MAY 3, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE 3 COMFORT BY NIGHT TO PORTLAND OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars Tourist Sleeper Daily'LEach Way Standard Sleeper Leave Redmond Monday, Wednesday, Friday LEAVE PORTLAND Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:10 p.m. ' ROUND TRIPS HOMESEEKERS' FARES From Mitsoori river, St. Paul, Siou , . . City, ate $52.00 Reduced round trips from Middle St Louis ........ "..7 777.7777 $8S'00 Wait to Cantral Ora(on on lha first Chicago ".".'.".""77 .77 7 $67 50 and third Tuesday of acb month till Prepaid tickat. deliv.r.o by wire Datembor inclusive. Stopovers at All Points, Return Limit 25 Days California-North Bank Road and SS Northern Pacific At your servica for TRAVEL INFORMATION J. T. HARDY. T. F. & P. A.. R. H. CROZIER, A..t C P. A.. BEND, OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON Sand of ask for Oregon Trunk' Potato Book CENT Classified Ad Sectam every V T V" ff 21 . - X Ba aa aaaaai a 1 A WORD ? - I VI V V v 1 If V kLJ j PrW. A Mart Accompany Copy Ualm Ad.artfaar h MonlMr Accaaat. AddVm LatUra to Tba Journal. PrhMYtH. Oreeaa 1 1 JLj Ld IV FOR HALE FOR SAMS Or trade for other Mock, an imported black Perch cron stallion. W. F. Fryrear, ('lino Falls, Oregon. 22t7p FOIl SALE 200 head of ewea, Lincoln and IfumpnhlrftM. A. A. McCord, City. 22tp MULES FOR BALK Ton head, all young. Inquire of K. B. Cross, City. 2U4p In the Heart of the City t H m. i. a a i European Plan . $1.50 day Upwards The Portland Hotel RICHARD W. CHILDS. Manaaer V Invites the citizens of the empire east of the Cascades to sojourn under its hospit able roof when they visit the City of Roses Generous in size and superior in environ ment The Portland offers to its guests every luxury and convenience. GOOD MILK COWS FOR SALE Several Jerseys, all good quality. Price from $50 to $75 por bead. May be noon at my ranch near Prlnevlllo. Otto Ratloff. 21t4p CAR OrT8ALEverirnd7p7a7- tlcally new, five passenger touring car. Call at residence of Mn. E. F. McMeen, In the brick residence near public school. , 2It5p KEEP YOUR COWS Clean and dry. Blueprint for the most suc cessful cow stall can be had for the asking, address L. B. Lafol lott, Redmond, Oregon 6tfc FOR SALE ICO acres of land all well feliced 'with rabbit wire and all In cultivation; 8 miles from Prlnevlllo; has good spring and Is under Ochoco project; some trade. Write P. O. box 113, city. 6tfc FOR SALE CoriierlotonMaIn St. Size 56x100 feet; splendid busi ness location. Box 623, Prine ville, Oregon 8tfc DKKHHMAKKKM PHYSICIANS URE8HMAKINO Children's and in fanh' garments a specialty. Mrs. Hadoway Coahran, B and 1st Sts. 24Up bids wanted THE BEAVER CREEK LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION Desires bids on repairing twenty miles of drift fence. Bidders must submit two bids, one by the day and the other by the mile. The fence must be put In good repair. The Association reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids must be In the secretary's hands by May 20, 1917. A. M.' Logan, Secretary, Paulina, Ore. 25t2c BIDS Will be received by the Paul ina Cattle Men's Association, for the repairing of 24 miles of drift fence In the reserve here. Two bids should be made, one by the day and' one by the mile. Bids will be received up to May 15th, 1917. The association reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. M. Logan, Secretary and Treasurer. MK A LB, HOARD AND ROOM EARLIEST POTATOES In the market, both pink and white, dry land seed. Address Lewis RegelBberger, City or call at ranch on Johnson Creek. 13tfC FOR SALE Choice O. A. C. thorough-bred Whit Leghorn roosters one year old. Price $2.50 Le land Poultry Ranch, Culver, Ore. 14t7c City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season FOR SALE Hudson B, good con dition, or will exchange far smaller car. Write or phone to Norrls Morgan, Prlneville, Ore. 14tf-lp FOR SALE Fall blood 2-year-old Jersey bull. H. K. Allen, Box 41 Powell Butte, Oregon. lGtfc RAISE CHICKENS That lay and pay. Settings from thoroughbred Anconas, White and Brown Leg horns, $1.25 per setting. Inquire at Michel's or of Sam Ellis, City. 17tfc NOW IS THE TIME To advertise your eggs and chickens in the Journal's clussified section. One cent a word each week. Use the blank on this page. 17tfc DRY LAND SEED RYE Fpr sale Inquire of Lewis Regelsberger, Johnson Creek ranch. Prineville, Oregon. . 19tfc FOR SALE 90 head of steers. John H. Harrison, Fort Rock, Oregon 20tfc FOR SALE Full blood Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching $1.00 per setting, or $5.50 tor incubator lots of 100 eggs, f. o. b. Prineville. Mrs. Pearl Breeding. 23t4c Why Not Trade at Home? Let us figure with you on anything you want in the line of Furniture, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils Glass, Building Materials, Doors and Windows The only Licensed Undertakers !n Prineville ALL GOODS STRICTLY CASH LIPPMAN & COMPANY THOROUGHBRED Single Comb Rhode Island Red eggs, $2.00 per setting. Biddydale Chicken Ranch, Mrs. Omar Wilson, prop., Prineville, Oregon. IStfc ALL TREES And plants should be set during March and April. Early orders will insure better stock and prompt delivery. A complete line of fruit trees, berry bushes, ornamental trees and shrubbery, Central Oregon Nursery, Prine ville, Oregon. 18tfc FOR SALE Two acres of improved land with water right, 4 blocks east of Public School. Price $850 Call at Journal office. M. E. 22t3p FOR SALE A good garage cheap May have use of property. Call on or phone, Dr. I. H. Gove, City. 22tfc THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island TJrl oirirn , -,,1.7 1 ET A a. avuu crigo 1,11 oaitJ, f i.ou mr Set ting. Mrs. Thos. Sharp, Prine ville, Oregon. - 22tfc 111 - 'ft Classified Ads work while you sleep; you will find them a very quicti iiicuiuni iur yuur waiua s FOR SALE At a bargain if taken at once, one large oak china clos et and one adjustable dress form, both tn good condition. Mrs. O C. Claypool, Prineville, Oregon 18tfc FOR SALE Big Standard bred stallion, registered. -MuBt be sold to settle estate. Address, Ralph Bonney, The Dalles, Ore. 24t3c FOR SALE Ford cars, prices $265 to $365. Will demonstrate. E. H. Brent, Prineville,' Ore. 24tf WANTED WANTED A few. pigs. Write or phone, H. H. Hawley, Post, Ore. 25tlp ROOMS AND BOARD The New Maryland Just opened second door east of Claypool's store. Board by day or week. A new rest room for all ladies visiting Prineville, with nurse in charge of children while in the city shopping. Mrs. W. A. Lincoln. 23t3p BELKNAP & EDWARDS Chas. S. Edwards, H. P. Belknap, Physi cians, Surgeons and Oculists. Prineville, Oregon. MAGNETIC HEALERS PROF. A. W. GRATER Magnetic & Mental Healer. in Morris building, Prineville, Oregon. DENTISTS HOWARD GOVE Dentist. County Bank Building. Crook DR. H. G. DAVIS Dentist. New modern shop, in Kamstra Building. CHIROPRACTORS DR. D. Q. REMPEL Chiropractor, Rooms 4 and 5, Kamstra Bldg. OPTICIAN'S DR. J. a. TURNER Eye Specialist from Portland; regular monthly visits to Prineville; watch this paper for dates. 25tf MOXEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN On improved real estate. Lake M. BechtelL Crook County Bank Building, City. Etfc ATTORNEYS M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law. Court House St., Prlaevllle, Ore. WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Tn Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Ore. $2300 To loan on Improved alfalfa, farm near Prineville on Ochoc or Crooked River. A. R. Bow "man. 26tfc MONEY To loan on improved real estate. D. H. Peoples. 20tfe LAKE M. BECHTELL Lawyer. United States Commissioner, Crook County Bank Building, Prineville, Oregon. ABSTRACTORS CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. i Incorporated, D. H. Peoples, pres ident, J. B. Bell, secretary. Ab stracts and Insurance. Prineville, Oregon. Read The Crook County Journal. THE COZY RESTAURANT Of Bend, is now In new quarters and will appreciate your patronage when in the City. Rooms in con nection 50 and 75 cents. 24t5p MRS. HARVEY Is again In charge of her boarding ho use on Fourth Street, and will be pleased to meet all her old customers, and new ones as well. First class home cooked meals. ' 22tfc Single Comb, White, Brown and Buff LEGHORNS BABY CHICKS EGGS and STOCK for sale write for further information MILLER BROS. . Box 73, Fern Hill, Washington FIRST CLASS Meals and service: at the LIppincott restaurant. . Meals and lunch at all hours. Two doors north of Ochoco bridge. G. W. LIppincott, Prop.. City. 19tfc FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP ING ROOMS With bath, 2 blocks west of postoffice. Wilson, City. Mrs. Max IStfc LOST AND FOUND LOST -Buckskin mare 6 years old, branded M with bar under, on shoulder. Probably i with colt. Notify M. Bailey, Sisters. Re- ward. 25t2c LOST One gray horse, weighing about 1050 lbs., branded C. B. on left shoulder and left1 stifle. Find - er please return to or notify Dewey Moore, Powell Butte, and receive reward. 24t3p LOST An iron grey mare, weight about 1350, branded "Y" on right stifle, 4 years old. Lost on April 6 on Willow Creek. $25 reward. Telephone or address Tom Smith, Grizzly, Oregon. 22t3p CONCRETE WORK JAY H. DOBBIN, President HENRY L. CORBETT, Vice-Pres. J. C. AINSWORTH, Vlce-Pres. E. F. ROY, Treasurer S. C. SPENCER, Secretary E. W. RUMBLE, Gen. Mgr. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated Advances Made on Wool Loans on Sheep WE BUY NO WOOL DIRECTORS Jay H. Dobbin Henry L. Corbett C. C. Colt R. N. Stanfield J. C. Ainsworth . W. P. Dickey E. W. Rumble " North Portl; Oregon CLEAN, SANITARY, PERMANENT All construction of concrete. I Costs less than wood, time con sidered. See ' R. A. Clark for ! prices. 21tfc' CALL FOR WARRANTS -I CALL FOR WARRANTS All regis- tered General Fund warrants up i to and including registered No. j 4922 will be paid upon presenting! to this office. Interest on same j stops on this date. R. L. Jordan, County Treasurer of Crook Coun-1 ty, Prineville, Oregon, April 19,! 1917. 23t3p REWARDS REWARD A reward tt $100 will be paid for Information leading to the arrest and cenviction of anyone destroying the drift fence of the Mill Creek Livestock As sociation, lltllp IRRIGATION MADE EASY BY THE USE OF Hanna's Patent Portable Canvass Dam Cheap, efficient and reliable, will check the water in any reasonable ditch. Can be placed or taken up by a 10-year-old boy. Sent to any address C. O. D. by parcel pott. If money accompanies the order pottage will be prepaid. MADE IN TEN DIFFERENT WIDTHS 84 inches wide $3.25 1 00 inches wide . "; $3.75 72 inches wide 3.00 108 inches wide 4.00 48 inches wide 2.25 125 inches wide reinforced 5.25 52 inches wide 2.50 130 inches wide reinforced. 5.50 65 inches wide . 2.75 116 inches wide, extra heavy. 4.25 - 90 inches wide 3.50 120 inches wide 4.50 F:runiL;,.ddrde E,,ou,, George W. Hanna, Vale, Oregon 19n6p MISCELLANEOUS SAVE THE WASTE PAPER Busi-i ness houses, offices, print shops j and individuals, save your waste I paper and It will be gathered at I - the end of the month by the ' Young Ladies Class of the Presby. terlan Sunday School. CEMENT SIDEWALKS Add more to the value of your property tnan they cost. See R. A. Clark tor prices. . 2itfo HOLSTEIN BULL For Service. See Pr B. Poindexter, City. 5tfc FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE And apart ment to let. G. Springer, City. ' IStfc FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Two blocks west of postofflce. Mrs. Max Wilson, City. 19tfc City Transfer & Express Jap Ireland, Prop. Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 201 STALLIONS AT ALTA STABLES, Pendleton, Oreg a Imported Percheron and Belgian Stallions that are uira good. Besides other Percheron, Belgian, English Shire and Clydesdales with Imported ancestors that are young and good, with correct pedigrees that are desirable. One pair extra Per cheron mares. If you are a customer and want to save your money, take time to come to see me. Remember, Good Stal lions and Low Prices, If You Have a Stallion J, R. JUSTICE That Yon Cannot tJse Importer Longer, I Might Change PENDLETON, OREGON