PAGE 2 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL MAY 24, 1917 We Call Your Attention To The Fact That we are receiving daily shipments of fresh fruits and VEGETABLES The quality and supply was never better than it is at pres ent. We are in a position to take good care of your order We Deliver all Orders at Once Mrs. I. Michel Phone 111 Phone 111 Spring Is Here! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL BY GlY 1.AFOU.KTTK K n to rod at the postoRIra ul 1'rlne lllo, Orrgon, swond-claas mt- I ter. PIBI.ISHKI KVKRY TIllltSDAY Price $1.60 per year, payable strictly In advance. In case of jhangt ot address please notify us st once, (ivlni both old address. ind new MIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN AOVERTISINQ BY THE GfNCRAk OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO ' BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES MIKE TRAPMAN Home Buildei and Cabinet Maker All Cabinet Work Made in My Own Shop With Machinery Shop on East Sixth Street Prineville, Oregon Second Hand Truck NAP! Case 40, 1500-lb Capacity Price, cash $380 Inland Auto Company Prineville, Oregon j rnusniN; TO Kl HOI-K One of the most Important de- I cisions that the ailiutnlKtratlon has : made since 'the (loi'lurHtloii of war, i is that of sciultiiK General John J. Pershing to Europe with the first i army division in the Btead of Theo- dore Roosevelt. While no one doubts the spirit I with which Mr. Hoosevelt would i have entered the comliut, and also i his spirit which would have Inspired i his men to deeds of bravery, a prec edent would have been established that would take from the army the thing most sou kIh after, namcly promotlon to duties of trust and re sponsibility as they are earned. General Pershing is a man of ability in his chosen line, will be a credit to the stars and stripes in France, and will prove his ability to take his part in the victory which is sure to be ours there. fcg TIIK V. V. II. H. SPIRIT Again it is written in the news columns that Crook County High Is winner over all competitors. The lust wreath of laurels wa snatched from the Deschutes ami Jefferson county schools at Hunt! last Saturday, in the face of the most trying conditions, namely dis tressing weather conditions and a hostile or unfriendly audience. The track was not what had been promised, and our men felt the heavy condition the more since many of them had driven autos from Prineville to Bend in a driving rain and a gea ot mud and water. The thing that won, and that will continue to win was the C. C. II. S. spirit. That cannot be conquered, and no one is surprised at the result. It was to be expected. 8 Sv XKV LAWS SOW Many new laws are in effect this week that were not on the books last. One of these is very Important to human life, and should be strictly adhered , to. That is the law re stricting the sale of small fire arms. In some manner the impression was general some time ago,that a law had been passed which would remove the restrictions on the sale of revolvers. This Is not correct. The sale is restricted just as before, with the exception that such sales as are made must be recorded In a register for the inspection of such officers of the law as wish to acquire any In formation about purchases. F-a A good preparedness measure is to vote for the road bond issue on June 4. tt will not increase your taxes one cent, and the roads are always a good investment. Vote 314 X Yes. M N 9 A good measure on the ballot June 4 is that requiring all city and county elections be made to conform with state elections, be held on the same day and with the same officers presiding. To support this measure land decrease expense, vote 310 X ! Yes. I X Schools closed two weeks early to j give the young men an opportunity to get to work on the farms. It's your move boys. i to At ! Plant just a few more spuds for ' good measure. They will be needed next winter. DEALER WANTED la this territory to tnnkn money selling the famoui MUZ CAtt at 9650, completely equipped. 108-inch wheel-base 4-cyIimIer 25-h, p. motor 7 forward Bpeeds electric atarting and lighting, etc. Writ$ to-day for full details of the Metz Company Walt ham, Man. The Journal has the largest circulation of any county paper Remember The Journal has the largest bona fide-list of subscribers in central Oregon. Our Want Ads get results, lc a word each Issue. maBBBEEEEBBEBBBBBOBBm i x T X I W Use better Jtour Standard ii. ii MMHF It makes the better bread It has the delicious flavor you so desire in your bread PRINEVILLE FLOUR MILLS See This Car Before You Buy Jl !k ifnii Power, Speed, Silence, Comfort, Durability and Road-ability arc combined with astonishingly low operating cost in the new 1918 Model BfflCH sire! Five Passenger Electric Lights and Starter The Car That Everybody Wants $775 Light Weight Very Economical Fully Equipped F. O. B. CHICAGO Tha Ii'eht-weight, longttroke, high-speed, four-cylinder motor in this latest BIRCH purn along like the smoothest "six" you ver rode behind and geti the lut inch out of every gallon of gti. Power to iptre and none of it wilted. 22 to 26 milci on gillon of gti 250 to 300 miles on qusrt of oil thit it wht you cm expect and will receive from the BIRCH SUPER-FOUR, World's Biggest BIRCH MOTOR Full 35 Horsepowet Unit power plant. Two unit starter. Full floating rear axle. A Standard chassis of tried and proven uoiti of known dependability. Full itream line body with unututlly targe teata and plenty ol leg room front and rear. A big, comfortable, S pat enger car with everything that any reaeonablt man wantt in an automobile. Motor Car Value CARS-CHICAGO B. F. WILHOIT, PRINEVILLE, OREGON PHONE RURAL 312 ' Local Distributor '" WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1918 BIRCH LIGHT ROADSTER SENSATIONAL! I EAT ALL 1 WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! No More Gas on the Stomach or Sour Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Constipation! If you have sour stomachi consti pation or gas on the stomach try JUST ONE SPOONFUL, simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-1-ka, the MOST POWER FUL bowel cleanser ever sold. The VERY FIRST dose shows re sults and a short treatment with Ad-ler-l-ka will surprise you. It drains such astonlBhlng amounts of old matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipa tion, sour stomach and gas almost INSTANTLY. A dose twice a week guards against appendicitis. 1'RIXKVIIiliK DRUG CO., Geo. Xlc'oiiii, Pharmacist The Journal $1.50 per year. You Carry A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX in our Fire-Proof and Burglar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers and jewels ASK US Crook County Bank '' Prineville, Oregon The Only Key If you wish to buy or sell some-thing try a Journal Want Ad. 9 i i i i M