnevllle; Grace King, Madras.
I; litMl 112111
i fW .1
The Nation Needs Your Help
The Moline Universal Tractor
Will lessen the labor of production
Does not consume food needed by our
government It requires from twenty
to thirty acres of your land to support
Moline Universal Tractor
Buy Now
Another Chance to Swat High Cost of Living
A Very Special Offering
of Trimmed Hats
Regular $6.50 to $12.00 hats dc or
duringthe month for only yO.awD
Any of our $4.00 to $6.00 styles and
there is a nice lot of them, d0 QC
your choice at special price.. P0a0
Ladies' Footwear Special
For this Month Only
All our ten dollar to twelve dollar Hi
Tops dress boots at ten per cent off. Save
a dollar or more on your good shoes in
cludes white, gray, ivory and combina
tions in our best lines.
Our $2.50 Good Hat
Frf Mon Possible only be-
i or men cause we save $3.00
per dozen by buying from the factory.
Generous, big and good shapes, latest
models in black, dark gray, brown and
dark green. Save money buying our
1 en 1 .1 i.i .1 .
nat tne oesc buy mis
Women's Neckwear
Beautiful collars in lace trimmed silk
that wear well and fit to perfection
One - Fourth Off
Shoes for the "Kids"
MOTHERS, we are selling children's,
misses' and boy's shoes at last
year's prices; sizes are getting broken and
we advise you to buy at once. We can
not replace stocks to sell at these prices.
Men's Leather Gloves
Have scored heavy advances during the
last three months. Our gloves are sell
ing at less than wholesale prices now
Finest buck gauntlets $1.75
Soft durable horsehide gloves $1.75
Pliable substantial hogskin $1.50
Leather gloves up from .35
Use Dried Fruits All
Goods Buy in Case
Choice, Fresh
Lot to Save
25 lb. best peaches ...$3.30
25 lb. choice peaches $2.90
25 lb. best prunes $3.30
25 lb. choice prunes $2.85
25 lb. best apples $4.10
25 lb. choice apples $3.40
25 lb. big L M. raisins $3.40
25 lb. big seedless raisins $3.55
Eleven Cent Hosiery
One more week at this
Special 11c Price
Many are buying them and find them
more than worth the price, 1 1
white or black, per pair Jl 1 C
Look for Hot Weather
Soon, it is Sure to Come
Our Dress Goods Department
shows many bargains in ginghams,
beach cloths, and summer fabrics
Buy Your Hot Weather Needs
Men's Shoes
We are hold
ing the Drice
down. Swell English styles in "7 Aft
tan or black, Neolin shoes,$5 to P "U
A Neat Dress Shoe
In stylish lasts, lace or but
ton at per pair. ...
Old Gents Plain Toe
Shoes i"jl&nomatJ $3.00
Work Shoes
In many styles and leathers d0 A A
priced up from $2.50 and PJ.UU
Big Safety Razor
Special for a short time only
as a $5.00 Razor
Save On Groceries
Home canned goods, extra fancy quality
in big cans put up on the farm, real,
good home cooking. Try some and
you will want more.
Big can strawberries 30c, doz.,
$3.30 or per case
Big can string beans 20c, doz., C A QJ
$2.15 or per case
Big can good peas 20c, dozen
$2.25 or per case
If you want the best tools
and cutlery made try the
"Diamond Edge"
Line, the most satisfactory
Diamond Edge Si j
to you the finest that can be made at a
price within reason. Every big hardware
house has a trade mark for their special
lines. We have found Diamond Edge
the best of all, not only best, but incom
parably best in appearance, material, fin
ish and design. We claim that the very
Best Stockman's Knife, Best carpenter's
Saws Hammers, Planes, Braces, Bits,-
and Hatchets are Diamond Edge
If you want the best most satisfactory try this line
Good time to buy shoes and groceries, harvest supplies, I P'O.I I I1VTC HT 1C FlTlVTCf
Next week we will have a big sensation for everybody WJI1nO VV. Ej JLlLldll N