MAY 17, 1917 We Call Your Attention To The Fact Knterod at tho poatottlie at Trine- ille, Oregon, socoml-iiHas mat ter. m 7se fletter Jiour PIKMSIIKU KVKRV THl'KSHAY Price 1.50 per y-r, payable trti-tly tn advance. In case of ohange of addroas please notify ua t once, giving both old and now tddreaa. flllb PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE ocnchal office ' NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BLANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL nvva -1 " i ! BY Gl'Y iarXHXKTTr: yiiwwiwiwiwpnwiw - ... .I... - i i ii in i i m m m I 85 I w Sttadara ':sim That we are receiving daily shipments of fresh fruits and VEGETABLES The quality and supply was never better than it is at pres ent. We are in a position to take good care of your order We Deliver all Orders at Once Mrs. I. Michel Phone 111 Phone 111 MIKE TRAPMAN 1 Home Buildei and Cabinet Maker AH Cabinet Work Made in My Own Shop With Machinery Shop on East Sixth Street Prineville, Oregon Spring Is Here! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of UHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 221 SHIPP & PERRY Second Hand Truck NAP! Case 40, 1500-Ib Capacity Price, cash $380 Inland Auto Company Prineville, Oregon MANY NKW LAWS i i On Monday next many new laws j will become active. All the hills ; that passed at the last session of i the legislature will become effective ; on that day, excepting thoso that carried emergency clauses. A law that will he of considerable importance locally is the salary re ! ductlon law for county officials. I This is a material reduction for j practically all who are on the roun- ty pay roll, but does not affect the district Judge or district attorney. Another law that will affect al ; most everyone is the increased 11 ; cense fees for automobiles. If you ! have not secured a new tag for this year, and a few have not, the fee is Just doubled on Monday, May 21. i Hunting and Ashing licenses take la fifty per cent jump on that day 1 also. I Of more far reaching effect how ; ever are laws that provide for the ' support of delinquent children, laws to give Impetus to the public school system, and a wide range of others too numerous to enumerate. Our Stock of Seasonable Millinery IS THE LARGEST IN THE CITY The Elite Millinery Mrs. Lewis, Proprietor Prineville, Oregon why not have your clothes Tailor 1 aae: ? They don't cost you any more when you consider the materials trimmings, style and workmanship. All my Suits are Made in My Own Shop made up to ahy style you want in the latest Spring and Summer Novelties J. A. GILLIS, Tailor AEO UNC r - j i I i EEBaEaBBBaBSBaBBEEBaEB E am Made from Crook County's best grain It has that superior flavor prineville' flour mills See This Car Before You Buy 7 Power, Speed, Silence, Comfort, Durability and Road-ability arc combined with astonishingly low operating cost in the new 1318 Model Mi FOUR Five Passenger Electric Lights and Starter The Car That Everybody JVanti $775 Light Weight Very Economical Fully Equipped F. O. B. CHICAGO The lieht-weieht, longttroke, high-ipeed, four-cylinder motor in this latest BIRCH purrs along like the smoothest "six" you trer rode behind and gett the lat inch out of every gallon of gsti. Power to apire ind none of it wilted. 22 to 26 milei on t gallon of gii 250 to 300 milea on quirt of oil-thii it whit ou cin expect ind will receive from the BIRCH SUPER-FOUR. World's Biggest BIRCH MOTOR Full 35 Horsepower Unit power plant. Two unit starter. Full floating rear axle. A Standard chassis of tried and proven unit! of known dependability. Full itream lim body with unuauilly Urge teiti tnd plenty of leg room front and rear. A big, comfortible, 5 pia enger cir with everything that iny reasonable man wanta in an automobile. Motor Car Value CARS-CHICAGO B. F. WILHOIT, PRINEVILLE, OREGON PHONE RURAL 312 Local Distributor WATCH FOR AKN0UHCEMENT OF 1918 BIRCH UCHT ROADSTER SENSATIONAU Price $4.50 A Quality Boot for Irrigators J. E. STEWART & COMPANY The Journal has the largest circulation of any county paper I EAT ALL I WANT NOW AND FEEL FINE! flail Thp Journal whon in nefid of anything in the line ot printing. No More Gas on the Stomach or Sour Stomach! No More Heavy Feeling After Meals or Constipation If you have sour stomach, consti pation or gas on the stomach try JUST ONE SPOONFUL, simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, the MOST POWER FUL bowel cleanser ever sold. The VERY FIRST dose shows re sults and a short treatment with Ad-ler-l-ka will surprise you.' It drains such astonishing amounts of old matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE relieves constipa tion sour stomach and gas almost INSTANTLY. A dose twice a week guards against appendicitis. PBINEVIIiliB DRUG CO., Geo. Xicolui, Pharmacist The Journal $1.50 per year. You Carry A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX in our Fire-Proof and Burglar-Proof Vault may be rented by the year for a nominal sum. Absolute protection for your valuable papers arid jewels ASK US Crook County Bank Prineville, Oregon The Only Key It you wish to buy or sell some-thing try a Journal Want Ad. i 8 9 1 9 fi m IT