CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL APRIL 5, 1917 PAGE 7 e. MIKR APPOINTING DAT FOR BKTTI.IC- MKNT or PINAL ArroiINT IS THK COUNTY I'OUKT lf THK HTATK . OK OltKllON KOK I ttOOK COUNTY. . . In th Mailer of th MUW at Jeas I.. I'euah, llareaard. (t. C. t alilwall AilmtnUimUif of lha Ra tal of Jeaa I.. I'miah,, hvln end nreaenlail fur aelllemenl and tied In thl Court Mr Mnal Acuwnt a Ad amlalrator "f ! aalete, IT IH OHIiKI(K.I), lhl Mnnder. th 7lh 4y of Mr. 111. 1 n'rlork a. m. of Mid dr. Ik and the aam hereby aiiunlm. a for th eetilemeitt of aaid arrount : nil lul rwitlre of wild Helllemanl be publiahed la th I'rlnevllle Journal. pub. llhd In I'rlnevllle, Omk County, Omnm, a often one. a weea for four aurreaelvt veraa prior ui Mid day of settlement. Paled Ihle 2lh day uf Mm h, I " 1 7 . i (i. HI'HINIIKH. K4r County Juris:. HI'tIM NKI.Ii IIK.II Kind nnil Hle Mnkr No IHffrrcnrfl h rnrim We nrft In the mnrkit fir any and ait kind of piilntopR. Kind, ilzn and Rrdo miikft no dllTorence to tu, We will buy thorn on thn curi ire, or from the pits on your larms, nnd do our own hauling It you wlih. lttfo ( AM. lOlt HUM niilN will bn rnrnlvnd by tho County Court of Crook County up to noon on TuhhiIhv, April 3, for 120 runU of i foot wood fur tho court hoUnn mid 80 roriln of wood for the hlKli mhoiil, to ho cithi-r plnn or JunlpiT, Komi body wood. Hid to be flli'd wllh tho county clrk. It3p If you wlhii to buy or 'll (imo thing try n Journnl Wnnt Ad. why not have your clothes Tailor Thev don't cost you any more when you consider the materials trimmings, style and workmanship. All my Suits are Made in 'My Own Shop made up to any style you want in the latest Spring and Summer. Novelties J. A. GILLIS, Tailor The Oregenian Is handled exclusively in Prineville by H. R. LAKIN Delivered at your door the same day as published for 75c per month Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c If you don't get your paper regularly, phone Red 431 and we will send one up by special messenger Prineville Drug Co. Local Agent Modern Shoe Repair Shop W. H. SIMON, Prop. Shoes repaired while you wait All work guaranteed Prices reasonable Located in Morris Bldg. Employment Agency Anyone wishing work should call on J. F. Morris Near Ochoco Bridge Prineville, Orgon Made? "KXHIHIT I" OHIIINANCK NO. M. ill nillilNANCK HATIFVINfi. APPItOV. ki.i lain rfiMfclltMINfl TIIK ACTION OK HIK CITY CO tNCll, tr IHr, I III 1IT ( HOOK BOUNTY. ORKCON, in luutilMtl NKflliTIAIINil AND .SKI, I.. I INI1 UNK IIIINIlKKII THOIIMANO liOl i.aiih iiitin.nmii rllNOINIi HON I in IM I r.l) NOVKMIIKH I, A. I). Kill, WK ANH I'AYAIII.K IN KgllAI, ANNUAL AMOUNTS! OK TKN TIIOIIHANK IIOI.I.AHH Itle.OUOl KACH. CflMMKNCINII NOVKMIIKH I. A. II IUS1, ANI IIKAHINfl INTKMKHT FROM 1IIK.IK llATK AT THK RATK OK MIX ll I'K.H CKNTI1M I'K.R ANNUM. WHICH HONIIH VVKMK IHKIIKK ANII KOI.!) PUR SUANT TO ORI1INANCK NO. 247, I'AHHK.I) ANU APROVKU JANUARY Z. A. I), lull; AND IlK.CI.ARINO AN KMKR(;KNCY." WIIKRKAH. Ordlnanr No. 'J47. of tba ally of I'rlnavllla. Cnaik tiunty, Ormon, wu duly pajuiad by th rounrll and aptirovi-d by th mayor on th Ziith day of January, A. I). I IM 7. at a maalinir of Mid council duly rallad and lawfully hald mi aald day and dat, and WIIKRK.AH. In and by Mid ordinance thar waa authorised to ba laauad and rit-livartd to Karlar Hnilhrra of Drnvar, Oilorado, th lawful iiunhaaara tharrof, lha nrirotlablr funillnl bomla of aaid rily In tha aua-rruat Itritiripal aum of On llundrad Thrnwand I x. Harp illoo.iHHll, Mid honua to b known and daalanalad a "Kundlnv ll.nila" ponalat ina of ona bundrad bonila numbarad from 1 to I'm, Inrlualva, of th danomlnatlon of On Thouaaml Dollara llllKKi.OOi aach. Iiaarinc dal of Novamliar I, mill, and du and pay aarlally In tiual annual amounU of Tan Tluanil Dollara IHI,IMM aach, aommanc Ina on Novamliar I. A. D. 1 0317, and baarlna Intaraal at tha rat of ! IDl par rrnlum liar annum, iwyahla aamUannually on tha lat day of May and Novmhr, raanartlvaly, in Mrh yaar, and WIIKRKAH. Hald ordinance, aa miuirad by lha rhartar, wm duly publlahad in th "Crook County Journal'' for two tonapautlv waaka In Raid nnnrr. Uwlt : fn th 1 humfUy, January 26, and Thumiay th Ut day of l-ctiruary, IM17, Unut-ji ut mIH ptHr, and WllhHKAM. a tyiK-Hraphlral vrmr waa mn'tr in lh of atd orrllnanif wherein ami whrrrhy lh df-wriirl'" "'d ImiidH In H tUtn 1 of aaiil ordtnanrv in n-f- rriir- Ut th (UU ut maturity waa made U read fiiliowit ; "And brrftmwi du and payabt wrially In tinal annual anmunU of Tm Thoimand !) Ian (l'MM"i tch, rommcnriiiy; Novrmbrr I, A. U. um." (ntitd of "Wt'M". m bfividrd In th ordin nrr, N". 'HI, ailti!itxl liy aatd count il, and WIIKKKAH, it in th dnitr of tht r.iunrtl to rorrwt atd tiuhliratUjn In nmlorm In th imlinMt.rn an adaiptwl and th bonds aa iMucHi and d'livrrrd. N(JW THKRKFOKK. by iwon of the prf-nilnin, TliK fKOI'l.fC OK THK CITY OK I'klNK VI1.LK. (KKf;oN, DO OltUAlN, an follow. Srtthin 1. That Ordinance No. '41, iiad and anurnvrd January 'id. A. !. I'J17. wht-r- in nnd whrrrliy it waa and b provided that therw aha II he and that there are hereby , authorttrd, ordered and directed to he btued and delivered to heeler H rot hem, the lawful iurrhaeni thereof from the tfimmnn rnum-il, tiw? neuitlahle "Kundinir Hon tin' of Mid rily In th? atrureitate prtntipal num of One Hundred Ihouitand IMUr i$lut,i)0'r and that aaid bond hall he known and d.n tu na! cd "rundingr iund", and hll ronniiit of ne hundred bond numbered cnnBecuttvely from 1 to ion, im lmiive, of the d nomina t.n of One Thousand Italian. l$l'".(i.(iii each, Khali bear date of November I, A. !. UOt.. and become due and hayahle serially in ejua annuitl amounia of Ten Thousand I hi lars 1 110,000 1 each, rommenrtnit on Novern ber 1, A. I. 1h;i7, and bear interest from their date until iwid al the rate of six (til per renlum ter annum, payable semi-annual ly on the first days of May and November, resoerttvely. in each year, and both princi pal thereof and interest thereon be payable in lawful money of the United Stales of America at the Ornron Kiseai Aitrnry in the ttly and utate of Ni-w York, V. H. A., be and the same la hereiiy ratified, attpnvel and confirmed, and the execution, suit- and delivery of the bonds herein desert Urd to said Heeler H rot hers, be and the same is also hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 2. This Ordinance in adopted and shall be published aa required by charter fur the purpose of correcting the tyimiiratihical error tn the publication of aaid ordinance No. 247 mentioned in the preamble hereof, Section 8. That this ordinance, beinu for the purpose of carrying into effect the ob : jerta authorised and ordered by a majority vote of the quail tied electors of aaid city as expressed at the sitecial election betd therein September 11. A. I). 1911, Ut necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health and safety of said ctty, and emertrenry exist and the same shall there fore be In full fore and effect after its paasatie and approval, and shall not be sub ject to the referendum. t'AKSKD this ,4th day nf March, A. D. 1017. AI'I'KOVKI) this 24th day of March, A ! D. 1.U7. D. P. STKWART. I Mayor of the City of I'rineville, j (SKA Li Crook County, Orevon. Attest : I CKO. F. KUKTON, I Kecortler of thi city of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon. , NOTICE OF CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States 1 Land Ollice. j The Dalles,' Oregon, March 21, 1917. ! To John Wolfer, of Powell Butte, Oregon, ton te tee : You are hereby notified that George ! Reams who gives Prineville, Oregon, as his ' postaomce address, did on Jany. 8. 11)17, Ale i in this ollice his duly corroborated applica- 1 tion to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead Kntry No. , Serial No. 01401U made Nov. 4, UH 4, lor NKV., ri Vi NWU- SK 1-4 NW 1-4, NK 1-4 SW 1-4, Section 13, fownnhip Iti, S., Range 14, K. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for h contest he alleges thai said John Wolfe never estnbliithed residence ujon the land embraced in snid entry; never cultivated any ; part thereof and has almndoned the same and hue not resided or been upon the prenv ' Ues for more than six months lust past, that said absence was not due to his employment j in military service rendered in connection with operations in Mexico, or along the i bonier thereof, or in mobilisation campB 1 1 trie where, in the milt tit ry or naval ornaninn j tions of the United States, or the National Guard of any of the several States. j You lire, therefore, further notified that I the siiid allegations will be taken as con' ! fesHCfl, nnd your said entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either be fore this ollice or on appettl, if you fail to Die in this otiice within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as j shown below, your answer, under oath, , specilicully resitondtng to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you hnve served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by regis tered mail. You should state in your auawer the name of the pout ollice to which you desire future notices to he sent to you. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of first publication March 29, 1917. Date of second publication April 6, 1917. Date of third publication April 12, 1917. Date of fourth publication April 19, 1917. 20t4c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 24th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that minnie c McMillan, of Prineville. Oregon, who, on January 28th, 1913, made Homeatead Entry, No. 011223, for Lots 1-2, & SW NEA, Section 4. Town- ship 16-South, Kunge 16-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 4th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Luther L. Soott, Albert E. Scott, Clarence H. Graves, Hogun Hanson, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2016c Kegister. Use the blank on page 3 when sending in your classtiled ad copy. Then enclose lc for each word and mail to The Crook County Journal. The little ads do the rest. Classified worry. Ads save steps and NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nolle U hcraby lvn by th un4raln4. ih arimtnlatraUie wllh th will anneaed of th Ml tat of i. M. reuaht, deeeaaed, Ui all CrOIUini oi aaio uecaaa... im v ... having clalme against Mid tau to preenl th him with th proper vmebera to the , unirlml at th olllc or n, n. mikhi, .O.l. I .... ka in rrineviiie, i-ip'icn, from the date of the Ant publication vf this i notice. !ated and published the first time March 1 22, 11117. I K. i. W ILSON, I Admlnbtrator wllh the will annexed I of the eUte of J. M. Pauajht, Dee d. JVtoc . NOTICE OF C'ONTKKT Department of the Interior, United States Land OnVe. The Dalles, Oregon, March 19, 1V17. To Trent K. Williamson of Prineville, Ore gon, f ontU-e : You are hereby notified that ieorg w. rawford who give Prineville, Oregon, as his pml-onVe address, did on Jany. 10, 1917, (lie In this office his duly corroborate! ep ilation to content and secu e the cancella tion of your homestead Kntty No. Serial No. UMMH4 made April 9, 1912, for W'a NW', WH HVKi Seefion 22, Town- ship 17, 8.. Range 10, K, Willamette Merid ian, and as grounds for his contest he al lege thai said Treu K. Willi tmson has whol- abandoned said entry and failed to reside 'or j ior j '. upon. Improve or cultivate the same more than two years last past: that absence from the land was iot due to his employment in the military service rendered In connection with operations tn Mexico, or long the borders thereof or In mobilisation cam (is elsewhere In the military or naval or ganisations of the United States or the Na tional Guard of any of the several States. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken as eon- lessea, ana your sbiq entry win ue cancenev without further right to be heard, either be-1 fore this ollice or on appeal. If you fail to file In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath. Specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant tit tier In person or by regis tered mail. You should state In your answer the iiiis of the post oftire to which you desire futun notices to be sent to you. H. r RANK WOODCOCK, Register. Date of Ami publication Mnn-h Tl. DM7. Date of second publication Man h HD, DM7. Date of third publication April 4, DM". Dale of fourth public at ion April 11, DM". ltfUc NOTICK TO CRKDITOKH Notice la hereby given by the undersigned, the Administrator of the En tat e of Arthur Bennett, dereased, to all creditors of said deceased and to all iersons having calims against said estate to present Die same, with the proper vouchers, to the undesigned at he ollice of M. R. Klliott. in Prineville, Oregon, within six month from the date of the Hrst publication of this notice. Dated and published the ntt time March ' 1UI7. B. E. RKNNKTT. AdminutraUir of the Kstate of .OtCc Arthur L. Bennett, Deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office al The Dalles, Ore iron. Manh 16th. 1917. Notice is hereby given thai HhNRY C. HOI h, of Held. Oregon, who, on December 17th, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. oi 101,9, for SK.4. HU. SW'i, bee. 15; N 1-2 NW V, N1! NK'i, Section 22, Township 19 - ivtuth. Range 19-Esst, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. 8. Commissioner, at Fife, Ore gon, on the StTtth day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Charles Marrin, Jacob Settlemeyer, Theo- dore BuMee, all of Held, Oregon, Erie Dan - ielson, of Rivers, Oregon. M. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20t6c Kegister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon. 1 March J6th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that WILLARD R. GAREY. of Rivers, Oregon, who, on March 27th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 012762, for SE 4. Sec. o NK',,, Section 81, Town -.hip 19- South, Range 19-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Ore gon, on the 2fth day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses : Charles Marrin, of Held, Oregon, John F. Lytle, M. Hallmeyer, Clifton Lewis, all of Rivers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 201&C Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Manh 16th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that ERIC DAN IELSON, of Rivers, Oregon, who, on June 10th, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010411, for EVi, Section 32, Township ltt-South, Range 19 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the Jand above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commis sioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 26th day of April, 1917. Claimant names aa witnesses : Clyde Hals ley, Frank T. Carpenter, John F. Lytle, all of Rivers, Oregon, Charles S. Marrin, of Held, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20t5c Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Manh Itith, 1917. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES S. MARRIN, of Held, Oregon, who, on April 18th, 1911, made Homes tend Entry, No. 08729, fur W!,ji NE4, S'- NW NUj SW, SE 1-4 SW i f, Sec. 27 NE1 NW, Section 34. Township 19 South, Ramie 19-Ens t, Willamette Meridmn, has filed notice of intention to make final live year proof, to etna bi ish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Ore gon, on the 2th day of April, 191,. Claimant names as witnesses : Eric Danielson, John F. Lytle, both of Rivera, Oregon, Henry C. Hope, A. S. Cot- tingham. both of Held, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20t5c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 6th, 1917. Notice la hereby given that JOHN F. LYTLE, of Rivers, Oregon, who, on June 3rd, 1912, made Homestead Entry, No. 010384, for SW NEW, NW SEti, Sec. 8 SW NW 1-4, N Mi SWV4, Section 9, Township 20-South, Range 19-East, Willamette Meridian, has file notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 26th day of April, 1917. Claimant names aa witnesses : Ell Wilson, of Brothers, Oregon, Charles Marrin, of Held, Oregon, Willard R. Garey, of Rivers, Oregon, Eric Danielson, of Rivers, Oregon. H, FRANK WOODCOCK, 20t5c Register. NOTICE OF TELEPHONE MEETING The annual meeting of the Bear Creek Telephone Company will be held on Saturday, April 7, at the Nye school house. Any busi ness that may come before the house will be transacted. JOHN M1LLIORN, 17t5p Secretary-Treasurer. Don't complain about the man who patronizes mail order houses if you send away for your printed matter The Journal does first class job printing at right prices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, V. S. Land OfV at Th Dallaa, Oram. P. 24th, 117. Nulla la hereby rWen that t'HAKI.Kg U. KKKHIINKR, of Koberts, Orea-on, who, on lee, 2rth, 1910, muni nomesieaa r-niry no, vs) ana on ( hl..u If,. a. Klli .1. a. J -J 1 1 I U. 1 A ' Knlry, No. OHlffl, for H' HK NW'-4 HE NK W'(, See. II; Nu, NE 1-4, Sec. 24, T. IK-8. 17-E; Lota S-4 Kec. 18; Lot 1 Hee. 19, Township lS-Houth, Kanm lR-Ksst, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of In- tent ion to make final threw year proof, to establish claim to the land above described. before Lake M. BechUIl, U. n. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the Jth day of April, 1917. Claimant names as wit James C. Houston, Charles L. Harry K. Dobson, Benjamin F. all of Roberts, Oregon. Bushnell, ttoydston, H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 14tfte Kegister. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notia la hereby given that the nnderaianed haa, hy th County O.urt of the Stat of Oreicnn for th County of Cmok, bean duly appointed adminUtrator of th Katat of Andrew K. Iuaen, daceaaad, and all pcraona having claim acainat th aaid eatat arc hereby reuuirad to preaent aam. duly vari- i had, to aaid adminiatralor at the office of Willard H. Wirts, In the building, at Prineville. O months from the daU of Crook County Bank Orwron, within aix I th firat public-1 Thiled and p'tlUned Drat tlm. thia lat day of March, A. D. 1017. - DaU of laat publication, March 28, l17. (aiimedl J E. CAMPBELL, Admin Intra tor of t he folate j of Andrew K. Lauien, Deceaaed. WII.I.AKI) H. WIKT,, Attorney ' for EaUte. IStSe . NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL AC- j COUNTING . I Notice la hereby given that the under- i aigned, administrator of the aetata of Nicho-; laa P. Welder, deceaaed, haa filed hia final I accounting of hia adminiatratlon of aaid ea-! Ut in the County Court of Crook County, ' niaic oi ureiron, an inai tire juage oi aaia court, ha. fixed Saturday, April 7th. DM7, Hi o clock a. m. at the county court room in the court house at Prineville as the time and place for the hearing of objections to and the settlement of said tccounting, and Alt persons interested are hereby cited and required to appear at said time and place and show cause, if such exist, why said final account should not be allowed and said ad ministrator and his surety discharged. Dated this 6th day of March, 1417. First publication March 8th, I'M 7. ROSS FARNHAM, Administrator of the Estate of ITtkr Nicolas P. Weider, Deceajied- NOTICE OP CONTEST Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oreyon, February 26, 1917. !To Ray StClair of Post, Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notified that Rolls F. I Stewart who gives care of L M. Bechtell, Prineville, Oregon, as his post-office address, did on Jany. 16, 1917, file in this office his 'duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead Entry No , Serial No. 08521, made March 80, 1911, for NW, W4 SWV,. Section 10, Township 17-5, Range 20-E, Willamette Meridian, and as ground for his 'contest he alleges that said Ray StClair has abandoned said entry and failed to reside I j upon, cultivate or improve the same for more; than three years last past; that said absence! from the land was not due to entry man's 1 employment in military service rendered in! 1 connection with operations in Mexico or along the borders thereof or in mobilixation j f camps elsewhere, in the military or naval i organisations of the United States or the National Guard of any of the several States, j You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken as con fessed, and your said entry will be canceled without further right to be heard, either be- 1 fore this office or on appeal, if you fail to file In this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication of this notice, as s ho wn below, you r ans wer, u nder oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the ! said contestant either in person or by regis ' tered mail. j You should state tn your answer the name , of the poet office to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. I H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. 1 Date of first publication March 15, 1917. Date of second publication March 22, 1917. ! Date of third publication March 29, 1917. Date of fourth publication April 5, 1917. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Lan-i Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 1st, 1917. i Notice is hereby given that MAURICE F. FINLEY, ! of Held, Oregon, who, on October 11th, 1913, ' made Homestead Entry, No. 012116. fori SE4 SWV4, SW 1-4 SE 1-4, Sec. 7; WMj NE 1-4, E NW 1-4, NE 1-4 SW1-4, NW ! V4 SE , Section 18, Township 19-South, Range 20-East, Willamette Meridian, has ! filed notice of Intention to make final three ; year proof, to establish claim to the land j above described, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the ! 14th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: A. B. Davis, Richard A. Amnions, No rah B. Ammons, Jake Settlemyre, all of Held, , Oregon. i H. FRANK v WOODCOCK, 17t5c Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the Administrator of the Estat of Mary F. Faught, deceased, to all creditors of said de- j ceased and to all persons having claims i against said estate, to present the same, 1 with the proper vouchers, to trie undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville, ! Oregon, within six months from the date of ; the first publication of this notice. Dated this 8th day of March, 1917. E, J. WILSON, Administrator of the Estate 17t5c of Mary F. Faught, deceased. Call The Journal wheu in need of j anything in the line of printing. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 13th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that : REBER W. MURPHY, of Bend, Oregon, who, on September 8th, 1913, made Homes teau tntry, ino. uizms, for West Half, Section 21, Township 20 South, Range 17-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. C Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 23rd day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Nicholas A. Peterson, of MilHcan, Oregon, John H. Israel, of MUUcan, Oregon, Thorp Elieff, of Bend, Oregon, Clemence E. Mas- teller, of Bend. Oregon, Orlea O. King, oi Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 19t5p Register. Business getters Journal Want Ads. Try one today, lc a word. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 16th, 1917. Notice is hereby (riven that LENNETTA A. ABEH, of Barnes, Oregon, who, on May 21st, 1913, made Homestead Entry No. 01 1699 and on Sep. 17th, 1918, made additional Homestead Entry, No. 0120311, ior N)t say, oec. zi. nil, 1 1 r.C 1 J tTlir 1 J OO V1L XIWU O W OQ il " i. Oct; A, .73 " , 7t, Section 27, Township 18-South, Range 21- Kaat. Willamette Meridian, has nled notice of intention to make final three year proof. to establish claim to the land above describ ed, before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Com missioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 12th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Reuben J. ngstrom, Arthur E. Bates, Theodore T. Armstrong, Harry Barnes, all of Barnes, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 19t6e Register. Get the habit. Advertise in The Journal if you wish to reach the reading public of central Oregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATE OF OKM.ON FOR CROOK COUNTY. Mary, E. Fen land, Plaintiff, vs. James H. Pen I nnd. Defendant !To Janm H. Penland, the above named Je- fen4ant,4.Kr;KTIN(,8: IN THK NAMK OK THE STATE OF ORKfiON Yoo are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed In the above en titled eaire of action against you on or be fore the 7th day of Aoril. 1117. and if van fail to so appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint of the nlaintlfl herein for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above named Court for decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant; err mint and atvarHina nnf 4k. n..HiV Ik. ole custody and control of Charles Avery, adopted minor child; granting unto the plaintiff her costs and disbursements herein and for such other and furtlter relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable in the premises. This Summons Is published pursuant to an ortta! ma tt At tnmAm K linn T V '. 1 Iw.ff- Jud of th abov named Coa'rt, aaid order bain majla an anlaaaH am m lj.k A-m A Krbruarr, 1117. DENTON O. BURDICK, Attorney lor Plaintiff. Date of A rat publication February 22nd. 1.17. 16t7e NOTICE OK SALE IN .THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY In th Matter of the Eatat of Robert Simpaon, deceased. NOTIrR ,,, HFRPnv rlvvu .fc . , OT"-B ' HE.REBY GIVEN that In pur- auane oi an order oi tn county Court of th Bute of Oretcon. for Crook County, mad on th 19th day of February, 1917, in' th matter of th Eatat of Robert Simpaon, j deceaaed, the underaigned, aa administrator nf . M, ... "d w,n ah,ic rtion, to th higheat bidder for cash, and subject to confirmation of aaid County Court of Crook t- ... 4) A,t j - , .. 7' 1 day, fn front of the building situate on the premises to be sold, in the Town of Bend. I in Deschutes County, State of Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate- of said ; Robert Simpson at the time of his death, ; and all the right, title and in ret est that said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise. ; acquired other than, or in addition to that I of the said Robert Simpson, at the time of j his death, in all that certain lot or piece of ; land lying and being fn the County of Des . chutes, formerly in the county of Crook, bounded and described as follow-: An un i divided one-third interest In and to the fol i lowing described real estate, to-wit : ) Beginning at a point on the South line of ; Greenwood Avenue, in Lot 1. Block 13, In the Town of Bend, fn Deschutes County. ' formerly in Crook County, Oregon, according to the omcial plat thereof now of record. which point 83.60 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 ; thence East along the South line of Greenwood Avenue, 6343 feet ; thence south 38 deg. 83' 30" West 103.53 feet; thence North 61 deg. 26' 80" West 60 feet; thence North 88 deg. 47 East 64.16 feet to the place of beginning. Terms of sale: cash; 10 per cent of pur chase money to be paid to the undersigned on day of sale; balance on confirmation of sale by the said County Court. Dated this 28th day of February. 1917. H. E. McKENNEY, as Administrator of the Estate 17t6c of Robert Simpson, deceased. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 3rd, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that JOHN B. RIVERS, of Rivers, Oregon, who, on June 21st, 1918, ' made Homestead Entry, No. 011812, for WV, NWl4( W SWV4, Sec. 83. T. 19-S, R. 19- E. Lots 8-4 SH NWV, Section 4, Township 20-South, Range 19-East. Willamette Merid ian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to me land above described, before H. C. Ellis, U. S- Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, the 16th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Martin Hallmeyer, of Rivers, Oregon, Rob ert C. Cunningham, of Rivers. Oregon. Max Gross, of Held, Oregon. Waller Ho tf land, of Held, Uregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, I7t&e Register. P WELC D J JLj PEACY R. SMITH eLai V. j j j j j Hardware of REDMOND, OREGON Invites your inquiries for anything in the hardware and implement line. We carry the most complete stock in Central Oregon. Orders Filled Same Day as Received. Try Our Parcel Post Service Our Motto Best Quality, Lowest Price Prompt Service i I j j The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice SIMMONS FOR PI BLICATIOM IN THE JUSTICE COURT OF THK 8TAT1 OF OREGON FOR CROOK COUNTY, PRINEVILLE. RECINCT NO L J. 8. Watkine, Plaintiff Mosea A. Culick. Defendant TO MOSES A. GULICK. THE ABOVI NAMED DEFENDANT t IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Of OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein yon in th above entitled eaoa on or bafuie th 30th day of March. 1917, which I th lime praachbed in the Order of th Juatiea of th ear of Crook County, Stat of Ora tron, for Diatrict No. 1, purauant to which thia aummona i publiahed. in which yon are required to appear, anawer or plead heroin, and if you fail to ao appear, anawer e plead, the plaintiff will take judirmea aaainat you aa prayed in hia aaid eomplaint. to-wit ; for th aum of Flfty-eitrht and 4-l Dollar, with intereat thereon from th are1 day of February, 1017, at the rat of aia J". 'nl "r nnn. for ha) coata ane .u...uwiwni. Th data of th flrat publication of thin aummona la th ISth day of February, 117. Thia Summon, ia publiahed purauant to aa order of Hon. A. R. Bowman, Juatic of th Peace for Crook County, Stat of Orecon. for Diatrict No. 1, made on th 13th day f February, 1917. A. R. BOWMAN, Juatire of th Paac, Diet. No. L L. M. BECHTELL Attorney for Plaintiff. Ut7 j vrvrirp Tn r.rnirn I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notce b tnbT given tn, ,,der.iirne, the executor of the eatat of Joahua J. of Vandervert, deceased, to all creditors of said deceased and to all persons having claims) against said estate, to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, in Prineville. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and pablished for the first tint the 8th day of March, 1917. W. P. VANDERVERT, Executor of the estate of Joshua J. Vandervert, deceased. 17t6 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department,, of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The DsHes, Oregon. March 3rd, 2917. Notiee fs hereby given that BENJAMIN D. FOX, of Prinevillee, Oregon, who, on June 18th. 1910, made Homestead Entry. No. 07046, for S'4 NE4, NE4 NE 1-4, NF 1-4 SE 1-4. Section 32, Township 15-South, Range It East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final rve year proof, to establ ish claim to the fond above de scribed, before Warren Brown, Clerk of taa Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, oa the 17th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses '. Bflgar J. Bundy, Oscar Huffman. John Powers, Ray V. Constable, all of PrineviMe Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 17t6c Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Laad Office at The Dalles, Oregon March 28th, 1917. Notice is hereby given that AUDKID KIZER, of Roberts, Oregon, who, on February 7th. 1910, made Homestead Entry. No. 05975, ior E1 SE 1-4, NW4 SEI4, Section 33, To wa ft hip 17-South, Range 18-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention te make fiinal five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 7th day at May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Granville H. Nye, Manford D. Nye, Carl E. Fischer, Austin Kizer, all of Roberta. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. 21t5c For new and old stomach trouble uee Adamson't Digest eze. Price 50c or eix boxes for $2 50 postpaid to any address in the United States of America. For pale by D. P. Adameon & Co., Prineville, Oregon, 1