APRIL 5, 1917 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE S Spring Is Here! We have secured the agen cy for Prineville of 1 UHL BROS. WALL PAPER The finest line of Wall Paper ever shown in Prineville and our Mr. Shipp will be glad to call and show samples. Phone Red 22j SHIPP & PERRY COMFORT BY NIGHT TO PORTLAND OREGON TRUNK RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars 1 Tourist Sleeper Daily.Each Way '., Standard Sleeper Leave Redmond ,, Monday, Wednesday, Friday LEAVE PORTLAND Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:10 p.m. ROUND TRIPS HOMESEEKERS', FARES From Missouri river, St. Paul, Sioux City, etc $52.00 Si. Louis . $55 00 Chicago $57.50 Prepaid tickets delivarad by wira Stopovers at All Points, Return Limit 25 Days California-North Bank Road and SS Northern Pacific Al your tervica for TRAVEL INFORMATION J. T. HARDY. T. F. A P. A., R. H. CROZIER, A.t. G. P. A., BEND, OREGON PORTLAND, OREGON Sand or ask for Oregon Trunk' Potato Book Rrducad round trip' from Middle Watt to Central Oregon on the first and third Tuesday oi each month till December inclusive. , NEWS FROM THE SCHOOLS (Ity Our lingular Correspondent) Tim seniors addrerilnii the assem bly Monday morning wiro Eatello Conway, unci Hoburt Hoitms. MIbb Conwny'B Bubject 'TnKontB and I'uKontry" was well handled and de livered In tho best of Blvlo. We lire all Kind to ho rnpn-Hcntcd by Miss Conway at liend In tho declamatory content. Mr. Renins wan no less effective, taking for 111" Biibject the "Ancient FarniliiK In I'eru." Hev. F. ( l.aHlctte, 'lie new pas tor of tlio HapllHt Church, spoke to th student body at tho eloao of the senior addresses, llo furnlHliud ub with subject matter for a hearty lauKh. He was applumled back to tell uh ono mora Btory. We hope he will come ukuIu and Biurt us right for tho week'B work. Caroline Thronson and Rader l'rowclt each won a prize of $5.00 for the beat eBHay written In favor of tho bond Issue for road develop ment. The freshniun class of C. C. H. S. will give a tarclul comedy at the Lyrlo Theater Thursday evening April 6. This performance Is ex pected to exceed all other Buch per formances of its kind that have been given. Superintendent Thordarson, of Bend, has invited our cadet com pany to put on Bonin drill work during the morning of fluid day meet. This matter will bo taken up with the company and if It can be determined that this will Interfere In no' way with tho work of the boys In track, we will be glad to put o the parade. Tho High School received its flag Friday morning and appropriate patriotic exercises were held cul-; minuting In the parade and the first public appearance of our cadet band and company. The following are tho names of the students who will take part in ; the final contest for the Baldwin thought as well tm on delivery. MIbh Nell SykttB, a former member of tho faculty of C. C. H. S. has been elected president of tho Honor Guard Society of Salem, which or ganized with about 4 i members. KKCKITION IS TKNDKHKD Mrs, Uydu I'onil Honored for Assist, nine In I'liylnfC I Mil ciety mot In the parlori of tbe church liiHt Saturday afternoon and In recognition of the Inspiration and UHNlslanca rendered them by Mrs. Ityda Pond In raising the $500.00 Indebtedness on the church recently, surprised her by presenting her with a case of choice perfumery. The presentation on behalf of the society, wa mado by Mrs. Shipp, to which Mrs. I'ond replied In a happy and' gracious munner. Mrs. I'ond has' contributed at various limes recent- i ly over $100 to tho church. I She sad, "You see It is only a bit J of sentiment. I lived in Prineville! when a girl and was converted and Joined the church here, In the old ' Methodist church, and I love the, church, and am only too happy to do this." . HTATKMKST lPTrll! OWKKKHMIPMANU . i AI.KMKNT, ll I I.ATIOV fcTC, RE 1 I Ul'IKKIt IIY TDK AI T OK OX.KKHH OK AIK.I.'HT 24, I HI 2, I Of Crook County Journal ,i,l,lihrd weekly' at Prineville, Oregon. rir A t II I, IHI7. 1 Htate of Oregon, County Crook, s. 1 ' HVfura m, a Notary Public In and for the j ' Slat anil rounty aforesaid, personally au-: ' peared Guy l,afollette, who, having been duly . .worn according to law, d,oM and My ' jthat he ia the editor, publisher and owner of ! 111. Crook County Journal and that the fol I lowing i, to Ilia beat of hla knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownei.hip, management, He., of the aforesaid publita- lion for the dale .hown In the above caption, ! required by the Act of A'lgust ii, 1912, i tfriltodicd In section 413, I'oMtal Laws and I Kegulations, printed on the revenie of thin 1 form, to-wit: I 1. That the nam and address of tha pub , lisher, edtlor, managing editor, and business manager are : j Pubh.her. EdlUr, Managing Editor, Busi ness Manager, (illy Lafollette, Prineville, Oregon. 12. That the owner, are: (iuy (.afollelte, l'rinevillv, Oregon. II. That the known bondholder., mortga ; gees, and other .erurity holders owning or holding I per cent or more of total amount of bunds, mortgages, or other aecuritiea are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the name of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the bonks of the com pany but also, in eases where the stockholder or security holder appeal upon the books of i the company as trustee or in any other ft-1 duclary relation, tha name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, l I Is given : also that two paragraphs con-' I tain statements embruong affiant's full l I knowledge and belief as to tha circumstances! 1 and conditions under which stockholders and . security holders who do not appear upon the ) ! books of the company as trustees, hold stock ; and securities in a capacity other than that i of a bona fide owner ; and thia affiant has no reason to believe thai any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. UUY LAKOLLETTE. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of April, 1917. U M. HECHTELU ioi.ai.1 notary ruDiic lor uregon. i My commission expires March 7, 1921. NOTICE OF BALE OF KEAL ESTATE" Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the executor of the estate of Joshua J. Van dervert, deceased, that on or after the 5lh day of May 1917. he will sell at Prineville, I Uregon, at private sale, all the right, title and intercut Joshua J. Vantk'rvert. deceased, had at the time of his death, for the best price obtainable, the following described premises to-wlt : The west h (If of the noi west quarter and the west half of the south- west uuarter of Section twenty-eight, Town.hip fifteen South of Kange fifteen East of the Willamette Meti.ftan in Oregon. Terms and enndtliun of sale ten per cent f i rnah on dj.y of sale and the balance payable I on confirmation of County Court. j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dated April Sth 1917. Department of the Interior, U. S. Execu,orf ihe'eaulu. ojjoshu. Ofllc, at The Dalles, Oregon. iUSc J. Vandirvert, dcciuicd. Aoril 2nd, 1917. NOTICE OF PI NAlJ SETTLEMENT I Notice h'nh' liv,n that Notice is hereby given by tho undersigned, ' PATRICK MOGAN, the Executrix of the Ktate of William Shel- of Prineville. Oregon, who, on Kebruary 9th, lon. alias William E. ilawkinj, dereased, that 1914. made Homestead Entry. No. 012521, for she has filed her tinal accounting of her ad- S1., SW'j, NWU, SW 1-4, Sec 10; NW 1-4 ministration of said estate and that the NW 1-4, Section 16, Township 16-South, Honorable Counly Court has M-t Monday, the Range 16-East, Willamette Meridian, has rth day of May 1917, at 10 o'clock in the hied notice of intention to make final three Inrenoon at the County Court room in Prlne- year proof, to establish claim to the land yule, Oregon, as the time and place for hear- above described, before Lake M. Bechtell, U. nig and settling said final accounting at S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on which said time and place any person inter- the 18th day of May. 1917. eaira in aaia estate may apiK-ar and object. Claimant names as witnesses: ,What are You Paying 7HE EXTREME J advancement in . the cost of food stuff during the past few months has brought the consumer face to face with a serious condition. Economical buying is no longer in vogue, it is a universal study. While it has been a sort of custom among the Am erican people to buy at random, disregarding prices paid for merchan dise and the quality re ceived in return, condi tions are changing. The advancement of the cost of merchandise is great er in proportion to the increased earning ca pacity of the average individual, there fore it becomes necessary to weigh the value of the dollar. Buying goods at random is not only precarious but it is avoidable extravagance. The merchant who is best prepared to serve you at the Mt TJ"- aim,,. " ffpirred ml Slock iSRVlGROCERIES -I-v The Reputation Preferred Stock Groceries has been established on a foundation of quality and GUARANTEED SATISFACTION TO THE CONSUMER lowest possible cost is the merchant who buys in quantities and eliminates un necessary extravagance in the operations of his business. It is our aim to give you adequate service up to the full limit of economy. PREFERRED STOCK CANNED GOODS P.S. CANNED FRUITS Pineapple, l-2 flats two for 25c Apricots, No. 2 t-2 tins ...25c Blackberries 2 tins 25c R. A Cherries 2 1-2 tins. :30c Y. F. Peaches 2 1-2 tins 25c Sliced Peaches 2 1-2 tins. 25c ears '2 tins. 30c Raspberries '2 tins 25c Strawberries "2 tins 25c Loganberries "2 tins 25c Pineapple "2 tins 20c Pineapple "2 1-2 tins 25c P.S. VEGETABLES Asparagus, large . 30c Asparagus tips 30c Corn, two cans for .35c Tomatoes, No. 3, two for 35c Beans, two cans for 35c Peas, tender M., two for 35c Peas, Tiny Super, two for .35c Spinach, No. 3, two for 35c Sauer Kraut, No. 3, two for 35c Pumpkin, No. 3, two for 35c Squash, No. 3, two for 35c Hominy, No. 3, two for 35c O. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY it-. Jill-" III! I , I! in . I I it l ... The ladies of the M. E. Land wid final accounting. Dated April 6lh, 1917. LOV1NA J. HAWKINS, Executrix of the Estate of William Sheldon alias William E. Hawkins. MtT,p decctiN.'d. William W. 1 Wilson. Paul ! ville, Oregon. Davis, Frank Mertsching, Curt A. Mertsching, all of Prine- ' H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register Your Country Needs You ff Be Prepared to Do Your Duty Prineville Drug Company Geo. Nicolai 3Z $&aSJL 3h Proprietor 1 I III n 1 Aid n Matt II of Ttam Wffl IS cash prize of $50.00: OchoconiaiiB: Luckey Bonney, Oza Myers, Walter Barney. Alphas: Adrian Yancey, i Lynn Cram and Luther Barney, ; This contest furnished more opor . tunity for development and ability than any other contest of the school "ior the reason that each contestant fjis required to write his own oration and his production Is graded on fit ; 17 'TO ... !-Sis ' M - I i MODELED ON THE LATEST UNES OF TASTE AND BEAUTY OUR STOCK OF Easter Hats IS COMPLETE The Elite Millinery II