CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 IT -'jlji MAY 24, 1917 In the Heart of the City . $1.50 day Q Upwards The Portland Hotel RICHARD W. CHILD S, M a n a r Invites the citizens of the empire east of the Cascades to sojourn under its hospit able roof when they visit the City of Roses Generous in size and superior in environ ment The Portland offers to its guests every luxury and convenience. ? Oassified Ad Section every Prl of Ad Mml Acuaput Ce UoWm Adrartittir ku, I. Ac..i A JJ.. ... n,. . . .. -I WF PIT I ' tn journal, rnnfruw, Urtm T If 41 1 i FOR HALK FOR SALE Alfalfa bay. CLind qulst, Powell Butte, Ore. 27tfc 8KKD POTATOES Two 'kind, tor Hule. Bee 8. A. Prose, City. 27tfc FOR BALE One good " Holsteln ,mllth cow. Can be seen at my residence In Prlnevllle. T. H. lirennen, City. 27t2p WASTED WK WANT A salesman in Crook County. If you are looking for a position, our contract will win you. Write today. Albany -Nurseries, 1st National Bank Building, Albany, Oregon. 26Mp DENTISTS HOWARD GOVE Dentist. County Bank Building. DKKMHM A KERM DANK MOWER For Hale, second hand. R. I). Croud, City. 26t7p FOH SALTS Or trade for fttlier stouk, an imported black Perch eron Ht ul lion. W. F. Fryrear, ' Cllne Falls, Oregon. 22t7p FOR SALE 200 head "'''of ewes, Llncolns and Hampshlres. A. A. McCord, City. 22t9p JAY H. DOBBIN, President HENRY L. CORBETT, Vice-Pros. J. C. AINSWORTII, Vlce-Prcs. E. F. ROY, Treasurer 8. C. SPENCER. Secretary E. W. RUMBLE, Qen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advances Made on Wool Loans on Sheep - WE BUY NO WOOL DIRECTORS Jay H. Dobbin Henry L, Corbel t C. C. Cult R. N. Stanfield J. C. Alnsworth W. P. Dickey E. W. Rumble North Portl; d Oregon City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season KEEP YOUR COWS Clean and dry. Blueprints for the most suc cessful cow stall can be had for the asking, address L. B. Lafol- lott, Redmond, Oregon Etfc FOR SALE 160 acres land all well fenced with rabbit wire and all In cultivation; 8 miles from Prlnevllle; has good spring and Is under Ochoco project; some trade. Write P. 0. box 113, city, 6tfc FOR SALE Corner lot on Main St. Size 66x100 feet; splendid busi ness location. Box 523, Prlne vllle, Oregon 8tfc DRESSMAKING Children's and in fants' garments a specialty. Mrs. Hadoway Coahran, B and 1st Sts. 24t4p CHIROI'KAf-rOKH Crook DK. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Building. 40 PER TON FOR GRAIN The Iledmond Warehouse Com pany is offering $40 per 'ton for oats, barley and rye Is In the market f ir all these grains they caa get at the above figure. 23tf DR. D. O. REM PEL Chiropractor Rooms 4 and 6, Kamstra Bldg IXHT AND FOUND MONKY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN -.J:i impToved real estate. Lake M. Bechtell. Crook County Bank Building, City. etfc MD $2500 To loan on improved alfalfa farm near Prlnevllle on Ochocc or Crooked River. A. R. Bow man. 26tfe LOST One 32x24 Goodrich casing ' MONEY To loan on Improved real and rlra for Quick car. Finder will be suitably rewarded. H. P. Belknap, 28tfc LOST Four head of young mares. One dark Iron grey coming three years old, one black 2-year-old, one sorrel with white stockings behlndnd star in face and had halter on when lost, one three- . year-old light bay, star in face, all branded PV connected. Re ward of $5 per head will be paid for Information leading to their recovery. J. M. Calver, Prlne vllle, Oregon. 27t2c estate. D. H. Peoples. ABSTRACTORS 20tfc CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prineville. Oregon. CONCRETE WORK EARL1E8T POTATOES In the market, both pink and white, dry land seed. Address Lewis Regelsberger, City or call at ranch on Johnson Creek. 13tfc CLEAN, SANITARY, PERMANENT AH construction of , concrete. Costs less than wood, time con sidered. See R. A. Clark tor prices. - 21tfc FOR SALE Hudson 64, good con dition, or will exchange for smaller car. Write or phone to Norris Morgan, Prlnevllle, Ore. 14tf-lp FOR SALE Full blood 2-year-old Jersey bull. H. K. Allen, Box 41 Powell Butte, Oregon. 16tfc RAISE CHICKENS That lay and pay. Settings from thoroughbred Anconas, White and Brown Leg horns, $1.25 per setting. Inquire at Michel's or ot Sam Ellis, City. 17tfc REWARDS REWARD A reward tf $100 will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and ccnvictlon of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation, x lltllp now la THE TIME To advertise your eggs and chickens in the Journal's classified section. One cent a word each week. Use the i blank on this page. 17tfc DRY LAND SEED RYE For sale. Inquire ot Lewis Regelsberger, Johnson Creek ranch. Prlnevllle, Oregon. I9tfc THOROUGHBRED Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs, $2.00 per setting. Blddydal9 Chicken Ranch, Mrs. Omar Wilson, prop., Prineville, Oregon. 18tfc FOR SALE A good garage cheap. i May have use of property. Call on or phone, Dr. I. H. Gove, City. 22tfc FOR SALE Ford cars, prices $266 to $365. Will demonstrate. E. H. Brent, Prineville, Ore. 24tf Why Not Trade at Home? Let us figure with you on anything you want in the line of Furniture, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils Glass, Building Materials, Doors and Windows The only Licensed Undertakers in Prineville ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH LIPPMAN & COMPANY FOR RENT FOR HIRE Team from June 1 to July 1. O. Sontag, City. 28tfc CARD OK THANKS This is to express my thanks to all my friends and neighbors and to the members of the Eastern Star of Prineville for the kindness anl ; sympathy shown to me and Mrs. La Pard in her recent illness vand death. FREE Rttara tku COUPON filW aat with a l et titmf, ar kriaf it to u ud re ceive a cari f Md f ar aw FILM FREE Na.. Addrev Make of Cum .. Sizs ..Film No Da ran owl lb caoMra . THE ART SHOP F. It LAFLER. PRINEVILLE, OREGON i I Price $4.50 A Quality Boot for Irrigators . E. STEWART & COMPANY Cornett Stage Barn Open Under New Management Farmers Feed Yard Corral! in Connection W.A. Lincoln, Prop. Prineville, Oregon 28tlp Respectfully, J. LA PARD. MISCELLANEOUS HOLSTEIN BULL, for Service See P. B. Poindexter, City. 5tfc CEMENT SIDEWALKS Add more to the value of your property tnan they cost. See R. A. Clark for prices. 2 ltfc PHYSICIANS CENTRAL OREGON GARAGE REDMOND, OREGON Acetylene Welding, United States Tires We represent N. W. Auto Co., selling Dort, Cole, Reo and Marmon Cars. Phone us for demonstration and terms Try us once and we will iatiify you F. G. CUTLIP & C. T. SHETfERLY, Props. ' BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon! MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. Office in Morris building, Prineville, Oregon. OPTICIANS FOR RENT Modern 6 room house furnished, rent reasonable. Mrs. A. P, Coleman. 27tfc FURNISHED HOUSE And apart ment to let. G. Springer, City. 15tfc FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Two blocks west ot postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. I9tfc TO EXCHANGE City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. . Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 201 TO EXCHANGE A house and lot In Bend for second hand Ford. Address Box 427, Bend, Oregon. .. 27t4c SEATTLE Business and Residence properties for Central Oregon. "Iowa Realty" care Berkshire Hotel, Seattle, Wash. 28t6p PERSONAL MAURINE Toilet articles on sale at Claypool's store during the summer. 27t4c MEALS, BOARD AND ROOM THE COZY RESTAURANT Of Bend, is now in new quarters and will appreciate your patronage when in the City. Rooms In con nection 50 and 75 cents. 24t5p DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly jisits to Prineville; watch this paper for dates. 25tf ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prineville, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office in Crook County ' Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United ' States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. J " SCARCITY of CARS THIS YEAR Makes it necessary for you tobuy early We are able to supply you with 1917 CHEVROLETS for a limited time. If you want a good light car, one that is worth every cent it costs come in and let us tell you all about this car and its advantages C.W. WILSON PRINEVILLE, OREGON MRS. HARVEY Is again in charge of her boarding house on Fourth Street, and will be pleased to meet all her old customers, and new ones as well. First class home cooked meals. . 22tfc FIRST CLASS Meals and service at the Llpplncott restaurant. Meals and lunch at ail hours. Two doors north of Ochoeo bridge. G. W. Llpplncott, Prop.. City. 19tfc FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS With bath, 2 blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. I5tfc The Stock Raiser Who Uses Columbia Bacon, Hams and Lard Knows he is getting the VERY BEST be cause of the uniform high standard maintained in the SELECTION and CARE of live stock Columbia Brand Products are Dependable Always U. S. Gov. Inspected UNION MEAT COMPANY NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON